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Challenge: Count the Cats


How Many Cats Are In F.E.A.?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Excluding DLC, how many cats can you find in the maps?

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To take a break from the usual discussions I have a...


Excluding DLC, how many cats can you find in the game maps?

I've noticed a few and was wondering how many more there are.

If you'd like, give a short description as to the location of the cats in a reply.

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There's more than one? I know there's one in chapter 15 on top of some boxes to the left of the generic Dark Knight or the Dark Knight Boss.

Edit: Actually I just checked and there's a 2nd cat on that map on the right hand side on top a warehouse.

Edited by arvilino
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I more notice the roosters XD But I did freak out when I noticed a kitty on the roof of a building in one of the maps. I was like: "OMG SO CUUUUUUTE!!!!"

And the cat's motions are more lifelike than the roosters or the random birds flying above the maps, because the cats move like cats. (Yes, lazing about and only flicking the tip of the tail is what I'm talking about XD) Meanwhile roosters move their entire feetless body to a 90 degree angle to "eat" and the birds just glide around without flapping.

Edited by Cookies
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There are cats? And roosters?!

I never noticed those...


Well, I guess I think I noticed something similar to a cat shape in Say'ri's map now that you guys mention it. But I'm always zoomed out now so I can't really see the details...of roosters and cats.

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I can't believe so many of you've never seen them! I was so happy when I saw them on Say'ri's map XD. Anyway, aside from the ones chilling on the rooftops, I am pretty sure there is one in that map that's inside one of the houses, you can see it in the door only the first time playing the map (as after that the doors are closed). Can't confirm right meow as I am past that point in both my current files but I'm pretty sure. Neko Emblem.

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So, this topic actually made me start noticing some more off-the-grid things on the maps. Like, for example, there are tiny soldiers in the arena watching your battles, most notably knights. They don't move, but they just give a nice little boost to the atmosphere that empty stands wouldn't give. Also, when you go into a fight in the arena, I giggle every time I see the cheering people because they look like what cheering faceless masses do in anime. (I'll edit if I find a pic that accurately describes what I'm talking about)

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So, this topic actually made me start noticing some more off-the-grid things on the maps. Like, for example, there are tiny soldiers in the arena watching your battles, most notably knights. They don't move, but they just give a nice little boost to the atmosphere that empty stands wouldn't give. Also, when you go into a fight in the arena, I giggle every time I see the cheering people because they look like what cheering faceless masses do in anime. (I'll edit if I find a pic that accurately describes what I'm talking about)

Wait, arenas in awakening? Or are you just referring to chapter 4?

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There's 3 in Valm Harbour that I can find. In the Northroad I found some ducks and what appears to be a crane in the stream.

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If there weren't any, what would be the point of the challenge? :)

I'm not saying there aren't any, but some people probably never noticed them (myself included).
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Your brain won't notice this sort of stuff, it focuses on what it deems to be the most important, in this case, the battle or character sprites that until you decide to look around at the background(just saw this on The Brain Game). There's probably more than that too, like the stalking Sumia that most MaribelleXChrom people won't notice on the reunition scene between Lucina and Maribelle, or the 69 on the temporal clock around the portal Masked Marth and the Risen emerge from. Any other hard to notice stuff?

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Your brain won't notice this sort of stuff, it focuses on what it deems to be the most important, in this case, the battle or character sprites that until you decide to look around at the background(just saw this on The Brain Game). There's probably more than that too, like the stalking Sumia that most MaribelleXChrom people won't notice on the reunition scene between Lucina and Maribelle, or the 69 on the temporal clock around the portal Masked Marth and the Risen emerge from. Any other hard to notice stuff?

I don't know about the rest, since I don't actually have the game yet, but in the demo, I did notice Pisces. With all twelve signs of the zodiac being there, it was sort of hard to miss. X3

EDIT: Oh, wait. You said "most people."

Whoops. X3

Anyway, I'll keep my eye out for cats and roosters and a stalking Sumia and whatnot. Because it looks fun.

Edited by FranticforFreeFruityFruit
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After I get off work, would everyone on this thread like if I went through all but the endgame to see if there are cool things lurking on the map that you might not notice in regular gameplay? :) Because I'm relationship grinding my one finished save to get everyone to A :)

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