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Pairing Suggestions

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Eh, maybe. Though imo a Henry-made Dark Flier Cynthia sounds promising. But I guess it's less of a blow to me if people prefer Frederick and Sumia more for the Cynthia statistics than the actual relationship. Being the pairing nut that I am, I always paid more attention to the conversations/relationship...lol

I do like Fred x Sumia, both for the stats and the supports. TBH, I originally just paired them because I already paired off her other suitors, but I grew to like them well enough. They don't have the most mind bogglingly moving supports, but I think it was sweet; and in either case, Cynthia benefits from having him as a dad. So if you want to think of it this way, at least Freddy is great enough to be considered the best suitor, as is his due. In any case, while I like it, its far from my OTP. I tend to be neutral to most any pairing, even other Chrom pairings as long as its not with Sumia, so maybe you can understand why I want her paired off without question.

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I do like Fred x Sumia, both for the stats and the supports. TBH, I originally just paired them because I already paired off her other suitors, but I grew to like them well enough. They don't have the most mind bogglingly moving supports, but I think it was sweet; and in either case, Cynthia benefits from having him as a dad. So if you want to think of it this way, at least Freddy is great enough to be considered the best suitor, as is his due. In any case, while I like it, its far from my OTP. I tend to be neutral to most any pairing, even other Chrom pairings as long as its not with Sumia, so maybe you can understand why I want her paired off without question.

Sorry, but because of my hate for Sumia, I feel it's an insult to Frederick to say he's "great" enough for her. But each to their own. I'm usually pretty neutral to most pairings that aren't my preferred ships and aren't yaoi, yuri, or incest (because I am just not into that stuff) as well, but there are a few exceptions.

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Sorry, but because of my hate for Sumia, I feel it's an insult to Frederick to say he's "great" enough for her. But each to their own. I'm usually pretty neutral to most pairings that aren't my preferred ships and aren't yaoi, yuri, or incest (because I am just not into that stuff) as well, but there are a few exceptions.

Um, I wasn't insulting him; I was actually implying the reverse. But whatever.

Gosh, people can get really defensive over their spouse. But I'm certainly not one to talk. XD

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I do like Fred x Sumia, both for the stats and the supports. TBH, I originally just paired them because I already paired off her other suitors, but I grew to like them well enough. They don't have the most mind bogglingly moving supports, but I think it was sweet; and in either case, Cynthia benefits from having him as a dad. So if you want to think of it this way, at least Freddy is great enough to be considered the best suitor, as is his due. In any case, while I like it, its far from my OTP. I tend to be neutral to most any pairing, even other Chrom pairings as long as its not with Sumia, so maybe you can understand why I want her paired off without question.

And on that note, I have similar issues with Chrom/Olivia, mainly stemming from the gameplay side of things - it places a huge constraint on the player, for one, since either most of Chrom's good supports are essentially rendered useless for over half the game, cutting into his effectiveness, or I'm forced to rush to marry off his other suitors by chapter 11. My second gripe is just that - Olivia joins in the very chapter where Chrom has to marry. I mean, why? This means I'm essentially forced to tether the two together for the whole map for them to have any hope of getting together, in addition to having married off everyone else who can potentially marry him (not actually necessary, but...). Ugh. In the face of that, I just think the payoff is not worth the headache.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Um, I wasn't insulting him; I was actually implying the reverse. But whatever.

Gosh, people can get really defensive over their spouse. But I'm certainly not one to talk. XD

I know that, but still. And I'd be saying all this whether I had my Avatar marry Frederick or not, but yeah, I do love him almost as much as I love Ike, so I admit that I can be kinda defensive about him... Heh. ^^;

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And on that note, I have similar issues with Chrom/Olivia, mainly stemming from the gameplay side of things - it places a huge constraint on the player, for one, since either most of Chrom's good supports are essentially rendered useless for over half the game, cutting into his effectiveness, or I'm forced to rush to marry off his other suitors by chapter 11. My second gripe is just that - Olivia joins in the very chapter where Chrom has to marry. I mean, why? This means I'm essentially forced to tether the two together for the whole map for them to have any hope of getting together, in addition to having married off everyone else who can potentially marry him (not actually necessary, but...). Ugh. In the face of that, I just think the payoff is not worth the headache.

Yeah, I agree; I mostly think the fact that he can marry her was actually joke with the developers, because I'm sure that would never happen in reality, at least that fast. And while I don't think the payoff is bad, it does get sort of ridiculous keeping Chrom away from more deserving supports (I'm totally not being biased here :P); I remember doing much the same thing when I was trying to get Village girl chan for my Male Avatar file, and it was annoying. Oh well, it helped that I could pair up him with said male avatar in the meantime since he wasn't getting his wife until Valm; and I just eventually imported my F Avatar to be his partner.

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Sumia can marry Henry too, you know. Imo, her other options deserve way better than her. I found her to be an annoying whiny brat. I kind of like Henry, but I don't care if Sumia gets him, so eh.

FrederickxCordelia is my non-Avatar preferred pair for Frederick, but I like Cordelia with Stahl a bit more. Though, I also don't mind Frederick and Panne. Choice is up to you.

