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I haven't seen many people complain about Panne, but my opinion of her changed when I read some of her supports. I get that she doesn't trust humans, but she's just acting like a complete jerk in most of her earlier supports.

I won't say that I like Riken, but so far I don't see why everyone hates the poor kid. From what I have seen he doesn't act all that annoying.

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Frederick: Hes a Jeigan. That automatically make him an unpopular character who is also extremely popular. And being a Jeigan fanboy(in other words a hipster) I must like him, and I did.

I rather liked his supports since he maintained his fatherly side, while also shows some weaknesses.

Also amongst the Jeigans, he reminded me of FE7 Marcus the most. I liked a lot "boring" characters and this is one of them

Also naked posters and Pick a God and pray

Stahl: He has pretty much the best MU support which is a plus, hes an all around likable dude, and well, he really has an all around good support convo in general. Also hes a Cavalier, nuff said.

Maybe his simmilarity with Lowen is one of the reason why i like him so much, but eh.... why not

Gregor: Frederick without his weakness.


Cordelia: Her introduction is cheap, even outside of the fact that its an exact copy of Fiora, and I did not like the whole "unrecruited love" gimmick.

I don;t know how I did not like a character who is extremely simmilar to Palla, but yeah

FeMu: Shitty Chrom suport, shitty Chrom support, shitty Chrom support, shitty Chrom support, and shitty Chrom support

Did i mention that her support convo with Chrom is Shit?

Sumia: Everytime I think about her, i always pretend that she is some sort of mini Frederick(from a lot of her supports) and the badass pegasus riding chick from chapter 3

Outside that, nope.

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I want to do 'Characters that gets hated but you liked and vice versa' topic so that I could say Cordelia since she gets pretty much hate but it's arguably the same thing with this topic and in here she's somewhat a popular character

That said, I think Basilio is a great character that's not really appreciated too. And Laurent is pretty great too(dat support with his father, especially if it's Lon'qu, Fred, or Libra, imagine one of them tickling Laurent lol)

blonde Laurent w/hat looks like Colress, too bad Laurent's hairstyle under the hat breaks my imagination. That said I still think Colress from him.

Edited by Pega-Pony Princess
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I pretty much like all the characters, even the hated ones and the unpopular ones.

But for the unpopular ones, I'll have to say Stahl.

Reason? He's SO cute and friendly!

And I think he deserves much more attension.

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Isn't it obvious? Walhart conquered the poll by force. The conqueror always get what he wants.

He rules the polls with an iron fist.

Screw Ideals and friends.

Lucina is my favorite character (But she's popular, so I cant say much that hasnt been said.)

I don't hate anyone in this game, but aside from characters like Ricken & Yarne who don't have much character aside from one detail (Ricken doesn't like being called a kid, and Yarne is afraid of death.) I share a little bit of those traits with them, but to them its more or less their character. I don't hate them, but they're a little annoying.

Oh yeah, and Laurent is the coolest. I dont care what anyone says.

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I'm not really sure why stalking is worse than child (and husband) abuse, but okay.

Ack, I forgot about that. I haven't had Tharja get married yet and only heard about what she does to her husband and daughter through SF. xP

But I do hate her for that too.

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Actually, fun fact, I believe Morgan's appearance is made from Build 2 Avatar elements. I could be wrong, though.

The hair and body, but not the eyes.

I love female Morgan and would totally love it if I could get her with female Avatar and have Avatar x Chrom and Lucina x Morgan (F) break the game as a happy family.

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I wanna jump on the Cherche-loving mini-bandwagon. She seems to be one of the characters that no one dislikes but not many people really like, but from the moment she came on screen she won me over. Even though she has kind of an odd class set she's a great flying tank, give her Renewal and eventually even mages won't be that problematic with her insane HP. And Gerome is one of the more interesting kids imo.

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Am I the only one who doesn't think Morgan (M) looks terribly derpish?

I think both Morgans look terribly derpish. Male with his eyes and female with her mouth, mainly. Their portraits should've matched their art more.

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Brady and Severa are my two favorite kids, and they seem to be either ignored or disliked.

I think Yen'fay is cool, despite his lack of development.

Lucina is rather bland, but i dont really dislike her.

Inigo is a jerk, but he gets punished for being one so its all good.

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I disliked Lissa when I first saw her, but then I played the game and she became a surprise favorite of mine. I didn't list her because I was under the impression she was popular, but if she isn't, well, there's another.

And the last few posts have reminded me that I entirely forgot Laurent was hated. He's like my favorite child character. :<

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The only character I really don't like AT ALL is Walmart. I still can't believe that ridiculous lobster ranked in the top 10. NA what is WRONG with you? D8; Walmart is just the most boring villain in any Fire Emblem game ever. Even Gangrel, Valider, and Grima were FAR more interesting than him. Filler villain much, mother of god. "OTL

Totally agree on Walhart. I'm not sure how the polls ended on Nintendo fb page, but I didn't like where it was going when I voted.. He looked awkward too.

I can't be the only one who thought Libra as an unpopular character(then again IDK if he's popular but seeing his rating on the polls...).

He really grows on me. He can be really depressing sometimes but other than that, he's a really nice person. And he's also religious. What's not to love in him?

Also, Virion. He's a funny yet sassy noble. And he has great quotes too.

I pretty much liked almost everyone in this game, and I don't have any least favorite or a character that I dislike, really.

EDIT: I dunno why FeMorgan gets more love, she just looks odd to me. Male Morgan > Female Morgan all the time IMO.

Am I the only one who doesn't think Morgan (M) looks terribly derpish?

