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Class design


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Fire Emblem Awakening has one of the most interesting art styles I have ever seen. Which classes have the best or worst design out of all of them?

I personally love the Hero. The shield and armor flow together almost organically. Its sleek, sexy and all around awesome.

The Assassin on the other hand, looks ridiculous. The spikes look impractical as all hell and the male assassin wears this jock strap that just looks silly.


Edited by Spaceman Craig
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Yeah the heroes are sexy, so are the myrmidons/swordmasters. I do question their choices when it came to knights/generals though. All horseback classes are also very sleek and well designed, as are the lord classes. I don't like how they implemented the FF hats for mages, but from an objective design stand point they look fine.

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The Assassin on the other hand, looks ridiculous. The spikes look impractical as all hell and the male assassin wears this jock strap that just looks silly.

I actually think the whole Assassin look was actually used back in the medieval times, but I'm probably wrong.

Also, my favorite one are the Swordmasters, it just looks amazing to me and it explains partially why I love swords so damn much. The worst are the female Sorcerers and the Generals.

Edited by Quick
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I really don't like the hero design in this game. The shield just looks ridiculously stupid. But really a lot of the armor in this game is kinda silly imo, but most of it looks cool! That said I love the design of the grandmaster. The combinations of armor and robes gives the look of exactly what I think a battle-mage should look like. It also looks a lot like the armor of jedi from TOR which i think is awesome.

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LMAO. Those are just...lol. I cant...hahahahaha...(the Great Knight horse armor is pretty cool though)

I found the Cavalier and the Knight (armor) designs to be really stupid. Cavs look like they are wearing a toilet bowl and the knights look like hilarious mecha type things. Warrior is just ehh.

I was really miffed about the Dark mage/Sorcerer female design....until i saw the male ones. Equal opportunity scantily cladness is something i can totes be down with.

The Valkyrie design is kinda dull and the horse looks like it has one of those bicycle baskets on its hindquarters.

If I had my say, all my units would be dread knights just for the epicness of their design! instead, half my team is dread knights.

Oh hell yeah. Despite the overtly Japanese influence there, it looks really damn cool. I actually like that oni/yokai mask thingy on the shoulder too. Dread Fighter is just...COOL!

Im fond of the Swordmaster design despite the fake out with the two sword thing. I like the "skirt" part of the overcoat. Pretty awesome how it flairs out.

The Dark Knight design is among my favorites. Two words: Popped. Collar. <333 Because of that, im also fond of the Grandmaster design.

I really dig the Wyvern Knight/Lord design too. Something about those shoulder and leg guards that just kicks ass.

War Cleric's metal skirt is made of win.

Manakete dragons are neat. I also love the Taguel killer bunny.

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Among those I like :

Sorcerors for the H. P. Lovecraft vibe with the tentacles.

Warriors remind me a bit of Big Daddies in Bioshock or the Soul Calibur 2 Berserkers, which I enjoy.

Wyvern Lords look pretty intimidating with their face masks, samurai armor and general badassness.

I also enjoy the dark, noble vibe the Dark Knights exude. Their capes and masks make them look fit for a ball.

While rather plain, I thought the Sages having the Roman numerals from 1 to 12 on their collar to be a nice touch.

Then there's :

Pretty much anything in heavy armor. The Great Knight looks like it came from Star Wars.

Not really a fan of the Hero's plated arm. I'd rather see them with an actual shield.

As a whole, I'm not sure why the Sniper wears so much armor when it shouldn't see this much action. I know the class itself has a ton of Defense, but I feel those points would be better spent in Strength or Speed anyway. The visor is also rather futuristic, but at least it fits the class and it looks pretty cool.

Edited by Doga Blockovich
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Most physical female mounted designs bother me. Lack of inner thigh protection on mounts is a big pet peeve of mine, and it especially bothers me when you give the woman pants then cut out the most important part of it for pantyshots. Which is a shame because most of the time they look pretty cool from the waist up and then waist down and I'm like "...oh."

I like Sniper a lot, though. And Bow Knight. Valk gets a mention for having real pants too.

Overall I like the unmounted designs a lot more though.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Female Wyvern Lords are relegated to battle panties.

Player Berserkers don't have as much muscle mass and definition as enemy Berserkers do. Even a reclassed Vaike (who is supposed to be really bulky) is pretty skinny in his Berserker model.

The gigantic spikes on player Berserkers just don't....fit as well as they would on the bulkier enemy models. I'd prefer smaller spikes, no spikes, or only one spike kind of like in previous Berserker/Warrior designs.

I'd prefer Berserkers to have pants like Barbarians, but I can understand why they don't.

Male Heroes are...meh. Not a fan of the torso armor at all, actually, but it doesn't bother me enough to not have Male Heroes.

Otherwise, I'm fine with everything else, really. Even the kind of "out there" Caveliers, Knights, and Generals.

Edited by Chidokyo
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Lumi, what do you mean by inner thigh armor? Do you mean the insides of the thigh, like right below the groin, or something else?

Anyway, definitely Grandmaster. Also, Great Lord, SM, and DK.

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I mean they don't even wear real pants. They either wear a skirt short enough to not be able to fit shorts under, pants with the panty area cut out, or straight-up panties.

Even ignoring unnecessary fanservice, this causes chafing to the rider. This is painful.

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I mean they don't even wear real pants. They either wear a skirt short enough to not be able to fit shorts under, pants with the panty area cut out, or straight-up panties.

