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Also your edit was after the modkill announcement, unless you edited your post again for something else, so it was retroactive and too late anyways.

I don't think Shinori would have bussed at potential LYLO, which makes me think Cam is town. With Shinori dead, assuming 6/1/1, these are my best guesses:









Making me think that the last scum lies between NNR and Eclipse. Seeing as Eclipse will get herself modkilled if she continues to do nothing for the rest of the phase anyways:

##untrout, ##trout: NekoRex

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##trout: Eclipse

eclipse, you are Tables, Mafia Players Rule Suggestor Moddoctor Mathematician.

+You are a mathematician in college and are engaged to an unknown fiancee. You were one of the first dominant players on the site and have generally played pretty well. You created the first Mafia Headquarters which would be followed up by three more, and also enjoy games like The Resistance and have hosted that here as well. You haven't played in a while, but you have a good legacy. You are mafia because you find these sorts of things humorous.

+Each phase you may respond to this role PM "Hey Strider, [RULE] seems pretty good to implement". For the following phase, that rule will be put up at the start of the phase. It will remain there unless I think it isn't sufficiently funny or good, so make sure it doesn't suck!

+Each phase you may respond to this role PM "Phase X: Hey Strider, USER is a cool guy." Your opinion actually means something, so for the next phase, USER will be immune to being modkilled. That phase is still fair game, however, so you better hope they don't fuck up. You cannot select the same person consecutively. You can self-target.

+Each night you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Logically determining USER's role". You will calculate their role name completely with 100% accuracy.

+You win if the town is eliminated or nothing can stop that from happening.

surprise guys

I was hiding something

I'm also failproof fullcop

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Cept I had editted before the modkill. Thus shouldn't have died. Thus shouldn't have been modkilled but since I can't be revived should be exempt from losing and thus win the game.

Get wrecked.

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j00, why didn't you out that earlier?

@Neko- Paperblade is town because of screenshot. I'm town because it's my list. Mancer is probably town because I'm inclined to believe his Gallis claim. Cam is probably town because of what I said earlier about Shinori. Scorri is probably town on role. j00 is probably what he says he is based on him surviving breaking the rule, although looking at Eclipse's PM, if he's telling the truth, she could easily have made him modkill-proof this phase, so I'm not entirely sure about that anymore.

Also, neither mafia nor town wincon generally calls for the death of a Survivor. That wouldn't make them much of a Survivor. So I'm not sure what you're getting at there.

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j00, you are VincentASM, Userbase Announcer.

+The administrator for Serenes Forest, you are in charge of the mainsite- Jyosua is the Root Admin for the Forums. Still, you're very influential. You worked on the FE12 translation patch and have helped find data for other Fire Emblem games and put it on the mainsite, which involves a lot of user participation.

+Each night you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Informing everyone about how things are going here. <Announcement>". <Announcement> must be 300 words or less, and will be in the update for the next day phase.

+You win if all threats to the Userbase are eliminated.

[spoiler= but wait there's more]just kidding, you are really...

j00, you are Paperblade, Independent Town Mayor Mafia Intercom Insomniac Cultist Hitman Mentor Killer Survivor.

+;/ ;/ ;/ ;/ ;/ claim to me I'm mayor. You have only ever been mayor twice. One of those times you died Night 1. You have been mafia a lot more than twice even though you hate being mafia. Your favorite roles are the overpowered ones. You are still on the run after CCMRCSGWNR3:FFDH because the people are still mad.

+Obviously you are mayor, so your vote counts twice. However, like every other vote related ability, this doesn't work in MYLO or LYLO- you know, where it would actually be most useful for you. Dammit!

+Each night you must respond to this role PM "Night X: Hello everyone this is Kelsey Green! <Announcement>". <Announcement> must be 300 words or less, and will be in the update for the next day phase.

+Each night you must respond to this role PM "Night X: Singing beautiful music! <Song lyrics>". <Song lyrics> must consist entirely of song lyrics from any of the artists used as aliases in Magic the Gathering Mafia, and will be in the update for the next day phase. This will count as an entirely different announcement from the above.

+Each night you may respond to this role PM "Night X: USER claim". USER will claim their role with 100% accuracy to you because you are such a good mayor.

+You have three modkill proof vests because third parties dying early is boring.

+You win if you survive or more than half the game is modkilled.

You'd think if I'd have to fake it I'd do it properly

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That being said if there's a third mafia it probably is Eclipse because I don't think scum!NNR would have wanted to point that out immediately after two of his buddies got modkilled. Would have made more sense to hold on to that and then point it out next phase, saying he caught it on a reread.

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seriously, I have town's wincon in my pm, I even sent a modified vincent fake to your town leader with the user base wincon, ask him

if you think I faked it why would I slip up on something so dumb

and BBM why would I out that in the thread with more than one scum remaining when I'm survivor

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Ok, so it's still potential lylo apparently, which means that SB was for sure town. So!


6/1/1 makes the most sense. Now. Potential lylo. How you might ask?

Mislynch and pop the gallis makes it 4/1/1. With ITP siding with mafia, that would make it 3/2. Which means we must have a vig or something similar. Vig, if you exist and we don't lynch correctly today, do not shoot tonight.

Therefore, I'm sticking with my trout where it is.

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Give me a good reason why'd I ever fake a result on eclipse and claim fullcop when it means I'm guaranteed to be dead tomorrow. If eclipse is a mislynch, you'll lynch me, if there's any more antitown left they'll kill me.

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I didn't consider the lylo after shinori died, but as you describe it, it's safe as long as a vig don't do anything.

And as long as two people don't vote mancer, since no doublevote power in lylo.

Considering extremely unreliable phase times, I'm not able to trick people into voting eclipse and switch to mancer immediately before deadline, and anyone voting mancer at this point is guaranteed not town, and two votes are needed in addition to the normal lynch on eclipse. No hammer and RTFR makes strategic voting impossible.

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Lol Paperblade

##untrout, ##trout: Eclipse

We can get j00 tomorrow if the game's not over. I'm pretty sure that the Gallis dying is one of the requirements for town to lose tonight, so as long as we're careful with that I think we should be fine.

Can we get votals from the mod?

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