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Your Favorite and Least Favorite Lord

Mighty Kamina

Your Favorite Lord?  

279 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Lord

    • Marth
    • Alm
    • Celica
    • Sigurd
    • Seliph
    • Leif
    • Roy
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Lyn
    • Eirika
    • Ephraim
    • Ike
    • Micaiah
    • Chrom
    • Lucina
  2. 2. Least Favorite Lord

    • Marth
    • Alm
    • Celica
    • Sigurd
    • Seliph
    • Leif
    • Roy
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Lyn
    • Eirika
    • Ephraim
    • Ike
    • Micaiah
    • Chrom
    • Lucina

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Everyone hates Roy.

This is False. I actually like Roy quite a bit and the fanbase in Japan ranks him quite high in nearly every poll. So while he may not be popular on this site. He has his fans

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So, how did anyone talk X is a Mary Sue yet Jesus Celice get a pass?

It does not make ANY sense.

This guy practically spend 90% of the game being worshipped by everyone that is not villain, and return in the next game for no reason other than to be worshipped by everyone that is not villain.

The only non villain in Jugdral that did not worship him is like.... August and Lewyn, which is also two guys who actually make sense in gen 2

Or Roy for that matter? A 15 years old Lord who suddenly gets awesum power near the end of the game and curbstomped Bern?

Who says Seliph and Roy get a pass, anyway? A lot of people consider them Sues.

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Huh? He tried to liberate Alster (he never actually said he would do this in ch16), and he got annihilated. If anything, Miranda's the one who manipulated him to go through with an incredibly stupid plan.

I admit this one is actually a joke based on this line

"Leaf: "No, that's not it. I still have things to do. We still have the Granbell Empire and other divisions of the Lopto Church to deal with, and we also have to defend Northern Thracia from invaders. There's just too much on my mind to be thinking about whether I love someone or not..."

I don't know about you but that line is extremely brilliant and manipulative at the same time

"Who says Seliph and Roy get a pass, anyway? A lot of people consider them Sues."

Mostly because i rarely saw those people.

Its usually "Micaiah is a sue" and nothing else, despite Roy being a quite a sue and Celice(especialy the Thracia version) arguably being worse than Micaiah.

Or the fact that, as said before both of Roy and Celice's game has too little characterization. For example, the first chapter in Genealogy Part 2, we should kill either of Johan and Johalva, and you can barely give a fuck.

Or Ishtar for that matter. All we know is she is a sister figure to Tinny, and she loved Julius, and apparently she is actually nice. And then you killed her in the final chapter, and thats that. Nothing depressing as say...... Lorenz explosion death in FE3

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It's usually Micaiah because she's so hotly contested. But people definitely think Roy and Seliph are Sues, too. Roy IS winning least favorite lord by a large margin. As people all seem to be in agreement with their cases, though, they don't get talked about as much.

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This is False. I actually like Roy quite a bit and the fanbase in Japan ranks him quite high in nearly every poll. So while he may not be popular on this site. He has his fans

They reside in the Smash forums.

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Dang, a favorite is hard to pick. If I really had to choose... It would be Ike for his FE9 characterization. I don't think it really hit me until I played FE13, actually. The simple act of trying to secure rations for Daein peasants (even with Soren giving the rational argument against it) really means something to me after playing Awakening.

See, my least favorite now is easily Chrom. It's because there's a certain lack of that sincerity and care for people under the rule of tyrants that I can't even find much joy in his quirky conversations in DLC. I'm not to go further into it because I have strong personal distaste for some of the scenes in FE13, but the contrast of Ike really made me appreciate him more.

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People ingame like Seliph because he likes the peoples.

Lots of lords ingame either don't give a shit about treating their subjects well, or they seem to care more about their political dealings with other lords, if not both. Seliph was wanted dead by every Grandbell (forgot what the official translation calls it) lord, and thus effectively by most if not the entirety of the continent's political establishment, since he before he was old enough to form a coherent thought. He probably wouldn't have survived childhood if the people of Isaac hadn't latched onto him because of his dad, all before he had a chance to prove he was worthy of their trust, true, but he spent his youth having reason to be grateful to people suffering under an oppressive regime. Thus he'd have good cause to viscerally feel "common people's suffering = bad, common people's happiness = good."

