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Return of the Emblem Chapter Eleven: Unleash


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Hold. The. Line.

While Gabbie tried to cover the one teammate she could effectively look after from the ground, Reign set his sights on the aggressor Hayato. It was a long shot, but if he managed to hit him and his escorts, Faatina would be able to run them all over easily. Something else caught his eye first though, Valter had taken a shot at another team and all of them were preparing to retaliate. He didn't like giving up his original targets, but if they spread their attacks out too much, the next enemy rush was going to be disastrous. He launched his attack on the three enemies Valter was targeting, and then as one of them tried to retaliate, Katrina stopped him and cut him and then took him out. Only a badly burned mercenary remained and he was in no position to do anything after that blast.

Blake's attempt to reach the Dauntless was hampered by not only it's current attempt to turn, but also Cassandra's forged snake sword, which for a time was threatening to strike at him. When he swung first to create an opening, the serpent blade backed off, but this was simply in preparation for a very unusual followup. More than a third of the length of the sword came down in order to pull off this attack. Just a few feet from the Dauntless, the serpent blade lashed out and a great length of it wrapped around Blake and Raquel, tying them up in a link of numerous blade segments. Then, using a great deal of force, it hauled them backward, erasing some of Blake's progress toward the safety of the Dauntless.

"Nice catch," Samael commented.

Gabbie defends Valter!

Reign attacks Warrior C, Mercenary B, and Druid A! Rolls 5,2,3
Warrior C -17 hp
Mercenary B -15 hp
Druid A -9 hp KO!

Warrior C counters! Katrina intercepts! Warrior C rolls 6,2,4
-9 hp

Katrina counters Warrior C! Rolls 1,6,4
HIT! +6 hp
-12 hp KO!

Reign hp 16/24
Katrina hp 21/24
Warrior C hp 0/27
Mercenary B hp 3/18
Druid A hp 0/21

+5 Faatina/Reign/Veronika
+5 Faatina/Reign/Veronika
+3 Mushirah/Katrina/Shadrak

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Fortune was on their side, at least, initially, when the golden serpent thing pulled back. Then, the Dauntless began to swing around, which complicated matters. Blake could only hope that they'd stop long enough to catch up, but, alas, that hope was in vain. Just a few feet away from the vehicle itself, the weapon came back. And it wrapped itself around the swordsman and his unconscious employer, before pulling them away from the wagon. The chain's sharp edges punctured his jacket and his skin, resulting in some pain, but what was more pressing was the fact that he and Raquel were being reeled in. The man began to struggle against the bonds, forcing himself to ignore any further cuts. If only he could get loose enough to have his boss slip out...

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Faatina had managed to fend the attacker off decently enough, not really taking anything more than a scratch from the blade, but as she wheeled around, she immediately felt a throbbing pain in her arm.

'What the hell...? It barely even scratched me...' She wondered, shrugging it off for a moment, before knocking out the man who was still standing after Reign's impressive fire show, and wheeling her way around to strike at one of the bards, She managed to wind the man, though he launched two quick counterstrikes, leaving Faatina gasping for air, as the sinking feeling in her arm spread across her torso.

'This isn't right... was that lance poisoned?' Faatina wondered to herself, as her earlier calculated movements transitioned into a confused wandering about the battlefield, Faatina's hand coming up from the reins. As she spotted Colin once again, a feeling of guilt welled up in her.

"S-sorry, C-colin... but my voice... it doesn't mean a whole lot to them... I a-asked them to try n-not to kill anyone... but I don't know if they listened..." She managed, her voice weak, before what remained of her strength left her, causing her to fall from Sharif's saddle, and onto the ground a tad in front of the swordsman, her breathing now laboured and heavy, her vision blurring as she fell in and out of consciousness.


Ah, how good it felt to be healed! With newfound vigour, Arietta slammed a nearby fighter with her maul, causing the man to crumple to the ground, now-shattered ribs protruding from his body at several unseemly angles. With that, the brawler took to covering for the downed lancer, seeing if she could wave any of the healers over.


"Ohoho, so you can use it that much... hehe, you're a lot better than Raquel, she can barely do anything at all with hers~" Kit mused, praising Cassandra's ability to use the emblem piece.

"Buttt... I'm afraid it just wouldn't do if I made it quite so easy~" She taunted with a smile, as the singularity that formed midway across the serpentine blade quickly broke it off from the source.

"That emblem really is something, that sword of yours should be impossible, and this comes from someone with prosthetics like mine~ So come now, show me what other interesting things you can do with that artefact..."

Faatina(2,1,4) 14 hit - 7 evd, hit! 8 mt - 2 def, KO!

Merc B 0/18

Faatina 9/15


Faatina(1,4,6) 13 hit - 12 evd, hit! 11 mt - 1 def, 10 damage!

