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Final Fantasy Mafia- GAME OVER, Town Wins


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[spoiler=totally serious]



No seriously I like how you claim numbers and then do nothing except this one post then accuse me of doing nothing while you just slide on by on a numbers claim.

To be frank I'm still not gonna vote Scorri simply because of her claim.

This is kind of lame. If she's your scumread, why aren't you pushing it? I think it's been established at this point that scumbers claims are easy to fake, and if she's just numbers you're not losing a lot in comparison to other town roles.

Scorri v. Shinori is honestly tl;dr but I will say that I believe Scorri's claim and can confirm that there's an SK in the game (yay my role is useless now). Actually a second look at it just now makes it look more like intown fighting than anything. Scum usually isn't so aggressive against someone this early in the game since they don't want to put a target on their back early.

Okay. What. First off, why didn't you claim it in the first place, and second, why would there be two roles just to inform us about numbers? Especially when scorri said there was a third in the game too. I'm inclined to think that one of the two is lying through their teeth. Going to reread scorri, back in a sec.

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BBM had a good point about scorri's numbers claim and I don't find her scummy. I don't want to lynch her. Also, there are more roles than "informed townie" that can prove the existence of a SK.

I still think we should off Mancer today. Fuck modkills. The tripe about "Mancer is just dumb" is pretty silly, he's shown he can push cases and make sense as town. Here he was pushing trivial craplogic and just went on and on about it even though it had nothing to do with Elieson's alignment. The reason his case was that terrible is because he's scum and he's not scumhunting from a town mindset.

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Votals That I Can Actually Read:

Lucina (4): Shinori, Elieson, Helios, BBM

BBM (3): Levity, eclipse, Xinnidy

Prims (3): Lucina, Areox, Kay

Mancer (2): Snike, Prims

Darros (1): SB

Elieson (1): Paperblade

Helios (1): j00

Kay (1): Mancer

Shinori (1): scorri

scorri (1): Darros

Not Voting (2): CT075, Shin

People on the 1-vote wagons and non-voters should work on placing their votes on a wagon that might actually take off. I still strongly prefer a Mancer lynch (seriously, think about what I said last post) but I'll switch to Lucina or BBM if necessary.

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I'm one of the larger wagons and it doesn't seem as if any of the people currently voting me are going to stop doing so anytime soon, so should I claim? Don't particularly feel like getting lynched.

Out of the major wagons, the Prims wagon is sort of terrible (Lucina voting him for something that had already been explained and then disappearing, Areox's jokevote, and Kay's vote for him not scumhunting?). I'm also going to reread Mancer's posts soon to try and see what people find scummy about him because the only reason I see people citing is that his cases are sort of grasping.

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I'm pretty leery about j00 having all of one post up until now, even considering timezones. The post's content bugs me after looking further into it, too - alongside calling Mancer's argument more "stupid typical-mancer", she justifies ignoring him by saying he has comments on other people, but at that point Mancer's only relevant opinions were on Kay (which seemed like a rushed vote imo) and Darros. Her post is actually pretty similar to Xinnidy's in that she goes over all the "easy targets" with no priorities between them before dropping a vote on a more obscure player. Nagging on Helios for "sheeping a couple of points" bugs me when j00's opinion on Lucina was also something pretty much everybody had said.

SB seems to be Rapier-nitpicky this game in that he's posting huge quote walls with comments but I can't tell who his scumreads are besides his vote. Notably, he says that Darros shouldn't give Mancer a pass for being Mancer, but basically never gives a read on Mancer himself?

I get a good impression from BBM's defense that I can't really explain, though I think Xinnidy's posts arguing with him look better than Xinnidy's initial contentpost. Would probably lynch Lucina over BBM because, well, it's hard to justify not wanting to lynch Lucy at this point. I still think Mancer is the scummiest though.

Cam should vote Mancer with me 8)

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Helios outing is pretty stupid because he could have caught someone going "No I'm a harmless neutral don't lynch me" and now they know not to claim that.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Lucina for aforementioned reasons

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Also, Areox, dude, if you're reading this then you should really post SOMETHING, ANYTHING as to not turn this game into a modkill clusterfuck. Online times say you were at least here yesterday...

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Okay I reread Mancer's posts, and I think he explained what he was trying to say kind of weirdly. Like, I can sort of understand his initial point about Elie's question to Scorri. When you're making posts, cutting off words in the middle and putting in ellipses isn't scummy, but it is unnecessarily dramatic. And the tone of a lot of Elie's early posts seemed sort of arrogant too, though that's not scummy either.

After that his Kay vote wasn't the best, and then he got into the slapfight with JB and they both ragequit, which was... yeah.

Also, I was sort of assuming that the ITP in 15/4/1 was a SK even though that's not automatically given, so I guess knowing the existence of a SK isn't totally redundant with Numbers.

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The problem with Mancer isn't really how he interpreted Elie's reaction, it's that he was pushing it as a scumtell when it had nothing to do with alignment.

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Why is vigging Mancer better than lynching him? I would think that would apply more to Lucina since Lucina is a less polarizing target (everybody agrees he doesn't look great).

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in terms of wagons my lynch preferences goes lucy > mancer > BBM > prims

the thing about mancer is that while bad, pushing the way he did was bringing too much attention for nothing. Mancer flops around a lot anyway, and scum should have dropped it much sooner. I'd lynch lucina before him because her post and content is worse, her vote on prims was lame, she haven't tried explaining herself since, but if the mancer wagon gets enough momentum I don't mind switching.

I got a null read from the shinori/scorri argument but I don't like how shinori said the number claim was the only thing keeping him from voting her. The rules say there are duplicate roles, don't hunt on role spec etc etc and apparently Helios got some info too.

darros too is eh for saying he didn't want to vote because he was afraid for it looking like an OMGUS. if you've got a good reason it's not an OMGUS and outright saying you're mainly trying to look town right now isn't making it any better.

about my Helios vote it was also timing, he had one post at the beginning of the game and one halfway, after things had started to happen, that was really bare and unhelpful. It felt more off than the early inactives, who posted befo things started to happen.

Cam too posted late in the game with nothing useful. Seriously, am I the only one who's iffy on cam? All his posts are either hurr durr I'll post later or what are literally comments, and then he unvotes and leaves. Areox and elie also have barely been here or scumhunted, but cam's post's are pretty much active lurking.

I don't see a cam lynch happening today though


##Vote: Lucina

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Well, Lucina really needs to actually do something. I'm not happy with BBM, but at least he's tried to defend himself. I was sorta hoping Loocina would respond, but no dice. This smells of lurkscum, a lot like FR mafia.

##Vote: Lucina

If Lucina comes forward and does something, I'll be tempted to change my vote but for now it's sticking. Looking back at the scorri/Shinori thing (and reading it properly), I don't really see anything on either side.

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Lucina wagon is semi sketchy given that the slot with the most potential to contribute in the future is hers, + there's the fact that the reasoning 'oh it's going to be modkilled anyways, why lynch it' is shit reasoning if by some miracle we get a sub in the 11th hour.

I mean, I'll support it if I have to, because Lucina IS scummy, but I'm going to stick to my Mancer vote and hope people join Prims and myself in it.

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the thing about mancer is that while bad, pushing the way he did was bringing too much attention for nothing. Mancer flops around a lot anyway, and scum should have dropped it much sooner.

except in basically all of Mancer's scum games he has gone too long without dropping a case because he has trouble being self-aware as scum

i don't really think that applies here. meta, but yeah. not to mention that he was hardly drawing attention beyond "whatever it's mancer" anyway and did eventually drop it once people were pushing it harder

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