Agreed. D: I dunno, but I like Morgan (M) more than the female one. I may not have used the female one, but she looks... well, from one picture I had seen, she looks VERY close to the male one. |:

Ack, I forgot about that. I haven't had Tharja get married yet and only heard about what she does to her husband and daughter through SF. xP

But I do hate her for that too.

I can't recall Tharja's treatment of her husband, but she always did experiments on poor Noire in the future... From the supports, it sounded far worse than how she is now.

Kinda similar to Miriel's support with her husband. Though I'm not sure if it's the same with the other males, cause I kinda just grinded her with another unmarried male (Kellam for my play) just so I can obtain all the children in one play lol. She married them so she can do a lifelong observation.

Laurent is an okay character. I guess I kinda like him better than his mother, perhaps in an S support (had him go with Kjelle so I don't know if it's too different with other girls -- might be, but can't be that varied).

Most characters fall on a neutral scale for me, but there are some that bug me. Sumia only bothers me when I hear about any 'canon' talk of her and Chrom. Sorry, but no thanks. I'd rather have him go with Olivia if not Avatar (F). Cynthia's also waaaay cuter than Sumia though.

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I both like and don't like Donnel, who could probably qualify for both.

And I don't like Tharja. Had I met a women like her in real life, I'd have gotten a restraining order.

I actually like Sumia. Why? The implied canon-ness of Sumia x Chrom, Chrom gives Cynthia Aether and some nice caps, and Lucina isn't half bad in comparison.

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Based on the facebook poll, Flavia and Basilio. Sully didn't score well there either but she seems fairly liked on SF so :B

Sully is probably unpopular with tumblr crowds. They hate tomboys for some stupid reason.

I actually like Nowi.

Me too.

Unpopular or Ignored Guys I Like A lot:

Stahl grew on me. I still think his personality is bland but his design and his performance (especially as a tanky Swordmaster) is always welcome on me team(s).

Miriel is awesome and i love her. She looks like me. (like...really does.) Plus her FOR SCIENCE! attitude is hilarious. Her supports with Lon'qu had me in stitches.

Brady is yes. He's funny and for some reason, always ends up a broken monster on my runs.

Frederick is pretty hilarious at times. So he gets +1 for personality. His performance is great early game but after a while.....

Kjelle is cool when shes not all "all men are weak baby men!"

Laurent is alright.

VIRION!! Seriously, this guy needs more love. Peeps either hate him because of his personality (and likely never saw a lot of his supports) or they hate him for his base class. :(: While his base class is meh, and his reclassing options are a little barebones, i adore this dude. Hes my favorite character in the game. Obviously. He does get like, nearly unfair amounts of favoritism from me, so thats why he winds up being gr9mazing on my runs. But yes. Virion <333333

Cherche is great. Her stats can be a coin toss but i love her so much. Her design is yes.

Maribelle. She comes off as really irritating until you see her supports. She really does care about the smallfolk despite turning up her nose at their "customs". Shes also a hella good unit (with a reclass).

Sumia gets a lot of hate. Her personality doesnt bother me at all. (Her stats do at times...)

Cynthia is awesome.

Why doesnt Libra have more love? I adore this dude.


Love me some Noire. She doesnt get a lot of fan love.

Popular Guys Im Not A Fan Of:

Walhart. I dont hate this guy, in fact, i kinda like him (he reminds me of Stannis from Game of Thrones mixed with some Genghis Khan) but im just not a fan of the guy for some reason. I dont use him.

Vaike has love. Not a huge amount but hes a fan favorite in some places. I dont really have an opinion on his personality but as a unit, im not a fan.

Lon'qu is an interesting case. His personality gets on my nerves a lot. But as a unit, im ok with him so he rarely if ever, gets benched.

Anna. Oh man, Anna. Ambivalence for her personality. As a unit, no thank you. No, no, no thank you.

Gangrel. Ehhh.

DLC Marth. Ehhh.

SEVERA holy crap. It may seem that shes really hated but i think she gets much more love than she should.

Cordelia doesnt get as much hate as people here think. She annoys me by being so goddamn boring.

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I have to admit I'm a fan of Miriel, as it seems she isn't very well liked! Her state of constant glasses-pushing and her awkwardness around people is rather adorable to me, actually. And plus, now, whenever I select her, I have to say:

'Why Thank you.'

Edited by Maria's Bro
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SEVERA holy crap. It may seem that shes really hated but i think she gets much more love than she should.

Cordelia doesnt get as much hate as people here think. She annoys me by being so goddamn boring.

Severa's pretty unpopular herself because people are annoyed by her outer self. I wouldn't say she gets a lot of love. Someone like Cordelia gets lots of love, although it's because most of them are her suitors.

Severa is an alright person when you get to know her.

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Sully is probably unpopular with tumblr crowds. They hate tomboys for some stupid reason.

the only thing ive seen is rage over the fact that while she's a tomboy she doesn't have pants ^q^ other than that doesnt tumblr normally love tomboys and stuff like that

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While I understand why people find Stahl boring, I think it's more of a case where "Sweet Naga this camp is full of quirky people where you can see those quirks written on their faces. Um... where's yours, pal?" He's just kinda unfortunate to have traits that are pretty understated compare to the rest of the cast and it takes work to start noticing them via supports. I personally find him refreshing and much easier to take in than some characters. It took forever to get used to Miriel's, then Owain's dialogue.

[spoiler=Future of Despair DLC]I've come across a translation from one of his parent-kid convos too. Let's just say the DLC can make his selflessness and lack of self-worth a really fricking sad thing, like with all of FoD's stuff.

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