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Pairing Priority: Olivia > Sumia


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I know you're saying that a guide said that so I'm not directly stating it at you, but that doesn't work even on Classic Mode.

Oh wow. I officially surrender and admit to being very, very wrong.

'Course the time I actually think I have helpful info I'm blown out of the water in ten minutes. Thanks IGN.

I'm going to test this out myself when I have 5-6 hours to kill to see what I get and shared it with you all.

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"Well, so the cap thing is made clear. Variable cap comes to mind, though I don't think that's the case."

I actually think its a variable cap

Heres with same data as above

Originally, the purpose of this testing was to test if the ammount of enemies in Chapter 11 is just that huge

Sumia - 2 Leonardo, 1 Brom, 1 Skirmish, 1 Nephenee

Olivia - Solo chapter 11


Even without any cap, the amount of support points you can get in one chapter/skirmish is limited (I think so, because you can't go from B to A in just one battle, no matter that you do). So in your example, Sumia will definitely have equal or more support points than Olivia, unless Olivia's support point is higher due to the cap, or the game gives her priority in case of capped support points.

Personally, I'd say it's more likely that the game makes special exception for Olivia.

But like shadowofchaos said, you can never be sure unless you can somehow decipher the 3DS games, by either seeing ROM images or reading 3DS's memory. IIRC, we don't even know what filesystem is the 3DS card using, let alone unpacking the ROM images and trying to figure out 3DS's language (I get the feeling that it's not the same as DSi's). Hijacking the 3DS hardware's RAM seems more practical, but I don't think anyone has done that before.

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Even without any cap, the amount of support points you can get in one chapter/skirmish is limited (I think so, because you can't go from B to A in just one battle, no matter that you do).

Yes... yes you can.

That's exactly what I did to get all the Female CGs.

Spam Bond Seeds and Event Tiles in the Summer of Bonds DLC.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Yes... yes you can.

That's exactly what I did to get all the Female CGs.

Spam Bond Seeds and Event Tiles in the Summer of Bonds DLC.

Which makes me want the bonds DLC even more than ever. Yahoo!!

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Imma paraphrase some result from GFaqs, if this helped:

"Bonds Seed did not increase support points. It increased the amount of "Maps being together". To acquire a support rank, you need to fulfill the Map condition with a sufficient support points.

Even Tiles and Barracks increased the Map counts, and give an unknown amount of support points"

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"Bonds Seed did not increase support points. It increased the amount of "Maps being together". To acquire a support rank, you need to fulfill the Map condition with a sufficient support points.

...I'm not too sure about that.

Blocking off an exit in Gold and Silver (The Golden Gaffe) and spamming a zero support couple up from C to B, B to A, and A to S in one map each respectively for me by spamming Bond Seeds.

Maybe I should go record that when I have time.

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...I'm not too sure about that.

Blocking off an exit in Gold and Silver (The Golden Gaffe) and spamming a zero support couple up from C to B, B to A, and A to S in one map each respectively for me by spamming Bond Seeds.

Maybe I should go record that when I have time.

You'll have to block more than one exit off, I think, as enemies will try to leave through other exits if the one they're trying to leave from is blocked.

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I've always been under the (unproven) impression that each Bond Seed raises support points by whatever 5 battles give. That came from me trying to get parent-child rank A conversations: 1 StreetPass battle and 4 seeds won't raise from B to A, 2 battles and 3 seeds would, and in the 2nd battle the option use a 4th seed won't be greyed out even when 9 units are taken out

(Come on, IS, give us a complete guide already. Give us everything from growths to hidden calculations!)

Yes... yes you can.

That's exactly what I did to get all the Female CGs.

Spam Bond Seeds and Event Tiles in the Summer of Bonds DLC.

...Oh. I suppose I'll just test it prompto.

...You're right. Raising from a fresh A to S took me one StreetPass battle and 5 seeds.

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...Oh. I suppose I'll just test it prompto.

...You're right. Raising from a fresh A to S took me one StreetPass battle and 5 seeds.

In essence, since we have a second confirmation, we can call "BS" on the Bond Seed statement from GameFAQs about them "increasing the amount of maps together".

