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I have trouble killing insects


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Insects aren't sentient, so I have no problems with killing them.

Also, I find it hilarious that some people have issues with killing BUGS, but will then turn around and eat meat. It's hypocrisy at its worst.

Edited by Charlie
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If people eat insects to survive, I'd have no problems with them. But they don't, they kill them because they're scared a bit (potentially harmful insects and etc. notwithstanding). That's not hypocrisy, it's called being cool.

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I guess it would be more analogous to a hunter that doesn't eat or use its prey in any way. But I doubt there are many people on SF that go around killing deer and then leaving them to rot. But still, if there are any that kill deer and leave them to rot but don't want to kill bugs, shame on you for your hypocrisy.

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Heehee yeah as far as I've heard, it doesn't really take provocation to get stung by a wasp x3 But that's what I've heard, at least~

Lol hypocrisy

The meat on my plate is already dead. If it helps me survive then fine I'll eat it. And..... well.... some meat do taste soooooooo good~

Meanwhile, the bugs I come across are still alive. And as has been said, most people just kill them because "eep scaryyyyy *squish*" or "stop giving me that look D= *squish*" or "you do not look beautiful like me! *squish*" or "this is my house not yours! *squish*" (no they don't only squish but... just place any other actions in there that have to do with murdering living creatures~)

What do you want me to do, grab a bunch of pieces of meat and combine them and do some kind of spell that brings them back to a full life animal? x3

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What do you want me to do, grab a bunch of pieces of meat and combine them and do some kind of spell that brings them back to a full life animal? x3


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the intrinsic value of a life depends on the species

also it is binary

the life of a wasp has value 0

the life of almost anything else has value 1

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the intrinsic value of a life depends on the species

also it is binary

the life of a wasp has value 0

the life of almost anything else has value 1

What about those big bees that are harmless and just scare the crap out of you when they go near you.

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the intrinsic value of a life depends on the species

also it is binary

the life of a wasp has value 0

the life of almost anything else has value 1

change wasps to all creepy crawlies and mice and you've got a deal.

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