Bard A(6,4,2) 11 hit - 7 evd, hit! 10 mt - 7 def, 3 damage!

Bard A(6,5,3) 11 hit - 7 evd, hit! 11 Mt - 7 def, 4 damage!

Faatina 2/15

Bard A 8/21

Arietta(3,1,6) 10 hit - 7 evd, hit! 10 mt - 7 def, 3 damage! KO

Arietta 24/24

Fighter A 0/21




Faatina/Reign/Veronika +6

Arietta/Axel +5

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As the singularity devoured the center of the snake sword, both halves began to flail wildly and Cassandra's concentration broke. She stood up angrily and yelled, "Stay out of my way!" Next she vaulted over the edge of the walkway to try and deal with the emblem situation up close, leaving the situation up on the wall in Samael's hands.

"I hope you're not intent on interfering with her work. If she fails to get the emblem, I'll have to do it myself, then there won't be any survivors, I'll have gone back on my word with Sardis, and my little exercise with Valcyn will be over before it even begins," Samael explained to her, seeming disappointed at the sudden turn of events.

Once Cassandra was on the ground, she swung her blade again, and the wandering severed ends began to find their way to each other again. Once they were close, they linked up, fusing underneath a golden light. Cassandra held out her other hand toward Raquel and Blake as the latter struggled, focusing intently on them.

Close by, Sardis initiated the second wave of attacks, and no hold would be barred. He intended to cut down the thunder mage, Zachary, but Marella stood in his way and took the brunt of his attack instead. Sardis could tell he'd successfully removed her as a threat for the time being, but someone else would have to deal with the mage.

Reign and Valter were also attacked, but Reign repelled his attacker and Valter was swiftly defended by Gabbie. More scratches were left behind, though, and now she and Reign were poisoned. Reign eventually fell back against the Dauntless, barely able to move as he nursed his arm. "Dammit, I can't cast anymore ..." As if things couldn't get any worse, he spotted Faatina wandering about in much the same condition as he was in, but he was in no position to do anything about it. "Urgh ... too much aggression. They're killing us with attrition now ... Faatina, get away from there ..." It was no good, however, as Faatina was attacked yet again before escaping the area. An angry adversary ran up and stabbed her while she was helpless on the ground. "Urrrrgh, dammit!"

"You idiot," Colin shouted as he rushed over and violently shoved her attacker aside, nearly sending him onto his rear in the dirt. He ended up there anyway, but on his side, and only after a stubborn attempt to stay on his feet. First thing was first, keep her alive. Colin quickly took out his vulnerary and applied it to her wound. It was the most dire one and she could easily die soon if it wasn't treated. He didn't know about the poison, however. "Faatina, don't die, alright?! Can you hear me?! Don't die!" Damn that son of a bitch; I didn't want this ... and because they thought we'd sprung a trap on Raquel, they're fighting back without a second thought ...

Meanwhile, Hayato had grown tired of waiting around and signaled his fighters to follow him. Colin was too busy with the rexian girl to stop him this time, so he made his move. He had an annoying backstabber(of the literal variety) to deal with, Gar. His antics hadn't gone unnoticed, only unaddressed. The fighters spread out to make sure they had the man surrounded before acting. Once his escape routes were cut off, Hayato rushed in hoping to cleave Gar in half. It wasn't a successful kill, but they couldn't keep Gar pinned down for any follow up attacks.

Meanwhile, the mages and shamans unleashed everything they had and managed to pound Arietta and Zachary, defeating the latter in the end. The pegasus knights also made their move, going after Veronika and Mao and spreading the poison epidemic even further.

"Why don't you all surrender before this gets ugly?" Sardis suggested as he sheathed his sword. Sardis wasn't going to get to deliver any cool lines like that unopposed however, as Ayano rammed her blade right into his side becoming slightly opaque for just a moment and then vanishing as she tore her blade from him. "Urgh! ... that woman," Sardis hissed as he grabbed his bleeding side.

Bard A boosts allied hit! +1

-4 hp

Bard B boosts allied hit! +1

-4 hp

Sardis attacks Zachary! Marella intercepts! Sardis rolls 1,5,4



-17 hp

Sardis doubles! Rolls 6,4,6


-16 hp KO!

Sardis loses 1 hp from backlash

Marella hp 0/24

Sardis hp 52/54

Hayato initiates a triangle attack against Gar! Rolls 1,3,4



-12 hp KO!

(Warrior rolls not really ... needed or wanted here, moving >_>)

Gar hp 0/9

Hayato hp 21/21

Warrior A hp 21/21

Warrior B hp 21/21

Bard A attacks Faatina! Rolls 4,4,4



-12 hp KO!

