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Manor of Lost Trolls

Big Klingy

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So I just finished this chapter, and I've come to the conclusion that the walls are trolls. Here's a few examples from my run:

-Just as I put Nah in position to kill tons of enemies on the Enemy Phase, the wall in front of her closes. THIS HAPENED TWICE.

-Just as Morgan and Owain had moved right in front of a breach, it closed. So I moved them towards the other breach that opened over on the other side... and it closed and the one they were going to go through opened again. So I moved them back and, it closed again. While they were right in front of it AGAIN!

-The final wall didn't seem to be opening at all, but I noticed there was a door. So I gt someone with a Door Key over and...

The very turn I unlocked the door with a key, the walls started opening anyway. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHH!!!!

For those who have yet to do this, I recommend bringing as many Rally Movement users as possible. That skill is an absolute godsend here, as one space can mean the difference between getting over a wall and getting stuck behind.

Anyone else had any trollish experiences with the walls here?

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I kept wasting turns to see if the walls would JUST FALL ALREADY. Did that happen? Nooo. I had to go kill the last general (one that had a key) on the map (at the south end of the map), unlock the door, THEN the walls would fall. AAAAARGH. >:C

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If you open a door the walls all open the next turn. But otherwise you are at the complete mercy of... whatever. I don't know if there is a pattern because I haven't paid enough attention.

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If you open a door the walls all open the next turn. But otherwise you are at the complete mercy of... whatever. I don't know if there is a pattern because I haven't paid enough attention.

I thought that might be the case. It's still trollish though since the walls only open on the ENEMY phase.

One more thing, I got Nah out around turn 3 or 4 ish, and her wall closed the moment she left her room. Is that wall supposed to close the moment she leaves, or is it rigged to close on a certain turn? Because I never saw it reopen, and that means she could possibly be trapped there forever if you don't recruit her in time...

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They don't seem to follow a pattern.

First runthrough, the bottom wall housing the group of enemies fell when I got past it and flanked my back-liners.

Second runthrough, I put all my strong units in front of it... and waited... and waited... and nothing. Then I moved on and the walls came down to let the dark knights flank my fragile units. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif (I guess it's my fault for not counting squares).

Third runthrough, I went as fast as I could, wall fell soon after, letting them kill my fragile units.

Fourth runthough, I got near the end, and was wondering why the walls didn't fall. Suddenly they fell all at once. sob.gif (I think because I unlocked the door after waiting a couple of turns with nothing happening)

Last time, I just gave up with bringing untrained units to level up and raped the chapter up the ass with my maxed out children of doom.

Edited by kryptonite
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I honestly think the walls close and fall depending on how close you are to getting through or being trapped. I don't know about Nah's, because I simply Rescue Staff her all the time.

But this place is annoying as mess. My first playthrough I jumped a gap with ol' Warrior Donny (paired Dark Knight Cordelia, S), and subsequently got stuck for about five turns and was Countered twice, leaving me to frantically Physic him as the walls kept trolling everyone trying to come to his aid and he trying to get back.

Then of course, Trickster Brady opens the doors, and the game laughs at me.

Second playthrough I was ready for it, but it only made it slightly less annoying.

...Why the heck is this place in this game, anyway? Why is Nah here? I'd really like to know the story to this place, and why we didn't recruit Luigi in here instead.

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...Why the heck is this place in this game, anyway? Why is Nah here? I'd really like to know the story to this place, and why we didn't recruit Luigi in here instead.

Because IS decided that the "vacuum the hell out of everything" weapon was too broken and so Nintendo sent Luigi to another mansion.

Also, you can really just Mire the commander and rescue Nah and complete the chapter in one turn.

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Because IS decided that the "vacuum the hell out of everything" weapon was too broken and so Nintendo sent Luigi to another mansion.

Also, you can really just Mire the commander and rescue Nah and complete the chapter in one turn.

