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Staff Attack


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Has anyone ever killed an enemy using a staff attack? I did once in Part 1 when a Myrmidon

(who had about 2-4 HP left) and attacked my Laura (she had pretty good strength) and she killed him before the Myrmidon could have a chance to double her. That was one of the most awesome things I've ever seen.

Otherwise, I wish Staff attacks were more powerful and weren't limited to the enemy phase.

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My Mist killed someone with a psychic staff. And the guy had all his health too. It wasn't just a fluke.

Mind you she was promoted and it was on easy mode, but even then it was impressive.

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My Mist killed someone with a psychic staff. And the guy had all his health too. It wasn't just a fluke.

Mind you she was promoted and it was on easy mode, but even then it was impressive.

Then again, Mist and Elincia make sense because they also wield Melee weapons.

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Then again, Mist and Elicia make sense because they also wield Melee weapons.

This is true.

My Oliver had 23 STR. So if I had used the staff at the right time he might have done some damage to someone.

I just gave him Purge though. (It was beautiful being able to hit long distance like that with no limit. XD)

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lol, It's funny watching a staff attack!

But, a staff attack probably wouldn't make since if it were stronger. But at least healers aren't defenseless. I always wondered why healers couldn't just do that before this game had it... I also thought the same for when laguz were in their human-like form (or whatever you'd call it).

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