It honestly disgusts me how Sumia seems to be the most popular choice for Frederick... Why must my most hated characters always get in the way of my favorite pairings?

Whoa, how is Sumia a whiny brat? Sumia might have low self-esteem, a bit clumsy and ditzy, but "whiny brat" is something Sumia is NOT. It's one thing to hate a character, but it's another thing to claim things that aren't true about a character just because she gets "in the way" of your preferred pixelated hubby.

Really, Sumia/Frederick is a wonderful and sweet support. Frederick is patient and kind with Sumia, who honestly wants to become less clumsy and wants to help. Frederick encourages Sumia, giving her more confidence. Plus in their S Support, Sumia, after thanking Frederick for polishing her armor, says "I actually felt pretty", showing what little self-worth she has when she's so much better than that. Then Frederick tells her "You are always beautiful to me" and that he can't stop himself from admiring her when he sees her.

Sumia/Frederick is certainly more heartwarming than My Unit/Frederick, at any rate. I'd take Sumia and Frederick's heartwarming bonding as they work to improve themselves, instead of Frederick being a whiny brat (ironically enough) because he does not like bear meat.

That's why Sumia should go with Frederick. I definitely recommend that pairing for your game because it is both a wonderful relationship, plus it does a lot of favors for Cynthia. Cynthia with Luna really wrecks everything.

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Shipping wars. Why am I not surprised? :P

I admit that I was not fond of Sumia for the longest time. She's still not my favorite character, but I made a male MU who was not Robin and I think I've developed a soft spot for her. Sumia's supports with Frederick are ... lacking, because all the way up to the A she's still screwing up on something. Having a lot of heart and passion is good, but sometimes it isn't enough. That said, I do think that Frederick/Sumia is a pretty good pairing and the pair-up bonuses help Sumia. Henry's rather late, and has options I like better than Sumia.

Chrom/Olivia is my preferred pairing for Chrom, although you DO have to grind Olivia's stats quite a bit. (Although my appeal for this pairing is because I like having Inigo as Chrom's son.) Aside from MU, who can get together with anyone, Olivia at least offers a good strength modifier, Galeforce, and Tomefaire.

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Shipping wars. Why am I not surprised? :P

Sumia's supports with Frederick are ... lacking, because all the way up to the A she's still screwing up on something. Having a lot of heart and passion is good, but sometimes it isn't enough.

Shipping wars are inevitable in any fandom, let alone FE.

And I can see where you're coming from, but why can't it be enough for them? Sometimes, you don't have to overcome a supposed shortcoming; she might be ridiculously clumsy, but one might argue that that is one of the things that makes Sumia, well, Sumia. If Fred doesn't care and actually finds it endearing, does it matter? Sometimes I see relationships between people to be lacking on the outside, but if it is meaningful to them then nothing else matters. But anyways, I find most, if not all the possible pairings in this game to be reasonably developed into legitimate relationships (even the ones that I don't particularly like).

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Shipping wars are inevitable in any fandom, let alone FE.

And I can see where you're coming from, but why can't it be enough for them? Sometimes, you don't have to overcome a supposed shortcoming; she might be ridiculously clumsy, but one might argue that that is one of the things that makes Sumia, well, Sumia. If Fred doesn't care and actually finds it endearing, does it matter? Sometimes I see relationships between people to be lacking on the outside, but if it is meaningful to them then nothing else matters. But anyways, I find most, if not all the possible pairings in this game to be reasonably developed into legitimate relationships (even the ones that I don't particularly like).

I'm not saying that Frederick and Sumia's relationship is not enough for them, mind you. I'm just saying that as the player, I personally felt it lacking and that while I now have a soft spot for Sumia, I still feel that you need more than just heart at times (especially in a war) and a part of me still wonders how Sumia ever ended up on a battlefield. Fred and Sumia truly love each other at the end of that support, and I can get behind it. But I personally didn't get the "feels", you know?

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Chrom/Olivia is my preferred pairing for Chrom, although you DO have to grind Olivia's stats quite a bit. (Although my appeal for this pairing is because I like having Inigo as Chrom's son.) Aside from MU, who can get together with anyone, Olivia at least offers a good strength modifier, Galeforce, and Tomefaire.

I suppose. I just think the payoff isn't enough to justify jumping through all those hoops... Swordfaire (which I suppose you meant instead of Tomefaire) is about all the Myrm class tree has that's of any note, and in my humble opinion, Olivia's better paired with someone else.

I dunno. Henry!Cynthia makes for a more magic oriented Cynthia which is pretty funny.

If I really wanted a magic oriented Cynthia, I'd just wed Sumia and Male Avatar. Which I just might do next time around, keh hee heh.

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Yeah, I meant Swordfaire. Not Tomefaire. Derp. I know Chrom/Olivia is a lot of hurdles, but I still like it :P

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Because it has the least negative mods, only -1 for most parts.

Well, I think Henry is better for magical kids instead but he seems quite fine for Gerome for Tomebreaker. Unfortunately I'm going Dark Knight for him.

