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What's your ideal FE game?


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Before playing it, I thought it'd be a combination between FE9's good plot/character backstories and FE10's awesome mechanics and gameplat variety.

FE13 pretty much nailed it.

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Map design of FE5 and FE7

Customizing variation simmilar to FE13

At least the story is good past the first eleven chapters

FE13 is in a sense a "wasted potential" version of my ideal FE

Edited by JSND
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Getting on the bandwagon.

"FE13 nailed it for me."

Especially the music. The music and the setting on Chapter 10 made me cry.

And Chapter 21's scene on certain conditions.

And the VN-like marriage system.

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I really loved the UI of Awakening; in hindsight, it seems like such an obvious idea to make individual enemy ranges a different color from the aggregate enemy range. It saves a lot of time for when you're planning something tricky (e.g. during challenge runs). The sound that goes off when moving your cursor around on the map is also a really nice addition.

Awakening's lazy map design and severe gameplay imbalance--much more severe than that of any FE game I've played--were disappointing for me, though. A game that put together the solid map design of, say, Blazing Sword, along with the UI of Awakening would be my ideal FE game.

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Building on FE13:

- Full magic system: The Fire/Thunder/Wind triangle of effectiveness, as well as the Anima/Dark/Light triangle. The Bishop would be brought back, with less offensive capability but improved use of staves (through a skill?) and good defenses.

- More customization - outfit option and maybe eye color. This would give the DLC characters more variety, as they seem to be built on the custom character engine.

- Special classes for the DLC lords, like how Prince Marth got the Lodestar class.

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I loved the overall political story of Radiant Dawn and that you engaged in large battles where it felt like you were really participating in each sides of the war.

But Awakening is still great!

There are just few things I wish were different:

DLC characters don't have custom models or level up quotes.

I never felt horror from the villains because they looked a little goofy.

The world map freezing time for you to go wherever is a joke.

Edited by BlueFire
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FE13 is pretty fun, I'd make some tweaks to it, though. I don't really like the idea of grinding in a strategy game, so I'd rather personally have that as a postgame feature rather than something you can do in the main game. I also prefer a less randomised Lunatic + mode. The skills are fine, but it'd be a lot better if the placement of said skills weren't randomised. I'd also like gender-differentiated classes to be integrated so there'd be female zerks and male pegs and stuff so I can finally make my one true MU who's a female zerker

Design-wise I like Kozaki's art style, but I would like all mounted units to wear pants. Pls get new art director IS :< More body type variety would also be nice.

Or hell everyone can be muscular. Including the lolis. Especially the lolis.

Characterisation-wise I'd like more varied supports and more character depth in general.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Probably like Awakening in that it's very up to date and has a lot of content, especially end-game content, but also feels more like a Fire Emblem game. They should have kept Weight/Constitution, Fog of War, and maybe left World Map roaming to post-game only so you're encouraged to use some of your weaker characters in the main chapters to train them up instead of training them up on the side. Basically an up-to-date Fire Emblem without streamlining for a wider audience.

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Strong characters (I'd like to see characters less steretypical-anime-y than in FE13 next time around) and a strong plot (which honestly is lacking in most FEs) are a given. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing fewer characters who matter more to the plot, and I wouldn't mind seeing a smaller, more focused plot that's more personal and less omgevildragon/deity/whateverfe2'sbossisisgoingtodestroytheeworld. More emotional and not so cut and dry good/evil. As far as gameplay, I would much rather see challenge from things like FE5's money/fatigue stuff rather than enemies just being overwhelmingly powerful.

Also, I wouldn't exactly object to less sexualized art. Neither would I object to more realistic designs in general.

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FE13's a pretty good base for what I'd really like to see Fire Emblem be for now. A couple changes here and there, I could see changing around of the Pair Up mechanics(removing or limiting Dual Guard and making Dual attacks certain but a limited number per turn) to make it a bit less luck based and bonuses(decreasing defensive bonuses) and having skills be acquired in a separate manner(Maybe have gold used to learn them) to leveling or grinding.

In-battle again really good, the character dialogue in battle, UI and speed and fluidness of battles as well as the speed up function is pretty good. Art wise I wouldn't mind Kozaki again. While there's nothing wrong with the old art style, a lot of the retreads(young mage in X color robe) is getting pretty stale to me(though I guess from 9-10 they did start to have more character variety as well).

Map design I'm not sure, I thought Awakening's was pretty good, for the most part shorter maps with the challenge revolving around higher enemy density and more aggressive enemy formations requiring the use of the highlight enemy range to win. In difficulties like Lunatic and without save squares like they had in New Mystery and Shadow Dragon I'd sort of have a hard time seeing how someone would enjoy a map that may take 10-15 turns without mid-chapter saves when the enemies are so dangerous.

