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Fire Emblem Awakening Confessions!

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Except that his magic growth seems for me to be somewhere between 0 and 10% at best. Dread fighter, sure, but terribad magic cap along with even worse magic cap because he has I think -1 or -2 magic cap himself. And again, after reclassing him like 10 times, he still might not max luck.

Chrom is just terribad. Once I completed story mode I never touched him again. (Though I would agree if someone said he's better than the average FE lord like Eliwood, Eirika, or Roy, but all of those characters are bonus box characters and they don't suck.)

You simply have bad luck then. D8 My Great Lord Chrom has 40 Magic thanks to Limit Break. Then again, I don't know what his magic wil cap at as Dread Fighter. According to SF, his magic caps at 38 as a Dread Fighter, so with Limit Break, that's 48 magic. Which actually isn't that bad.

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WGT = Weight, it was used in the older fire emblem games. Removal of weapon weight removed all penalty for using the best weapons thus making all units equally good and removing any strategic choice in your weaponry. If you can afford it, just use legendary/brave/other powerful weapons, not like they'll slow you down or anything.

Except that his magic growth seems for me to be somewhere between 0 and 10% at best. Dread fighter, sure, but terribad magic cap along with even worse magic cap because he has I think -1 or -2 magic cap himself. And again, after reclassing him like 10 times, he still might not max luck.

Chrom is just terribad. Once I completed story mode I never touched him again. (Though I would agree if someone said he's better than the average FE lord like Eliwood, Eirika, or Roy, but all of those characters are bonus box characters and they don't suck.)

I've probably preached this to everyone and their mother by now, but... Chrom makes for an excellent archer... if he's not getting skill screwed. :\

And I didn't know that was a system... wow. Fire Emblem games are insanely realistic, aren't they? I'm so glad I found this series. ^_^

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WGT = Weight, it was used in the older fire emblem games. Removal of weapon weight removed all penalty for using the best weapons thus making all units equally good and removing any strategic choice in your weaponry. If you can afford it, just use legendary/brave/other powerful weapons, not like they'll slow you down or anything.

WT was a dumb system.

Unrestricted WT causes Sword/Wind superiority (like seen in FE4), the weapon triangle be damned.

Con damned certain characters to suck without any form of redemption, and made heavier weapon types (Axes/Dark) nigh unusable.

STR = Con penalized Mages for no good reason.

Funny, ever try hacking FE4 and removing WT? I have. The game is a LOT more balanced. (Because suddenly, Axes and Fire don't suck, and Swords and Wind aren't end-all-be-all. (Although to be fair, the same hack will have to add +HIT to everything, because of the way AVO is calculated, or it becomes a tedious dodgefest for all involved.))

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WT was a dumb system.

Unrestricted WT causes Sword/Wind superiority (like seen in FE4), the weapon triangle be damned.

Con damned certain characters to suck without any form of redemption, and made heavier weapon types (Axes/Dark) nigh unusable.

STR = Con penalized Mages for no good reason.

Funny, ever try hacking FE4 and removing WT? I have. The game is a LOT more balanced. (Because suddenly, Axes and Fire don't suck, and Swords and Wind aren't end-all-be-all. (Although to be fair, the same hack will have to add +HIT to everything, because of the way AVO is calculated, or it becomes a tedious dodgefest for all involved.))

Couldn't of said it better myself. The only game I felt that weight/con actually made the game better was FE5 because of stealing and capturing, and that each character had a con growth. I'd only be fine with weight returning if it was used exactly the way it was in FE5 (con growth included) or else it feels like an arbituary handicap to units with lower con, such as most female units (or in pre FE5 a handicap to units that can't use swords/wind magic).

FE9/FE10's weight system is negligible because even mages usually have enough strength to wield tomes without speed loss.(Lol Pelleas maxing strength before Magic every time I use him.)


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No, they'll just break your checkbook, make it harder to weaken things, and have inferior hit rates. Units are equally good, because all units have the same class sets and stats. It will remove all strategic choice, if one didn't have much depth to begin with.


they'll just break your checkbook

>Money is so scarce in this game.

make it harder to weaken things

I was under the impression killing things was better than weakening them.

have inferior hit rates

Iron Sword: 95 hitrate, 5 damage

Silver sword: 85 hitrate, 11 damage.