Faatina hp 0/15

Bard A hp 4/21

Bard B heals Bard A! +4 hp

Bard A hp 8/21

Mage A attacks Arietta! Uses overcast(+3 mag/-3 skl)! Rolls 2,6,3



-16 hp

Arietta hp 8/24

Mage A hp 18/18

Shaman B attacks Zachary! Rolls 2,4,4



-32 hp KO!

Zachary hp 0/15

Shaman B hp 15/15

Mage B attacks Reign!

Reign uses counterspell! Rolls 1,6,1



-7 hp

Mage B rolls 4,5,2



-13 hp

Reign hp 3/24

Mage B 11/18

Pegasus Knight A attacks Veronika! Rolls 5,1,4



-3 hp (Poisoned)

Veronika hp 12/15

Pegasus Knight A hp 11/18

Falcon Knight B attacks Katrina! Rolls 2,3,6



0 damage (Plagued)

Falcon Knight B doubles! Rolls 6,2,3


0 damage (Plague reset)

Katrina hp 21/24

Falcon Knight B hp 18/18

Pegasus Knight B attacks Mao! Rolls 2,3,2



-3 hp

Mao hp 15/18

Pegasus Knight B hp 18/18

Pegasus Knight C attacks Valter! Gabbie intercepts! Pegasus Knight C rolls 3,2,2



0 damage (Poisoned)

Gabbie hp 21/21

Valter hp 15/15

Pegasus Knight C hp 18/18

Poison/Plague ticks!

Reign KO


Ayano attacks Sardis with 'Ayano's Blade'! Rolls 6,3,6



-6 hp

Ayano switches back to 'Ayano's Shield'!

Ayano hp 21/21

Sardis hp 46/54


Sardis 46/54 (Erratic) Fissure

Bishop A 0/18

Halberdier A 0/21


Hayato 21/21 (Erratic) Blazing Sword

Warrior A 21/21 (Subvert) Tomahawk

Warrior B 21/21 (Subvert) Tomahawk


Colin 21/21 (Erratic) Pascal

Wyvern Lord A 27/27 (Defensive) Warden Lance

Falcon Knight A 18/18 (Passive-Subvert) Razor Lance


Silvia 18/18 (Erratic) Viper

General A 30/30 (Defensive) Horseslayer Lance

Warlock A 24/24 (Defensive) Advanced Shield Fire Tome


Adept A 0/21

Bard A 7/21 (Aggressive) Combat Knife

Mage A 18/18 (Aggressive) Elfire Tome


Wyvern Rider A 24/24 (Defending-Aggressive) Advanced Barrier Axe

Falcoknight B 18/18 (Aggressive) Plague Lance

Pegasus Knight A 18/18 (Aggressive) Poison Lance


Fighter A 0/21

Mercenary A /0/15

Shaman A 0/15


Knight A 0/24

Archer A 0/15

Cleric A 0/18


Magician A 0/24

Shaman B 15/15 (Aggressive) Ambush Dark Tome

Soldier A 0/18


Monk A 21/21 (Defending-Aggressive) Advanced Shield Light Tome

Bard B 17/21 (Aggressive) Combat Knife

Mage B 11/18 (Aggressive) Elfire Tome


Wyvern Knight B (Defending-Aggressive) Rune Axe

Pegasus Knight B (Aggressive) Poison Lance

Pegasus Knight C (Aggressive) Poison Lance


Warrior C 0/27

Mercenary B 0/18

Druid A 0/21


Myrmidon A (Passive-Aggressive) Disabling Sword(SPD)

Archer B (Passive-Subvert) Killer Bow

Bishop B (Passive-Aggressive) Force Light Tome



Ayano (Erratic) 21/21 Ayano's Shield



Faatina 0/15

Reign 0/24

Veronika 15/15


Grant 21/21

Sinbad 24/24

Synthia 12/12


Aneda 18/18

Chelsea 15/15

Gar 0/9


Marella 0/24

Rook 24/24

Zach 0/15


Arietta 8/24

Axel 0/18


Mushirah 24/24

Katrina 13/24

Shadrak 0/18


Gabriella 16/21

Norbert 18/18

Valter 15/15


Gytha 24/24

Nadya 21/21

Robin 0/15


Luka 15/15

Mao 11/18

Tia 4/18


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D... damn it all, can't think straight... got to get this all in order...

Their primary enemy, the archmage... came straight for them. Came for Zachary. Rook had nocked an arrow, ready to try and distract him, but...

But then Marella came in swinging, roaring a battlecry, and took the blast of dark energy right in the... right in the chest...

Rook barely had time to cry out in desperation before he was floored by another strike of vile energy...

But he wasn't the target of it. And as he gritted his teeth and pushed himself off from the ground, he saw the man who was...

