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Warrior one panel above the door?

The tile below that dude are Warpable. I actually tried a 2 Turn of this chapter back in my hacked runs of H2 which involves warping a DK owner below the warrior, pass turn and doing Again shenanigans to recruit Sheema and Samson with a warped Marth

Need 2 1 Staff user, one with Warp capability, but I don't think a 1 Again, 2 Warp is efficient for the whole runthrough

If you have 3 2, I assume you can Warp -> DK, Warp Marth, Talk to Sheema -> Move Sheema, talk to Samson -> Again Marth?

I need to mention that this map is the map that taught me that Again is infinite range

I forgot that Dancers exist

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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I have some leftover staves without counting whatever the hell I do with them in 20x. So It's fine. If there's a suspect around, I'd say it's C18. Which requires me to:

Dance Marth with Feena, Rescue him back, Warp Caeda, kill boss with her, Warp Marth, Again. Just for a 1 turn saved. I think it's a good time to review my staff use. Gotta make sure I don't mess up.

Chapter 8: I currently have 3 rescue charges and 2 hammerne left. No staves used in the 3 turn.

Chapter 9: Dance Marth with Feena in Turn 2, visit village Turn 4, go back down, recruit lured Etzel in Turn 5 and dance Marth with Feena (Etzel is barely out of reach of her but close enough to be recruited in my strat) and rescue him. Thief obtained by Sirius and sent to convoy to use on the shard and boots. 2 rescue charges 2 hammerne and 3 Thief left.

Chapter 10:

Nothing here.

Chapter 10x:


Chapter 11:

Double rescue with Etzel for a 5 turn clear. 0 Rescues 2 Hammerne 3 Thief left.

Chapter 12:

Nothing needed. Boots Marth rush for a 5 turn.

Chapter 13:

4 turn, looked really hard into the map to see if any different movement would yield a 3 turn and it's a no.

Chapter 13x:

2 turn. Will look into the possibility of a 1 turn with a capped Falcoknight Catria (skips Iote but I wouldn't need it)

Chapter 14:

Obtain Warp, send to Convoy. Retrieve it and use it to warp Marth to Gotoh. Nosferatank the reinforcements or sacrifice unused units to them. Thief the Again staff. The second Warper will be traded the Warp staff, Marth will go down, be danced by Feena and Warp Marth to seize. This is the most complicated chapter >_>. The possibility of a 1 turn exists If I save a Rescue charge from the desert, but it yields the same result (1 turn saved). 5 Warp 2 Hammerne 2 Thief 3 Again left

Chapter 15:

Dance Caeda and Wing Spear the boss. Warp Marth. 4 Warp 2 hammerne 2 thief 3 Again left

Chapter 16:

Open Door with anyone, dance Geosphere killer and obtain the sphere. Thief the Rescue staff with someone. Warp Marth, KO boss and Again for the seize. 5 Rescue 3 Warp 2 Hammerne 1 Thief 2 Again left.

Chapter 16x:

Nothing, a 1 turn. Don't need Katarina either.

Chapter 17:

A Warrior blocks the door, so I can't dance a rescuer and open it with a mount. So that only leaves:

Warp a Door Key user. Warp Marth, recruit or kill Sheema and Again him. Hammerne the Warp here.

5 Rescue 7 Warp 1 Hammerne 1 Thief 1 Again left

Chapter 18:

Dance Marth to the village, obtain Lifesphere. Rescue him back, Warp Caeda and him. Kill boss and Again Marth.

4 Rescue 5 Warp 1 Hammerne 1 Thief 0 Again left

A second alternative exists, which Im considering too:

Rescue Marth to the village, obtain Lifesphere. Do a massive rescue trade chain, Rescue with another staff user. Dance him. Warp him and Caeda. Saves 1 Again over a Rescue.

3 Rescue 5 Warp 1 Hammerne 1 Thief 1 Again left

Let's go with the second alternative for the rest, to have a number:

Chapter 19


I need confirmation that terrain in the boss area is a castle or a wall. If it's wall, then warp is needed or a really strong Hand Axe forge or crits. If it's not, then I will do this strat:

Dance Caeda with Feena in a spot of the map that gives her just exact move to reach and Wing Spear the boss. Warp Marth.

If it's a wall:

A flier can reach from the northern most tile and 2 range. A danced Flier can also 2 range him from another tile. Might need a crit or a stronger 1-2 range forge. There's also Starsphere and Lightsphere to help out. Warp Marth after killing boss. Either way it's only 1 warp. If killing him outright fails, then I might have have a strong Javelin forge, A lances Palla with capped str kill one of the generals blocking him and 1 range him that way with Caeda.

