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Return of the Emblem Chapter Eleven: Unleash


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A Man Called Gar

Time to... accomplish whatever it was he was planning. Gar went over to a poser with a knife and.... didn't stab her.


The things he did for his bizarre convoluted plans. Luckily hand-to-hand was.... well it was pretty much in the same range of reach as knives. He stepped in and robbed the bard--he guessed, damn flamboyance--of a knife and nearly broke the wrist in the process before using a takedown to lay the bard flat. "Remember this face," Gar muttered as he looked down straight into the Bard's eyes right before he knock'em upside the head with his knife.

Gar didn't clean his knife as he walked away.

Gar attacks Bard B, Gar autohits Gar does 9 damage minimum Bard B has 5 HP.


Gar does 9+1+1-1=10 x 2 = 20 damage to Bard B.

Bard B is KOed.

Gar 2/9

Bard B 0/21

Aneda/Chelsea/Gar +5 points.

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So the plan had been for Bert to distract Silvia and give Valter time to attack and disarm her, something that ended up involving breaking her sword arm with the blunt of his sword, and it had gone reasonably well on the horseman’s side of things until he went skidding across the ground from a blast of dark magic. That had not been pleasant. Thankfully, Nadya soon made sure that he wasn’t about to die from his wounds. Unfortunately, Phyllis had spooked and ran a fair distance away, leaving him without a ride for the moment.

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Valter wanted him to distract the swordswoman while he went in to try to disable her. Norbert wasn't in a position to argue. All he'd resolved to do was protect Valter for the time being. Any other tactics he trusted Valter with. As for how to distract the woman, probably the thing that would demand the most attention was a full-on assault. So, Norbert charged at Silvia, maces ready. He was going to have Rizen fly up once Valter was in position to strike, but the swordswoman was faster than he'd anticipated. If he'd been trying to land a hit, he would've missed as Rizen ran by the woman. Then, he felt something cut into his arm. In particular, his left teres major, which had been extended from his feigned swing. Luckily, he was still able to hold onto his mace, but the shooting pain and sudden weakness in his arm that resulted from the tendon being cut was quite debilitating.

It was also infuriating. Turning back to face the swordswoman and charging again, Norbert thought angrily I still have my right! That thought came too soon, however, as the woman's sword easily cut through his other arm, severing the connective tissue between his bicep and his shoulder, severely crippling that arm as well. "Blast it!" I'm useless now!

As though answering his request, Valter hurried over and broke the woman's sword arm with the flat of his blade while it was extended. But perhaps not as an actual blast of magic quickly followed and sent Valter skidding away. What happened to the woman was far from the pegasus rider's mind as he, steering only with his weight and legs now, rode over to where Valter was. Nadya was already seeing to him. Probably a bit late, Norbert somewhat urgently asked the horseman whose horse had spooked, "Valter! Are you alright?"

Norbert -5pts for being KO'd on PP

Gytha caught up soon after that. It wasn't easy chasing a horse around when you were on foot and probably poisoned. Still, she felt the need to greet the others. "H-hoy..." She was a little out of breath.

Gytha defends Nadya some more!

Gytha, Nadya and Robin +1pt for an unused defend

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"Go to hell, pegasus knight!"

Mao, who was usually one to keep her cool, was getting quite pissed now. That damned pegasus knight with the poison-tipped lance had made yet another pass, injuring her further. While Mao wished a swift death upon the rider, she couldn't help but to admire the knight's skill. Retreating behind a small rock formation, Mao took another swig of her elixer. It seemed she was burning through her supply of expensive medicine...

Returning to her former position, Mao realized that Tia had collapsed into the ground in the few minutes she had been away. Her first instinct was to dismount and help the poor girl to a safe location, but she felt the glare of another person mere meters away. She turned to face a warlock, already chanting a spell directed towards her. Alarmed, Mao quickly broke into yet another charge, directed at the warlock. Twisting her sword sideways, she slashed throught the warlock's cloth robes and bashed the warlock's head with her pommel for good measure. As Mao made her swift retreat back over to Tia, the Warlock finished his spell. Mao looked back for a fraction of a second to see two nasty fireballs hurtling towards her and Water. But because Water beats fire, and the warlock was bloody slow, they were able to avoid the fire spells with a wide girth.

Taking the brief amount of time gained by the miss, Mao dismounted in a flash, rushing over to Tia with a concerned expression on her face. "Oi, Tia! Get a hold of yourself!" Mao gently nudged her, but she seemed unresponsive. Giving a quick glance at her injuries, Mao noted she didn't have an severe looking wounds, so it seemed she had simply fainted from overwork. That was a bit of a relief, but she would still need some medical attention later. Thinking quickly, Mao dragged Tia out of the road and against a tree to get her out of harm's way. Sighing from exhaustion, Mao returned to Water to support the others in their endeavour.



[2, 5, 1]=HIT!

13-2=11 DMG!



9-2=7 DMG!


Warlock A returns fire!

[3, 5, 5]=MISS! Too bad!


And again.


Warlock A 6/24

Mao 18/18

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Valter had managed to get his feet, albeit shakily. The ache from the blast was still there but other than that he seemed to be mostly fine. “I’m alright, thanks to Nadya,” he replied, before grimacing at Bert’s limp arms. Silva had really done a number to them. “But you’re not. I’m sorry.” It had been his plan in the first place, after all.