Poltergust 5000: 30 mt, 150 hit, 25 crit, 1-5 range, super effective on fliers

sup Grima, Expiration suddenly feeling a little underwhelming? cool.gif

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...Why the heck is this place in this game, anyway? Why is Nah here? I'd really like to know the story to this place, and why we didn't recruit Luigi in here instead.

Probably because Luigi got shipped off to the the mansion in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon instead.

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Oh, that Manor...

Well, I suppose the whole wall opening/closing was annoying. Personally I didn't bothered much and went through the doors. Sure, those Mire!Sorcerers were a pain while going the long way... when they do managed to inflict significant damage when they do managed to hit. If anything, I only placed units in line to lure enemies to cross over and get mauled on EP or the following PP. It helped to spread them thin to not face as many of them when I properly crossed into the hallway at any rate.

It was an interesting mechanic though. Personally I'd like to see it appear again in some future game. Or some kind of variation, eh, beats me.

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The only other game that is freeing the 3DS of dust at the moment, can't have him be in both.

why not, it's not like you can't have alternate timelines or anything

real players fight Mire Sorcerors with Mire Sorcerors

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I kept wasting turns to see if the walls would JUST FALL ALREADY.

Running back and forth for like 30 turns just trying to get past the walls...

Anyway IIRC the chapter's not all that bad if you just lure enemies over one at a time, like, with ranged weapons, through the walls. Then open the door when there's nothing left but a couple Sorcerors and you're good.

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Haha, I just did this today on my second playthrough. I dunno, it is very trollish but I kinda like it. I had a mini panic attack though one turn when I carefully put the strongest units up front to take a wave of enemies down and blocking where the next wall might fall (so I thought)... Enemy phase the wall crumbles but slightly off from where I thought the opening was and enemies start heading for Nah and underleveled Anna, thankfully no one died.

Also there's definitely no pattern. I had to restart about 4 turns in as I realized I hadn't brought lockpickers, and the walls opened in a different order. I think Nah's room might only open on a certain turn, but I also always just Rescue her so I don't pay too much attention to that.

For those who've played the Japanese games, any theories as to what this manor is/was?

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Also there's definitely no pattern.

Uh there definitely is. And it's that

the walls close and fall depending on how close you

Try playing the chapter and clearing all the enemies on the way to the first door, then cluster your units all at the bottom-right breaking wall and see what happens. You can leave them there as long as you like, and nothing will change. Move them to the left, and the opening will shift.
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Because IS decided that the "vacuum the hell out of everything" weapon was too broken and so Nintendo sent Luigi to another mansion.

Also, you can really just Mire the commander and rescue Nah and complete the chapter in one turn.

why not, it's not like you can't have alternate timelines or anything

real players fight Mire Sorcerors with Mire Sorcerors

How the heck do you get Mire at this point in the game??

The vast majority of my team was pretty broken at this point, even Nah was at no risk of dying to anything here. (Donnel being her facther kinda helped there... he'd maxed just about everything by the time I got her) So the walls were more an annoyance than anything.

Still, I have a feeling this, and Labrynth Pursuit, will be a blast to LP. So much potential hilarity...

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The walls are on Auto troll. It seems that no matter which wall you go to, the wall farthest from it will open.

Nah's room shouldn't close until she leaves it.

I gave my dark knight Mu the boots. 10 mov? Then pwn.

The first time I played this I bought spotpass Lyn and Nergal and kinda swept the level with them... now that I think about it, that's kind of a troll too.

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How the heck do you get Mire at this point in the game??

The vast majority of my team was pretty broken at this point, even Nah was at no risk of dying to anything here. (Donnel being her facther kinda helped there... he'd maxed just about everything by the time I got her) So the walls were more an annoyance than anything.

Still, I have a feeling this, and Labrynth Pursuit, will be a blast to LP. So much potential hilarity...

Mire can be bought from spotpass as long as you have the shadow dragon teams...

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How the heck do you get Mire at this point in the game??

It's a paralogue, you can really play it at any point in time.

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