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What other characters would you like to have in Spotpass?


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Fire emblem 4 gen 1:




Gen 2


They should have replaced Lakche with him since she's already very similar to her mommy.

Fire emblem 6


That way this game would have at least one character that looks old. She's also pretty funny In my opinion.

I'm mostly fine with the spotpass characters besides these guys, but I did think they went a little overboard with the swordmasters, especially in fe9. I can understand Lucia since she had some importance, but I don't see why both Mia and Zihark made it in together instead of just one of the two.

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I'm mostly fine with the spotpass characters besides these guys, but I did think they went a little overboard with the swordmasters, especially in fe9. I can understand Lucia since she had some importance, but I don't see why both Mia and Zihark made it in together instead of just one of the two.

I'm pretty sure that it's something to do with the character's popularity in Japan, rather than plot importance.

After all, Oliver managed to make it in...

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manly characters instead of girly men and overkill Sword users.

I'm pretty sure that if Stefan was available, he would be included in those "overkill Sword users" you mentioned...

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I always thought Elice would be a good candidate, I mean, she's Marth's sister. Sure Anna is the (unnoficial) mascot, but Marth is the FE character everybody knows, and she was playable, so... What made all the others such better choices? Seriously... Norne over Jagen and Elice?And is it El-ees or El-iss?

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[Pent's] absence is almost as confusing as Eliwood and Hector not being DLC.

Some more people I'd like to see include,

Jagen (I would love to have him solo the final boss with a log)


Dieck (mostly because I would like a localized name for the guy)



Just so you know, Dieck does have a localized name, sort of; Super Smash Bros. Brawl calls him Deke. (He's a sticker)

Anyway, some SpotPass people I'd've liked to see, hmm...

Cain, Abel and Jagen, definitely. Perhaps Gordin and Draug as well. They're just so iconic, although I can accept axing a few of them so that the character inclusion is more widely spread. That none of them are present, though, is confusing. I suspect it has to do with their lack of revamped artwork.

I'd also have liked it if they had either A: Had separate SpotPass teams for Mystery and New Mystery or B: included more characters from FE3 in its SpotPass team instead of making it basically an FE12 SpotPass team. The New Mystery team could have the added characters from FE11 minus Nagi, and then Katarina, Legion and both genders of Kris could fill the remaining spots. Or keep Nagi and replace the Krisses with Eremiah. This way the FE3 team could focus on FE3 without needing to omit the characters added in the DS remakes.

It would've been kinda awesome and kinda hilarious if after all this time poor unused Sabre finally showed up as Shadow Dragon SpotPass. Not that it'd be remotely likely or plausible or meaningful or anything of the kind, I'd just find it awesomely hilarious and use him every playthrough.

I'm adding my vote to the SpotPass Pent count. Canas, Lucius or Erk would've been nice, too. To be honest, I don't really understand why Karel's there at all. He's not particularly memorable and you can play through FE7 entirely without even knowing he exists. I would've put someone more memorable there, personally; like Guy! He's Western players' Navarre/Nabarl.

Jenny for the Gaiden team because she's adorable.

Fae for the Binding Blade team because of the aforementioned reason and because SpotPass!Tiki clearly shows IS has no problems giving additional Manaketes through the Bonus Box. Also either Gonzales or Geese, because then we could have a character with Barbarian as their base class. Also Gonzales doesn't get enough love.

Teeta/Tita from Gaiden because of her importance through her connection to Camus.

Sacred Stones team, I would've slipped in Tana somewhere, although having L'Arachel as a War Cleric redeems that team forever already.

Why the hell is Greil not in the PoR team. I also probably would've switched some things around, putting Nephenee in the Radiance team and devoting the Radiant Dawn team to new characters made for/newly-recruitable in that game.

I can't really comment on the Jugdrali teams as I haven't played very much into their games, (Haven't even cleared the prologue in either) so I'll just say that their choice of characters is alright.


Intelligent Systems has put so many condition checks for the children. They couldn't put a check on the "Dance" command to see if the unit they're dancing for is another refresh unit?

...Though I suppose that there's no generic dancer model for battle does kind of justify the omission.

Ninian wouldn't be caught dead wearing something as revealing as Olivia's outfit.

She'd look adorable in it, though.

...Olivia's outfit is cute okay?

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What made all the others such better choices? Seriously... Norne over Jagen and Elice?

I believe it's something to do with Norne having official art, whilst Jagen and Elice (and most FE1/FE3 characters that aren't DS remake exclusive) don't.

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I would have liked to see Idun in this game, but I have doubts as to whether she would have been included as either a Manakete or a Sorcerer. (Probably wouldn't stop me from making her a Swordmaster.)

I would have also liked to see the likes of Ninian and Nils present. But considering no other dancer appeared... They could have made it like with Xane when he's mimicing Feena in FE12, but who knows if I.S. would have done that. I suppose placing them in another class would help, but even that raises questions if you ask me.

As far as anyone else I would have liked to see goes, I would have liked to see Lex, Holyn, Beowulf, Tiltyu, Azel, Fury, Midir, Shanan, Oifey, Dulmud, Lynn, Fae, Gonzales, Geitz, Raven, Priscilla, Lucius, Dart, Fiora, Joshua, Marcia, and Jill present.

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I believe it's something to do with Norne having official art, whilst Jagen and Elice (and most FE1/FE3 characters that aren't DS remake exclusive) don't.