And he does indeed fight on their behalf as soon as he's able, so it's both reasonable for the Isaacians to believe the hope they invested in him was justified, and for the oppressed peoples of the rest of the continent to be inspired by him, moreso as he goes around displacing more and more of the rulers under whom they've been subjugated. He inspires so much hope, and does such grievous damage to Granbell, that by the end of the game, like half the continent gets the courage and opportunity to threateningly rebel against their Grandbell rulers themselves with the emperor still alive. Then he kills the autocrats on whom the empire was based, effectively destroys its reason for existence, and shatters its remnants.

Seliph is also known to be of holy blood, so there's even more direct reason to idolize the guy. He is measurably stronger physically than your average dude, and is one of the few people capable of wielding a weapon that makes him WAY stronger in battle than your average dude, on top of that.

The game doesn't do a great job of reminding us of all this stuff very often, it could've been developed ingame better, and Grandbell at large probably should've paid more attention to and tried harder to stamp out Celice before it was too late, but none of that is really the fault of Seliph as a character. He may be a pretty typical "man of the people" style hero, but he both has reason to be the way he is, and legitimately commands a lot of the respect he gets ingame.

Edited by Rehab
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I fail to see at all how Ike, Hector, Lyn, Ephraim, Micaiah, Celica, or Sigurd are anything like Marth. Especially Ike. He's probably the most unique lord we've had yet. Not of noble/royal birth, promotes TO a Lord instead of from one, has a different view on politics and nobility than the others, and he just seems different. That's one thing I like so much about him.

Ike, Hector, Sigurd and Ephraim have blue hair. Micaiah, Celica and Lyn all look like girls! Da colonel speaks the truth!

My main with Miccy is how she somehow became a tactical genius, all her plans worked incredibly well for some reason. Ike is the same to some extent but I guess he has Soren and Titania helping him out.

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Ike, Hector, Sigurd and Ephraim have blue hair. Micaiah, Celica and Lyn all look like girls! Da colonel speaks the truth!

Actually, Ephraim has green hair. But still, this is a stupid reason to say they're too much like Marth. Some characters will have the same hair color or gender. >_>

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All the lords do a good job of having their own personalities, especially Ike, Hector, and Chrom. I'd say if any lord was more like Marth, it'd be Alm or Celice.

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Actually, Ephraim has green hair. But still, this is a stupid reason to say they're too much like Marth. Some characters will have the same hair color or gender. >_>

How the heck is Ephraim's hair green? It's more of a light-blue-teal.

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How the heck is Ephraim's hair green? It's more of a light-blue-teal.

Well, I don't see how the heck it's blue at all. Eirika is the one with blue hair. Just compare the two.

Also, yay for Ike doing even better in the poll than before! He's just one vote behind Lucina, who's in first. :o

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, I don't see how the heck it's blue at all. Eirika is the one with blue hair. Just compare the two.

If you're looking at official art, it may be just the shading. In the case of spirtes, I'm not seeing any green hair.

Edited by Little Al
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As expected Lucina and Ike place highly on the poll for favorite Lord, but I am pleasantly surprised to see Leif placing second place so far.

As for least favorite, I kind was expecting Roy to be "winning" that poll but not by this much.

Also lol Celica has no votes for either

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I can't really say I hate any of the lords, but I'll go with Alm for least favorite because he's from a game I actually played and have finished and there's nothing remotely interesting about him (or anyone, for that matter, but Celica wins points for being a magic using lord). I haven't really played far enough into Sword of Seals to judge poor Roy yet.

For favorite, it was a tie between Leif and Lucina, but ultimately Lucina won out. I totally just flipped a coin.

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are you telling me ephraim doesn't have green hair

my entire life is a lie

i have always seen it as green until now

waaaaah why are colors so mean to me

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It's the inbetween of blue and green aka turquoise

the RGB values are slightly more green leaning but not green enough for me to call it green

The sprite is shaded with hueshifts towards blue and the OA has shading with a hueshift towards green so it's entirely up to style

But seriously there's more colours than just green and blue

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