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[FE11] Person-Promo SOYO Draft #2


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It would be a mistake to give you any more early game units! Gordin is already OP!

Take Horseman!Zaggaro instead, he's a chump!

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[spoiler=DON'T LOOK BREEZY although actually I won't care if you do]

Class, so here are my next two picks.

Mage!Sheeda so she can fulfill all of her dreams or something stoopid like that

If not her, then uh...

Archer!Abel. For the alliteration.

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I shall be a very nice persona and give whomever is after me Cain. But sadly he benched his horse for a cool class: Archer. It's Irony!

Edited by Atticus Finch
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And, starting!

Chapter 1 - 8/8

The cavs hand off their stuff to Shiida and Jagen runs to the fort with his Silver. Marth, Shiida and Gordin play cleanup, while Jagen draws the ire of a few more enemies. Thanks to Gordin's chip, Jagen is able to get through without taking too much damage. Being able to freely spam the Wing Spear is great fun. Jagen got to the boss on turn 6, parked himself and crit. I jumped with joy, until I realized that Marth was one space too short to reach.

On the level up side of things, this chapter was a little worse. Gordin got HP skill, Marth got HP luck and... res? Okay. Shiida however proved to be the ultimate troll and got strength. Whatever.

MARTH	LORD	2.00	19  5  0  3  7  8  7  1 SW - D
JAGEN	PALLY	1.70	22  7  1 10  8  1  9  6 SW - D, LA - B
SHIIDA	PEG	2.30	17  5  1  7 13  9  7  6 LA - D
GORDIN	ARCHER	2.40	19  5  0  4  4  4  6  0 BW - D

Chapter 2 - 5/13

Everyone ran left, except for Doga and Cord who held the back. Pretty much everybody undrafted died, including a freshly recruited Castor, as bait to allow Marth to slip through. Only the Altean green haired knights survived. I got Jagen, Shiida and Barst all to reach the boss, and Jagen had 3 attempts to hit the guy. 2x Silver Lance and Wing Spear took him down, with the Steel Axe and one of the Silvers missing. Gordin did like, nothing. So did Marth, really.

MARTH	LORD	2.10	19  5  0  3  7  8  7  1 SW - D
JAGEN	PALLY	2.23	23  7  1 10  8  1  9  6 SW - D, LA - B
SHIIDA	PEG	3.27	17  5  1  8 14 10  7  6 LA - D
GORDIN	ARCHER	2.80	19  5  0  4  4  4  6  0 BW - D
BARST	FIGHTER	3.70	24 10  0  6  9  5  6  0 AX - D


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Chapter 3 - 6/19

Marth grabs the Devil Axe, while everyone else troops further left. He passes it to Barst (just like a good commander would, looking out for his troops and all that) and thanks to spawn positions everyone, even Gordin, could get close enough to help. Barst got a really lame level on the way to the boss. Jagen lured the Fighters around the boss, and Shiida and Barst killed. Jagen parked in front of bossman with his trusty Steel Sword, and chipped a little. Shiida Wing Speared him and Barst pulled off a Devil Axe finish with a less disappointing level.

Let's see reclass stats, bear in mind that Shiida can't right now. There can only be one mediocre mage.

MARTH	LORD	2.40	19  5  0  3  7  8  7  1 SW - D
JAGEN	PALLY	2.59	23  7  1 10  8  1  9  6 SW - D, LA - B
SHIIDA	PEG	4.28	17  5  1  9 15 10  7  6 LA - D
GORDIN	MAGE	3.20	20  0  3  2  3  4  2  3 TM - E
BARST	HUNT	5.00	24 12  0 10  8  7  6  0 BW - D

Hopefully Gordin's forge will save him!

Chapter 4 - 7/26

Forged a Fire Tome, named Scorch.

Ran everyone left, Jagen propped on the fort with his Steel Sword and people picked up the kills. Marth continued to be useless, but recruited Merric who was fairly helpful with Excalibur. Lena recruited Matthis and the two of them died baiting out the Horsemen. Barst was a bro and ORKOed Archers, while Shiida could take the Horsemen with no worries. She also whacked the boss, while others fought the Fighters that caught up for the sake of self-improvement. Levels were mostly mediocre.

Goodbye Wing Spear - you shall be missed.

MARTH	LORD	2.50	19  5  0  3  7  8  7  1 SW - D
JAGEN	PALLY	3.08	23  7  1 10  9  2  9  6 SW - D, LA - B
SHIIDA	MAGE	6.02	18  1  2  7 12 12  4  3 TM - E
GORDIN	MAGE	4.94	20  1  3  2  4  5  2  3 TM - E
BARST	HUNT	5.83	24 12  0 12  8  7  6  0 BW - E
MERRIC	CAV	2.50	23  5  0  4  9  4  9  0 SW - E, LA - E

Next time, harder chapters?

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Chapter 1- 6/6 turns

This one wasn't too bad, I have my bro team to thank for that. Gordin's chip was clutch, Jeigan Silver Lanced basically everything (this may have repercussions later but I DUN GIVE A FUCK), and Cain had good combat on a horse. I did skip the 10k village and Jeigan got the boss kill, but hey, sacrifices.

Unit     Class           Level       HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth    Lord            02.10       19 06 00 03 08 08 08 00  D Swords
Jeigan   Paladin         01.63       22 07 01 10 08 01 09 06  B Lances D Swords
Cain     Cavalier        01.91       20 07 00 05 06 03 07 00  D Swords E Lances
Gordin   Archer          01.80       18 05 00 03 04 04 06 00  D Bows

Then I ragequit because Marth was 1 space from seizing the throne in Chapter 2, stupid Fire Emblem and its inconsistent throne penalties.

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Chapter 2- 5/11 turns

Had Marth wait on the nearby fort on turn 1 so that I could get Darros, then Jeigan, Cain, and him rushed ahead, with some backup from the archers and Darros, of course.

Also Jeigan had to get the boss kill again but it was worth it.


Unit     Class           Level       HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth    Lord            02.20       19 06 00 03 08 08 08 00  D Swords
Jeigan   Paladin         02.22       23 08 01 10 09 02 10 06  B Lances D Swords
Cain     Cavalier        02.83       21 07 00 05 07 03 08 00  D Swords E Lances
Gordin   Archer          02.60       19 05 00 03 04 05 07 00  D Bows
Darros   Pirate          04.00       22 07 00 02 07 03 06 00  D Axes
Castor   Hunter          03.50       21 07 00 03 06 03 04 00  D Bows

Chapter 3- 6/17 turns

Well, this one wasn't as bad after the whole ordeal trying to 5 turn it. Basically everyone (even the undrafteds), rushed right (recruited Navarre on the last turn), and Jeigan and Cain took front with everyone else chipping or being Marth, who did like, nothing. Jeigan also critblick the boss which was unnecessary but very nice.

Unit     Class           Level       HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth    Lord            02.70       19 06 00 03 08 08 08 00  D Swords
Jeigan   Dracoknight     02.64       21 09 01 10 09 02 12 03  B Lances E Axes
Cain     Archer          03.93       20 08 00 06 06 03 07 00  E Bows
Gordin   Myrmidon        03.00       19 03 00 10 11 05 06 00  E Swords
Darros   Knight          04.57       22 08 00 03 01 03 13 00  E Lances
Castor   Fighter         04.30       23 07 00 01 07 03 05 00  E Axes

Man, my team blows. Except Jeigan.

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