Zachary was down, bleeding... and Marella as well. Both of them dying.

If Marella died here, Rook would be...

Friendless, alone, and in strange, dangerous company. A blank slate. A fresh start.

And he wasn't ready to throw away the past just yet.

The bowman forced himself to his feet, trying to ignore the taint of magic nearby. "You think... you think that's gonna stop me?" he roared, drawing a long, clothyard arrow with renewed strength. "Well you got another thing coming! You won't have me! You won't have me!"

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A Man Called Gar

The wretched rat bastard with the stupid hair and managed a half-decent attempt on Gar's head. He'd been taking it easy to avoid undue attention, but getting surrounded and nearly getting cut down like that really pissed him off. None of them could have come close, or even two of them. But three was just enough stupidity lblinding him to let that damn sword-guy get in a mean attack. His arm still hurt from preventing that flaming sword from hitting anywhere vital. He'd need to get the armor pieces looked at. And a new coat. Dammit, he'd rob them bad after they were all dead. Still, for now he meandered back and away, hiding his vulnerability.

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"Well, to be honest, I can't say I have much of a stake in your quarrel... I'm just a scholar who can't get enough of those emblem pieces and the girls who wield them... to be perfectly honest so long as that girl will keep showing me what she and that artefact can do, I'm content to watch her." Kit replied to the man with a smirk, as Cassandra made her way down towards Raquel and Blake.

"Say what you will, but this really is an unparalleled opportunity, you know? How else could I ever learn that emblem-crafted constructs can, in-fact, be damaged by elder magic? In addition, these constructs can take form and function beyond what is considered possible with normal science and magic, and that the damaging of said constructs can cause recoil directly against the wielder's concentration, which then aversely effects the construct?" Kit continued, rattling off what she had pieced together between her own eyes and magic senses, as well as the thoughts of Samael and Cassandra.

"Valcyn is quite paranoid, you know? And her skill with her piece is lacking... you wouldn't be so cruel as to deny a humble researcher her lifetime's opportunity, would you?" She added with a wink, before leaping down after Cassandra, landing once again, between the woman and Raquel.

"Now now... so hasty. Won't even play with me a little before going after her again?" Kit teased, several dark spheres forming about her.


Another caster, taking his aim at her, and from the strain on his face, Arietta could tell it was pretty well the peak of the man's power...! The blast hit home, Arietta bracing herself for the impact... she was not one of much magical talent, but she was hardy enough that these blasts, despite doing a good deal of damage, weren't enough to down her, though she did find herself out of breath and in a good deal of pain.

"S'that all? You've gotta have better than that." She chided, not moving from her stop guarding Axel's fallen form.

'If someone's gonna end you with fire, Axel, it better damn well be your own flames that you tout so dearly. Like hell I'm gonna be responsible for watching someone else burn you.'


There it was, a sharp, all consuming pain. Through the haze that clouded her eyes, she could vaguely make out the knife that had been plunged through a chink in her armour, before the man who had plunged it was roughly shoved aside, and a cool, healing liquid made it's way through her lips, which still gasped in breath. Making what headway she could on shifting her field of vision so that she may lay eyes on the one that had saved her, atleast for the time being. Somewhat surprisingly, it was not one of those she called her allies, but rather it was Colin.

"C-colin... why? I... I couldn't d-do anything... so... why?" She managed, the vulnerary healing the new wound for the most part, before the toxin in her veins rocked her form one again, causing her body to spasm roughly. If he was going to try to help her, despite, then at the very least she supposed she should try to tell him what little she had deduced about her wound.

"I... It's not... an injury." She began, moving her left arm shakily over to her right, forcing her fingers to open the slight wound that had been caused when the FalcoKnight had dived her.

"I think... I think this blade... it was... p-poisoned." She managed, followed by a rather bad cough which shook her already weakened frame, her vision growing dimmer as time passed. Although she couldn't make it out through her own eyes, the area around the indicated wound had already begun to fester, the skin taking a sickly intonation, with some oddly coloured liquid remaining at this site, perhaps remnants of the toxin used, perhaps some strange excretion of the body that cold mean nothing good.

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"Urk." Tia groaned as she tried to keep the wound she had taken from the soldier together. It wasn't *that* bad, but it was the first wound she had ever actually *taken*. It was shocking. Not because of the pain, she had expected that it would hurt an amazing amount, but because of how *cold* it was.

Regardless, she had to get involved. Get her head back into the fight! Pulling out another of the flasks, she opened it and started to disperse the mist. She wasn't able to focus enough just yet to follow it up with an attack, but for now, it would have to do.

