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Lissa was my first bride reclass! I sent her into a skirmish paired up with her dread fighter husbando Fred.

They both died within 3 battles. What an awful honeymoon. :(

Edited by DaimThunder
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Its a bug that causes any team with Spotpass or DLC units on it t produce a randomized team instead.

wait, what? seriously?

I think one of my StreetPass teams is mostly SpotPass characters -_- that's so lame if they actually don't work, one of my runs has practically only DLC characters trained, minus Avatar and Chrom to some extent -_-

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Eirika is apparently very whiny in the localization. Just like a certain dancer.

I'd be whiny too if I had to wear that into the fray. I mean, it's pretty and all, but it spits upon practicality unlike everything else ever has. Even Cherche with her open-for-arrows back window makes more sense than this. lol

Lissa was my first bride reclass! I sent her into a skirmish paired up with her dread fighter husbando Fred.

They both died within 3 battles. What an awful honeymoon. :(

I lol'd. Sorry.

What difficulty are you on? XD

Edited by MagicLeafy
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I was stalking the store until it went up, got it immediately, and made My Unit one :D Nothing better than fighting in a pretty poofy dress. NOTHING. actually, if it was pink, that would be better BUT THAT'S IT.

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I was stalking the store until it went up, got it immediately, and made My Unit one :D Nothing better than fighting in a pretty poofy dress. NOTHING. actually, if it was pink, that would be better BUT THAT'S IT.

lol I can see you at the bridal store going "Don't you have anything pink?"

As an added note to my previous post, I'd also be whiny if I had to change from using swords to lances, bows and staves. Honestly, in my opinion, dread fighters should have been lance users while brides got swords.

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Honestly, in my opinion, dread fighters should have been lance users while brides got swords.

I think the main merit is adding the lance/bow combination, previously completely inaccessible.

It's not like it would've been any less abrupt of a chance for Alm, anyway, using swords and bows in his game.

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I'd be whiny too if I had to wear that into the fray.

She wasn't even nearly as whiny in the Japanese version.

She was simply, honestly concerned and had a respectable aura.

She admits others calling her naive in a respectable manner.

For one thing, instead of "does she look like a fool?"

the question is "Does her appearance look strange?"

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Its a bug that causes any team with Spotpass or DLC units on it t produce a randomized team instead.

Not any team. Just today I ran into a person, for the 3rd time, who plays in the building I work in. I just found his Morgan is now a Dread Fighter. I don't have the DLC and it came up as DLC Class with 2 DLC skills. I could see that per normal he could wield the proper weapons for the class. The rest of his team was pretty much the same, except he'd leveled up his avatar a bit more.

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Not any team. Just today I ran into a person, for the 3rd time, who plays in the building I work in. I just found his Morgan is now a Dread Fighter. I don't have the DLC and it came up as DLC Class with 2 DLC skills. I could see that per normal he could wield the proper weapons for the class. The rest of his team was pretty much the same, except he'd leveled up his avatar a bit more.

DLC classes and skills don't count, apparently. It's only the units.


She wasn't even nearly as whiny in the Japanese version.

She was simply, honestly concerned and had a respectable aura.

She admits others calling her naive in a respectable manner.

For one thing, instead of "does she look like a fool?"

the question is "Does her appearance look strange?"


Lots of out-of-character-ness in the american localization, eh?

Edited by MagicLeafy
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The only thing that really bothered me is I wish they gave Dread Fighters bows and Bride tomes. I just think those would've fit more, honestly.

lol I can see you at the bridal store going "Don't you have anything pink?"

As an added note to my previous post, I'd also be whiny if I had to change from using swords to lances, bows and staves. Honestly, in my opinion, dread fighters should have been lance users while brides got swords.

I'd possibly accept pink lining >> Just never been big on all the blue lining on dresses. Even a lot of the art makes it look more white than the glowy blue in the game. BUT I SPARKLE SO STILL AWESOME.

Edited by Sakuramei
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Not any team. Just today I ran into a person, for the 3rd time, who plays in the building I work in. I just found his Morgan is now a Dread Fighter. I don't have the DLC and it came up as DLC Class with 2 DLC skills. I could see that per normal he could wield the proper weapons for the class. The rest of his team was pretty much the same, except he'd leveled up his avatar a bit more.

I meant DLC units, people like Alm from the DLC or Ephraim from Spotpass Bonus Teams.

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when do you ever agree with him on anything


You'd be surprised.

But again, I nitpick because it's me. My likes are obviously not what the audience that Nintendo of America was aiming at. For example, I've heard that even the Olivia right now for NoA was too anime-cliche shy girl for them... oh boy, if only they were able to see the amount of moe and the differences she had in Japanese. They'd be cringing themselves to death.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Eirika has the best conversation out of all of the Einherjars thus far.

Not because she's dignified, but because it's hilarious. Not just because she seems aware that the game keeps calling her naive, but also that she seems to know that the game designers forced her into a fanservice class unrelated to her character, and she's really displeased about it and wants to take it up with IS. And then the game reinforces it with questions like "does she look like a fool?", as though her and the game are going at it, back and forth.

I'm not even sure if I'd call her whiny. I think she's being more meta than Owain.

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I was thinking about getting this DLC. And then I found out that my 3DS doesn't recognize my school's wireless system or something.

No new DLC for at least two months for me.

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The only thing that really bothered me is I wish they gave Dread Fighters bows and Bride tomes. I just think those would've fit more, honestly.

I couldn't agree more.

True to my word I nearly have a team full of brides now, and while it is a cool combination, many of the units don't have that great of a strength stat, even when capped, so it doesn't live up to its potential. And then there's the fact that many of the Brides have a higher magic cap than they have strength, and many of the candidates have much higher magic.

What happened to Celica and units like Raquesis wielding tomes? I'm still trying to wrap my head around the bows. It's all rather unfortunate.

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When I saw the announcement of the Bride class via Japanese DLC I thought "This is the stupidest idea ever" and now I've spent the entire day turning every female unit I have into a Bride, capping their stats and capping their weapon levels. What the hell is wrong with me? I have to agree with Iridium though, the conversation seems more Meta then whiny considering it seems in context with how she acted in previous DLC. Well, that and it was clearly meant to be hilarious. Does anyone else like Bows less because of this class or is it just me by the way? They just seem so useless when you consider Javelins seem to be just as good, at least to me, and Wind Magic exists. I just cannot see any practical purpose for the damn weapon.

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The only thing that really bothered me is I wish they gave Dread Fighters bows and Bride tomes. I just think those would've fit more, honestly.

In other words, get rid of all three unique weapon combinations (axes/tomes, lances/bows, bows/staffs)? Pass.

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I'd be whiny too if I had to wear that into the fray. I mean, it's pretty and all, but it spits upon practicality unlike everything else ever has. Even Cherche with her open-for-arrows back window makes more sense than this. lol

I lol'd. Sorry.

What difficulty are you on? XD

Lunatic. All enemies have their important stats capped at this point. Lissa did a piddling 3 damage before she went down and Fred tinked stuff for 2 battles before going down (lol fred wielding magic anyways, amirite)

She wasn't even nearly as whiny in the Japanese version.

She was simply, honestly concerned and had a respectable aura.

She admits others calling her naive in a respectable manner.

For one thing, instead of "does she look like a fool?"

the question is "Does her appearance look strange?"


I like my Eirikas like my Tyranitars. Sassy!

I agree that she doesn't really seem much like FE8 Eirika. I still love her though <3

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