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I definitely want the skip enemy phase button to stay forever regardless of which gameplay style of FE they're going with. I was just playing RD the other day and really wished Dolphin had turbo, because I really don't have the patience to sit through that many enemies while I get to do exactly nothing. I like to maximise my time playing the game not staring at the screen.

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FE 13 is fairly close to my ideal, I love the ability to grind if I want to, it really adds much more replaybility to the game that I really didn't have with the others except FE8.

I'd like a couple of improvements though. Bring back the anima triangle of thunder/wind/fire but keep the single skill level for anima and not different levels for Fire/Wind/Thunder. Bring back the weight/con stats and light/dark magic. Add in where anyone can support any other character, perhaps not marry or have a paired ending, but at least let them talk to each other. Make the SpotPass/DLC characters feel less like an afterthought, and let them talk/support other characters, for example a conversation between Chrom and Marth would be very interesting. Also, custom character models and descriptions please. I'm not sure how I feel about the paring up options, I think it ends up making the game be a bit broken, especially when it comes to StreetPass battles, so perhaps replace that with rescue. I'd like the ability to change the music to any track that I feel like, although it should default to a thematic track. I want to be able to to color/customize forges too. FE 13 is a good base, but it certainly can be improved.

-puts on rose tinted glasses-

I wouldn't mind having the setting be in Elibe again since that is my favorite character set/geography.

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Awakening was pretty good and would serve as the basis for my Ideal FE however a few nitpicks...

-I would return light magic... magic would be reseperated into light, dark and anima...(I like the triangles anima would also have its triangle inside the one weapon type)

-better map diversity/design awakening was pretty bland in this department...

-more deversity in win conditions(awakening was very bland here. I loved defend and escape senerios in past games also miss Arive)

-Fog of war(intresic to cretian maps or maybe encounters based on time of day?)

-Beter back story for the game/ mechanics to draw you into the story. The story was easy to get lost on and I didn't feel much outside of Ch's 9-11 (so much feels there)

-more diversity to encounters on world map. They would be using Mercenary contracts easy ones might be rout bandits, protect civilians, merchants kill monsters defend a fortrece, free captives ect more complicated ones might have imposed conditions making them tougher but would give better rewards. Contracts could be picked up or dismised and would have ranks that would unlock w/ game pregression. The higher the contact level the tougher the fight..

-Maybe an arena fight where one taem fights another for money/items? If we have grinding I see no problem rather than the Old FE arenas I'd make it more like The Feroxi Arena...

-Status effects such as poison, stun, sleep, scilence, beserk.

-More balence to class sets skill wise OR seperate skills from classes maybe soem would be class linked and others item linked? Item based skills would be aquired from chests rewards or other ways items would be the best might be limited like legendary weapons...

-Restore the non peverted art of older games...(no Loli Dragons/personality conflcting dancer ect)

A survival hold out map(post game content/DLC?) (Unit progress wouldn't be saved as it would keep going untill you died)-rewards afterwards would be based on how long you survived and braging rights... wining might get nonstandard units like monsters or charecters that normaly died(aka the post game special unlocks)...

Out of things I would change/add... anything esle would be unit ideas... (Proper Magic(Dark) lord FTW make them a female w/ dark hair inorder to break sterotypes...) (Jegian Wyrvern Lord!) (parents not dead!) ("Lord like main antagonist think a Fe protagonist who has taken a violet path but still has loyal followers respect for allies all w/ epic weaopns suports w/ each other ect)

The MU charecter would be a trainee type...

Okay thats all I've got...

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here I go:

- a lot of chapters; like 50+, so I can enjoy my units a lot.

- large maps; large enough so they (almost) can't be cleared within 3 turns

- differing winning conditions; conquer, defend, clear, turn restrictions, the usual

- 3rd tier classes; like RD, and they can promote by seals or leveling to 21

- lots of skills; No 1 hit kills like RD, but interesting things like great shield or pierce

- balanced stats, growths and caps; no knights with high res, no healers with high defense, etc.

- RD weapons; pole weapons, blades and such, all very cool

- double magic triangle; also like RD, but thunder and wind should actually be useful.

- Bonus experience; but not like FE9/10. instead, everyone you left back in the camp gets a boost every once in a while (as if the camp got attacked, or fought at the back lines)

- more experience for healing/stealing/opening chests; not every unit on the field is there for fighting, make them get some progression by doing what they're best at.

- supports; everyone can support everyone, only select couples have conversations about it. can be built up by simply using characters in the same chapter.

- elevation; FE10 style, but with animations.