Gytha arrived shortly and greeted them, which the horseman found somewhat odd considering the situation, but he did reply with an absentminded “hello” while he looked around for where Phyllis had gone. If it were impractical to attempt catching her, which it probably was at the moment, he would just have to fight on foot. That was fine.

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"Eh, I've had worse than this," Norbert replied. He tried to shrug, but that was only half successful and a fresh spike of pain shot through his shoulder, which caused an involuntary, quite visible flinch. In an attempt to downplay that and because he didn't think the pain was worth spending time thinking about, he moved on, adding somewhat disgruntled, "I can't use my maces like this, though... If I really have to, I can still fight. Rizen would be more effective than I would at this point, though."

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That woman was trying again? "If you want my emblem piece so badly, catch," Cassandra announced, her blunderbuss dissolving in her hand leaving behind the emblem piece. Then she chucked the emblem piece toward Kit and it flashed brightly on its way to her, revealing a cluster of golden grenades all ready to explode on contact. Samael was impressed with her variety of forges so far, but she wasn't finished yet. As the grenades fell toward her target, Cassandra spawned a rifle in her hands, one similar to the dragon blunderbuss. Instead of a stock, there was a dragon tail wrapping around her right arm and like on the blunderbuss, the barrel protruding from the dragon's mouth. Not waiting for the grenades, she aimed for Kit's head and fired. "GO DOWN!!!"

Raquel wasn't sure what to do still. She'd lost her emblem piece but felt fine and her powers were apparently still working. It seemed like a better idea to get back to the Dauntless for the time being and make sure Blake was still alive. As much as she wanted to figure out who the doppleganger was and how she could wield the emblem, better than her even, she was in no position to launch an interrogation, and might even get herself killed trying.

Sardis soon came over with Silvia in his arms. He placed her with Jerald much to Colin's surprise. "He actually beat you ... like this ...?" he said to her, seeing that she had some bad injuries.

"What can I say? They really want to win, heh ... ow. I just wanted to keep the casualties to a minimum, but they're pretty thorough, heheh. I'm going to miss them ..." Silvia tried to smile but couldn't form a lasting one through the pain.

"Tina, stay put." Colin stood up and readied his sword. "We need to end this, now. I'm sick of just standing back and watching them kill our comrades. This isn't self defense or whatever bullshit excuse they'll hide behind."

"They had plenty of chances to surrender ... or at least stand down," Sardis noted.

"Yeah, yeah. Look, you tried, so I will too," Colin began a short explanation to Faatina. "I'm not going to kill them like they do us, but I'm going to seriously fuck them up for this! Let's go, Ellis, boss! Jerald, watch our backs!"

When Colin reached Valter, he unleashed a flurry of attacks while Ellis went after one of the healers. Sardis began to focus his energies in the meantime.

Sardis stat shifts! Adds his resistance to his skill!

Res 0

Hit 24

Colin attacks Valter with Astra! Rolls:

1,5,1 AUTOHIT! -5 hp

1,6,4 MISS!

5,1,5 AUTOHIT! -1 hp

6,6,3 HIT! -6 hp

1,2,3 MISS!


Valter hp 2/15

Falcoknight A(Ellis) attacks Chelsea! Aneda intercepts! Falco A rolls ,4,6,4


AUTOHIT! -8 hp

Aneda hp 10/18

General A attacks Mushirah! Mushirah uses counterspell! Rolls 3,2,3


AUTOHIT! -4 hp General A KO'd!

Mushirah hp 23/24

Warlock A attacks Mao! Rolls 2,3,2



-16 hp

Mao hp

Pegasus knight A attacks Gar! Rolls 6,1,3



Falcoknight B attacks Arietta! Rolls 5,2,6



0 damage (Plague reset)

Pegasus knight B attacks Gytha! Rolls 4,2,3



-1 hp (Poison reset)

Pegasus knight C attacks Chelsea! Rolls 2,4,6



-5 hp (Poisoned)

Poison and Plague tick!

Mao -4(KO), Arietta -8, Gytha -5, Chelsea -3


Sardis 27/54 (Erratic) Dark Burst

Bishop A 0/18

Halberdier A 0/21


Hayato 0/21

Warrior A 0/21

Warrior B 0/21


Colin 21/21 (Erratic) Pascal

Wyvern Lord A 27/27 (Defensive) Warden Lance

Falcon Knight A 18/18 (Subvert) Razor Lance


Silvia 0/18

General A 0/30

Warlock A 10/24 (Aggressive) Advanced Shield Fire Tome


Adept A 0/21

Bard A 0/21

Mage A 0/18


Wyvern Rider A 24/24 (Defending-Aggressive) Advanced Barrier Axe

Falcoknight B 11/18 (Aggressive) Plague Lance

Pegasus Knight A 11/18 (Aggressive) Poison Lance


Fighter A 0/21

Mercenary A /0/15

Shaman A 0/15


Knight A 0/24

Archer A 0/15

Cleric A 0/18


Magician A 0/24

Shaman B 0/15

Soldier A 0/18


Monk A 0/21

Bard B 0/21

Mage B 0/18


Wyvern Knight B (Defending-Aggressive) Rune Axe

Pegasus Knight B (Aggressive) Poison Lance

Pegasus Knight C (Aggressive) Poison Lance


Warrior C 0/27

Mercenary B 0/18

Druid A 0/21


Myrmidon A 0/15

Archer B 0/18

Bishop B 0/18



Ayano (Erratic) 0/21 Ayano's Shield



Faatina 0/15

Reign 0/24

Veronika 0/15


Grant 0/21

Sinbad 0/24

Synthia 0/12


Aneda 10/18

Chelsea 7/15 (Poisoned)

