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(FE10) There's enough of Haar to go around.

Da Bear

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Darn, you also figured out the 3-1 3 turn. Now we're tied iirc, rage.

EDIT: Wait no, I have a 1 turn lead because Lucia in 2-2. Ha! Take that!

Edited by Peekayell
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pkl sux if you beat my tc i will raeg

3-6 - 5/98 turns
Eddie and Laura support and make a gr9mazing combo. Laura gets a robe and doesn't even need resolve to double, Miccy got the other one a long time ago. So Laura is like an Espeon and Micaiah is like a Gardevoir statwise right now. Except Laura actually has decent defenses.

3-7 - 12/110 turns
yay training that i don't need

3-8 - 4/114 turns
Haar flies over things and they die, Ulki and Janaff team up on things, Boyd, Gatrie and Ike kill things, etc.

3-9 - 4/118 turns
Kieran is the best

3-10 - 4/122 turns
npcs sux

3-11 - 4/126 turns
Haar FLIES and Ike equips some other scrub sword so Laura can adeptpurgekill him more easily

3-12 - 3/129 turns
Laura and Eddie <3 Holy crap Laura capped strength.

3-13 - 1/130 turns
This involved Miccy trading purge to Sothe, who traded it to Laura and shoved her. Then Eddie shoved her. Then she went DOWN and adeptkilled Ike with purge.

3-E - 5/135 turns
uh, things died

My team split:
Silver: Micaiah, Laura, Ulki, Sothe, Leanne
Greil: Ike, Boyd, Edward, Janaff, Vika, Rafiel
Hawk: Haar, Kieran, Gatrie, Danved, Reyson

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uh oh, tc is in peril 0_0, I predict a tie because yeah...assume I got 3 turns in 1-5 and 2-1, so 163 is your challenge c-haarrrrr

edit: no, it's 162 because I got 5 turns on both, so gogo c-haarhaar

Edited by Quintessence
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also just kidding Danved is going to Greil

4-P - 3/138 turns
Laura and Miccy obliterate things. Resolve!Micaiah kills the fighter in the way, and Ulki rescues resolve!Laura and cantos up. Then Leanne vigors both Ulki and Micaiah. Ulki goes in the middle of the map and drops Laura there, then stones, then cantos down so he isn't attacked. Sothe cleans up the middle area and got some BEXP beforehand. Micaiah and Ulki shoved Laura so she could get to the stationary enemies on turn 2.

4-1 - 3/141 turns
I wanted to have Haar here so I could attempt to 2 turn this map but then I realized I'd have no way to 1 turn 4-5 then. ;_; So all of my units split up and kill things, Ike goes down and torches, Danved follows with forged javelins. Janaff flies over things to reveal and then kill. Celerity!Boyd is amazing here. Rafiel vigors like always.

4-2 - 4/145 turns
Haar gets the boots and pass because he's Haar. Unfortunately, he gets no celerity but that would be kind of overkill anyway. So Haar FLIES over things and gets to the boss area first by like turn 2 because Reyson is too zetta slow. Reyson stones on turn 1, then on turn 2 he vigors Gatrie because Kieran went way too far ahead by that point. Forged hand axes are YES. Having two mounts (1 with boots) made the 4 turn possible even without rescue!Elincia.

4-3 - 5/150 turns
LAURA AND MICAIAH AND ULKI AND LEANNE YES GO KILL THINGS KTHNX. Laura also used rescue to save a turn by rescuing Micaiah over after she went to the side to kill things.

4-4 - 5/155 turns
Vika was BEXP dumped until she capped almost everything, and so was Janaff. They were responsible for flying over things and knocking down doors (jk they had keys) and then killing the enemies inside. Ike, Boyd, and Edward relied on celerity!Rafiel for this and they just charged, killing a bunch of enemies and Boyd got to the boss area by turn 3 PP. Vika went up and broke down the doors first and I gave her halfshift just for more movement if needed, since she tears most things anyway. Danved and halfshift!Janaff take the bottom door, and Janaff tears everything I needed him to.

4-5 - 1/156 turns
Gatrie smites Reyson so he can vigor Haar after he moves up. Haar lols Izuka


4-E-1 - 2/158 turns
BEXP'd Kurth a lot and he killed generals and everyone else WENT UP

4-E-2 - 1/159 turns
hammer, wishblade, etc.

4-E-3 - 1/160 turns
wyrmslayer, kill dheg, etc.

4-E-4 - 1/161 turns
let's kill seph gais

4-E-5 - 2/163 turns

I lost by a turn, technically. :P

Edited by CR-S01
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For some reason, I thought your TC was 162 Quint! It was 166.

Yes, but it was because I recruited lesbi and thought 1-5 was defend chapter. Hence why I challenge both of you to beat my max tc ^^

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