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Limit Break is a terrible skill

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Virtually anything that reduces the number of viable skill combinations is a bad thing, because doing so reduces variety. Limit Break is so good that it's necessary for every character you intend to bring into The Strongest One's Name. Before LB, each character can have 5 different skills; after LB, each can only have 4 skills + LB. Instead of making a skill so good that every character needs it, Intelligent Systems should have not included it in the game. To counteract this, enemy stats in TSON should have been reduced by 10 each.

What does the inclusion of Limit Break achieve?

1) It reduces skill variety by effectively removing an entire skill slot.

2) It increases the amount of grinding that must be done.

3) It guarantees activation of Armsthrift, which could be done simply by increasing the Lck cap to 50.

4) It benefits units that don't have more than 4 decent skills, while punishing units with more than 4 decent skills. Andrew Ryan Ayn Rand would not approve.

Now everyone will have Limit Break, thus partially homogenizing all of your best characters. Yaaaaay...

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And why are you complaining about how it's pretty much only necessary on the Strongest One's Name?

Hell, if you're not going for the "Hidden Group" in that DLC Map, it's not really necessary at all.

That DLC was designed to be the finale, end all gamebreaking DBZ powerlevel battle.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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You could say the same about Galeforce, except that it's even worse since only a handful of characters can even learn it. Hell, you might as well complain about how almost all gen 1 characters are useless compared to the gen 2 ones.

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it's not like you need more than 2 skills anyway

vantage+vengeance is pretty much amazing unless you can't ko the person that is attacking you/they have vantage+

even then sol+armsthrift+forged aversa's night is all you need for maximum durability

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Virtually anything that reduces the number of viable skill combinations is a bad thing, because doing so reduces variety. Limit Break is so good that it's necessary for every character you intend to bring into The Strongest One's Name.

Maybe you should wait for it to release before you say that. The Strongest Ones Names regular path doesn't require it(Infact Luna, Astra and Vengeance can result in a higher damage output after EDS's reduction is taken into account).

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The only skill you should complain about is Galeforce. As it breaks the game making it too easy.

Edited by ポーラ
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You know, one doesn't have to use Limit Break if he doesn't want to. It's not like this game supports wi-fi battles where it would be really unfair to the opposing player if you used it. I'd use it anyway. OP characters wooo

Edited by Niflheim
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1) It reduces skill variety by effectively removing an entire skill slot.

Worst argument I've ever heard. Same could be said about any skill. Remove it and then you get a free slot! I would rather have +10 caps on everything than most other skills.

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I completly agree with the TC,

A skill that increase your damage with 10 per hit no thanks.

A skill that has the potential to go from being doubled to doubling, not for me.

A skill that increases skill activation (ignos, sol and luna by 10%) and double attacking (5% if both units have it), how lame.

A skill that let's you take 10 damage less per hit, how incredibly lame.

Clearly there are tons pf better skills out there, like faire skills.

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This is a lot of text to dedicate to something that's completely optional, and has no real competitive implications whatsoever. Since this is a single player game.

Well, I suppose technically there's Streetpass teams. I'm not sure what happens if somebody who lacks R&R3 comes upon your Limit Breaker team. I know the skill is genericized but I presume the increased caps remain. So there is that at least.

Personally, I think he's somewhat right. It's clearly and obviously the best skill in the entire game for anyone grinding stats to cap, and the >50 LCK cap is a bit gamebreaking with legendaries and Armsthrift. On the other hand if you're grinding stats to cap and abusing legendaries, you probably have a bunch of grinding DLC and Infinite Regalia, so who cares what you do to trivialize everything else because only the final DLC will provide any challenge.

And technically if you have not a single stat capped, Limit Breaker is the worst skill in the game, so there's that.

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Well, I suppose technically there's Streetpass teams. I'm not sure what happens if somebody who lacks R&R3 comes upon your Limit Breaker team. I know the skill is genericized but I presume the increased caps remain. So there is that at least.

Personally, I think he's somewhat right. It's clearly and obviously the best skill in the entire game for anyone grinding stats to cap, and the >50 LCK cap is a bit gamebreaking with legendaries and Armsthrift. On the other hand if you're grinding stats to cap and abusing legendaries, you probably have a bunch of grinding DLC and Infinite Regalia, so who cares what you do to trivialize everything else because only the final DLC will provide any challenge.

And technically if you have not a single stat capped, Limit Breaker is the worst skill in the game, so there's that.

Well, you gotta admit, if you want to have any real chance at clearing RaR3, you'd need units that are capped or near capped anyway.

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Well, you gotta admit, if you want to have any real chance at clearing RaR3, you'd need units that are capped or near capped anyway.

Who needs capped stats?

Breaker weapons and skills all the way.

I remember two breaker skills being enough, and then equip a bunch of Superior Swords to cover the Sword and Axe Department.

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Don't skills factor pair up bonuses for their activation rates? Limit Breaker isn't even necessary for infinite Armsthrift if they do - just a base Maribelle or osmethne and you're golden.

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Don't skills factor pair up bonuses for their activation rates? Limit Breaker isn't even necessary for infinite Armsthrift if they do - just a base Maribelle or osmethne and you're golden.

It's not necessary, no. However, there are some edge cases where it's useful (people with poor LCK caps, Pair Up partners who do not receive the bonuses themselves).

The critical thing is that the only character who cannot have perfect Armsthrift through Limit Breaker + Armsthrift alone is -2 LCK!Noire pairing with -LCK Avatar to produce a Morgan with a base LCK cap of 38. And even then she only needs a tonic or Pair Up or All Stats+2 to hit that limit with Limit Breaker. For basically anybody else, Limit Breaker + Armsthrift alone means you can party all night with a Helswath. That's fairly potent.

And there's several ways to short-circuit R&R3, to the point that you really only have to beat it once to put it on farm status.

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Who needs capped stats?

Breaker weapons and skills all the way.

I remember two breaker skills being enough, and then equip a bunch of Superior Swords to cover the Sword and Axe Department.

Plus even then there's Pair up and Rally skills which can boost certain stats from the mid/high 20's to above their stat caps for certain classes.

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4) It benefits units that don't have more than 4 decent skills, while punishing units with more than 4 decent skills. Andrew Ryan Ayn Rand would not approve.

>Ayn Rand


pick one.

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I'll make a multi-quote reply when I have access to a computer. For now, though, I'd just like to clarify to a couple of people that I find the skill to be so incredibly good that it's guaranteed a skill slot. Plus, while obviously more effective, increasing numbers is less exciting than changing the dynamics of gameplay. No other skill can simultaneously be learned by everyone that you'd want to keep on your maxed units. It's too good to pass up and makes otherwise different characters one skill closer to being functionally identical.

And now my phone's attacking me with Lagfaire and Aggressor. :(

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