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[FE13] Draft with your Soul


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Chapter 21 - 4/71

Screw the bossman, and why do I need to give Olivia 2 tonics and a Talisman to make her live a Mire.

Chapter 22 - 1/72

Rescue and Dancing!

Chapter 23 - 3/75

Javelin Forges are a go!

Chapter 24 - 3/78

Jesus the boss is a bulky mofo. Flavia was shockingly clutch.

Chapter 25 - 2/80

Gogo Cordelia

TIKI - 9

Chrom and Lucina training.

Endgame - 1/81

Watching Lucina tear Grima apart with a forged Brave is much more satisfying than with the Falchion.

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Um, question.

So I stayed up late yesterday actually finishing this game, and my questions are

How am I supposed to beat Grima if:

Chrom, the guy I didn't botrher training is still like, lvl 10 and won't be dealing any actual decent Dmg to Grima unless he's at a high level?

Lucy's mother is the generic mother, and by extension, she sucks?

Really, how.

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Um, question.

So I stayed up late yesterday actually finishing this game, and my questions are

How am I supposed to beat Grima if:

Chrom, the guy I didn't botrher training is still like, lvl 10 and won't be dealing any actual decent Dmg to Grima unless he's at a high level?

Lucy's mother is the generic mother, and by extension, she sucks?

Really, how.

Other people can kill him.

Just use your strongest units.

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use the weapons from C22 and deal with taking extra turns

or like a forged brave

Edited by Liquid Snake
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But Naga said The Avatar has to give the finishing blow or else Grima will revive?

Kill Grima then choose to have Chrom kill him in the cutscene choice.


Then steal Chrom from the maiden ignore whoever you married and marry him.

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trying to get this done before i ship out on saturday

21: 3 = 85

with an anna rescue and KELLLLLLAM on her back lucina barely made it to boss range on turn 3

she needed EITHER an aether proc or KELLLLLLLAM to dual attack to finish the boss off

KELLLLLLLAM won the chapter

virion/lissa b (WHY NOT OLIVIA)

22: 1 = 86

all about lucy flawless

23: 4 = 90

took several resets including lucy flawless dying to validar

mama boned him the successful time (and got lancefaire!)

one warrior ALMOST fucked my plan by running back towards the scrub brigade

fortunately LEGEND himself crit him and then was danced for and failed to crit a second time but anna was in range with maribelle on her back and fortunately a dual attack happened there

virion/olivia a (fucking finally), frederico tags out at 15 to wyvern lord, lucina tags out at 20 back to paladin, lissa promotes at 12 to sage, FIGHT devours a speedwing and a goddess icon, lucina devours a dragonshield and a talisman

on to gaynbow mountain


gaynbow mountain: 5 = 95

i was one bad equip choice away from a 4 but decided against resetting because fuck chapter 24

25: 2 = 97

minimal deployment: anna/fight, cynthia/chrom, sumia/lucy flawless who killed aversa

Edited by Integrity
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FINAL: 1 = 98

Take 1: Grima has 5 HP left because Chrom missed like three times. :|

Take 2: Shit luck with Pavise, but Chrom still landed the killing shot on the last possible attack of Turn 1.



Chrom        GLrd  9.62  46/26/ 1/28/23/21/21/15  Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether
FIGHT        GMas  7.07  56/41/30/32/34/30/22/13  Veteran, Solidarity, Ignis, Rally Spectrum
Sumia        FKnt 17.18  60/28/18/40/45/38/20/34  Speed +2, Relief, Rally Speed, Lancefaire
Anna         Trix 15.25  49/16/22/32/29/37/11/17  Movement +1, Locktouch, Lucky Seven, Acrobat
Lucina       Pala  3.47  69/40/10/38/42/44/35/26  Dual Strike+, Aether, Charm, Defender, Aegis
Cynthia      Pala 15.60  75/32/12/37/42/43/30/26  Speed +2, Aether, Aegis, Relief, Defender
LEGEND       BKnt  7.14  38/15/ 8/21/17/13/16/ 6  Skill +2, Prescience, Rally Skill
Olivia       Danc 12.31  28/ 7/ 3/17/15/13/ 5/ 5  Luck +4
Lissa        Sage  1.30  29/ 3/14/13/11/16/10/ 9  Miracle, Healtouch
Frederick    WLrd  1.18  46/20/ 2/25/21/12/20/10  Discipline, Outdoor Fighter, Luna, Dual Guard+
Kellam       GKnt  5.74  40/20/ 5/13/13/ 8/23/ 4  Defense +2, Indoor Fighter, Luna
Maribelle    Mage  5.13  24/ 1/14/11/ 8/15/ 7/ 8  Resistance +2, Demoiselle, Magic +2
Owain        SMas  4.94  36/13/ 8/22/21/13/12/11  Avoid +10, Luna, Vantage, Miracle
Brady        Prst 12.02  27/ 7/ 9/ 7/ 8/12/ 9/11  Resistance +2, Indoor Fighter, Healtouch, Miracle
CHROM 77/42

He's Chrom.

