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So much like my world famous PS3 topic from a few months ago, I should be getting a 3DS soon. What should I be looking for in terms of good games?

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Fire Emblem: Awakening

Kid Icarus: Uprising

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Fire Emblem: Awakening

Starfox 64 3D

Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance

New Super Mario Bros. 2

Fire Emblem: Awakening

Tales of the Abyss 3D

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Fire Emblem: Awakening

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon

Kid Icarus: Uprising

New Super Mario Bros. 2

I've also enjoyed Theatrhythm and Crashmo, but those might be a bit more specialized. Crashmo is cheap, though.

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Fire Emblem Awakening

Kid Icarus


Oot 3D

Kid Icarus especially. Really surprised me. Once you get used to the controls and somehow treated your arthritis, the game is extremely well done and addictive.

Also I think I need to mention the newest Fire Emblem. It's pretty good. That's an understatement.

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Fire Emblem: Awakening

Kid Icarus: Uprising

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Fire Emblem: Awakening

Starfox 64 3D

Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance

New Super Mario Bros. 2

Fire Emblem: Awakening

Tales of the Abyss 3D

Not enough Awakening

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What the hell is Fire Emblem Awakening? Can't say I'd ever be interested in that garbage.

if you don't know what it is how do you know it's "garbage"?

But seriously aside from FE13 the other main game I'd have to give props to is Kid Icarus: it's a serious gem and it's not just a remake/port/whatever of some old game put into 3D graphics, it's an actual new game with IMO plenty of replayability and both great single and multi-player--the rest of the games I mentioned are either remakes or are lacking in replayability/general content (NSMB2 still feels largely like a rehash and the 3D was... terrible, IMO, so AFAIC it may as well be just like New Super Mario Bros., but the silly sequel >_>')

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-Kid Icarus: Uprising

This game can't be recommend enough. Singleplayer and Multiplayer are equally great.

Though, I do have three grieves.

Each stage has a flight section and a ground section. The flight section is a very bare bone rail shooter segment and gets old way faster then the ground segments. It becomes a bit of a pain to go through it every time you want to do anything but Boss Rush.

The ground segments are as good as it gets, though.

And handling the massive weapons in the game, is a bit of a pain. There is no way to sort them after properties, so it can take ages going through them to find weapons you can fuse. There also is no way to separate fusion trash from weapons you actually want to use.

Also, if you end the stage prematurely, you loose all the hearts you invested to raise the difficulty and the ones you earned during the stage. And the stages can drag on. A combination that I find rather troublesome for an handheld game.

-Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance

The combat is just great, the dreameaters are the most formidable grunts in the series so far and the most bosses are amazing. And Flowmotion has to be the best game mechanic ever. The drop mechanic is pretty controversial, though.

And some bosses' strategy merely revolves around running away and waiting for your drop gauge to empty.

Also, the game is very hard, by the series usual standards.

-Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D

There are other versions of the game available. But it's probably the version that plays the best, thanks to the addition of crouching. Definitely worth considering.

Also, if you are on of those unlucky Europeans who didn't get the PS2 version, you might want to try out "Tales of the Abyss". It's just that it doesn't have much to show over the PS2 version besides heavily improved loading times.

Also, they removed co-op multiplayer.

And Starfox 64 3D and Ocarina of Time 3D are little more then the original games with improved graphics and framerate. Which should definitely be noted, given hat the originals can both be gotten for 1000 points in the E-Shop.

The only notable change is that Starfox 64 3D has a mission select now.

I just wish that the game wouldn't constantly pester you about the Gyro controls. It's like if this website would randomly ask you if you want to use a different theme before you can do anything else.

And you always have to click yourself through several windows of explanation before you can finally proceed. Seriously, what kind of game does that?

Edited by BrightBow
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Metal Gear Solid 3D, if you haven't already played MGS3 on the PS2/PS3/Xbox/Xbox 360. If you aren't familiar with Metal Gear at all, it's a very deep, character and plot driven stealth/shooter. If you haven't played Metal Gear before, this'll get you hooked, and it's the first game chronologically so don't worry.

Everyone will say Ocarina, everyone has played Ocarina, I'm not gonna repeat what has been said 1000 times.

Star Fox 64 3D, if not for the game itself, the epic quotes will do. "Do a barrel roll!" and "Can't let you do that, Star Fox!"

I actually enjoyed Mario 3D Land

Also, there are a couple things on the E-Shop:

Zelda: Link's Awakening has become my favourite 2D Zelda, on the Virtual Console

Gunman Clive, really cheap, short, but quite addictive Side-Scroller Shooter/Platformer

The original Zelda on NES, it's probably the only game on the NES I've sit through more than an hour

And although it isn't a game, Pokedex 3D Pro provides hours of entertainment.