- multiple routes; like FE6/7, not 8

- multiple storylines; like FE10, changing between teams

- realistic-ish graphics; like FE10, but no horses that jump on the spot, or evading arrows by stepping backwards.

- plot twists; nothing too weird or unexpected, but no story is complete without some of these

- last but definetely not least; a good storyline.

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We just need male peggies and female fighters/barbarians. Now that STR asset for the female avatar would've payed dividends in a berserker class. Anyways heres my ideas. We should definitly find a way to get IS put put thesse ideas in FE14

-an optional mode where you get a game over if any playable unit dies.

-an optional nuzlocke mode where if the lord dies, the save file is automatically deleted. game will auto save upon character death. the save file/game can't be restarted

-different map objectives other than rout

-fog of war

-a succesor to the FE2 world map

-a balanced multiplayer where any class is viable

-a non blue hair not related to nobility main character that is female and wields axes who is experienced and knows her way around the world

-rescuing and move after actions for mounted units make a return

-non-scripted npc battles. Perhaps a map where you only control like three units and you must influence a large NPC battle to reach a goal like escaping the map

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First and foremost a good story, that's why I love RD and FE7. I get the impression that those games aren't generally thought to have particularly good plots, but I can't say I see why. When I say RD is my favourite I do admit I take PoR into account, as it essentially sets up what happens in its sequel, so maybe instead of "RD's plot" I should say "the Tellius story." Anyway, though it does waver a bit near the end, the plot has so many layers and the backstory is just as fleshed out. Unlike FE13. Also unlike Awakening, the villains were very compelling, from Ashnard to the Senators to Ashera (I don't care if it's a common plot, going up against a godess felt amazing and was executed so well- part 3 endgame anyone?). Same goes for Rekka no ken, Nergal was a very interesting antagonist and was extremely creepy. I remember being genuinely disturbed whenever he or one of his morphs would show up with that creepy music. And then once you learn his backstory Nergal becomes even more interesting. His inflitration of the Black Fang and the stuff with the Bern royals made for compelling kind of "side" plots. Pretty much everything was great plot-wise.

Kind of going with the above, FE needs antagonists that are more compelling than Awakening's. The playable characters in 13 are very impressive, but comparatively the villains are just meh. I never felt threatened by Walhart, maaaybe a little the first time he actually appears in front of Basilio and Flavia, but nothing compared to how threatening Ashnard, the Black Knight, or the morphs were. Validar was just a joke. He has no personality. I hate how he shows up so often as a pretty average boss, there's no sense of immediate danger at all when he appears. I also disliked how he is Avatar's father (not in my headcanon...). Gangrel and Aversa were by far the best villains of the bunch, but still quite underwhelming compared to past games'. I would also like for recruited characters to be a bit more involved in the story beyond the chapter they come in, even if this is just in base conversations (PoR style, not generic Awakening style). Ideally though, more characters being more involved is a plus.

As for gameplay, 13 pretty much got it right. I think at certain times one chapter should have led right into the next instead of goin to the world map, but otherwise I don't have a problem with grinding being open during the story. I have mixed feelings on Pair Up, so I would like to see it a little bit tweaked if it returns. Other than that... more supports would be nice (the one glaring sin RD committed), as well as better map design and more variety in objectives.

Edited by Owain Dark
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didn't played Awakening yet, so I can't judge...

I think it should also bring some parts from FE5.

The Capture system is great, but what is greater is that it makes sense with the plot, and adds to the general atmosphere of the game. (Fatigue is in the same case...). I didn't really felt this way about others FE. The gameplay mechanics never really felt thought out with the plot, no matter how great they are.

It also would be FE meets Tactics Ogre, with multiple choice where you are forced to kill characters you could have recruited amongst the way... This goes with making Permadeath more relevant too.

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Oh, I forgot about a few new features I'd add, ones I came up with for my fic. :P

- Assault Towers. These would be a new way to do combat. The explanation on how they work is here. It's a bit long, so that's why I'm linking it.

- Sparring. Between battles, if characters have built up enough support points, they gain the option to spar with one another and gain extra exp. I mean, what friendly warriors don't spar once in awhile in training?

- Two new classes: Wagon and War Wagon. Those of the Wagon class would function like Merlinus in FE7, but would also be able to attack by ramming their wagon into enemies. They'd gain experience by passing items and weapons to other units too. War Wagon is the promotion for Wagon. Their wagons become more fortified and the drivers wear a little armor. They also gain bows. Basically, Wagons and War Wagons would be tanky and powerful, but rather slow and most susceptible to fire magic.

- Lastly, laguz promotions. In their case, I called it metavolution. When they promote, their human forms don't change much, but their animal forms "evolve" into somewhat larger, stronger versions. Their claws/spikes/fur/feathers/whatever get larger/longer too.

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