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Serge's Pairing Polls Part IV: Chrom!



142 members have voted

  1. 1. Please choose the best pairing for Chrom.

    • Chrom X Sumia
    • Chrom X Female Avatar
    • Chrom X Sully
    • Chrom X Olivia
    • Chrom X Village Girl
    • Chrom X Maribelle

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I don't deny that Chrom x Sumia is pushed by the game, but there's a big difference between something being pushed and something being shoved down your throat. I think it's also worth noting that while Sumia is clearly shown to have a crush on Chrom, I never once got the impression that Chrom felt the same way about her. We never see Chrom say something like "What's this? I bet Sumia will like it." when he finds an item.

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I might've liked ChromSumia more if the support was less "lolpie" and more emotional and developed, but as it stands, meh.

Sumia giving shit strength to Lucina doesn't help considering strength is like, my favourite stat. So as it stands I'm going to go and use my superstrong MU to pass bases and a +6 modifier to her instead.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Sumia giving shit strength to Lucina doesn't help considering strength is like, my favourite stat. So as it stands I'm going to go and use my superstrong MU to pass bases and a +6 modifier to her instead.

In my case, replace "Sumia" with "Olivia" and "Strength" with "defense" and you know how I feel. (Defense isn't actually my favorite stat, but it's still a damned important one.)

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Oh wow, I expected this poll to be totally one-sided with ChromxFemale Avatar winning by miles. But I voted ChromxOlivia. I thought it was really cute and I like the idea of Chrom with a cute sparkly dancer. :3

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I feel that if we had more time to develop ChromOlivia it'd be a better pair, and not just something you pair up at the last minute right before Chrom needs to get hitched. Like, more time to actually get those supports instead of just autoSing.

Man, not many people like ChromSully, huh.

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Oh wow, I expected this poll to be totally one-sided with ChromxFemale Avatar winning by miles. But I voted ChromxOlivia. I thought it was really cute and I like the idea of Chrom with a cute sparkly dancer. :3

I was expecting Chrom/Female Avatar to be ahead, but I was also expecting it to be by a bigger margin.

I feel that if we had more time to develop ChromOlivia it'd be a better pair, and not just something you pair up at the last minute right before Chrom needs to get hitched. Like, more time to actually get those supports instead of just autoSing.

Man, not many people like ChromSully, huh.

That's how I feel about it in a nutshell.

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Female MU X Chrom. Besides the game itself shipping them so hard

Really? From what I've heard, the pairing that the game ships is Chrom X Sumia...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I paired Chrom x Sumia because she saved him and they seemed like a cute couple. I would only feel IS was shoving this pairing down our throats if that was the only S Support one of them got. It's easy to notice that they have other S Supports and the game doesn't push you into pairing them as much as they suggest it.

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On a male Avatar play-through, I'd go with Chrom x Olivia, mostly because Inigo would be a cool (and hilarious) crown prince, and for stats/skills. I did Chrom x Sumia my first play-through and found it underwhelming, because pies (although I also paired Lissa and Kellam that time, and their supports are also about pies - she winds up poisoning him).

On a female Avatar run, I would totally go for FemAvatar x Chrom, both for a totally broken family, and because she's the only wife who doesn't drop off the face of the earth after you arrive in Valm. That story dynamic is just so much more interesting than any of the other wives.

Since I have a much stronger opinion for Chrom's pairing on a FemAvatar play-through, I'll go with FemAvatar, even though I haven't completed that yet.

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Chrom/Olivia, even if it's primarily because I like the idea of Inigo being Chrom's son and Lucina's brother and not so much because of the dynamics between Chrom and Olivia. Besides, I use Olivia 99% of the time whereas Sully, Sumia, and Maribelle I don't use nearly as much. I prefer male MU over female MU, and my female MU has better things to do than be marrying Chrom anyway XD (I dunno, I have a very strong dislike for female MU and Chrom and I've only done it once, not going to explain why because it's off-topic.)