Gar 2/9


Marella 0/24

Rook 0/24

Zach 0/15


Arietta 5/24 (Plagued)

Axel 0/18


Mushirah 23/24

Katrina 0/24

Shadrak 0/18


Gabriella 0/21

Norbert 0/18

Valter 14/15


Gytha 7/24 (Poisoned)

Nadya 21/21

Robin 0/15


Luka 0/15

Mao 0/18 (Poisoned)

Tia 0/18


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"Colin, wait..." Faatina began, but the man was already off, charging one of her comrades.

"Be safe... both of you..." She couldn't help but finish, the leader, Sardis, along with one of the injured sub-commanders, were now standing close by... Faatina supposed most people would fear for their lives in this case, but... she still had faith that at the very least, they would respect Colin's wishes. Lifting herself off the floor what little she could, Faatina looked towards Sardis, not sure how to feel about the man... everything he did seemed very calculated but she couldn't bring herself to see him as coldly as she would be lead to believe, not just yet.

"I asked them, not to kill. I don't know how many, if any at all, listened to me, but... those two." Faatina noted pointing out an unconscious holy man and mercenary, before continuing.

"They should still be alive, I only knocked them out."


These bloody pegasi were a constant thorn in her side, diving at her constantly... they weren't doing any real damage, but the poison on their lance tips was starting to take it's toll on Arietta... she could feel her strength slipping away as she fought, but...

'Morale is low... there ain't no way I'll let 'em see me show weakness, not a chance in hell.'

Quickly engaging the wyvern lord that had begun to move forward with the last of the swordsman, both took a hit... normally Arietta wouldn't have even been phased by a blow like that, but that blasted poison was certainly taking it's toll on her endurance. Still, she managed to shove the other man back, clearly dealing him a heavy wound as he clutched his stomach in obvious pain... chances were he had some internal bleeding and collapsed ribs at the least. He shouldn't be too much of a problem overall, the next closest enemy being... hah, the boss, huh?

'Heh.., go for broke or don't go at all, right?'

"Aye, you! Yer' Sardis, ain't ya? None a' these damn lackeys a'yer's seems t'be able to do any more than scratch my armour. I'm startin' to get bored waitin' for one who'll actually put up a fight!" She taunted, as she readied her maul, and charged him. Her attack was decisively blocked by the man's sword, but at the very least it meant she had gotten his attention... to an extent.

'Tch... at this rate I'll drop any minute from this bloody poison... least I can do is try to keep him occupied...'


'Did she really just throw it? This is too perfect.' Kit mused to herself, as she broke her tug on the Emblem to deflect yet another gunshot from the woman, who now seemed quite angry, and desperate. Readying her barriers to defend against the grenade blasts if this didn't work, Kit began to enact the next step in her testing.

'Fire Emblem... do not explode, return to your original form, and come to me.'

Without the impending tug of war that Cassandra had nulled in her fit, Kit could easily divert enough concentration to keep her safe from the woman's assault, whilst still testing her effect on the Emblem... what a convenient turnout.

Arietta(4,4,3) 13 hit - 6 evd, hit! 13 Mt - 0 def, 13 damage! POISONED!

Wyvern Lord A(5,2,5) AUTOHIT! 10 mt - 7 def, 3 damage!

Arietta 2/24

Wyvern Lord A 14/27(Poisoned)


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"Ah, bugger. Not my day."

Mao had returned to Water just in time to see a flaming fireball completely filling her frame of vision. The next thing she knew, she was crumpled over on the ground, barely conscious. She was dimly aware that Water was beside her, neighing worriedly. She must have been in a real bad shape. Mao reached her hand out towards her horse, but fell back down, unconscious. The poison had finally taken its toll.

At least it wasn't by that... damned pegasus knight...

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More people were going down...Nadya decided to try and get some reinforcements from those who had been wounded. "Get in there and shoot somethin'!" she instructed to the horseman with a pistol, beginning to grow a bit panicky at the desperation of the situation. Almost time ta surrender...

Nadya rezzes Sinbad! Sinbad 0/24-->18/24 Gytha, Nadya, Robin +3

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Chelsea was not pleased with how the battle was turning out. The mercenary team was nearly defeated and the enemy commander Sardine was still on his feet. Thankfully he did not attack this turn, but it seemed like Colin had finally left Faatina's side. This would be her big chance to rescue the girl... unfortunately Chelsea finally got attacked this time as one of Colin's pegasi knights has swooped in to attack the troubadour, but fortunately Aneda guarded the blonde from an attack. Unfortunately, Chelsea got slashed by another pegasus knight, and then her vision went hazy.

"Shit, are you kidding me?!"- Chelsea cried out as she steadied herself on Nenesha's back. "Damn it all. So I've been poisoned this time?"- she exclaimed in surprise, shakily pointing her staff at the child that they had brought along. Hopefully with this blast of healing magic, the kid would be able to get up and run away. Hopefully Sardine and Colin would be merciful and not kill her.