SUMIA 240/199 GOLD

Just an absolute doll. Glad I had her mother Lucina instead of Morgan, given how Lucina turned out. Still a great draft just on her own, A+ glad I did etc.


He's Frederick, what do you want. He really does taper off without a lot of shit poured into him, and he turned pretty shitty by the end. Arguably better than Kellam, at least.


ONCE AGAIN Integrity is a fucking moron and overestimates early staffer drafting. ESSENTIALLY worthless, totally phased out by Maribelle, but at least Owain contributed loads more than Brady.

LEGEND 77/35


seriously he wasn't overly terrible. Considering he was a scrub round pick? Shit-hot. I'd take his ass over Lissa any day.

KELLAM 59/16

Great paired bonuses, doubled for literally his entire life, still managed to avoid 1RKOs for almost his entire career. I give him a not bad/10.


Totally phased out Lissa which doesn't say anything at all, she was pretty much worthless and OH MY GOD Brady is shit.

She WAS fun to feed kills post-reclass though.


RIP yuri lowenthal

don't take this to mean anything except for i love you :(

NOWI 7/5

I know I didn't draft Nowi but I wanted to point out how she got more kills in her join chapter than Maribelle ever did.





of course inigo would have been shit but hey i'm still bitter about it


Clutch. Lucina carried my entire team from Cynthia's paralogue on. By the end of the game she'd basically turned into Seliph if Seliph could carry Sigurd around everywhere.

OWAIN 17/10

He gave Frederick some speed?


why didn't i just kill you

CYNTHIA 110/67

She was extremely good but only because I dumped about 80% of the game's statboosters into her. BIASED ME NEVER


oh wait


Wait, what the fuck? When did Morgan get attacked? It doesn't count NPC action.

pages flip

the end

my favorite scene in the game plays

words cannot express my uguuuuuu



Making him -MAG was really stupid but Anna's bonus magic from waifuing her managed to make up for that. Somewhat. Hey, never let it be known that I don't make mistakes a lot.

ANNA 42/22

Shitty fighter hampered by being waifu'd onto FIGHT for most of her life, but holy God is she a good staffer.

Edited by Integrity
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Chapter 12 2/41
Sully took down the boat with Deliverer. Ricken and Avatar handled the left bow knights.

Chapter 13 1/42
Go up and kill boss.

Chapter 14 1/43
Go left and kill boss.

Chapter 15 2/45
Deliverer Sully owns stuff. Lucina too. Ricken Avatar took the beach.

Chapter 16 1/46
Deliverer Sully hammers the boss after Cherche Ricken rescued olivia and made her able to reach bossman.

Chapter 17 3/49
Boots get with Deliverer Cherche. Sully took down the boss.

Chapter 18 1/50
Cherche Ricken rescues Sully and she goes down ORKOs Yenfay.

Chapter 19 1/51
Walhart got owned.

Chapter 20 1/52
Triple Deliverers are the best. Cherche and Nowai opened the way for Sully to own Walmart.

Chapter 21 2/54
Boss moves and triple deliverer rocks. Basically Cherche and Nowai and Sully
went ahead, full moving all the turns. Sully ORKO'd boss from 2 range.

Chapter 22 1/55
Got Valflame and Helswath.

Chapter 23 2/57
All the Deliverers. Nowai is actually getting really good at being bulky.
Sully did most of the heavy lifting though cherche helped her with validar.

Chapter 24 2/59
My team owns.

Chapter 25 1/60
My team wrecks Aversa.

Endgame Grima 1/61
My team wrecks Grima.

My logs are the best. Beat that laziness, Ice Sage! :P

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But Naga said The Avatar has to give the finishing blow or else Grima will revive?

All that's actually handled in the post-fight cutscene; you can kill Grima with anyone and decide who gets the "final blow" outside of the actual battle. It's so that players who haven't used Chrom or MU at all still have a chance at completing the game.