I had a very weird theory a while ago as to why Chrom's female supports were limited, which to be honest implodes on itself anyway. Maybe Chrom can marry Maribelle because she's a noble. I'm pretty sure Sully said in one of her supports that she's from a noble family, no clue on Sumia. Too bad the theory explodes because Olivia is of indeterminate origin and fe!MU at the point where Chrom can marry her doesn't know her origins.

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In my case, replace "Sumia" with "Olivia" and "Strength" with "defense" and you know how I feel. (Defense isn't actually my favorite stat, but it's still a damned important one.)

Waaaaaaaait no.

Olivia gives a -1 defence modifer. That's bad, but lets look at http://serenesforest.net/fe13/children/lucina.html. Olivia has the largest defence modifer besides FMU and lolMaidan. She also passes down the largest strength modifer, which is another plus. Besides lolMU, Olivia is by far the best option for Chrom. Olivia also passes down the best class set to Lucina, because she passes down both Myrm & pegknight. Swordfaire+Lancefaire+galeforce? yesplease

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Waaaaaaaait no.

Olivia gives a -1 defence modifer. That's bad, but lets look at http://serenesforest.net/fe13/children/lucina.html. Olivia has the largest defence modifer besides FMU and lolMaidan. She also passes down the largest strength modifer, which is another plus. Besides lolMU, Olivia is by far the best option for Chrom. Olivia also passes down the best class set to Lucina, because she passes down both Myrm & pegknight. Swordfaire+Lancefaire+galeforce? yesplease

You completely missed the point I was trying to make, though that was to be expected... Modifiers have nothing to do with it. I'm referring to the fact that Olivia won't be passing down much defense to Lucina. Doesn't help that imo, Swordfaire is all that's notable that Lucina gets from Olivia (since she has two other choices that pass down the pegasus knight class tree), and compared to the chance to get both Pavise and Aegis, it just reeks of a losing trade.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I voted Chrom/Fem!Avatar, even if I always end up seeing them as best friends... with benefits... with kids.

Honorable mention to Chrom/Olivia. It's adorable, and gives me the ONLY support conversation to ever make me cry so far... Chrom's and Inigo's. Granted, I didn't know it was generic at the time and thought it was unique, but I still absolutely love the family dynamic. It's beautiful.

That and Chrom!Inigo is a freaking beast.

This, LOL. Especially the bolded parts. Well, except I wouldn't say I see it like that.

ChromxFeMU's support tree may be lackluster, but the story scenes where she's the wife are really sweet and on some level if you go that route a good deal of of the actual story's dialogue makes a lot more sense than "I just did a bromance with this guy because he likes saying 'fuck destiny' a lot"

also I get the feeling a good majority of ChromxFeMU's haters hate it because it's the hipster thing to do

I love you for that statement, lol.

I wouldn't say Chrom/F!My Unit's supports were bad. They were pretty funny. I just wish they got something a bit more romantic or friendly. D: It's like "we saw each other naked, that means we're meant to be", which is funny, but not very romantic.

I'm rather neutral to Chrom/Sully, it's nice but I prefer the latter with Stahl.

I don't get why Maribelle of all woman is an option for Chrom. I can only think that it's because Maribelle is Lissa's best friend or something.

Also this too. In fact, I kinda wish that Chrom/Avatar (F) was a bit more like Chrom/Avatar (M)'s supports... Total bromance there. I mean I found Chrom/Avatar (F) funny too, but ... yeah, what the first line in the quote says. Though I still prefer Chrom/Avatar (F).

Yeah, I personally feel the complaint about "being shoved down their throats" is a little bit unreasonable; I mean, if I didn't watch the opening movie and see Sumia as Chrom's wife there or know the internal mechanics to see that Sumia had the highest priority, I wouldn't have guessed that she was his "canon" option :V

I think I must have missed the opening movie of Sumia being Chrom's wife because I had to go back and rewatch it again to actually see it. So I wouldn't have ever known if I didn't read about it here, lol.

