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What run-through are you on?



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  1. 1. What runthrough are you on?

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For the previous games, I've played through a couple times, usually with a large amount of time spanning in between, yet on Awakening I'm already on my third run-through. So that got me thinking, how many times have you played through already?

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4th for me. First 2 were on Normal (didn't complete the 2nd one though), the 3rd on Hard (might not finish, some things are bugging me on it), and the current one on Lunatic (went with Classic, and plan on completing it most certainly). And yes, I also know it's weird that I'm kinda considering on dropping the Hard mode playthrough due to annoyances at around Ch. 8, but I'm going on to Ch. 16 on Lunatic.

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Let's see I've done 3 complete male playthroughs. Half of a female one and about 1/4th of the way through a full female storyline playthrough. Plus I'm doing a Avatar x Female cast collection so I'm basically stuck in support/chapter limbo on the last chapter to collect S-Supports.

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I got bored halfway through my second. I've clocked in nearly 100 hours between both files. That is by far the most time I've spent on Fire Emblem without getting bored. Usually I'm more than ready to quit after a single 20~ hour playthrough.

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Fourth run, first time doing Female MU. First run was personal run, second was lunatic classic, third was getting all female s support CG's (minus the last spotpass which will have to wait for later). The FeMU run is going to be a ChromMU Duo for kicks. 5th will probably be get all male s support CGs, 6th Hard Mode planned playthrough for challenge maps, 7th Lunatic+

Clocked ~177 hours.

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On my third, officially. Lunatic run, the first two were on Hard, the last of which still survives as I wed every female character to collect supports.

First was female, second was male, and current Lunatic run is female.

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I think I'm on my ... 7th and 8th runs (I have two files running together at the same time). One of my previous runs was a draft.

Edited by Sangyul
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Only on my second run, which I'm probably going to restart. I've poured dozens of hours into coming up with the best set of children I can, though.

You're still alive?!?

Also, I'm doing an all Spotpass Lunatic playtrough as PT number 2.

Edited by Knife
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