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I'm tired of Marth.


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It's a shame Fire Emblem is a Japanese made game, huh?

Though the fanbase as a whole should be taken in consideration, not only those nipponjins who played the Marth Emblems.

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Taking in consideration that he wasn't known to the fanbase until later after FE7, I don't think he's the mascot. Also, Marth only appeared in FE1 and FE3 (taking about the old generation), he couldn't have been estabilished as an mascot worldwide.

Lots of people got into FE7 because of Marth and Roy in SSBM, I hope you're not forgetting that. Plus, them being the Fire Emblem reps for Melee practically established them as mascots of Fire Emblem. So what if Marth's first 2 games weren't released worldwide? That doesn't mean they don't exist and that Lyn, Eliwood, and Hector become the characters synonymous with the series' creation. And seeing how around the time of Melee and FE7 he's the only lord to have 2 games he was the lead in and he's the lord of the first FE, he's the closest you can get in terms of a mascot of Fire Emblem. Even though Anna shows up a lot in FE, she's never been key to any FE plot, or had any significant impact on it (I still admit she's also an FE mascot of sorts though, but saying that she's the #1 mascot of Fire Emblem is even more ridiculous than saying Cid is the #1 mascot of Final Fantasy, since at least many of the Cids were of plot importance). Even the Fire Emblem Trading Card Game boxes (which consisted of characters from FEs 1-5) featured him and Sheeda on the cover, showing that they wanted to represent all the FEs with the hero and heroine of the first game.

Though the fanbase as a whole should be taken in consideration, not only those nipponjins who played the Marth Emblems.

The series as a whole and the people who played every game should be taken into consideration before the international fanbase as a whole. FEs 7 and onwards (barring 12) shouldn't be treated like they're the only Fire Emblem games that matter, just because everyone wasn't able to play FEs 1-6. Imagine the backlash if IS decided to cut out all the character DLC for characters whose games weren't released internationally for the NTSC and PAL releases of FE13. It'd be like Kingdom Hearts' Final Fantasy representation all over again (since Kingdom Hearts 1 shafted FFs 1-6 and 9). It's better to represent FE as a whole and have people not know some characters than only represent international FEs and have people enraged that the FE series as a whole wasn't represented properly.

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It's a shame Fire Emblem is a Japanese made game, huh?

Doesn't matter to me. I'm just glad Ike is loved as much as he is around here. We like Ike. lol

Anyway, it's not only the Japanese fans that matter anymore. The rest of us do too. So IS has to cater to everyone, not just Japan, and that means generally everyone would probably be happy if both Marth and Ike were considered the mascots.

Edited by Anacybele
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Japan's been proven to be a more reliable market than the west, so they shouldn't specifically cater to the west, nor should they be that much of a factor.

Edited by Lord Raven
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I have actually grown to like Marth, but he does need a break. I don't think they should drop him, but no more Archanea for 2-4 games at least. Jugdral needs more attention than it gets, I know it's popular in this community, but not so much outside the forest.

Edited by Knight
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I like Marth personally but that's mainly because you can make him into such a massive hypocrite.

Yeah, they really wasted potential character development for him by going the "Nobody dies ever" route in 12.

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Japan's been proven to be a more reliable market than the west, so they shouldn't specifically cater to the west, nor should they be that much of a factor.

Awakening's success could be the start of a change to that.

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I can die a happy man if in the next Smash, Lucina takes Marth's spot due to redundancy.

wait, SSB likes redudency <________<

Where's the +1 button when you need one?

I never liked Marth, either in his game, or in melee (it was way worse in melee since I always found him OP), but the icing on the cake is Awakening. IS just licked is *** far too much in FE13. 2 Spotpass version, both of them and the DLC version being able to use a locked weapon and having a personnal class. Too much favoritism for the guy, seriously. It's too much to give a freekin' soldier class to Ephraim, or have DLC Eirika able to use the weapon named after her, but there's no problem with giving anything to Marth.

Marth really needs a break, an eternal one if possible. If we continue like this, the next fire emblem will be an army of Marth, coming from a bunch of different timelines facing off against a Marth turned evil by Medeus commanding an army of undead Marth that were killed in their timelines and risen by their Medeus.

Edited by Sartek
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Too much Marth?

Oh come on. Those DS games were remakes. I can't be the only person who wanted to play those awesome games that didn't make it over here. And while I would be the first to say that Shadow Dragon was a complete mess when compared to the original game, I also have to admit that they were a pain to play because of the outdated interface. So it was still well worth playing.

Awakening on the other hand... so what if he has a DLC and a Spotpass version? Doesn't that apply to any DLC character? And if someone should get those privileges, then him.

Mind you, I do not appreciate Marth's masked presence in the main story. But not because I mind seeing Marth himself.

The pre-release infos claiming that the setting is totally the future Akaneia and Marth promoted to Timelord or whatever, felt like an extremely cheap advertisement stunt to me.

Like in "Star Trek: Generations". A movie that advertised itself to be about an epic team-up of two of the greatest television icons. The ads failed to mention that said epic team-up merely served the purpose of beating up an old man.

It's simply the sort of thing that I expect people to do when they have nothing worth showing.

But I would be totally in for a proper new Akaneia game starring Marth. And I do not wish to see him replaced by anyone else in Smash Brothers. I just don't want Fire Emblem games to include him for the sheer hell of it.