Ragnell: 70 hitrate, 15 damage, and 1-2 range.

Maybe you lose at most 25 hitrate (hardly "inferior") but you triple the damage and gain 1-2 range. Also, sword users miss their targets how often?

I'm not saying any of the FE games ever did WGT correctly, I'm just saying that the absence of weight removes strategic choice as now Ragnell is clearly superior to Iron sword in every way. You can't even argue that limited uses matter because you can either get unlimited Ragnells with IR or you can use Armsthrift. With the WGT system, it'd probably slow a unit down and make them be doubled more easily to compensate for its incredible power and 1-2 range, but here it's so superior to an Iron Sword that there's no incentive to ever use one.

Though I will concede that being able to use more than one weapon for the duration of the game is actually a nice change. Rather than an army of iron weapon users I can freely use better weaponry and that does make it easier to make my characters unique. I still think it's highly imbalanced though, like how in SMRPG once you get a better weapon, there's no other choice, you just use the better weapon. Terrible, IMO.

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Money is so scarce in this game.

Gold is a limited resource regardless of your opinion on the scarity. The ability to use cheap junk weapons allows you to divert funds into more lucrative things than silvers.

I was under the impression killing things was better than weakening them.

It's possible that you don't understand the nuances of strategy. Weakening but not killing is useful for things like training other units, or preventing a unit from clearing so much space that they kill themselves on EP.

(hardly "inferior")

No, it's exactly inferior. Less HIT is less HIT. You can deal with being wrong in whatever fashion you'd prefer.
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I let Libra die.

And I enjoyed it

A lot.

And saved.

During his recruit Ch. he kept running face first into enemies. You could say that I could've used rescue staves. You'd be wrong. Lunatic (Not Lunatic+, just Lunatic)+ very little grinding= you need as many able fighters to repel the wyvern riders coming from behind (... not even gonna touch that one) so two healers was out of the question, especially considering Lissa was the only competent one. Also Lissa's magic wasn't high enough to stay within a comfortable range.

I eventually did recruit him only to see him perish later on. Couldn't be asked to reset. I consider it punishment for having the IQ of a moth.

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Good to see that I'm not the only one

Same here! Which is weird, because I love using archers/snipers in every other Fire Emblem game. I'm perfectly fine without them when the sorcerers' defense growths seem ridiculously high, but maybe I'm just lucky.

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I don't think I've ever reclassed any of my units into an archer/sniper aside from the time that I did it to check what skills they'd learn.

Despite that, if I do reclass a unit into a class that wields bows, I like to grind their bow rank by pairing them up and putting them as the support unit. After they A rank bows I don't use them anymore. Pointless, I know.

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Fred is alright. He has a decent class set, good growths, and doesn't even know what weapon training is. He's slow though, and his personal bases are garbage, so it's hardly worth the effort to make him useful unless you really like him or something.

Yeah. I did manage to get a somewhat decent Froderick as a Griffon Rider. He paired with Panne. He wasnt terribad but hes still not that viable to the rest of my team. (which includes an incredibly broken Shadowgift Morgan.) Hes making a nice support bot though. For once a reclass didnt ruin Fred. And yes, his bases. UGHH

Really? Stahl is slow as hell for me. He's got like 14 speed while Fred has 22 or 23. :/ Both have gotten roughly the same number of levels too since I sent Fred back to lv. 1 Great Knight to get him stronger. I guess Stahl really did get speed screwed....grr.

Thats because you didnt make Stahl a swordie. :P Stahl as a myrm is awesome.

I let Libra die.

And I enjoyed it

A lot.

And saved.

Monster. :P:

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Yeah. I did manage to get a somewhat decent Froderick as a Griffon Rider. He paired with Panne. He wasnt terribad but hes still not that viable to the rest of my team. (which includes an incredibly broken Shadowgift Morgan.) Hes making a nice support bot though. For once a reclass didnt ruin Fred. And yes, his bases. UGHH

Thats because you didnt make Stahl a swordie. :P Stahl as a myrm is awesome.

Frederick's bad bases can thankfully be fixed by using Second Seals on him so he gets more levels and stats. I should know, he's outdoing several of my other main guys right now and all I did was send him back to lv. 1 Great Knight. I've also been grinding him, and taking opportunities to let him kill bosses and that one creepy Risen that gives a lot of exp. What can I say? I've got plenty of patience and I love Freddy Bear. <3

As for Stahl, I don't think reclassing changes a character's growth rates. He'd be absolutely terrible for me as a Swordmaster.