So yeah, I think it's pretty obvious which pairing I picked (Chrom/Female Avatar). Chrom/Olivia is my second best option, like if I were to ever play as male Avatar. Sure the supports I picked breaks the games, but I also just like them because I see no other options really. I don't really see Sully being one for ... romance, lol. So much less for Chrom. And Maribelle... no.

I guess Chrom/Maiden works too as an alternative if I paired male Avatar and Olivia.

Oh, and to the 'Pega-Pony Princess' thing, I think I rather like Chrom's dialogue to Morgan when he recruits him more. It's cuter/funnier? IMO.

Edited by Cordelia
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I had a very weird theory a while ago as to why Chrom's female supports were limited, which to be honest implodes on itself anyway. Maybe Chrom can marry Maribelle because she's a noble. I'm pretty sure Sully said in one of her supports that she's from a noble family, no clue on Sumia. Too bad the theory explodes because Olivia is of indeterminate origin and fe!MU at the point where Chrom can marry her doesn't know her origins.

...and, of course, he can marry the Nameless Village Girl. :P:

I think I previously thought of the same thing/something similar, but rejected it for the reasons you mentioned.

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I also like Chrom/Olivia, since I like Inigo as a sibling for Lucina. He already looks a lot like Chrom, and the generic father/child support doesn't sound as random for mentioning Lucina for no good reason.

Pretty much my reasoning over here. Plus, I find Olivia more suitable for Chrom out of all of his possible wives. Not to mention, I liked their supports more than the others.

And as for the Chrom/Sumia pairing...EHHH. I hated Lord/Pegasus Knight pairings ever since I played New Mystery and learned that Marth will ALWAYS marry Caeda, when I like Ogma/Caeda a whole lot better. >>; The supports are cute, and I might have actually given this pairing a chance...if it wasn't shoved into your face so much up to Chapter 11. I defy canon for fun. I like Sumia, but not with Chrom. As tempting as pega-pony princesses are.

Same here, minus the "pega-pony princess" part. I don't really mind Lord X Pegasus Knight pairs, as long as they make sense. But one of my main gripes with Chrom X Sumia aside from being forced, and having lackluster supports compared to other options, is basically how Cynthia's introduction is handled. (Namely, Cynthia following some guy who she thinks is Chrom despite the guy in question looking nothing like him.) I don't think Cynthia being unable to remember what Chrom looks like due to the timing of her birth justifies it. Basically, I'm looking for some consistency here, and Cynthia's intro shows me a lack of such when Sumia's paired with Chrom.

Yeah, I personally feel the complaint about "being shoved down their throats" is a little bit unreasonable; I mean, if I didn't watch the opening movie and see Sumia as Chrom's wife there or know the internal mechanics to see that Sumia had the highest priority, I wouldn't have guessed that she was his "canon" option :V

Second-highest actually. Judging from the looks of things.

Edited by Little Al
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I would marry Chrom to Olivia if it could change Lucina's hair color to pink ;A;. My favorite pairing for Chrom is Frederick OTP Sumia. I think ChromxSumia is a really cute couple but I've also paired him with Avatar just so Lucina could inherit veteran.

Edited by Maiden_of_Emblem
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I would marry Chrom to Olivia if it could change Lucina's hair color to pink ;A;. My favorite pairing for Chrom is Frederick OTP Sumia. I think ChromxSumia is a really cute couple but I've also paired him with Avatar just so Lucina could inherit veteran.

Like, what, "Marth" appears in chapter 2 with blue hair, then as soon as FemAvatar marries Chrom, it changes to pink? It would be nice, but I don't think hair dye is a thing in the FE universe.

Or maybe it is, and that's why there are so many outlandish hair colors...

And Chrom x Frederick made me LOL - so that's why Frederick just happened to have those nude posters of Chrom. :lol:

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I voted Chrom/Avatar(F) because I like this pairing, I would say why I like this pairing but it's mostly been said (also Red Fox of Fire and Charlie said what I wanted say) but what one of the things I liked about this pairing is that you can make Chrom a (love) martyr .... I mean Morgan(M) can have an sibling ~. :newyears:

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The fact that you can't separate them... Cherche says: "Poor you..." because I actually find Lon'quxOlivia to be kinda interesting.

