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I have trouble killing insects


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Barring mosquitos and flies, which are extremely annoying, I really can't bring myself to kill insects. Not even, like, cockroaches. :c I just can't, it eats on my soul, or something.

Right now I just killed an ugly...thing, that kind of looked like a smally flying cockroach. It was really creepy. :x

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I don't like killing buggies ;n;

I just move them outdoooors~


I tend to do that with spiders and moths. They're really harmless...and adorable.

I don't like killing bugs (or bugs in general). That's why I get other people to kill then for me. :Knoll:

This too. At least reguarding cockroaches.

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Despite the fact that I feed crickets and mealworms to my pet gecko everyday, I agree with you. I generally try to set free all the spiders and moths and such that I find at home and work.

One time a bunch of woodspiders were living in my room (there was a hole in the ceiling), and I found one in my bathroom roughly 5" in diameter (legs spanned out.) Grabbing that thing with a paper towel and running outside was... interesting XD.

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ants included??

i remember curbstomping them down when i was young

I remember being a dipshit in my pre-teen years too, but I generally don't advertise it like it's something cool.

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So many weak people in this thread. :smug:

Watch out, we have a strong man over here.

He's so strong, only he can kill harmless bugs.

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no bugs deserve to live

but I have a problem killing larger ones too. not because I feel bad for them, but because ew, dealing with a giant dead body like that is disgusting

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I don't like killing buggies ;n;I just move them outdoooors~

I wouldn't want to get crushed by something thousands of times larger than my size either.


Like some of the little dudes only live, what, a month? A week? Some days? To those ones we must seem like the SotC Colossi, except we're a lot faster in relation, and we wield unnatural tools of infinite destruction (and also we're often far more belligerent).

Some months to a year ago, I dumped the dirt out of an empty flowerpot (empty of plants, anyway, thing was fuckin filled to the brim with dirt), and ants, ants everywhere, at the bottom of the little pot and crawling out of the dirt and everywhere and shit. I can only imagine there was either an absolutely massive scavenging operation going on, or they'd taken up residence and that was basically a colony.

Which basically made me a Reaper either way

Imagine some nightmarish space Goliath appeared on the horizon, and was surprised to discover its equivalent to a flower pot was infested by humans

(the scale's a little out of whack there on more than one level but you get the idea)

That said, I do reserve the right to wig out if they land/crawl on me. Look little dudes I'm sorry but it's an evolved reaction, I'd love to just let you off but I can't be sure you won't bite me and transfer some bogus disease or poison or something, and really how mental do you have to be to go right up to and bother the unknowable Colossus murder machine alien thing anyway? And stop flying into my eyeballs and earholes gnats, do you not realize there is no sex for you there, only pain and death

Also +1 fuck wasps, it oughtta be a rule that you need to be 4 times the size of that thing to be half as territorial

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I try to avoid killing bugs as much as possible, especially things like Caterpillars, Moths, Butterflies, Ants and Bees. Mosquitos and Wasps have already sold their fate. I remember when I was in elementary, my little brother contracted a group of his classmates to kill wasps on the school grounds every recess. The posse would find wasps and bring their corpses back to a small pile, and wait as the bodies attracted more wasps to the burial. It was quite an organized group, almost like the mafia of wasps killing, if someone left the group for a single recess they would hunt them down. The wasp slayers went on for a few weeks until their first two casualties, and the principal found out.

It's all fun and games until the principal finds out.

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I try to avoid killing bugs as much as possible, especially things like Caterpillars, Moths, Butterflies, Ants and Bees. Mosquitos and Wasps have already sold their fate. I remember when I was in elementary, my little brother contracted a group of his classmates to kill wasps on the school grounds every recess. The posse would find wasps and bring their corpses back to a small pile, and wait as the bodies attracted more wasps to the burial. It was quite an organized group, almost like the mafia of wasps killing, if someone left the group for a single recess they would hunt them down. The wasp slayers went on for a few weeks until their first two casualties, and the principal found out.

It's all fun and games until the principal finds out.

Your brother ought to be sainted.

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