Well that's some bull crap. Also lack of Joshua in SS. Seriously who thought it was a good idea to put Marsia in instead of Joshua?

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Archanea: Tomas and Lena. 'Nuff said. Maria, too.

Valencia: I need to play FE2 first, bleh. But I guess Python and Leo because archers, Dute because she looks cute, and Silk because why not.

Jugdral Gen I: Where the heck is Fury. And Briggid, for that matter.

Jugdral Gen II: Patty and Faval. That's all.

Jugdral FE5: Ronan, Lifis, Homeros, Machua, and Eyrios.

Elibe FE6: Tate :Tate:

Elibe FE7: Priscilla, Wil, Fiora, Heath, and Sain.

Magvel: Vanessa, Colm, Ross, and Neimi.

Tellius FE9: Marcia and Boyd. 'Nuff said.

Tellius FE10: Uh...I dunno.

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FE 7: Ninian, Nils, Uther, Louise, Pent, Athos, Brammimond, Roland, Rath, Guy, Vaida, Heath, Legault....

FE8: Seth, Joshua, Knoll, Lute, Artur, Vanessa, Syrene, Cormag

FE12: Kris. Both male and female, even if they were default appearances. I wanted Kris (team them up with Katarina and King Marth...). Mildly disappointed at the lack of Rody and Luke to...

Actualy FE13 characters: Grima.

I really really wanted to recruit Grima. Paticularly since in my main file I married Chrom and then I had to wonder about something: Remove 'Grima' and that Avatar is still technically there. What kind of mental state must that person be in if you remove Grima's influence? I think it would be really cool to add this kind of character to show more of Grima's power, personality, and backstory while adding more detail to your alternate self as well. (it'd be a nightmare, I know, but I would personally love it).

That Valkrie from the Valm arc (I tend to forget enemy unit's names). She had an awsome design and I really wanted her.

I wish we could have recruited Phila in some way as well.....

Epic 'Stach as well. General 'Stach is made of utter win and should have not only been recruitable but also became a marriage candidate.

Validar. There is a lot we still dont know about the Avatar, about Grima, about the Grimleal. So I really wished we had an ACTUAL Grimleal to recruit. I vote Validar! (Papa-Child bonding, dammit!)

I am so beyond weird.....

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-Lyon. Arguably my favorite male character from the whole series, I was really crushed when he was only saveable in the creature campaign. But now I can pretend I saved him the whole time.

Aw man I know what you mean! I was so happy when I saw him in the Spotpass roster + DLC maps. Super glad that they included him ; u ;

To be honest, a-all I want is Mahnya from FE4.

[spoiler=FE13 Phila Spoiler]I was... surprised when they killed her off. And the manner they did it felt so reminiscent of how Mahnya died too! Being a Pegasus Knight captain is suffering orz

Back when I was unaware of the SpotPass map schedule, I was kind of expecting them to include her...

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Jill and Nolan

I found the lack of Jill a bit... puzzling.

Given the amount of attention they gave her, I would have figured that the developers would have considered her important and stuff.

In Nolan's case, it's just awkward that the Radiant Dawn group has Edward and Leonardo... but not the actual leader of their group.

In fact, he is the only member of the Dawn Brigade, who is not represented.

Oh well, unless confirmed otherwise, I am going to assume that he only doesn't appear because the My Unit model can't have a beard, let alone "the" beard.

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In Nolan's case, it's just awkward that the Radiant Dawn group has Edward and Leonardo... but not the actual leader of their group.

You do know that Micaiah is the leader of the Dawn Brigade, right?


Oh well, unless confirmed otherwise, I am going to assume that he only doesn't appear because the My Unit model can't have a beard, let alone "the" beard.

Nergal has a beard, and he's available for Spotpass.

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You do know that Micaiah is the leader of the Dawn Brigade, right?

Where did you get that from?

Edit: Was Micaiah ever stated to took the leadership from Nolan or simply being the leader?

Edit2: Personally I doubt it. I just went through the script of chapter 1 again and Nolan acts pretty leader-ish there.

Edit3: And the World Map narration says that Micaiah is a girl "among the company" of the Dawn Brigade. It says nothing about her being leader.

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Every playable character of both gen (you can't have a non-sub character being left out when Arden has a ticket), but honorable mention to Lex, Azel, Fury (she's the only one of the family being left out... isn't it sad Sacchin Fury? And she made it 5th on the popularity contest), Tiltyu, Shannan, Oifaye, Tinny and Patty.


Galzus, Linoan (was kinda astonished that she wasn't a spotpass) and Sara


Clarine, Klein, Douglas, Tate


Raven, Priscilla, Ninian, Canas


Tana and Joshua (same as Lino)


None, but I would gave FE10 arts to some of the already present spotpass

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-Lyon. Arguably my favorite male character from the whole series, I was really crushed when he was only saveable in the creature campaign. But now I can pretend I saved him the whole time.

Yay! Another Lyon fan! I NEVER find any Lyon fans!

And they didn't put in Joshua, but they put in Moulder?! I really don't know what went through the minds of IS, but it clearly wasn't fanbase (I refuse to believe Japanese fans would vote Moulder over Joshua) or official art (Joshua has a pretty awesome official portrait). Seriously, who decided all this???

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They have Moulder? Does he have a beard on his model in some fashion?

No, really. I would find it to be wired of a character with such an imposing beard looses it to the limitations of the Avatar creation.

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