You will need to have raised Chrom and/or MU a few levels so that they can take down Validar in chapter 23-ish though.

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So ok.
2 turns.
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     1.35  20  7   1   8   8   5   7   1
Raven     2.95  20  6   5   6   9   3   6   4
Frederick 1.50  28 13   2  12  10   6  14   3    
3 turns.
Chapter 1
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     1.55  20  7   1   8   8   5   7   1
Raven     2.95  20  6   5   6   9   3   6   4
Frederick 2.38  29 14   2  13  11   6  14   4   
3 turns.
Chapter 2
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     1.96  20  7   1   8   8   5   7   1
Raven     3.15  21  7   6   6  10   4   7   4
Frederick 3.81  30 15   2  14  12   6  15   4
Miriel    1.33  18  0   6   5   7   6   3   4   
3 turns.
Chapter 3
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     2.61  21  8   1   9   8   6   7   1
Raven     3.45  21  7   6   6  10   4   7   4
Frederick 4.29  31 16   2  13  13   7  16   4
Miriel    1.70  18  0   6   5   7   6   3   4   
4 turns.
Paralogue 1
Didn't bother recruiting Donnie and this has seriously gained results on Miriel.
Paired Miriel with Frederick throughout the chapter and had her potshot a few mooks. Chrom and Raven just did the usual, gained nice levels.
Oh, I got both treasures and Raven killed the boss.
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     5.40  24 10   1  12   9   9   8   1
Raven     7.04  23 10   8   9  14   5   8   5
Frederick 4.52  31 16   2  13  13   7  16   4
Miriel    5.32  21  0   9   6  10   6   3   6   
10 turns/It's free!
Chapter 4
This time around, I sent Frederick with Chrom's bonuses up against Lucy. Strategy was much more easier and kept my sanity intact.
Meanwhile, Miriel and Raven killed the Fighters at opposite sides.
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     5.90  24 10   1  12   9   9   8   1
Raven     7.56  23 10   8   9  14   5   8   5
Frederick 5.30  32 17   2  14  14   8  16   6
Miriel    5.72  21  0   9   6  10   6   3   6   
2 turns.
Chapter 5
Frederick goes up the mountain and Raven with Miriel camp the fort for a killing strike. double kill two sixties yeah
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     6.35  25 11   1  13   9  10   8   2
Raven    11.53  26 13  11  11  18   8  10   5
Frederick 6.63  33 18   2  15  14   9  16   6
Miriel    6.67  22  0  10   7  10   6   3   6   
4 turns.
Chapter 6
Raven and Miriel went for Validar while Frederick goes down the Western hall and opens a way for Chrom to recruit Gaius. Panne gets a 2-3 kills.
Raven critikills Validar with his brand new +7 Mt/17 Crit. Thunder forge.
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     6.65  25 11   1  13   9  10   8   2
Raven    14.89  27 14  12  13  20  10  11   7
Frederick 7.73  34 18   2  15  14   9  17   6
Miriel    6.87  22  0  10   7  10   6   3   6   
Panne     7.00  29  9   1  10  11   8   7   3
Gaius     5.10  22  7   0  13  15   6   5   2
3 turns.
Paralogue 2
Took this opporutinity to significantly raise Miriel and Panne. Panne hooked up with Gaius and I plan it to stay that way.
Miriel killed the boss and his homies. Raided the village for the Physic staff.
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     6.95  25 11   1  13   9  10   8   2
Raven    14.97  27 14  12  13  20  10  11   7
Frederick 7.99  34 18   2  15  14   9  17   6
Miriel   10.24  26  1  11  11  13   8   5  10   
Panne     8.50  30 10   2  10  12   8   7   3
Gaius     5.15  22  7   0  13  15   6   5   2
7 turns/FREE
Chapter 7
Panne got most of the kills, including the boss himself. Miriel also did quite nicely.
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     7.27  26 12   1  14   9  10   9   2
Raven    15.05  28 15  13  13  20  11  11   8
Frederick 8.48  35 19   3  15  14  10  17   6
Miriel   12.13  27  1  13  11  14  10   5  10   
Panne    11.83  33 12   2  12  15   8  10   3
Gaius     5.25  22  7   0  13  15   6   5   2
3 turns.
Chapter 8
Sucky chapter, but at least it became alot more redeemable with Miriel and Gaius giving Panne +1 Mov. So Miriel and Panne (mostly Panne) barrel rolled through the desert. Nowi and Gregor got me the Master Seal and some kills around the West corner. Frederick got me my second Rescue staff.