After that, she made her way carefully over to where Faatina was, but when she tried to get off Nenesha, she fell down and landed on her behind.

"Ouch!"- yelping, the girl wearily got to her feet and staggered her way over to Faatina.

Chelsea rezzed Tia.

Tia HP: 4/18

Team Almost dead gains 3 points. Woopee~

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Tia gave a soft groan as healing magic flooded her body. She could feel some of the physical stress and pain from the light blast and the like fading away, though her head still hurt like an elephant had stepped on it and her mind still felt like crap. She glanced around with blurred vision, having difficulty making out just what was still happening, though it was clear that the battle was not yet over.

"Thank you..." she mumbled out weakly, trying her best to remember her manners despite how awful she was feeling. Part of her almost wanted to hug the girl who had healed her, but a more sane part slapped her back to reality.

"TIA! You're in a battle! You passed out from sheer mental fatigue! How a staff surge healed that, I don't know. It's like CPR for a bullet wound to the head. But that doesn't matter right now! Your teammates need you! So get off your ass and be USEFUL! You want them to stop treating you like a little kid, well adults don't go and hug people in the middle of a battle!"

With a quick shake of her head, Tia pulled out another flask and opened it up before spreading the mist out again, making the headache worse, but doing her part. She needed to hold it together. Then she focused on one of the enemies, the first her vision could make out, which was a wyvern lord. Quickly summoning up some water, she tried to knock him off his mount, striking him full on, but not strong enough to actually do such a thing. Before he could retaliate, though, she brought the water-wall back... only weaker as her mind started to short out a bit. Despite that, it was more than enough to finally knock the rider from his high mount and to the ground. As fast as she could she whipped the water up and tried to pound it downwards onto him, but wasn't sure if it had the strength to actually kill, or even remove, him from the fight.

Tia uses Bard Boost and grants +1 hit to everyone!

Tia attacks the Wyvern Lord A with a 1, 5, 2 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4025254/ (fortune tome)! Hit (9 hit + 1 - 6 evade = HIT). Tia deals 11 damage (6 MT + 5 roll - 0 RES (since he has the Warden Lance) = 11 damage. 2/27 HP

Wyvern Lord A counters with a 6, 3, 2 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4025273/ (WIFF! 4 hit + 6 roll -16 evade = WIFF!)

Tia doubles for a 2, 1, 2 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4025274/ ! Hit! Tia deals 7 damage (6 + 1 - 0 = 7)) KO!

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Surprisingly soon, Blake opened his eyes, a headache in effect. Surprisingly, that was the only pain he felt, for the time being. What was also surprising was that he was alive, given that he couldn't move last time he checked. The swordsman confirmed the opposite was true, after, with some effort and leaning against the Dauntless - he must've been moved- , he got up to his feet. Alright, once he stopped jittering for a moment, time to find out what the situation was- and how to get Raquel out of there.


You'd be best to give up the pursuit, before you're forced to. By force.

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Apparently his wounds had been hitting the cowboy harder than he'd realized, as after Sinbad had gotten back in the saddle, he'd pretty much passed out. Grit and determination could only take a man so far, it seemed. There may have been vague cognizance flitting around the edge of his awareness, sure, but it only impinged on his consciousness about as much as any trivial distraction would during someone's 'just five more minutes' stage of waking. That is to say, prompting surface reactions, quickly taken, with the stimulus immediately forgotten once removed. Not only that, but much of what he might have had to deal with, Hatsune was already taking her best steps to avoid, trotting around the battlefield seeking the various ebbs in the flow of battle.

One such instance of his mare following the changing tides led him into range, and into attention, of one of the healers of the group. Jump-started by a burst of healing light energy, Sinbad looked to his saviour, and his mood immediately soured. The thoughts running through his head followed the general lines of, The gypsy? Oh by the five, of all the people it coulda been, it had to be one of them no-good, thievin', money-grubbing layabouts? Well, shiiiiiit, this is gonna cost me later... He tried to keep most of the displeasure from showing on his face, however no doubt he wasn't entirely successful. Perhaps his discontent would be interpreted as his being ill at ease on how the combat situation had developed, however?

The woman, with panic creeping into her voice, adding an edge of shrillness to it, yelled for him to 'Get in there and shoot something,' and Sinbad figured that was as good as advice as any, and an easy a way to put as much distance between the two of them as possible for the time being, anyway. He tipped his hat and nodded. "Reckon I can do exactly that. You just, uh... Stay as far away from me... I mean, from the action, as possible, ya hear, darlin'?" The horseman didn't wait to hear her response, swiftly urging his mount to head off, to seek a fresh corner of the battlefield.

A second dose of the tonic did wonders for both his health, as well as his state of mind, as he tried appraising the lay of the land, looking for the best way to make a decisive impact. This rag-tag merchant group he was helping had sure gotten themselves into a fine pickle. It looked high unlikely they'd be wresting Raquel's father from these folk by force, and it were almost assured that they'd be beating a hasty retreat at the next opportunity, assuming someone was still manning that mammoth wagon, and it'd been loaded with those too injured to flee for themselves. In that case, the two best options for the cowboy seemed to be... strike at the leader and buy some time, or have another go at capturing a hostage for mutual trade or for information. Sinbad grimaced as he remembered how his last attempt at that second option had gone, but it seemed some fearless filly with a giant maul was already working on the first idea so there weren't really much choice in the matter. Both the Kigen and the Rexian in him was appalled by that: The one suggested a woman had no place on the battlefield to begin with, the other that she really ought to be among those being protected rather than the one doing the protecting. But this was no time for him to indulge in such trivialities.