I initially wanted to be more forward in my callout in the original post showing my doubts, but I didn't have the time to actually take a screenshot since I was going to leave for school in 5 minutes.

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Not sure how helpful this is, but: I usually grind supports on legacy character teams and getting the C support can take 1-2 battles, C-B takes 2, B-A takes 2-3, and applicable A-S supports take 2-3. Without event tiles nor bond seeds. Now, I've also tried grinding supports on LB3, with the 50 enemies; it takes the same amount of battles as the 10-man legacy teams. (And Chrom gets thrown on someone's griffon and avoids every possible enemy.) Ranged weapons all the time, so there aren't any extra "battles" in the 10-man teams.

Maybe I'm hitting all the quick supports? Because B-A takes the longest to get, and even then it's only 3 battles without event tiles/bond seeds. mellow.gif I'ma test a 3-battle-10-man B-A on LB3 to refresh my memory...

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Not sure how helpful this is, but: I usually grind supports on legacy character teams and getting the C support can take 1-2 battles, C-B takes 2, B-A takes 2-3, and applicable A-S supports take 2-3. Without event tiles nor bond seeds. Now, I've also tried grinding supports on LB3, with the 50 enemies; it takes the same amount of battles as the 10-man legacy teams. (And Chrom gets thrown on someone's griffon and avoids every possible enemy.) Ranged weapons all the time, so there aren't any extra "battles" in the 10-man teams.

Maybe I'm hitting all the quick supports? Because B-A takes the longest to get, and even then it's only 3 battles without event tiles/bond seeds. mellow.gif I'ma test a 3-battle-10-man B-A on LB3 to refresh my memory...

Yeah, that sounds about right for my game too. But... I don't know if my sister has some sort of magical shipping power or whatnot, but her Avatar is always married to Chrom by around chapter 6 or 7. She admits she glues them together but I also thought that was a little fast and early game doesn't give you much support grinding options.

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Yeah, that sounds about right for my game too. But... I don't know if my sister has some sort of magical shipping power or whatnot, but her Avatar is always married to Chrom by around chapter 6 or 7. She admits she glues them together but I also thought that was a little fast and early game doesn't give you much support grinding options.

AvatarxChrom at S-rank by Ch7-8 is completely reasonable. I married Chrom to Sully before the start of Ch6 (Paralogue 2), and obviously Avatar has an extra chapter + turn of support-building with Avatar compared to that.

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Yeah, that sounds about right for my game too. But... I don't know if my sister has some sort of magical shipping power or whatnot, but her Avatar is always married to Chrom by around chapter 6 or 7. She admits she glues them together but I also thought that was a little fast and early game doesn't give you much support grinding options.

It's damn easy if you have them paired up all the time from Prologue.

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I applaud your dedication to this cause. :)

Second that! It would be great to get this information and fix some of those support guides out there and I'm very glad you're doing this. laugh.gif

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Three separate posters simultaneously giving the same answer, with the same time stamp. Critical hit?

Critical hit indeed. As an aside, I generally get a support between Lissa and my Avatar ready when supports are available, though that might have something to do with her being the only Mag pair up for the first 2 chapters.

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Well. FeAvatar/Maribelle's B-A support took 3 maps. Three 10-man maps did it. Three 50-man maps did it (these had 50/51/50 'battles' in them because Finn miracle'd in the second run).

It amuses me greatly that you can get a support rank by fighting 150 people...or just 30 people.

That's that. I'll stop derailing the support priority issue now.

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Ok, I think I may clear this a bit (but just a bit), characters get support points when:

  • Fighting together (I'm not sure if they get more for being in Pair-Up mode) and attacking (dealing damage isn't necessary, since I had Kellam dealing 0 damage to an enemy general and Cordy not attacking and they still got hearts both attacking and defending). When being attacked and not countering my characters didn't get support points though.
  • Using Dual Guard (and maybe Dual Strike grants some bonus as well). Kellam and Stahl got hearts when one protected the other one using Dual Guard and not being able to counter.
  • Using Dance and staves on others.
  • Going to event tiles on Pair-Up or meeting in events at the barracks.

I know most of this is nothing new, but I think the activation of Dual Skills hasn´t been analyzed enough.

I also think that the more supports a character has, the harder it gets to get new ones, but this is my own impression only.

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