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region lock question...kind of.... i think.


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So im in a situation where I own an european 3DS and I was thinking about ordering fire emblem awakening. My question is if fire emblem awakening(na) is region locked to Na and even if i buy it from ie. amazon today would it limit my playing in any way? would i still be able to access all of the dlc's? will i be able to play it on my 3ds?

sorry if this has been asked before but i really wanna know

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If you have a US 3DS you can still get all of the DLC but you need a US credit card and/or to buy Nintendo point cards that are from the US region.

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An import shouldn't be necessary anymore anyway. The game will be released here very soon.

Besides, the European versions of Fire Emblem are generally slightly superior to the US versions anyway. They usually lack a few bugs and have mistakes in the script fixed.

Edited by BrightBow
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If you don't own a US 3DS, you won't be able to play an imported copy at all, thanks to the region lock

If you have a US 3DS though, it'll play just fine on the US 3DS, however, you'll need to set your location to Canada (Alberta, preferably) on the 3DS. This is because the US eShop won't accept international credit cards, so you''d have to buy prepaid cards. Canada's eShop allows international credit cards, so can use your own card to buy from the store. Alberta has the lowest sales tax, so it's the cheaapest Canadian state t pretend to be in.

I live in Australia and imported, my NA 3DS is set to Alberta, Canada, and I have all of the DLC released so far, costs me about $6.40 a pack (AUD) including tax, credit card fees and conversion fees.

Also, while I can't test it as you know, FE:A's not here in Australia yet, but, my Australian 3DS will streetpass with my NA one, and it will cause a randomly generated team to appear, so maybe they'll be able to communicate with one another unlike the NA and JPN versions

Edited by Wheels
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If you have a US 3DS you can still get all of the DLC but you need a US credit card and/or to buy Nintendo point cards that are from the US region.

I wouldn't say that exactly.

I'm using a United States credit card and I'm able to download everything into my Japanese version. Because wireless connections have no regional lockout. Only the console.

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On an extended note, I don't think Japanese copies can streetpass US ones at all. My two 3DS's love each other's Mii plazas, but hate each other's FE:A's.

Actually, I think I streetpassed someone with a Japanese version of Awakening a little while ago. Maybe it's a hit and miss kind of thing?

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Yes, Nintendo don't like to make things easy or enjoyable for their fans so they region lock their games. It does come out in just over a month in Europe though.

You say that as if Sony hasn't been region-locking things since the 90's. lol

Edited by MagicLeafy
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Actually, I think I streetpassed someone with a Japanese version of Awakening a little while ago. Maybe it's a hit and miss kind of thing?

No, that's a definite no.

I have two Japanese 3DSs that can streetpass their teams to each other just fine.

None of my friends with US 3DS, or my own US 3DS has received a non-generated streetpass team.

Only on the Streetpass Plaza can you see if someone has a Japanese Awakening, but you will NEVER get a non-randomly generated team.

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