Even ignoring unnecessary fanservice, this causes chafing to the rider. This is painful.

While I'm all for unnecessary fanservice, I understand your point, and agree.

I have a similar pet peeve about bow-wielders. In every FE game, they put their arrows on the wrong side of the bow. In real life, the arrow would never stay put when they tried to fire it.

Oh wait, I was supposed to be talking about class design, wasn't I? I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but if I remember anything, I'll post it.

Edited by Helswath
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War Monk looks so cool I refused to reclass my Libra and now his stats are so bad he gets two rounded by everything (and that's even when he's paired up). I regret nothing.

NPC tricksters have an obvious red mage thing going for them, and that's awesome.

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As a person who prefers more modest female characters, I'm really against all the sexualization the female units received.

As an Emblemer I have somewhat learned to deal with the short skirts, but most of this game is just crap.

Specifically the assassins. There are no default characters for this class, yes? WHY do they need such huge breasts? Had they originally intended on Aversa being this class or something? That's the ONLY way it makes sense. (And quite honestly I see her being an assassin over being a dark flier. >> )

I like the war cleric dress and female tactician/grandmaster design for females. Most modest out of them all, from what I've seen. Well, there's mages too, but I don't particularly like their designs. (the generic ones anyway...) I miss the old fashioned capes :(

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Warrior sprites remind me of Spanish Conquistadors.

It cannot be un-thought now.

Also the stupid fur on them is stupid.

But the Greatlord/Tactician/GM line, I highly approve of, same with the Generic War Cleric design.

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I like the Myrmidon, Swordmaster, Tactician, Grandmaster, Thief, Taguel (despite it being just fur below the waist), and Dread Fighter designs the most.

The designs that I'm not fond of are the female Dark Mage, Knights, Generals, and the Manakete reclass designs.

The female Dark Mage is too scantily clad in my opinion, the Knights and Generals look ridiculous, and the Manakete reclass designs from what I've been told are a generic version of Nowi's outfit.

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I have a similar pet peeve about bow-wielders. In every FE game, they put their arrows on the wrong side of the bow. In real life, the arrow would never stay put when they tried to fire it.

Technically they aren't putting their arrows on the wrong side of the bow. It's simply two different styles for drawing a bow. The more well known Mediterranean draw, which requires you to place the arrow on the left side of the bow (right side if you're a left handed archer), and you pull the string back using either your index and middle finger (two finger Mediterranean release), or your index, middle finger, and ring finger (three finger Mediterranean release). The way in which they place their arrows in the game is the Mongolian draw which is widely used throughout Asia. The arrow is placed on the right side of the bow (left side if a left handed archer), and the string is drawn with the thumb. Because of the way the bow is drawn, and the way the arrow is held, the arrow actually stays in place because the arrow acts like a lever and the force that is placed on the back of it by the webbing of your hand between your thumb and index finger, presses the front of the arrow to the side of the bow and prevents it from moving around.

The start of this video will show a demonstration of what I mean. He is shooting left handed, and therefore the arrow is on the left side of the bow. If he were using the Mediterranean release, the arrow would fall off or flop around. But because he is using the Mongolian release (used in China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, etc.) the arrow stays put.

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Can I just say that I never liked the Manakete design for FE 13? It looks like the user got covered from head to toe in seaweed and ate a ridiculous amount of glowsticks. (Lugia!Fa in FE 6 isn't any better, but still). Same goes for the Cavs and their toilet bowl neck armor, as well as the overall designs of Armors and Generals. What.. the fuck are those things? Probably why I was disappointed when I got the BK in my spotpass roster. Looks awful.

I'd have to say my personal favorites on the other hand are the War Cleric and Swordmaster classes. I love the flaring at the ends of the Swordsmaster's coats, and the little touch-ups to the clerics are really nice. I like the fact that everyone gets their own dress design to an extent and isn't just a slapped copy-paste Liz reuse.

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I miss the traditional FE armor look.

It was very iconic and awesome.

The new class designs for the most part would be unrecognizable as FE if you didn't already know they are indeed FE.

And the new cavaliers and knights/generals are ugly.

I also dislike the mage hats. And the shoulders on wyvern lord / griffon rider shoulders are weird. I do really like the rest of the armor for the wyvern line, though.

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1363020458[/url]' post='2314323']

Technically they aren't putting their arrows on the wrong side of the bow. It's simply two different styles for drawing a bow. The more well known Mediterranean draw, which requires you to place the arrow on the left side of the bow (right side if you're a left handed archer), and you pull the string back using either your index and middle finger (two finger Mediterranean release), or your index, middle finger, and ring finger (three finger Mediterranean release). The way in which they place their arrows in the game is the Mongolian draw which is widely used throughout Asia. The arrow is placed on the right side of the bow (left side if a left handed archer), and the string is drawn with the thumb. Because of the way the bow is drawn, and the way the arrow is held, the arrow actually stays in place because the arrow acts like a lever and the force that is placed on the back of it by the webbing of your hand between your thumb and index finger, presses the front of the arrow to the side of the bow and prevents it from moving around.

The start of this video will show a demonstration of what I mean. He is shooting left handed, and therefore the arrow is on the left side of the bow. If he were using the Mediterranean release, the arrow would fall off or flop around. But because he is using the Mongolian release (used in China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, etc.) the arrow stays put.

Sorta funny but when i do archery i use my index, middle and thumb. Probably incorrect but works for me.


Think assassins just need to lose the spikes, the rest of their look is fine. Swordmasters look wicked imo

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