A few moments further searching brought him better results, as he saw a man with immense skill with a blade facing down with that red-haired horseman he remembered from the strategy session last night, when that dragon head had poked itself out of the wagon's wall, out of thin air, and offered up that dream exercise, nearly scaring everyone there out o' their skins while he was at it. The ally had lost his horse somewhere along the line, and seemed ta be just barely holding out, and the enemy... wait a tic. Wasn't that? Hadn't he been sitting 'round the fire with everyone else? His name was... was... no, it didn't matter. Sinbad had never caught it, and even if he had, what use would it be? The cowboy's approach would have to be more or less the same with or without it.

[spoiler=stat stuff]

Sinbad Tonics:

HP: 18->23/24

Mt: 22->27

Hit: 11->13



Hit: 11 + 1 (Bard) + 2 (Tonic) + 4 = 18 > 16 Avoid, but AUTOHIT, regardless.

Damage: 27 + 5 - 2 = 30 damage

Colin subdued

[Details of the showdown still to come!]

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Dying, about to pass out, Aneda tried to focus herself as much as she could. Unfortunately, she had no vulnerary on hand which made the decision all the more painful.

(Aneda defends Gar)

Mushirah reacted before she could even register it, slamming her shot put right into the same man who had attacked her before, and... killing him. Self defense... This was self defense, right?! She thought, shaken by her actions.

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“I’m well aware,” Valter had replied, though usually Bert’s worse had been of his own causing. The horseman was allowed to feel guilty about being part of the cause of this particular injury. Unfortunately he didn’t have much time to react to anything else, as his attention was quickly grabbed by a charging Colin.

Though the horseman had readied to intercept the attack, along with the current disadvantage of being grounded, Colin was much faster than he had given him credit for. The first strike bit into his side before he could properly react but he managed to catch the second on the hilt of his sword. Attempting to disarm the swordmaster at that point hadn’t been the best plan, as trying to grab the sword with his gloved hand merely resulted in a gash along his arm, which ultimately left an opening for another swing at his injured side. He managed to step out of range of Colin’s last attack, but by then the damage was already done.

Valter stumbled backwards, clutching his side with his free hand to stem the bloodflow. Damn, that hurt. That his attacker wasn’t rushing to finish him off spoke volumes about his goal here, though. “You chose the wrong target, Colin. I was following Faatina’s request,” he said.

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When Sinbad arrived on the scene, the enemy seemed to be waiting for something, wasn't pressing the attack for the moment at least, though he clearly held the advantage. This only caused a momentary confusion however, as it seemed the pause was due to conversation. The dismounted horseman had called out something, though the cowboy only managed to catch a little more than the last sentence. It... didn't sound like a surrender, but he had no idea what this Faatina's request might have been. Still, the foe's name was Colin, and that was at least a start.

Calling out, first to his ally, Sinbad said, "Looks like you're in quite the pinch so I'm here ta help out. Didn't see where your girl went off to, but you can stand behind me and mine till we get this settled." Turning then to addres the enemy, he continued, "Now listen up, Colin. I don't fully know what or why you're up to this, hadn't figured you for the type to be cavorting with kidnappers from what little I saw of you over the past day or so, but I reckon you've got your reasons. Now, this can go down two ways, but I'm gonna give you the same choice I gave your short-fused, flame-haired countryman of mine you were working with. Surrender or I shoot." Sinbad shook his pistol a little bit here as meaningful punctuation, but never let the barrel deviate too far from where he'd trained it. "Now, he chose poorly, ended up taking one to the chest, and went down hard. I hope you choose a lot more wisely; you seem a decent man, and I'd hate to have to kill ya. Can tell you right now though, if you make me shoot, I'm not gonna miss."

There is no wrong target; until this fight is over, any of Raquel's people who are still standing need to be dealt with, it doesn't matter if they're aiming to kill or not, were Colin's thoughts after nearly slicing up Valter. The horseman from before quickly came to his aid though and threatened Colin with a gun, noting that he was the one that defeated Hayato. Colin grinned slightly, and for two reasons. One reason was that the idea of Hayato being dealt with so quickly prevented anyone on Raquel's side from being outright murdered; even now, that wasn't Colin's intent despite how tempting it was. The other reason was that deep down, he was hoping a solution like this would come up, and now it had. Still, he had some explaining to do before this all went down.

"You'd better just take your shot, pal, because if you don't, I'm going to tear both of you down. You and him. I'm not going to sit back and watch how this all plays out and then count up the bodies of my friends while you morons blame us for your paranoia. As long as even one of you is still standing, I'll fight you, so take your wrathdamn shot!"

Well... weren't this an improvement over last time, Sinbad thought glumly. In truth he realized it actually was, if only slightly, but he'd hoped for better. Still, at least the retort hadn't been accompanied by an immediate spring to action, though the threats and the bluster were much the same. No... even those were subdued in comparison, now weren't they? The cowboy frowned, and considered the options. This was a standoff until one of them made their move. There was no need to be the one to initiate, not yet, not when he felt confident he could handle the situation even on the swordsman's terms. There was still time for a little more talk, one last hurrah for diplomacy. But they didn't have all day. The longer they stood around jawing, the greater the chance this would go from one on one, to the cowboy being surrounded and outnumbered. Still, he did have another set of eyes on the ground... "Right... you there, red hair, anyone else start closin' in on us, or even looks like they might be considering, you give a holla right quick."