Edited by Anacybele
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Virion's right, I'm pretty sure some characters have certain reclass trees for the purpose of fixing mediocre/poor stat growths.

Off the top of my head:

Lon'qu and Sully have Wyvern Rider for attack/defense

Kellam has Thief and Priest for speed and resistance respectively

Cherche has Cleric for resistance

Stahl has Myrmidon for speed. Might I add he does decently as a Swordmaster because he has a good skill cap when he isn't stupid with Astra and Level 30 Entombed.

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Gold is a limited resource regardless of your opinion on the scarity. The ability to use cheap junk weapons allows you to divert funds into more lucrative things than silvers.

It's possible that you don't understand the nuances of strategy. Weakening but not killing is useful for things like training other units, or preventing a unit from clearing so much space that they kill themselves on EP.

No, it's exactly inferior. Less HIT is less HIT. You can deal with being wrong in whatever fashion you'd prefer.

1. It's called Infinite Regalia and/or Golden Gaffe. There is no limited amount of gold in any way unless you're talking pre-chapter 5 or if you specifically don't do anything to gain extra gold. Even if you can't buy the DLC there's Despoil spamming on bonus box fights so you literally never run out of money if you don't want to.

2. I didn't remember that, but if you watch my LP's then you'll know that I do in fact know what it means to weaken a unit for one of your weaker units to gain more EXP. However in this game there's pairing which gives absurd boosts to stats and therefore no need for that. Seriously, using autobattle on Exponential Rush with a paired unit will always get them the levels they need with little or no risk. If no DLC, you use bonus box (though lunatic or higher gives 1 exp per kill so reeking boxes are superior in that regard). Weakening units is essentially unneeded in FEA unless you're playing a strict regulatory playthrough, though since this is SF and that's the only publically acceptable way to play FE games here, it wouldn't shock me if this is what you meant.

3. My sword units all have 180+ hitrate with any sword weapon, Ragnell or otherwise. I never miss, therefore extra hitrate is unneeded? Now, axes, I could concede except Armads, Vengeance and Wolf Berg all have the highest hitrates of any axe aside from Bronze Axe, with Armads having identical hitrate (80, btw) and the other two having only 5 less. If we're going for the 1-2 range OP example, then Helswath only has 60 and I can concede that's actually kind of bad. Orsin's Hatchet has 85 though, so there's that xP


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Stahl also has a good strength growth despite class. So yeah. Speedy Stahl with good strength = decent unit. Plus decent defense.

Getting Swordfaire also makes him a good swordie husbando.

Because I never run out of confessions, I always pick the young child type for female Avatars. I don't like type 1 because the face and hairstyles don't appeal to me, and type 3 has that low cut shirt that bugs me way more than it should, though it has the best hairstyles imo. So loli MUs all the way.

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Stahl makes for a good husbando for anyone really. But my Avatars are picky lol.

I never use the child build for the Avatar. Its just not right. Adult lady Avatar and middle build for male Avatars. I dont like the adult male faces much. D:

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I don't feel the child build is right either unless you plan to marry someone like Ricken or Nowi.

As for the reclassing thing, I have yet to even actually reclass anyone, but I might be forced to do so with Virion if he's to be a member of my Bow Knight team in the end. Because right now, he's craptastic thanks to his shit defense and skill being the only really great stat he's got right now.

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I mostly use the child builds to make avatars that resemble male and female morgan, put them on the logbook, then summon them to either of my main male or female avatar files, much like I did with summoning my main avatars to each others file (i.e male child to MaAvatar and female child to FeAvatar). This is so I can have both of my Avatar families in both of my files (yeah, I am that much of a dork). XD

The only other time I used the child build was for some of the avatars in my Avatar Army.

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Pfft, I think of an indecisive Avatar playing hard-to-get with A-supports everywhere. I won't even deny my soft spot for Stahl, I know there are better units but I keep him around/marry him, Morgan will still be a badass anyway. I still have trouble defining his hair color though.

I'd argue that portrait-wise, face 2 and the braids hairstyle makes MU look more like a petite Asian woman, but that's probably just me.

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