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What would you change?


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Someone mentioned more "map objectives" besides rout and defeat boss. I like that idea too.

I'd love to see some castle defense-style maps like those in Radiant Dawn.

Edited by Alg
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Like others have said, I also missed having a variety of map objectives. The story and villains could use some serious touching up-- I'm inclined to say I'd cut out Validar, make Aversa the main villain and have her be a bit more behind the scenes until later in the plot, and rework the Valm arc to feel more connected to the rest of the plot. Some of the Grima stuff would obviously change too.

I also would have liked a few more main chapters, mainly because I feel there's very little time for the kids to be trained between when their paralogues are unlocked and the endgame if you're not grinding a lot. This might also have helped develop the story a little better.

Big changes but the most needed IMO. Beyond that, if there was room, light magic would have been nice to have, and a couple additional classes (Groom with Sword/Tome/Staff, cut and replace Griffon Knight).

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Bring back the magic trinity. And bring back bishops! We need them back, as long as there is light magic in the game. And playable soldiers/halberdiers. And probably let dark knights/dark fliers use dark magic.

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I agree w/ so much of this!

things repeating from above:

-light magic

-magic triangle

-diversity of win conditions particularly defend arrive and escape (and perhaps we could get some multi-condition maps again? )and what ever happened to turn limits

-Playable soldier w/ halbriedier/general promotion(halbrierder would get lancefaire)

-better plot implementation...

-more fleshed out support conversations...

-Unique models/Dialogue(even if more simplistic) for DLC

-unique character schemes not limited to default class/promotion of default promotion)-don't know if said here but I saw it somewhere around here...

-less suggestive female designs...

Suggestions I also have-

-return status effects along with the related inflicting implements(aka silence staffs, venin weapons, berserk staffs, sleep staffs, stun skill(POR version)

-Return some tellius skills...Shove, Canto,Nhil,Adept,Fortune,stun(in place of lancefaire on Falcon knight),corrosion,Steal, Disarm, ect(maybe some could be limited quantity scrolls possibly from paralouges while others would replace some of the more useless skills...ect

-improved enemy AI...(it's so aggressive that it suicides terribly)

-more diverse options on world map(aka more situations could appear some of which should be harder and more interesting... like a defend your position for 15 turns from a massive risen force w/ constant randomized reinforcements that get stronger each wave, or a defend a group of civilians from bandits on the world map... ect

Edit-I'm thinking certian classes need a better name... tierd of the Dark Knight should use magic thing...(There name should be Mage knight or something...) same w/ Dark flier...

Edit2-Pair up should be removed and resue should be returned

-also replace conquror and Iote's shild w/ nullify... the only anti bonus skill we need...

Edited by Dragrath
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Yeah. All of which are OPTIONAL. :-_-: So that really doesnt need to be changed at all.

the fact that these options exist is evidence of a flawed design in the first place. i don't think there is a single instance of some gamebreaking mechanic being not optional: every decision that involves some sort of choice is optional.

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I'd only change a few things, really.

- Make Sumia's supports less limited. There was absolutely no reason for her to only be able to marry five guys, including the male Avatar.

- Make the supports less generic, especially in the second gen.

- More chapter objectives (I liked RD's variety a lot).

- Bring back third tiers and playable soldiers. Also give Falcon Knights swords again.

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the fact that these options exist is evidence of a flawed design in the first place. i don't think there is a single instance of some gamebreaking mechanic being not optional: every decision that involves some sort of choice is optional.

I'm okay w/ a method existing if it requires massive grinding but ones such as Nosferatu are problematic... (I have no idea why it is D rank... I think it should have been A rank personally and Aversa's Night shouldn't exist unless it were an enemy Aversa only weapon)

-Also Mr. Viron, you hate Tellius for a reason? I felt they had great mechanics behind them...

Edited by Dragrath
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I'm okay w/ a method existing if it requires massive grinding but ones such as Nosferatu are problematic... (I have no idea why it is D rank... I think it should have been A rank personally)

well, it doesn't seem like nosferatu by itself is a big problem. like, there were buyable nosferatus fairly early in FE6 and it has never been a "broken" option. it's also been agreed upon that tharja and henry can't really nosferatank on their own on the higher difficulties. i think what really makes it a problem is a combination with pair up.

same thing with veteran + pair up. pair up just seems not fully balanced in general. i mean, it used to be that you put 2 units together and one of them can't fight while the other one suffers stat penalties. now you put them both together and not only can they both contribute to battle, but they get stat bonuses. that was mindblowing when i first heard about it.