Addressing Colin once again, then, Sinbad explained, "I don't give two shiny nickles whose paranoia it was that started this mess. I only came on account of it being downright villainous to drag in unrelated family in a dispute between two folks as can't reach an agreement. Never been one for groups before, and can't say I'm findin' much reason to like 'em more now. Man to man, pistols at dawn, iff'n I had my choice, but sometimes ya can't always get that. I know it hurts losing people, believe me, but if ya don't start thinking straight real soon, you're gonna lose yourself. Don't get any worse than that, an' you're worth more to me, to everyone, alive, so this is the last time I'm gonna say this. Put. the weapon. down."

"Not a chance," Colin immediately replied. "Jethro's not a hostage. He's one of us, so this entire battle is meaningless. Despite that, you people are trying to slaughter your way out of this and I won't just stand by and let it happen!"

That caused Sinbad to raise an eyebrow. "Either you're lying to me, or things suddenly make a whole lot less sense than they used to. Either way, you insist on cutting either of us, nothing's gonna to change." The cowboy sighed, and prepared to squeeze the trigger.

"This doesn't end until you're all captured or we can't continue the fighting anymore and it's obvious you people would rather fight so come on! I'm going to maim him and you if you don't." And that was the last warning before Colin set his sights on Valter again. He wasn't one for wind magic, but he could still use it and he could hit his target from where he was standing easily enough and his posture was changing accordingly.

And that was the sign. The enemy was shifting posture, and the time for talk had ended. There wasn't any need for further reply.

At the end of a regular exhalation, Sinbad held his breath, maintaining that state. A lot of folks new to firearms would try to hold their breath on a full set of lungs, but the cowboy'd learned that that was much more prone to error. It's a lot easier to accidentally let out a held breath than it is to suck in a fresh one, after all. Unless using a rifle from a ridiculously long way away, there shouldn't be any trouble lining up and taking a shot before the body craved oxygen. And with enough practice you needed even less time.

Sinbad had had a lot of practice.

The bullet flew through the air, its course true and undisturbed. Colin's fate was now outside the control of human hands.

Colin shared the same fate as Hayato, taking a round in the chest of all places. He was hit at an angle that prevented any sort of counterattack, as the force from the hit turned him to the side, where he lost his balance and fell to one knee. Still, that was better than just standing by and watching everyone else fight and die. He felt much better with a burning hole in his chest than sitting safely on the sidelines, and now that he couldn't fight, he had nothing to worry about but the injury itself. "W-well that's ... that's me. You've ... still got a long way to go i-if you're not going to surrend-der ... though. I ... really wish you people hadn't ... brought your courage w-with you this time around. Pyrrhic victories aren't ... my th-thing."

It was with very bittersweet satisfaction that Sinbad watched the man go down, and that only deepened as Colin continued to try to talk. "Shiiit, well, I fucking told him. The hell wouldn't he listen for?" the cowboy cursed to himself, though it was entirely likely that his red-haired ally, and maybe even the swordmaster himself could overhear. The cowboy followed that up by taking a quick sweep of the battlefield. He was feeling significantly worse about this shooting than he had about the previous one, and if situation allowed he had half a mind to dismount, make sure the man was good and disarmed, and maybe try to give him basic treatment, before taking him in, and seeing if they couldn't salvage something of this hostage plan after all.

Sure enough, there didn't seem to be much in the way of ground troops in the nearby area, in fact the ranks were looking pretty thinned in the general area, though there were more'n likely reinforcements still behind the walls. What the hell, let's give 'er a shot, Sinbad thought and swung down from Hatsune.

For some reason it had never occured to him to look to the sky———

Edited by Balcerzak
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(Note: initiated early)

"It's not so simple as that anymore. Unless you are all subdued and captured ... or surrender on your own, our two groups will be forever at odds. It's out of my hands if we fail to end the fighting here and now," Sardis explained to Faatina. "That's why I'm going to do what I can to stop them, even if I must break them."

The forged grenades didn't heed Kit and came down exploding against anything they hit. Meanwhile, Cassandra made her way toward Kit with her hand outstretched, and the emblem piece she had, now noticeably larger than before, flew out of the smoke and debris and back into her waiting hand. "My needs far outweigh yours and so you'll never be able to take this from me," she explained to Kit.

Raquel had reached the Dauntless by the time Cassandra's grenade assault was complete, but she didn't know what to do now. They couldn't escape even with the Dauntless unharmed since more than half of them were in such horrible shape. Despite holding on for so long, they would have to surrender eventually or flee and leave behind the injured. The latter simply wasn't an option for her though. She thought to try and begin using her rescue staff to move people to the Dauntless, but she would get herself singled out in no time and getting taken down by a slew of archers was a nightmare scenario for her, so much so that the prospect alone paralyzed her into inaction. They were on the verge of defeating the initial bulge of enemies who accompanied Sardis but also on the verge of losing the battle from what she could tell. There didn't seem to be a way out of this, not one where they all got out alive at least.