Should've reworded the title into "Suggest my planned pairings" instead but I don't have any idea how to change topic titles.

Question: what difficulty is this gonna be on? Because if it's anything other than Normal, you're signing up for a world of hurt if you take Spd as your dump stat. Str/Mag can be fixed with good/forged weapons, Def/Res is less important if you're dodging everything that gets near you (which you should certainly be doing on Hard, I'm pretty sure), but -Spd will screw you over, especially in the early chapters where you haven't been able to use Veteran to gain a massive level advantage on your opponents.

Even for a Rally bot, -Spd is a bad choice, because if you're gonna be getting hit, you do NOT ever want to be doubled; also, IIRC, Libra doesn't exactly give great Spd modifiers, so Morgan will be hurting there as well.

Yeah, I meant Swordfaire. Not Tomefaire. Derp. I know Chrom/Olivia is a lot of hurdles, but I still like it :P

I always like Rightful King boosting Sol's activation rate to 59%, personally.

For Lucina though, I'm not sure that Swordfaire is better than Aegis/Pavise, which Sumia|Lucina does have access to.

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I'm not saying that Frederick and Sumia's relationship is not enough for them, mind you. I'm just saying that as the player, I personally felt it lacking and that while I now have a soft spot for Sumia, I still feel that you need more than just heart at times (especially in a war) and a part of me still wonders how Sumia ever ended up on a battlefield. Fred and Sumia truly love each other at the end of that support, and I can get behind it. But I personally didn't get the "feels", you know?

Yeah, I can understand. And even though I like the pairing, I didn't fangirl over it as much as some of the others. While I haven't read all of the supports, I feel that most of the characters didn't get proper backstories with reasons as to why they are fighting in a war to begin with beyond "because I'm part of an army". I would've loved to find out how Sumia, with almost no combat experience, got herself on as an official member of the Shepherds (not to mention how she just happens to find a completely random pegasus with full gear and tack abandoned in a field, tend to it expertly, and then ride it into battle and save the day - all in between two chapters. I'm not quite sure where they were going with that). :/

Question: what difficulty is this gonna be on? Because if it's anything other than Normal, you're signing up for a world of hurt if you take Spd as your dump stat. Str/Mag can be fixed with good/forged weapons, Def/Res is less important if you're dodging everything that gets near you (which you should certainly be doing on Hard, I'm pretty sure), but -Spd will screw you over, especially in the early chapters where you haven't been able to use Veteran to gain a massive level advantage on your opponents.

Even for a Rally bot, -Spd is a bad choice, because if you're gonna be getting hit, you do NOT ever want to be doubled; also, IIRC, Libra doesn't exactly give great Spd modifiers, so Morgan will be hurting there as well.

I always like Rightful King boosting Sol's activation rate to 59%, personally.

For Lucina though, I'm not sure that Swordfaire is better than Aegis/Pavise, which Sumia|Lucina does have access to.

Uh, quick question, but did I screw myself over by making my latest Avatar +mag, -str? Will my Lucina be gimped as a result?

Edited by Silver Lightning
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If I marry Chrom, Morgan will get RK and I could make the best out of Lucina(plus Lucina won't be a jerk on me, and Olivia marries Virion in that case). But I feel bad for leaving Libra forever alone though, he's my favorite character.

Edited by Pega-Pony Princess
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Uh, quick question, but did I screw myself over by making my latest Avatar +mag, -str? Will my Lucina be gimped as a result?

She will be a little weaker, but I wouldn't call it "gimped". Only a third of Avatar's bases are contributed to her starting stats, and the cap/growth adjustments are minor. You'll probably have a Lucina with decent base MAG, which is very handy for Levin Sword use.
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It really depends on your playstyle

Because Casting Lucina is actually one of the most absurd Lucina, no scratch that MU Caster Lucina is likely one of the most broken thing in the entire game, if not for the fact that Chrom's genes is that kind of indecisive.......

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Agreed. Lucina is pretty hard to gimp. And being able to make good use of Levin Swords is always a good thing.

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Oh good, because if she has decent enough magic that doesn't offset her strength, that would actually work in my favor; I'm planning on having her final class this time around be Dark Flier, so if she can cast decently, so much the better. :)

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Lucina is really the kind of a child that can be made into anything, depending on parents thanks to Chrom's neutral genes.

its just most of the time she get the offensive build(Olivia) or Defensive Build(Sumia) and quite a lot of people have an understandable boner for RFK Inigo.

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RK can only be inherited by 2 characters, so the hype is justified. That, and RK on a 51 skill cap is nothing to complain about (before support bonuses and shiz)

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If I marry Chrom, Morgan will get RK and I could make the best out of Lucina(plus Lucina won't be a jerk on me, and Olivia marries Virion in that case). But I feel bad for leaving Libra forever alone though, he's my favorite character.

Maybe in that case, you could marry Libra to one of Miriel or Maribelle?

RK can only be inherited by 2 characters, so the hype is justified. That, and RK on a 51 skill cap is nothing to complain about (before support bonuses and shiz)

At that point, I'd think Rightful King wouldn't even be that big an improvement.

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