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well, it doesn't seem like nosferatu by itself is a big problem. like, there were buyable nosferatus fairly early in FE6 and it has never been a "broken" option. i think what really makes it a problem is a combination with pair up.

same thing with veteran + pair up. pair up just seems not fully balanced in general. i mean, it used to be that you put 2 units together and one of them can't fight while the other one suffers stat penalties. now you put them both together and not only can they both contribute to battle, but they get stat bonuses. that was mindblowing when i first heard about it.

Good point Pairup should never have existed... (I completely forgot about that Facepalm_emote_gif.gif)also I think the children are OP too... (personally i hope these elements are a one time deal... gone and done w/)

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ITT: Way too many Tellius fans.

Personally other than the stuff i listed, im fine with the game as it is. I just wish Dark Knights could use dark magic...

Yeah, wtf is up with that? Why call them Dark Knights if they can't even use dark tomes?

Also, giving DLC characters supports would've been pretty cool.

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Yeah. All of which are OPTIONAL. :-_-: So that really doesnt need to be changed at all.

But it's a strategy game. It's supposed to be about using your brains to beat it.

You shouldn't instead have to think about avoiding an obvisious strategy simply because it might break the game.

I mean, one would think that we have difficulty settings to avoid this sort of thing.

It's like the people who have paid money to buy the software have to design half of the game themselves. That the developers effectively only provide a game engine.

Edited by BrightBow
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I actually love Pair-Up, it should stay. Just let enemies Pair-Up too.

I'd except that, but they better give the enemies random supports increasing w/ difficulty and the pairups better be the ones that provide the best stats for the class... (The AI also needs to be programed to use rally correctly....)

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I actually love Pair-Up, it should stay. Just let enemies Pair-Up too.

This could be a pretty sweet idea for higher difficulties. Lunatic Mode Dragonskin Validar paired up with Aversa as backup for a boss fight

Besides story/characterization issues and lame DLC recruits, the game is pretty awesome. Though I also want more varied objectives because it was quickly turning into Shadow Dragon with its stunning variety of "Rout Enemy" and "Defeat Commander" objectives.

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Some skill that causes Sol/Aether(First Hit)/Nosferatu/Aversa's Night to just suck damage (like Counter, but not counter, and Range 1-2).

Re-purpose Griffons:

Axe the Griffon Knight class-- Move Lancebreaker to Great Knight; Deliverer moves to L15...

Griffon Rider -> Male Pegasus Knight.

Griffon Lord -> Male Falcon Knight

Dark Flier (Griffon) -> Male Dark Flier

Normal Griffon Knight -> Wyvern Knight. Learns Luna at L5 (Lancebreaker now over on GK), Deliverer L15. Uses Axe/Lance.

Wyvern Lords Can now use Swords.

Female Fighters, Warriors

Female Barbarians, Berserkers

Male Troubadours, Valkyries (Latter would probably need a name change)

Female Dread Fighter


Lethality is the skill that Assassins get at L5, not Pass. *stares at Random Assassins*

Enemy Pair Up, Support Block, Dual Strike.

Certain Enemies (Mostly DLC units) have Support Levels. (E.G. All enemies on CoY3 are Paired Up at the start, and have A (Ephriam/Eirika) or S (All other Pairs) Supports.)

Some base supports for Spotpass/DLC. (Radiant Dawn styled likely, because otherwise, holy damn.)

More supports for characters that Join Post Ch 13. (Especially Including the "Spotpass Six".)

More End/Post Game Content. Most if not all of the DLC should've been geared towards this, not strewn across the game.

Lunatic+ Enemy Skills lock in when the map is first loaded. Resetting because you pulled ALL Counter/Luna+ doesn't work, because when you reset, the skills do not change.

Edited by Airship Canon
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I probably would've made Galeforce a skill that both male characters and female characters could learn. It kind of bothers me that Laurent, Gerome, and Yarne can NEVER get it under any circumstances.

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Every male character gets their own child. Double the children, double the fun.

Everyone can support with everyone.


Totally supporting this.

FE4 gets 2 children. WHY 12, WHY D:


and yeah

DARK Knight with DARK TOME.

Cover dem Sorcerer outfits

Add Light Magic(equivalent with Dark Mage in tome variations)

Add Bishops(Light Magic Sorcerer with high Def and Res in cost of Str) and Halberdiers(Lance-using Heroes, change Axe with Lance)

Sorceress is better than thong Great Knight.

and yeah. Light Magic! D:

Edited by Fairlee
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