Edited by BrightBow
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Japan's been proven to be a more reliable market than the west, so they shouldn't specifically cater to the west, nor should they be that much of a factor.

maybe that's the reason Japan is losing relevance in the worldwide gaming market. yeah, Japanese games sell better in Japan, but do comparably worse than Non-Japanese companies in worldwide sales. Japan used to be the behemoth of videogames worldwide, and nowadays they're so minimal that they're almost insignificant, and the only Japanese franchises that are relevant are essentially the ones that have seniority.

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Yeah, they really wasted potential character development for him by going the "Nobody dies ever" route in 12.

I like how that's his philosophy and yet you can have him do shit like murder Lorenz, attack Gra soldiers who won't fight back, kill his former allies in cold blood, etc.

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I never liked Marth, either in his game, or in melee (it was way worse in melee since I always found him OP), but the icing on the cake is Awakening. IS just licked is *** far too much in FE13. 2 Spotpass version, both of them and the DLC version being able to use a locked weapon and having a personnal class. Too much favoritism for the guy, seriously. It's too much to give a freekin' soldier class to Ephraim, or have DLC Eirika able to use the weapon named after her, but there's no problem with giving anything to Marth.

Marth really needs a break, an eternal one if possible. If we continue like this, the next fire emblem will be an army of Marth, coming from a bunch of different timelines facing off against a Marth turned evil by Medeus commanding an army of undead Marth that were killed in their timelines and risen by their Medeus.

Now you know how I feel about The Jugdral and FE4 fanbase (which I'll admit was worse back then compared to now). But I won't derail the thread with that. On the topic of Jugdral, may I remind you that FE4 got 20+ characters because of the two generations (which no other individual FE got) for FE13 spotpass, so as a Jugdral fan you shouldn't be complaining. Plus, quite a few FE4 characters have their own figurines which are still popular to this day, and Marth or any Akanea character never got any. So it's not like Jugdral isn't getting left in the dust.

I'll admit that Marth getting 2 spotpass versions of himself is slightly unfair, but given that there wasn't really any other lord-like characters in the 2 Akanea games (except for MU, who can't really be used because his/her class and appearance isn't set in stone), it isn't too unreasonable.

Lucina's design is heavily based on Marth, so it's hardly unreasonable that they gave Marth his own model by slightly altering Lucina's since it hardly required any work.

And an eternal break? Are you serious? I can't believe you guys are wanting him replaced with Lucina in Smash Bros. By that logic, you should all want Pikachu replaced as well (especially since Pikachu was shown prominently with each Pokemon Generation, unlike Marth who wasn't present or referenced between FEs 4-10 barring spinoffs). No amount of hoping or complaining is going to change the fact that he is the most important Fire Emblem character, and IS will feature him more prominently than any other character because of that.

I do agree that the FE14 should try to deviate away from Akanea since it'd Akanea 4 times in a row would be overkill though. Unless it's a sequel/prequel/in-between-quel to FE13 since Ylisse is practically separate from Akanea with the big time gap (and I doubt they'll have a disguised Marth running around for a second time). You really shouldn't be complaining about him being prominent in Smash Bros. and SMT x FE though, since he is the best character to represent the Fire Emblem series because of his prominence and being synonymous with the Fire Emblem series' creation.

I have actually grown to like Marth, but he does need a break. I don't think they should drop him, but no more Archanea for 2-4 games at least. Jugdral needs more attention than it gets, I know it's popular in this community, but not so much outside the forest.

(mental images of the FE4 fanbase spreading across the whole world pop up into my mind)

[spoiler=My reaction]292535-zbrahne1.jpgNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Biasedness aside, the whole incest and child hunts issue will probably result in FE4 being kept in Japan. That, and FE4 is the least accessible FE game with the generation mechanics, big maps, and the item trading system being cumbersome, so releasing it internationally probably won't be a good idea in terms of attracting more people to Fire Emblem.

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As I said in our profile conversation, Pikachu is different because he's the only main Pokemon character. Marth is not the only FE Lord and not even the only popular one. IS gave Ike some references in Awakening as well, which means they're probably aware of how much the west loves him and wish to appeal to them more. If they were smart, they'd give us more of him or a different lord next.

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Well technically, Lucario has also become a main character to Pokemon, being featured prominently even in BW2 (in TV advertisements and with the obtainable Riolu egg), the 5th Gen Pokemon League in the anime, having a Pokemon movie despite not being a legendary, and the Pokemon Sunday advertisements in Japan switching from having Zoroark as the mascot back to Lucario, even though Zoroark is more current.

But if it's about wanting other FE lords to get more spotlight, that's a fair enough request. The FE13 DLC did a pretty good job at representing all of the FE lords, and the FE lords from all games (barring 2, 4, and 5, which is still 10 out of 13) were shown in SMT x FE, so it's not like they're getting shafted too much.

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Instead of either i'd rather see something new or at least let the other lords get some love. I felt bad for Micaiah being original and new just to get her spotlight stolen by Ike. Please no more Ike.

Edited by Maiden_of_Emblem
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Aside of the hair color that's actually half of TearRing Saga in a nutshell.

And he uses bows too.

make me feel like an unoriginal hack, now won't you


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