Tia Bards for +1 hit!
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A pegasus knight made a surprise attack from above. Her lance glanced off of Mao's arm, doing little damage, but she felt the effects immediately. The sting was unmistakeable -- Poison! She took aim to return fire, but the pegasus knight was long gone, and flanked by defending wyvern. Not a very good idea to return fire, in this case, she concluded. Wincing from the poison damage, she came upon a bard in a small clearance between the others. She would give him a taste of her trusted smallsword, and then fall back and heal up to forestall a poisoning death.

The strike was good and true; her smallsword pierced his heart. Mao quickly circled around the fallen bard with Water and fell back, drinking a sip of her elixer as she did.



Mao attacks Bard A!

[5,3,4]= HIT!

8-1= 7 DMG!

Bard A KOED!

Mao uses Canto and drinks Elixer!

Bard A 0/21

Mao 18/18 (Poisoned)

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As predicted, once Reign attacked the warrior tried to retaliate, but Katrina was in just the right position to intercept. Unfortunately, she hadn’t quite realized till then that the axe he was brandishing was a light brand. The barrier projected by Volga’s tack managed to deflect some of the light magic, but that her axe was dark aligned didn’t really help matters. Regardless, once she’d endured the attack she struck back, bashing the man in the head and stealing his life energy.

The next thing she knew, one of the blasted pegasus riders was swooping down, lance poised and ready to strike. They probably wanted revenge. Well Kat wasn’t going to give it to them. She parried the blows to her side with her axe, but they did manage to slice through her sleeve and graze her arm above the gauntlet. It wasn’t debilitating, so she thought nothing of it until she began to feel slightly dizzy. That was odd, she hadn’t been exerting herself that much had she? Come to think of it, things were starting to get kind of blurry…


The retaliation for their last attacks had been swift, but Gabbie’s fending off the pegasus rider allowed Valter a chance to take aim at a new target.

Valter attacks Shaman B!

Roll: 2,1,3

13+1=14-6= yeah you hit

7+1=8-1= 7DMG

Doubles, ect


13+2=15-6= Hit

7+2 =9-1= 8*3= 24DMG

((I don’t really think he’s surviving this. GG shaman B.))

Shaman B’s HP: -16/15

Valter’s HP: 15/15

The first arrow punctured his gut while the second flew into his neck. The bodkin point arrows were unlikely to kill immediately at those locales, but it didn’t make the wounds any less painful or debilitating. The magic user was definitely out of this fight.

Glancing back afterward, Gabbie was looking a little worse for wear. He was pretty sure the pegasus knight hadn’t wounded her badly, though. Now that he noticed, others were looking not so well either. “You alright?” he asked.


Well Grant had been gracious enough to keep enemies off them while Luka was still out of it, but when the cleric did wander off Synthia wasn’t sure if she should stop him or not. Yes there was an overwhelming need for healers at the moment, but using any staff was just going to make his problem worse. He was going to get himself injured, either from being a target or overusing staves.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t much time to dwell on it because shit was going down and other people were hurt. If something did happen to the other cleric though, she was going to feel immensely guilty about it. Of course, something else that she was going to feel guilty about caught her eye. Tia was not only fighting, but was injured. Running over to the mage, she was very tempted to chastise her, but healing definitely took priority. Didn’t need more dead kids, after all. “You idiot, didn’t everyone tell you not to get involved?” Synthia said as the wounds began closing up.

Overcast! -4 skill +4 mag

Synthia heals 16 HP to Tia

Tia’s HP: 17/18

Synthia’s HP: 12/12

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As the heal came, Tia's mind cleared and she looked up at Synthia. "No. They told me to guard the Dauntless! And I'm guarding it as best I can! Thank you so much for the heal by the way. I'm surprised how cold it felt. But now... Now it's time to stop the enemies from attacking the Dauntless, don't you think? Oh! I saw Robin go down and she looks pretty bad. You should probably get her out of danger if you can!" said Tia as she opened up her defensive tome.

Things were about to get messy. She planned on clearing as much of the enemy out as she could in one strike. Focusing her mind, she started to chant. Her mind reached out, pulling as much water as she could manage, inside the Dauntless, outside, her own flasks, every last bit into a large sphere before her body. A sphere... which she reshaped into a wall with a word and then, with a mighty focus of magic, sent crashing towards one of the enemy teams like a massive wave of force, intend on sweeping them off their feet and hurting them as much as possible through the push and slam of the wall of water!

Tia attacks Team Hayato with the force!

Hayato Vantages, but wiffs it! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4023842/ 3, 5, 2! Miss!

Tia uses the Force! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4023852/ 3, 5, 1! Miss, hit, hit!

Tia misses Hayato, but hits both fighters for 10 damage each!

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Their allies were falling left and right...Veronika herself took a wound with a lance that was undoubtedly poisoned. Ugh they're planning to wear us down, one by one. "Don't surrender! We can do this!" she called out, trying to be inspiring as she shoved her sword through one of the axemen who got hit by a wall of water.