I find it interesting as they're both from Ferox, both have problem with interaction and are shy.

And that fanart D:

I have to say Chrom x Avatar as well. I agree with the consensus that their supports weren't terribly romantic, but their interactions in the main dialog add more depth to their relationship than the others can possibly have. I actually find it rather odd that people claim that Chrom x Sumia was shoved down their throats or is "canon" when Chrom and Sumia don't interact nearly as much as Chrom and Avatar.

Actually, considering more gamers are boys, and with people usually making avatar's gender same as them (well not me :P ), it's hard to make MU to be a cannonical wife.

Plus, the dialogue and interaction and everything mostly remain unchanged between male and female avatar. Other than support of course.

It's probably much more easier to make a cannon wife out of unit that is confirmed to be a female.

Chrom/Olivia, even if it's primarily because I like the idea of Inigo being Chrom's son and Lucina's brother and not so much because of the dynamics between Chrom and Olivia. Besides, I use Olivia 99% of the time whereas Sully, Sumia, and Maribelle I don't use nearly as much. I prefer male MU over female MU, and my female MU has better things to do than be marrying Chrom anyway XD (I dunno, I have a very strong dislike for female MU and Chrom and I've only done it once, not going to explain why because it's off-topic.)

I had a very weird theory a while ago as to why Chrom's female supports were limited, which to be honest implodes on itself anyway. Maybe Chrom can marry Maribelle because she's a noble. I'm pretty sure Sully said in one of her supports that she's from a noble family, no clue on Sumia. Too bad the theory explodes because Olivia is of indeterminate origin and fe!MU at the point where Chrom can marry her doesn't know her origins.

I know right? The idea of Inigo being a philanderer crown prince is so awesome.

If I get it right, Sumia is a noble as well;

From Gaius x Sumia A Rank Conv

Gaius: "You know, all this time I thought you were just another strange noble.

But I was wrong. I'd be honored to call you a friend."

Other han Olivia and MU, they're all noble. Oh wait MU is a noble as well.

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If I get it right, Sumia is a noble as well;

From Gaius x Sumia A Rank Conv

Gaius: "You know, all this time I thought you were just another strange noble.

But I was wrong. I'd be honored to call you a friend."

Other han Olivia and MU, they're all noble. Oh wait MU is a noble as well.

Haha, I somehow missed that. In that case, excluding MU because s/he can marry anyone, all of Chrom's options except for Olivia are apparently noblewomen. (MU is technically not a commoner, I guess, but no one in the game knows that when Chrom is forced to marry.) Although it doesn't explain why Lissa, the younger sister of the exalt, can marry anyone of any station if Chrom, the younger brother of the exalt, cannot.

(I'm a girl, but I find it easier to get into the mindset of a male MU, strangely enough :P)

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Haha, I somehow missed that. In that case, excluding MU because s/he can marry anyone, all of Chrom's options except for Olivia are apparently noblewomen. (MU is technically not a commoner, I guess, but no one in the game knows that when Chrom is forced to marry.) Although it doesn't explain why Lissa, the younger sister of the exalt, can marry anyone of any station if Chrom, the younger brother of the exalt, cannot.

(I'm a girl, but I find it easier to get into the mindset of a male MU, strangely enough :P)

Sully's a noblewoman? What??

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While Fevatar x Chrom yields a better Lucina and Rightful King Morgan I don't like their supports at all which sucks since the Mavatar supports I get a real sense of bonding between the two rather than just "You're a girl?/You're naked!/YOU'RE NAKED!?/Let's get married!" or something like that.

I honestly prefer Sumia as his wife if only because Cynthia as Lucina's sibling just feels right.

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Sully's a noblewoman? What??

It's in a few of her supports. She's childhood friends with Chrom for one, and I think there was one where she explained that she came from a long line of knights but didn't want to do knighthood the easy way through family connections and rather wanted to have it by her own skills. Don't remember exactly which one it was, might've been Vaike or Donnel but not sure.

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