Meanwhile, Sardis, having completed his preparations, began charging toward Gar at high speed. He ended up regretting this if only because he had given away his intentions a bit too early. Had an allied pegasus knight not stepped in to intercept his attack, he would have continued on and taken down his intended target, but now he would have to tear through his defender to even get at him. Instead he used his attack on a poorly defended mage who had just taken down Jerald. No mercy. The dark burst came flying in and exploded against Tia's body, unleashing violent dark energy on her and ending her threat.

His men continued pressing the attack and several more were brought down, if not by the attacks themselves, then by the debilitating effects of the poison that immediately followed. If they could just keep up the pressure a bit longer, their reinforcements would arrive and they could capture everyone. Bodies were everywhere, living and dead. The fighting had taken a terrible toll and both side's had been whittled down to almost nothing.

Sardis attacks Tia! Rolls 1,6,2
HIT! -19 hp BROKEN!

Falcoknight A(Ellis) attacks Chelsea! Rolls 4,5,3
HIT! -9 hp KO! Miracle activates!

Warlock A attacks Arietta! Rolls 5,3,4
HIT! -11 KO!

Falcoknight B attacks Sinbad! Rolls 5,1,1
CRITICAL HIT! -6 hp (Plagued)

Pegasus knight A attacks Gar! Aneda intercepts! Rolls 2,5,1
HIT! -4 hp KO! (Poisoned)

Pegasus knight B attacks Gar! Rolls 4,1,5

Pegasus knight C attacks Nadya! Rolls 1,1,1
AUTOHIT! -4 hp (Poisoned)

Poison and plague tick!
Sinbad -8
Gytha -5

Aneda -4 KO!

Sardis 27/54 (Erratic) Dark Burst
Bishop A 0/18
Halberdier A 0/21
Hayato 0/21
Warrior A 0/21
Warrior B 0/21
Colin 0/21
Wyvern Lord A 0/27
Falcon Knight A 18/18 (Subvert) Razor Lance
Silvia 0/18
General A 0/30
Warlock A 10/24 (Aggressive) Advanced Shield Fire Tome
Adept A 0/21
Bard A 0/21
Mage A 0/18
Wyvern Rider A 24/24 (Defending-Aggressive) Advanced Barrier Axe
Falcoknight B 11/18 (Aggressive) Plague Lance
Pegasus Knight A 11/18 (Aggressive) Poison Lance
Fighter A 0/21
Mercenary A /0/15
Shaman A 0/15
Knight A 0/24
Archer A 0/15
Cleric A 0/18
Magician A 0/24
Shaman B 0/15
Soldier A 0/18
Monk A 0/21
Bard B 0/21
Mage B 0/18
Wyvern Knight B (Defending-Aggressive) Rune Axe
Pegasus Knight B (Aggressive) Poison Lance
Pegasus Knight C (Aggressive) Poison Lance
Warrior C 0/27
Mercenary B 0/18
Druid A 0/21
Myrmidon A 0/15
Archer B 0/18
Bishop B 0/18
Ayano (Erratic) 0/21 Ayano's Shield
Faatina 0/15
Reign 0/24
Veronika 0/15
Grant 0/21
Sinbad 9/24 (Plagued)
Synthia 0/12
Aneda 0/18 (Plagued)
Chelsea 0/15
Gar 2/9
Marella 0/24
Rook 0/24
Zach 0/15
Arietta 0/24 (Plagued)
Axel 0/18
Mushirah 23/24
Katrina 0/24
Shadrak 0/18
Gabriella 0/21
Norbert 0/18
Valter 14/15
Gytha 2/24 (Poisoned)
Nadya 13/21 (Poisoned)
Robin 0/15
Luka 0/15
Mao 0/18 (Poisoned)
Tia 0/18


Battle average: 47
Previous average: 597
New average: 644

A Victory of Sorts

"... right then," Samael muttered to himself. The battlefield had almost quieted down enough for him to speak loudly and be heard from anywhere in the courtyard, but more enemy reinforcements were beginning to show up. He immediately partitioned a bit of his magic to send up a flare over the courtyard. That got his sides attention easily enough. It disappeared quickly and he spoke up saying, "Tomes down! Blades down! Bows down! Enough of you have died over this botched meeting, I think. Besides ... everyone's all tuckered out now and I believe we're once again in a position to talk. Let's give Sardis one last chance to salvage this mess. And failing that ... I'll take over."

"... odd timing, Samael," Sardis said under his breath as he sheathed his sword. "No ... perfect timing ... for you, at least."

"Sardis, now's your chance. Do it for Jethro~"

"Urgh ..." Sardis could tell when he was being mocked, and he and Samael both knew that negotiations were over after all of this bloodshed. What was any of this going to accomplish?

Edited by Phoenix
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Marella slowly woke to a pounding head. Ugh. What... what happened? Looking up, she gasped. "Where... where is everyone? What..." Looking to her left, she saw Rook. "No." Looking around, she saw Zach, collapsed on the ground. "No. I..." Looking at the battlefield, she couldn't even begin to understand. I failed. They all... down. All of my friends. Most of the group. All of them... She grabbed her lance, and slowly used it to help herself stand. I need to be up. I need to be ready for what's next. I can't fail again. I can't fall. Not again. Never again.