(4,6,4)= Autohit. 11 damage.

(1,2,5)= Hit. 7 damage. Warrior A KO'd +5 Reign, Faatina, Veronika

Things were looking grim from Nadya's point of view- Nadya decided to heal the woman with the big hammer who seemed to be under a lot of fire. Better she take it than me, Nadya thought to herself.

Nadya heals Arietta. Arietta 8/24-->21/24 +2 Gytha, Robin, Nadya

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Rook found a good foothold, drew and fired. It made its mark; the warrior stood wordlessly, gasping for air as the arrow stuck in his throat, before finally pitching forward into the dirt. "Who's next?" bellowed the sniper.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4023957/ Warrior B is dead.

+5 points to Ella/Rook/Zach

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Once the Dauntless had been righted, Gytha hopped out of the drivers' seat and hurried back towards the fighting, drawing her sword as she went. It was an unsettling sight: so many of their people were down, all across the battlefield. Concerned for them, Gytha hurried to the closest healer she thought would have the best chance at rescuing them.

"Hoy, Nadya, we have t' help th' people who're hurt! I'll cover ye," she offered, looking back and forth between the one she was speaking to and the fallen. Gytha figured Nadya had a horse and was therefore more mobile than other healers, so she could get out of there if she had to and they could maybe even carry some that were further out back to where the fighting was less fierce.

Gytha defends Nadya!


After he dropped Robin off to somewhere with a bit more cover and further away from the enemies, Norbert charged right back into the fray with Rizen. He didn't get far before slowing and pausing to take things in, however. It was a little bewildering just how many were down. This doesn't look good... We can't give up, though. He cast a glance at Veronika. She'd practically shouted his thoughts. Though he was still tentative about it, he was beginning to notice that he was agreeing with her. Maybe...she can do this after all... He was still quite reluctant to trust her leadership yet, though. That would take some more time.

Something else entirely grabbed his attention, however. Across the battlefield Sherif stood by while his rider lay on the ground with none other than Colin kneeling over her. It was impossible to tell what exactly was transpiring, but Colin was their enemy and so Norbert immediately assumed the worst. His temper flared visibly as a snarl quickly formed on his face. Then he spurred Rizen into a charge with complete abandon, fully intending to rescue Faatina from whatever it was Colin was doing. As if that wasn't enough to draw attention, he called out to Colin, "LEAVE HER ALONE YOU SICK PARASITE!"

OoC: This defend is interesting in that Norbert is the one acting (tis a defend) but roy gets to post it. Yay.

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The chain went ballistic for a bit as it was split by a dark orb, which hopefully, with Blake's writhing, would loosen the bonds placed upon Raquel and himself. That wasn't to last, as the attacker - a white haired woman who seemed familiar- came down from above, fixed the chain -which appeared to be a sword of some kind-, and held her hand out, as if to draw them closer. Upon further inspection, the lady looked incredibly similar to Raquel, though with a different outfit, snow white hair, and purple eyes. How could that be...?

There was no time to ponder such questions, as Kit- from the same place as the Raquel lookalike, presumably- landed in between the captured swordsman and his jailer. She appeared to be hostile to the other woman. Excellent. Blake used this opportunity to struggle even harder, while his attacker was distracted.


Aaaand they were running out of allies. This was lovely. As Synthia moved to heal the redhead girl, Grant followed. Hopefully attention wouldn't be thrown their way.

Grant defends Synthia and Sinbad!

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How cold it felt? And this kid was acting like her injury was nothing, even though something like that was easily life threatening… As soon as she had been healed though, the mage proceeded to swamp nearly an entire combat team. That did not change Synthia's mind on whether the girl should be here or not, but if she was here she might as well be useful.

Taking Tia’s advice, she looked around for Robin, finding her being carried off somewhere safer by Bert. Well ok then, she was probably relatively safe for now. Best to tend to the other wounded who were still in the way of the fighting. The mage had conflicting feelings about leaving Tia alone again, but at least she had shown some method of defending herself for the moment.

Synthia turned around to find Grant, who had apparently followed her. “We need to move the wounded out of the way, if we can,” she said, before starting off to tend to those fallen. If someone was going to die, it wasn’t going to be because a pegasus saw them as a convenient landing platform. That was just kind of pathetic.


And then surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, once Norbert rejoined them he immediately bolted off again. Valter followed, urging Phyllis into a gallop to attempt catching up. Best case scenario, he’d be back in a moment and Gabbie would be fine. Worst case scenario, they all died. Very nice continuum there.

The horseman’s yell of “Bert, Stop!” was amended with “He’s not hurting her!” once it was figured out what exactly the pegasus knight was upset about. The yelling at Colin business had helped with that part, of course.