3 Rescue 4 Warp 1 Hammerne 1 Thief 1 Again left

Chapter 20:

Warp Marth with Geosphere. Warp Parthia Starsphere Horseman Ryan and double crit Hardin with 43% crit (thanks to oneway A support with Marth and Geosphere). Thief staff the Again and seize.

3 Rescue 2 Warp 1 Hammerne 0 Thief 4 Again left

Chapter 20x:

Just 3 horsemans alone and a dance from Marth is enough to 3 turn. Might figure out a 2 turn somehow with some staff usage. For now, 0 staves assumed here.

3 Rescue 2 Warp 1 Hammerne 0 Thief 4 Again left

Chapter 21:

Warp Marth to village. Rescue him back, dance him. Hammerne the Warp staff. Warp him, blick boss with Wo Dao/KE, Again.

Could also Warp someone to Secret Shop if deemed neccesary, though I doubt it because Loony boosters. The possibility of warping someone else instead of Marth alone exists and could save an Again use. It all depends on what I deem better.

2 Rescue 6 Warp 0 Hammerne 3 Again left

Chapter 22:

Warp Door Key user to Door. Warp Marth. Warp bosskiller. Seize.

2 Rescue 3 Warp 0 Hammerne 3 Again left

Chapter 23:

Warp Starlight user, blick Hardin with a crit. Warp Marth seize.

2 Rescue 1 Warp 0 Hammerne 3 Again left

So I have 2 Rescues 1 Warp and 3 Agains left in endgame to play with. The strat for Endgame is simply dance Minerva to Maria, recruit her, trade her the rescue and kill Lena with Minerva. Maria rescues Sirisu and he recruits Nyna and kills Elice. Then Nyna rescue Marth, crit then Again.

That would leave me with:

0 Rescue 1 Warp 0 Hammerne 2 Again to play with in the previous chapters. 20x comes to mind, Im not sure what to do in that one since it's pretty tough to plan for...looking at the Fewod map for it, http://fireemblemwod.net/fe12/guia/capitulo-20x.htm I guess I could have the Horsemen kill the first Berserker in the way. Then Falco Catria @ Gradivus crits the other one. Leaving Marth to get danced by Feena and full move, killing the first General blocking the way. then Catria and the horsemen kill the sniper and Berserker now in the way. Marth full moves left. Again him, reveal Eremiah, Warp someone with a good speed cap to kill her then Again Marth. That would leave me with exactly 0 staves...

Yeah, that's what I had in mind. I wasnt sure if it was traversable or not.

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Lol. Hopefully, this stays at least a bit entertaining during the warp skipping. The warping strats at least aren't as straight forward as SD, so that's something I guess.

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16x: 1 turn
17: 1 turn

16x was kinda tough to get just right. Devil Sword Marth has recoil chance, but 6% or so chance of recoil isn't too big.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I redid 16x for a better Marth level.

Edited by PKL
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'2. Anything goes to save the turns! This includes Lunatic Statboosters, the Rainbow Pot, you name it."

And.... It bit you in the ass really really hard

One of the reason why I never tried to do these kind of stuff tbh(outside of the fact that im terrible at FE >_>)

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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and... Wow Ryan wrecked Hardin.

What's funny is that I went to the chapter expecting to reset a lot to get those crits but it happened first try. BadluckHardin meme gogo.

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What's funny is that I went to the chapter expecting to reset a lot to get those crits but it happened first try. BadluckHardin meme gogo.

Well, Awakening was certainly on to something with Hardin having a Luck flaw :D

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What make you choose Horseman instead of Sniper >_>

Only Starsphere Horsemen and Swordmasters can double. The other alternative is a really strong Aura user critting him or a Berserker with a Silver Axe forge OHKO'ing him. Both are a lot pricier.

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I'm not sure yet. The map insists on not wanting to be warp skipped. Everytime I have a genius moment/idea/strategy it just says lolno I have another enemy blocking the way. What I want to do is basically reveal some tiles near Eremiah so that I can warp Marth there, have him move to Eremiah, Again him so he can kill her and Again him for the seize. It's proving to be ridiculously difficult because the enemies are always in the way and I have so few deployment slots...

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My first attempt I tried having Catria and Ryan get rid of 1 serker and then someone reveals the General in Turn 2, and another kills it. The problem is that theres another General right there in the next hallway that blocks the way. I cant reveal and kill this guy with anyone else. So what I wanted to do then, was move to reveal the floor north of the General so I can warp Marth there, but theres this Sniper blocking the way so Marth wouldnt be able to cross. What I tried then was reveal said Sniper AND the path so I can shoot the guy with Ryan and kill him so I can warp Marth. But the problem then becomes not being able to reveal Eremiya and again Marth 2 times (not enough deployment slots). I've tried everything and I don't think I can 2 turn with just 1 Warp and 2 Again uses...hmmm...I guess I have to rethink this a lot.

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