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Well, that didn't work. The grenades exploded as Cassandra wanted, though the blast dealt no noticeable damage through the Avian's barrier. Shaking some dust from her hair and tails with a grimace, the woman gave Cassandra an interested look.

"Your needs, huh? Though I think you misinterpret my intentions, Cassandra. I intended to learn about the Emblem, not necessarily take it from you... of course seizing it would make the future a lot easier, but I've learned plenty today... oh, and you really shouldn't use the word never... you may exert a greater force of will on the Emblem, but that doesn't mean I couldn't just kill you and bypass it altogether... though now doesn't seem the time to try." Kit concluded, her dust-banishing making it's way to her ears.

"So what do you intend to do now, then? If you're still set on killing her, then I can't guarantee your safety." Kit finished, thumbing towards Raquel.


Faatina couldn't help but cringe as Colin took a bullet to the chest, after arguing with the gunman. As said gunman dismounted, he was quickly assailed by that stupid falcoknight with the poison tipped lance... she was still flying around?

Making her way over to Colin, Faatina was grateful for his treatment... she still wasn't quite in fighting form but she could move now, and with their positions reversed, Faatina soon had Colin's head cradled upon her lap, vulnerary that had been left with her at the ready.

"I don't know anything about bullet wounds, is there anything I should do before giving you this stuff?" She asked, her eyes moving towards the gunman... she wasn't sure what his intentions were, but maybe she could garner his aid.

"Just to let you know, that lance was poisoned... don't move too much or it'll spread faster, I got hit by it too. Listen... Colin isn't a bad guy... he helped me when I went down, so please... I don't know anything about bullet wounds, or anything like that, I... I just don't want to see him die, and I don't know what to do... not in a situation like this." She pleaded, hoping that the man would listen.


The guy blew her off completely... that was aggravating more than anything else, and Arietta had tried to slam the man to the ground as he turned his back to her, but... the blast of flame slamming into her chest had other intentions. It wouldn't have been a problem, but with almost all of her strength gone, it brought the brawler down hard, maul falling to her side.

"D-damn it... bloody... fuckin' ... mages..." She cursed, not really able to do much on the moving her body front.

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Axel successfully managed to get up a while after Arietta left off, and hauled himself off to the Dauntless. An unconscious Veronika was propped up against it, prompting a frown from under the lancer's visor.

"You fool," he muttered, under his breath. A quick check of the noblewoman's pulse indicated that she was alive - excellent. Once that was done, the man in red armor turned around just in time to see that Arietta had been toasted. Oh dear. Alright, patch up, then cover the female warrior. Axel entered the Dauntless proper and began looking for his personal supplies.


The violence was steadily declining, judging from what Blake could hear. Once he had regained steady balance, he had immediately sprinted over to his sword and retrieved it, ignoring headache and other aches and pains for now. By then, Raquel's double had released explosives on Kit, which was kicking dust up and making it hard to see what was going on. Eventually, though, as the swordsman made his way back to the Dauntless, he spotted the merchant herself, apparently fine.

"Raquel, I think you should probably get in the Dauntless," Blake said as he approached the aforementioned wagon. "Odds are we'll need vulneraries." Especially considering how many people were down here already... Geez, Zachary and his friends were down too. How bad was it?

Then, an unfamiliar voice -another enemy leader, it must've been- called on both sides to lower arms and try to negotiate one last time. Well, at least it wasn't reinforcements.

"Let's get as many people ready to go as possible, while I'll talk to Sardis, or something...," Blake said, after that announcement. He began to notice more allies that were unconscious, wounded, or both. This had been a disaster. "...Oh, and I suppose we could return Colin's sword. Raquel, do you still have that on you?"


It is a dangerous road you are walking on. Tread carefully.

Edited by Snike
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A Man Called Gar

The guy who was all leaping around earlier could have been scary if he hadn't been scared off by pegasus-chick and went and attacked a girl. How noble of him. Well, the enemy pegs came for another pointless pass at him, though they took down their opposite number. Somehow. Probably poison. Though with her down it seemed sides had gone completely even for ground forces. Or close enough. This apparently got the attention of the loudmouth on the walls who got the attention of everyone with a giant "kick-my-ass" flare and attempting one last shot at peace. At least he could find out who Sardis was now. Not that it would have been hard with all that remained.

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Rook's vision flickered awake at the sight of the flare.

What had happened? Everything... stank of magic. Marella... had almost died.

Nearly died to save him and Zach.

The archer slowly staggered to his feet, surprised to see Marella standing already. "Marella... ! I... I'm sorry." He licked the blood off his lips. "Failed... I failed you. Couldn't get you to safety... bastards picked me off before I could... d-damn it all!" He fingered the string of his bow, anxiously.

"But we're ... both here. If they come for us... if they come, we can say we died fightin'. They can't take that away from us."

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Marella glanced at Rook and shook her head. "Get behind me. It's my fault. I went down. Stay back, I'll protect you. Just... don't get hurt. Not again. I'll protect you..." She gripped her lance and stepped out in front of the archer, hands shaking slightly. She wasn't at full strength, but she needed to do this. She couldn't let her friends down. Not again.

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'I still don't know who you are, but my intent is not to harm her... though keeping Raquel alive plays in my favour and I'll do what I can to see it so. If you are that worried for her, convince her to back down.' Kit thought back to the apparition that she could still not sense or see... though it was plenty obvious she was being threatened at this point.

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