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Etrian Odyssey IV. It has casual mode so while the normal game is hard, casual means you can play through to the end if you ever get stuck. However, mapping the dungeons is a lot of fun, and the art and music is 1000% pure awesome too.

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I'd add Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask to the list! Layton games are pretty fun xD

There's also Virtue's Last Reward (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_Escape:_Virtue's_Last_Reward), a sort of sequel to 999 (Another good game for the DS!) I really recommend it.

Edited by pinkbubblegum
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You can try Monster Hunter 3 Ulitmate however, its best if you have a friend to play it with since its a co-op game

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Aside from the obvious vote for Fire Emblem,

  • Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan gets my highest recommendation as an RPG. It's the easiest game in the series, but it's by far the cleanest to get into and you've got a lot of freedom.
  • Go buy 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors for the DS, play the hell out of that, and then hunt down Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward. One of the greatest gaming experiences I've had in a long time, but the first game is basically a requirement if you want feels in the last part of the game.
  • Professor Layton in the Miracle Mask is the fifth game in the series, but it's actually probably the easiest one to get into. Sure, the plot's insane - all Layton plots are - but the feels are there, and this one manages to not be depressing! Also, there are over 500 puzzles if you connect to Wi-Fi, so that's nice. Also, in terms of Layton games, Unwound Future (3) > Miracle Mask (5) > Diabolical Box (2) > Curious Village (1) > Last Specter (4), but Last Specter's good for backstory and Unwound Future needs to be played last if possible.

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I'll probably get Awakening (whatever that shitty game is) and Kid Icarus for right now, maybe get suckered into something else a week or two later. Anyone here play it and Sin and Punishment? Does it overlap in gameplay with Kid Icarus as much as it looks like? I want me some fucking Sin and Punishment.

edit: Wait I forgot about VLR FUUUUUUUUUUUCK

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Well, Sin and Punishment is a rail shooter, just like the flying stages in Kid Icarus.

But each level in Kid Icarus Uprising has a flying part and a ground part. The ground part is an entire different animal. You have full control over your character on the ground parts. These parts are also a lot longer and it's usually where the bosses are fought.

Personally I would prefer if you could simply skip the flying parts in Kid Icarus. Like I said above, they get boring quickly. While Kid Icarus: Uprising might be the superior game overall, Sin and Punishment is a LOT better at this kind of thing.

Also, Kid Icarus has a wide variety of weapons with randomly applied attributes while your abilities in Sin & Punishment are set. You have 2 characters with different abilities and that's it.

Which I personally prefer this way. In Kid Icarus, I spent way too much time in the weapon fusion screen. So many weapons but it's just so hard to fuse one that's actually usable.

And as I said above, you can't separate these hard earned quality weapons from all the trash that you only keep around because they might have useful modificators for later fusions. And given how much work it takes to get such a weapon, that's really annoying.

Not too mention, that the randomly applied modificators make it difficult to judge how good a weapon type actually is.

I can definitely give a strong recommendation for "Sin And Punishment: Sucessor of the Sky" (or "Star Sucessor" for the US I think) for the Wii. Great action and great boss battles.

And the controls are just perfect. Treasure really made the best possible use of the Wiimote and Nunchuck. Don't expect them to be anywhere near as good when playing the original N64 game. Available for 1200 points on the Wii E-Shop, btw.

It's also surprisingly long for a rail shooter.

Unfortunately, co-op is very limited. A second player only gets a second crosshair for continuous fire. He doesn't get his own character and can't use charge shots or reflect projectiles in any way.

If you get it, one word of advice though: Play on easy.

I played through the original game on the Virtual Console on Normal, so I thought I could handle that difficulty level on the Wii game. I was badly mistaken.

And given that the Wii game has perfect controls and unlimited continues, that's saying something.

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I would play that but alas, I no longer have a Wii :(

I played the first game though and it was fantastic. It's a fucking crime that nobody bought the sequel, and we'll never see that series again :((((((((

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I'd listen to anyone that said Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon! Especially if you're a Luigi fan. This game is totally amazing and way better than the first one on GC!

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I would definitely call myself a Luigi fan, all my friends are too. The fights over getting him in our Mario Party 3 online games is a bloodsport in itself.

Speaking of Luigi's Mansion, according to this, if I buy that along with the 3DS XL, I can get a free game. Should I do this/what should I get?

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Everything except FreakyForms is a good option.

Though only get Starfox if you don't have the original game, or if the original isn't enough, and some lessons in Art Academy are paid DLC.

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Oh right forgot about this topic, I ended up getting Fire Emblem, Kingdom Hearts and Resident Evil: Revalations. Mindset being the latter two are both 20 bucks, so I could get more for the same price. Other stuff'll come later. Thanks for all the suggestions duders, you're all very sexy and I want to get in bed with you all.

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