Bert defends Valter, apparently

Hey, same place, both on charging equines, it works :> Just don't kill us ok

Edited by roymbrog
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Sinbad had fought through several of the swarming enemies while making his way over to the first really familiar face he had spotted in the crowd, the ice magician's. The distractions had taken him awhile, though he probably hadn't killed anyone, mostly slashing their tendons and the like, making it unlikely they'd ever use their arm again without treatment. The rank and file probably hadn't had any say in the matter of the kidnapping after all, plus the cowboy was a little hesitant to just kill someone. That kind of hate was reserved for... very special cases. Maybe he was just naive, maybe he'd wise up with time, but for now, well the situation didn't rightly seem to call for it.

"Howdy there, Grant," Sinbad hollered out as he approached, giving the man ample warning he was being approached by a friendly, so as he wouldn't be raining down those fierce lookin' ice bolts or nothing without first taking a look-see. "Been tryin' ta figure out just who exactly's in charge on the other side, so I can give 'em a bit of whatfor, but—" the second half of the sentence was rendered obsolete when a kigenese with a burning blade entered his view. If not the leader, he carried himself with an aura that definitely suggested at least a high-ranking lieutenant.

"Never you mind, mighta just found something here..." he continued, after the short break. He reached into his saddlebags and pulled out his bottle of tonic. Nothin' like a good old quaff o' the juice ta get the blood pumpin' and the mind focused. The cowboy reckoned the only thing better was chew, and it really wasn't time for another wad. Maybe he'd have one to celebrate if they got out of this alive. Yeah, that'd be just the ticket.

It was about that time that he heard Synthia asking Grant for help moving some of the wounded to less dangerous positions. Well weren't that something, the two of them working together again? While Sinbad was initially surprised, as he hadn't seen her at first, this was followed up by idly wondering if maybe the two were a couple. That was cut short however by a bit of a sharp ache. Probably swallowed the tonic wrong or something, I reckon, he thought, and gave his chest a bit of a pound to clear it up, before chiming into their conversation with his input.

"Part o' the whole reason we brought that crazy wagon along was for providing cover," Sinbad offered as suggestion though I'd have liked it preferred it'd stayed on the outside he finished in his mind before continuing. "Found a mark, gonna take him down, but if you don't mind, mebbe we regroup there after you move these folk along?"

<Hayato combat flavor fluff after I converse with Phoenix>


Hit: 11 (base) + 1 (bard) + 2.75 (tonic) + 3 (roll) = 17 HITS a 15 AVO

Damage: 22 (base) + 5.5 (tonic) + 2 (roll) = 29 vs 4 DEF = 25 Damage to 21 HP. Hayato goes down.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Sinbad showed up and mentioned that he was looking for the enemies' leadership, before suddenly cutting himself off. He had apparently found a target, so Grant didn't have to give advice. Which was good too, given that the duelist was going to be helping with moving the wounded, apparently. He didn't mind that, though, he wasn't sure how helpful that was going to be in the long run. Then the horseman chimed in and suggested that they move the injured to the Dauntless, and wondered if after he took out his target they could regroup here.

"I'm fine with that," Grant said, looking towards the enemy as he spoke. "I can cover you."

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Zach saw the attack from the enemy leader rushing towards him, unable to move out of the way in time.

'So this is how it ends..... what idiocy.'

All of a sudden the sage felt himself being pushed to the ground, impacting hard. Coming to his senses a few seconds later Zach looked to see who had saved him, only to find Marella on the ground, not moving.

'No... not her!'

Rushing to the knight's side to see just how severe the damage was he tried calling her name. "Mar? Come on Mar, don't do this, don't die on me!" While he was pleading with the woman not to die, there was another impact he felt. Tearing through his jacket, undershirt, and then his skin before what felt like exploding, sending his blood everywhere except the inside of his body. Falling over Marella, Zach could feel his consciousness starting to fade, or was that his life.....

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"No time for dying today, lad!" roared Rook, grabbing Zach by the scruff of the neck and hauling him up. "Get Marella to safety, and yourself! They'll not pass me." The archer stared at the nearly-unconscious mage, realised he was going to be useless in this situation, muttered "Ah, hell..." and stood over them, determined to save their lives. Marella had done the same for him enough times...

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"Leave me.... s-save her..." Zach muttered. As long as she was safe, he'd be content with being left. Spitting out the blood that was pooling in his mouth onto the ground.... that wasn't good. "Go Rook!"

