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Weird/Awkward/Wacky Moments for you in Awakening?


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So, ever had that moment in Awakening where some characters said or did things in combinations that just plain made you laugh or made the moment awkward or something?

I meant something like, for example, awhile back, somebody had said that in the barracks for them at one point, Stahl popped up on the lower screen and said he was so hungry that he could eat a Pegasus... Then on the top screen, he showed up with Sumia and she said her fortune looked up (which I thought was lol too).

For me, I practically facepalmed when I promoted Morgan. Frederick is his father, and I also wanted to make him a Great Knight. Well, I noticed that the two ended up looking exactly alike lol. I can't even tell them apart sometimes when I pair them up in battle! But after I promoted Morgan, I said to myself "Oh, how cute! He looks JUST like his dad now!" Then Morgan goes and says "Do I look like my mother in this?"

All I could think was "...What? LOL Really, Morgan?" and imagine Frederick and my Avatar having pretty funny reactions. XD

And thus, I decided I have to draw a comic about this someday. lol

Oh, also, I laugh whenever Frederick says "Hmm. A challenge" after he just OHKO'd a dude. Haha.

Edited by Anacybele
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Severa x Inigo B Support

Severa: What must it be like to live in your head? Are there happy ponies in there?

I don't know what it is about that line but it made me crack up while trying to transcribe the support (well really, the entire support made me laugh). It's either an MLP reference or completely random but I thought it was funny! ^^

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Speaking of the Stahl pic, here it is.


I also seem to always have Kellam do the craziest things such as guarding people he has no supports with, dodging 90%+ hit rate attacks, and get 5% or lower criticals. Pretty funny that no one notices this guy even though he laughs in the face of the RNG.

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One time I had a random barracks conversation between... Walmart and Say'ri. They had a polite, civil exchange, then left the room. I stared for a few minutes, thinking "aaaaaawwwwwwkward....".

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For me, I practically facepalmed when I promoted Morgan. Frederick is his father, and I also wanted to make him a Great Knight. Well, I noticed that the two ended up looking exactly alike lol. I can't even tell them apart sometimes when I pair them up in battle! But after I promoted Morgan, I said to myself "Oh, how cute! He looks JUST like his dad now!" Then Morgan goes and says "Do I look like my mother in this?"

Only problem with this one is that Freddy's GK model is significantly different from the generic so this seems even less coincidental than if you had GK Morgan paired with a generic GK parent (e.g. Chrom)

Sorry for being such a killjoy but it did make it kind of confusing when you said they looked exactly alike.

...sorry again for pointing this out, I just can't help myself sometimes.

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Gaius' comment about taking candy from a baby was hard to do. Seemed wacky to me, and funny. Kellam saying 'Stealthy' after killing an opponent as a Dread Fighter is pretty funny too.

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Only problem with this one is that Freddy's GK model is significantly different from the generic so this seems even less coincidental than if you had GK Morgan paired with a generic GK parent (e.g. Chrom)

Sorry for being such a killjoy but it did make it kind of confusing when you said they looked exactly alike.

...sorry again for pointing this out, I just can't help myself sometimes.

Well, yes, it is different, obviously, but it wasn't THAT much different, especially when he wears the same color armor. xP

But that's beside the point, as Morgan still looked way more like his dad than his mom in the end, making his comment hilariously awkward.

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Well, yes, it is different, obviously, but it wasn't THAT much different, especially when he wears the same color armor. xP

But that's beside the point, as Morgan still looked way more like his dad than his mom in the end, making his comment hilariously awkward.

Haha yeah. I missed that part the first time around because I saw when you said the models were identical and I'm like "ERROR, MUST RESIST TEMPTATION" XD but now I get it and I should've known what you meant.

Some of your other examples are pretty funny though.

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Haha yeah. I missed that part the first time around because I saw when you said the models were identical and I'm like "ERROR, MUST RESIST TEMPTATION" XD but now I get it and I should've known what you meant.

Some of your other examples are pretty funny though.

Yeah, I didn't mean that I thought the models were identical lol. That would be silly. XD

But the Morgan bit wasn't funny? I cracked up pretty hard. But I'm not that surprised, people don't usually laugh at the same things I do. xP

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I'd find it funnier if he didn't have an undiagnosed Oedipus complex. Morgan creeps the hell out of me. Top three on the list of reasons to never make a female Avatar.

Because female!Morgan doesn't obsess over her father the same way male!Morgan obsesses over his mother. Of course.

