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Favourite Recruitment Conversations


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What are your favourite recruitment conversations? This is completely disregarding the usefulness of the character you recruit.

Mine is Eirika recruiting Amelia, followed closely by Eirika recruiting Cormag.

I really like how she doesn't convert the enemy using logic or badmouthing the enemy, but just by being herself and showing the enemy how sincere she is. Especially in Amelia's case, since Eirika turns out to be the exact opposite of what Grado made her out to be in Amelia's mind (a cold hearted murderer), and Eirika treats her with such kindness and respect, not knowing that Amelia is on the enemies side. And even when Amelia admits to being Eirika's enemy and all the lies that were told about her, all Eirika says is "well we're on opposite sides, so I guess it's okay for them to say things like that," not even getting angry about it or condoning Grado or Amelia after what Amelia told her. Cormag, I guess Eirika does kind of does use logic to convert him, but I still think most of the conversion came from her sincerity and her proving that she's a good person to Cormag, showing that she cared enough about the enemy to remember what the they said about her.

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FE4: Lewyn recruiting Fury.

FE5: Ronan, Nanna recruiting Homeros, Leif recruiting Ced.

FE6: Noah recruiting Fir (lol The random enemy in the bushes. I laugh every time.).

FE7: Serra rerecruiting Erk in Eliwood's/Hector's tale, Hector recruiting Farina (GRIMFACE).

FE8: L'Arachel recruiting Rennac, Ephraim recruiting Duessel.

FE9: Marcia recruiting Makalov.


FE13: The mothers recruiting their kids (and Severa talking to Holland).

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Sheeda recruiting Roger.

She's so manipulative, hopefully Roger settled for Catria or something.

Edited by Refa
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Definitely Oliver's when it comes to the amusing factor.

Other than that, I like the Wolfguard Recruit Chain, mainly due to the way it was handled, and the way and how it fleshed them out somewhat.

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Definitely Oliver's when it comes to the amusing factor.

Other than that, I like the Wolfguard Recruit Chain, mainly due to the way it was handled, and the way and how it fleshed them out somewhat.

Oliver shivers... That one was creepy...(why couldn't he stay dead...-_- but yeah it was funny too... mainly Ike's reaction...)

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Lifis recruiting Pahn.

Conversation (Lifis, Pahn)




"Hm? ...Are you Lifis? Hey, long time no see!"


"Y-Yeah... Hi...Pahn..."


"You haven't changed at all since you were a kid, have you? Have you at least learned not to wet your bed?"


"C-Come on, Pahn... That was a long time ago."


"Really? You were biggest crybaby in the village, and you were always being bullied by the other guys... It seems like it was yesterday."


"...You were the one who always picked on me first..."


"Hm? Did you say something?"


"No, nothing..."


"Oh, okay. Hey, you're working for the Liberation Army now, right? Sounds like fun. Yeah, I think I'll join. Where's your leader?"




"What! You got a problem?"




"Let's have fun again, like the old days! What do you say?"


"...I'm gonna be stuck with this asshole again...?"


"Hey, you all right? You look a little pale."


"Huh? D-D-Do I? M-Maybe I caught a cold or something! Ah, ahahaha..."



(If Trude hasn't been killed/captured)


"Oh, Pahn. Can you do something about that mercenary? We're having trouble with him..."


"Mercenary? You mean Trude? Sure, he's a good friend of mine. I'll talk to him."

Caeda recruiting Roger and Marcia recruiting Makalov are great honorable mentions.

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Chrom recuriting Gaius always makes me laugh. xD; "You'll risk your life for us if I give you a bag of candy?!" It's so random, and with Japanese voices on, Chrom's voice clip on that line is so hilarious.

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Sheeda recruiting Roger.

She's so manipulative, hopefully Roger settled for Catria or something.

I've got to agree with this. Caeda won so many points with me when she wrapped him around her finger and added him to list: Navarre, Castor, Jake... She's so good at what she does. (Marth's talk with Roger right after his recruitment is hilarious as well.)

And I'm sure no one will be surprised when I list Maria recruiting herself as one of my favorites. It was those few lines of dialogue that won be over completely - she just had so much personality when compared to the rest of the flat and silent characters in that game.

But besides that, Serra recruiting Erk in the second half of the game is always a good time.

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I actually find the Haar and Jill conversation, where he recruits her, very funny. They remind me of Rock Lee and Guy so much. "Hey Jill, you got to fight for what you believe in, girl!" and "Oh, you're right, captain Haar! From now on I'll fight by your side!"

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