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Sinbad appeared, and, uh… Where exactly had he come from? Synthia had no clue, but it more help was always a welcome sight. “Yeah, I’ll meet you there,” she offered, before running off. Most of those who had fallen had done so further back, not in immediate danger of being skewered. Of those who hadn’t, Tina was too far away and it seemed like Colin was doing something about her, surprisingly. That left two people in harm’s way that helping probably wouldn’t get her killed…

So she had run over to where Rook was trying to protect the downed and Zach was spitting up blood. That second one needed to be rectified. Applying her staff to Zach’s wound yet choosing not to speak to him at the moment, she addressed Rook. She didn’t remember his name, but that wasn’t important at the moment. “I’m going to heal Marella. Can you help move her to the Dauntless afterwards?” she asked.

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Rook nodded, and hoisted Marella up by her shoulders. "Come on, Marella," he muttered. "Things aren't over yet, eh? We still gotta die rich." He stood ready to begin dragging her off at Synthia's call.

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Once Zach’s injuries were healed as much as she could at the moment, Synthia moved over to the now upright Marella. The most grievous of her wounds now closed, the mage waved Rook off. “Take her now.”

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There might still be a chance to get Raquel's father back, and that was more than most could hope for. Sinbad didn't know all the details, but thinking about it, just killing the man here wouldn't solve anything. Maybe instead of the trinket they could exchange hostages? Couldn't do that with a corpse. If both sides escaped from this, and Raquel's father was still missing, maybe they could get more information from this fella? Couldn't do that with a corpse. Maybe he weren't even in on the plan, maybe he opposed it? However things shook down, Sinbad just couldn't see the benefits to killing the Kigenese man with the shocking hair as outweighing the possible drawbacks, not yet at least. Maybe he was still too soft, which certainly wouldn't be the case when it came to the criminal he had a deep personal investment in taking out, but that was the conclusion the cowboy had arrived at after leaving Grant and Synthia and making his way to his mark.

Perhaps the swordsman was still occupied with the quarry he had tried to lay low, or perhaps he was distracted by his subordinates being cut down one after the other, but whatever the cause, Sinbad had managed to close to point blank range. There was an audible clicking sound as the hammer was pulled back, ready to deliver the hard piece of flint to the waiting bosom of the frizzen, and the cowboy issued his ultimatum, "I'm only gonna say this once, but things ain't gonna go too well for you. Mebbe you think you can dodge, mebbe you think I'll miss my shot, mebbe you think I'm bluffin'. But if that's the case you're gonna have ta ask yourself if you feel lucky. Otherwise, you just lay your piece down, nice an' easy like, hear?"

First one of his allies and then the other? And now this guy? "Do you people really think you're going to be getting out of here alive after what you did to us?! Do you?! You're a dead man!" Hayato decided to lunge first, moving himself toward the closest blindspot he could find. He figured that at worst, he would take a hit and have to bear the pain long enough to score a kill, and at best, the shot really would miss. He didn't feel lucky at all today, he felt positively livid.

Well that went swimmingly... Sinbad resisted the urge to cluck his tongue, there was no time for frivoloties here. Even so, as he focused, time seemed to almost slow down, when the adrenaline of the fight-or-flight instinct syngergized with the stiumulating effects of the tonic, kicking the cowboy's reactions into overdrive. The swordsman had darted forward a bit to his side and then lunged in, trying to skewer him with a speed that left very little time to react and from an angle that would be difficult, if at all possible, to avoid.

...If Sinbad had been using any other type of weapon that is. As things stood, though, all the cowboy had to do was calmly, smoothly twist his torso in time with the enemy's rapid footwork, keeping the barrel of the pistol trained on him at all time, and when it lined up just right, give it a nice, gentle squeeze. The report of the gunshot was loud, as always, but Hatsune was well-trained and refused to spook, and the cowboy'd fired more than often enough that he knew what was coming. While he'd certainly suffer from hearing loss down the road, for the present that was still a far-off and distant concern.

The issue at hand was whether or not the enemy would live, after taking that round ball of lead straight to the chest. Sinbad frowned, but the man had basically left him no choice, his hand had been forced in the matter. That wasn't really his concern any longer, however, as the gunshot was sure to draw attention. The fallen man's tending would have to come from different quarters. Sinbad swiftly reloaded his pistol, as he steered his mare back to where he was supposed to rendezvous with Grant and Synthia. He'd relay the course of events, and one of them would probably know how to handle it from there.

"Damn shame. You should have listened," he muttered as he rode off, leaving a certainly incapacitated Hayato behind.

The maneuver itself was well thought out, but his enemy was still ready for him and Hayato was frozen over from the shock of the blast to his chest. He tried not to drop his sword, but he couldn't help but collapse onto one knee. "Y-you ... BASTARD! Don't th-think you've won this! Uuuurgh ... and don't you dare ... r-r-ride off like that ... G-get back here, dammit!" Dammit all, why can't I get back up? I have to finish him off while there's still ... a chance.

Edited by Balcerzak
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