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Because female!Morgan doesn't obsess over her father the same way male!Morgan obsesses over his mother. Of course.

I was just about to post this, lol.

But yeah. Both female and male Morgan have the exact same dialogue when it concerns their parents (MU/Morgan support, Morgan/other parent support). I don't see anything in dialogues exclusive to male Morgan that suggest that he's more obsessed with female MU than female Morgan is with male!MU. So I don't understand the hate for the kid. Methinks it's attitude from a culture that despises "mamma's boys" while giving "daddy's girls" a pass.

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All I'm saying is that I expected MorganxChrom's A pairing to end with Chrom winding up dead in a ditch.

And why do you not have the same expectation for a female Morgan x male MU's partner? No, seriously, I am curious. What makes male Morgan so much worse than female Morgan when the dialogue concerning their parents is exactly the same?

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One time I had a random barracks conversation between... Walmart and Say'ri. They had a polite, civil exchange, then left the room. I stared for a few minutes, thinking "aaaaaawwwwwwkward....".

Same, but between Gangrel and Chrom. wat.

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And why do you not have the same expectation for a female Morgan x male MU's partner?

About a million years of evolution and a couple decades of personal experience. From women, this solder expects emotional warfare before homicide. There's always the chance that Morgan(F) is an outlier, but this is Fire Emblem: gotta take your chances with the RNG.

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About a million years of evolution and a couple decades of personal experience. From women, this solder expects emotional warfare before homicide. There's always the chance that Morgan(F) is an outlier, but this is Fire Emblem: gotta take your chances with the RNG.


In my honest opinion, this is a pretty poor justification for giving female Morgan the pass when she and male Morgan are essentially identical when it comes to adoration of their parents, and is a byproduct of a society that thinks it's strange for boys to be clingy to mothers while saying it's all right for girls to be clingy to fathers.

Back on topic: Lucina and Olivia (who was her mother) landed on an event file. Lucina challenges Olivia to a cooking contest to see whose cuisine Chrom prefers. Olivia's response? "I don't want to raise a sword to my own child ..." O_o

Speaking of Lucina, though, if female MU is her mother, then she almost DID kill her mother for her father. Do you find her creepy?

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In my honest opinion, this is a pretty poor justification for giving female Morgan the pass when she and male Morgan are essentially identical when it comes to adoration of their parents, and is a byproduct of a society that thinks it's strange for boys to be clingy to mothers while saying it's all right for girls to be clingy to fathers.

Boys and girls are different from each other, despite righteous protestations to the contrary. But I lest I overstep my bounds, perhaps this is a discussion you should have with your parent and/or guardian. :P

Speaking of Lucina, though, if female MU is her mother, then she almost DID kill her mother for her father. Do you find her creepy?

"Almost" only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Regardless, in the interests of both Chrom AND countless other members of the human race, I would argue that it's appropriate to support an "evil god" exception in this case.

EDIT: and no, I find her scary.

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Lissa to Basilio in barracks

LISSA: Why so happy? Did you get a new haircut or something?

Lissa: Why so happy? Did you get a new haircut or something?

Virion: Oh no. I'm just having a good hair day!"

Thanks you two for the chuckles.

I was just about to post this, lol.

But yeah. Both female and male Morgan have the exact same dialogue when it concerns their parents (MU/Morgan support, Morgan/other parent support). I don't see anything in dialogues exclusive to male Morgan that suggest that he's more obsessed with female MU than female Morgan is with male!MU. So I don't understand the hate for the kid. Methinks it's attitude from a culture that despises "mamma's boys" while giving "daddy's girls" a pass.

Double standards. Aint that but a bitch. D:<

Anytime Kellam says "Another spotlight stolen." I just...lose it.

Walhart has a really hilarious dialogue when he finds an item on an event tile or barracks. What was it again? Something like "Oh what is this? BEND YOUR KNEE OR I SHALL CONQUER YOU!"

Boys and girls are different from each other


Yeah ok, im not gonna touch that. Nevermind. :dry:

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This has happened to me a few times now but hasn't stopped making me smile. Donnel goes onto an event tile... "I never seen this back on the farm!" ...and gets a log XD

Boys and girls are different from each other, despite righteous protestations to the contrary.

Oh please, any differences between males and females besides genes/biology are only put there by society and kept alive by statements just like yours. In terms of Morgan this an even weirder claim to make considering it's the exact same character regardless of gender, but apparently some people will still want to force a gender binary.

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