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IMHO we should force people we want to lynch to modkill themselves so that we can get to a real game without having to wait for the end of a 72 hour day phase.

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Can we get votals from the mod?

no but you can have troutals

Mancer- 1 (Cam)

j00- 1 (NNR)

Cam- 1 (Mancer)

eclipse- 4 (j00, scorri, Paperblade, BBM)

Edited by Liquid Snake
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If j00 is telling the truth about Eclipse someone on the mafia team could very well be modkill-proof this phase. Seeing as Shinori got modkilled, I'm going to guess that Eclipse proofed herself (if she bothered to send an action in at all) so I'm not sure that'd work.

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Warning: the modkills you are about to read are canon.

22. EVERYBODY GET UP IT’S TIME TO SLAM NOW WE GOT A REAL JAM GOING DOWN WELCOME TO SPACE JAM IT’S YOUR CHANCE DO YOUR DANCE AT THE SPACE JAM ALRIGHT everyone must begin all posts with a link to a space jam mashup, this is a strongman modkill

Integrity, WeaponsOfMassConstruction and dondon got dunked.


Paperblade, you are Integrity, Userbase Modkillproof Moddoctor Doctor-Energizer.

+You don't even play mafia and you probably never will because you think it is terrible. You are a cool guy with a manly voice. You do let's plays of various games such as Myth and XCOM, host weekly Skype parties Saturday at 6 PM EST, and are generally pretty swell.

+You are immune to modkills as you are so charismatic.

+Each phase you may respond to this role PM "Phase X: Hey Strider, USER is a cool guy." Due to your incredible charisma, for the next phase, USER will be immune to being modkilled. That phase is still fair game, however, so you better hope they don't fuck up. You cannot select the same person consecutively.

+Each night you may respond to thus role PM "Night X: Using a medkit on USER". In true X-COM style, you will use your trusty medkit to help them recover from fatal wounds and thus save their life. If they are not attacked however, you will use the stimulant function of the medkit to allow them to use any personal night actions they have twice the following night.

+You win if all threats to the Userbase are eliminated.


BBM, you are WeaponsOfMassConstruction, Userbase Inventor.

+You are a great poster, though you don't come to Serenes Forest very often anymore, which is tragic. You have hosted Assassins in the Palace multiple times in the past, most of which had hilarious conclusions.

+Each night, you must respond to this role PM "Night X: Constructing things for USER1, USER2, and USER3". You will create three random items and give them out for use. You may give yourself an item only once. The items you can make include the following, but could be include more:

  • Fake Megaphone: Makes the holder think that they can make a one time announcement with a 300 word limit by responding "Night X: Announcing <Announcement that is 300 words or less>" to their role PM, but in reality does nothing.
  • Fake Gun: Makes the holder think that they can kill someone by replying to the main thread "Die, USER!", but in reality does nothing.
  • Fake Vest: Makes the holder think that they can survive an attempt on their life, but in reality does nothing.
  • Fake Car: Makes the holder think that they can redirect all actions targeting two people to the other by responding "NIght X: Driving USER1 and USER2 around" to their role PM, but in reality does nothing.
  • Fake UFO: Makes the holder think that they can kidnap someone for a day by responding "Night X: Taking away USER" to their role PM. but in reality does nothing.
  • Kite: Allows the holder to reply to their role PM at any time during the day "Flying my kite". As soon as a host sees this, they will respond to the main thread "USER is flying their kite".

Any of the first 5 have a chance of randomly working. All of these items can be given by responding "Giving ITEM to USER", which will take effect immediately.

+You win if all threats to the Userbase are eliminated, or if every living player has flown a kite.


scorri, you are dondon, Userbase Efficiency Player.

+Also known as pope dondon the 151th. You are well known for being a very good at efficient play in Fire Emblem, or completing things very quickly and typically pretty reliably. Particularly notable are your playthroughs where you change every playable character's growth rates to 0 to further increase the challenge for yourself.

+Taking extra time when you don't need to do something well is extremely silly. Thus, all phases will be 24 hours shorter than announced as long as you are alive, and phases cannot be extended. You can't claim this under penalty of modkill.

+Each night you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Having USER motivated". You will have USER motivated by one of the many units in your army that can do so, such as a dancer, and the following day they will have an extra vote. Like every other voting related ability, this does nothing in a MYLO or LYLO situation.

+You win if all threats to the Userbase are eliminated.

lemme count numbers

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