Panne got the boss kill with her last two Stone uses and thanks to a Gaius Dual Up proc. Managed to get the Second Seal through a Transfer shenanigan involving Miriel and Gaius.
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     7.60  26 12   1  14   9  10   9   2
Raven    15.57  28 15  13  13  20  11  11   8
Frederick 8.85  35 19   3  15  14  10  17   6
Miriel   13.45  27  1  14  12  15  10   5  10   
Panne    13.92  35 14   2  13  16   9  10   4
Gaius     5.52  22  7   0  13  15   6   5   2
Gregor   10.80  30 12   0  13  11   8  10   2
6 turns.
Paralogue 3
Panne's playground pretty much.
Also got some kills for Miriel and Gregor.
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     7.60  26 12   1  14   9  10   9   2
Miriel   14.61  27  1  15  12  15  11   6  11   
Panne     4.16  39 22   2  18  19  10  18   3
Gaius     5.57  22  7   0  13  15   6   5   2
Gregor   11.93  31 13   0  14  12   8  10   2
8 turns/it's free
Chapter 9
This time around it wasn't anywhere as nightmare-ish as the other run. Worked around with another strategy, and I didn't even had to have Panne be able to use Hand Axes/Iron (she got it by around Turn 3, which she needed to 2RKO the boss with Iron). Recruited LIBRA, who ferried Chrom over to Tharja and then Panne killed the boss.
I had a bit of trouble with the Soldier to the South-West corner.
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     7.71  26 12   1  14   9  10   9   2
Miriel   15.65  28  1  15  13  16  11   6  12   
Panne     7.55  42 25   3  21  21  12  20   3
Gaius     5.68  22  7   0  13  15   6   5   2
LIBRA     1.42  39 14  16  13  14  10  10  16
4 turns.
Paralogue 4
LIBRA paired up with Raven (the real OEP), Tharja went with Gregor and Panne helped Gaius get the loot in time barring the Arms Scroll and the Mend staff (shit nobody cares about). Mostly had LIBRA blaze through the left side and up to boss eventually killing him. At the last moment, I realize Panne would've really appreciated two more lvl-ups for promotion and a possible Ch.10 2-turn, but I figured, with those awesome level-ups and overall nice performance, it can go to Hell.
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     7.71  26 12   1  14   9  10   9   2
Raven    16.10  28 16  14  13  21  12  12   8
Miriel   16.05  29  2  15  13  17  11   6  13   
Panne     9.01  44 26   3  23  23  13  20   3
Gaius     5.98  22  7   0  13  15   6   5   2
Gregor   13.00  34 15   0  15  13   9  11   2
LIBRA     4.06  42 15  16  13  17  10  12  17
Tharja   12.34  27  4  11   6  13   4  12   8 
8 turns/FREE LOOT
Chapter 10
Great chapter as usual. The only chapter I don't completely rush skip through because of the epic music, boss and overall setting.
Tharja/Gregor went up nearby the closest canyon for CEXP and the others went through their respective canyon side. So I didn't have much Mov for a 2-turn, so I just went with the 3-turn. I routed the map, anyway and got myself an extra Angelic Robe.
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Raven    16.10  28 16  14  13  21  12  12   8
Miriel   17.12  29  2  16  14  17  11   7  13   
Panne    12.41  48 28   3  26  24  14  22   3
Gaius     6.10  22  7   0  14  16   6   5   2
Gregor   13.38  34 15   0  15  13   9  11   2
LIBRA     4.97  42 15  16  13  17  10  12  17
Tharja   14.89  29  4  12   8  14   6  12   8 
3 turns.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 11


Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     7.71  26 12   1  14   9  10   9   2
Raven    16.60  28 16  14  13  21  12  12   8
Miriel   17.12  29  2  16  14  17  11   7  13   
Panne     3.24  53 32   3  32  28  14  23   6
Gaius     6.30  22  7   0  14  16   6   5   2
Gregor   13.38  34 15   0  15  13   9  11   2
LIBRA     6.74  44 17  17  13  18  11  13  17
Tharja   15.42  30 5   13   9  15   7  12   9 
2 turns.

Chapter 12


Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     8.03  27 12   1  15  10  10  10   2
Raven    16.96  28 16  14  13  21  12  12   8
Miriel    2.92  39  7  18  17  18  12  15  15   
Panne     6.26  57 34   3  33  30  15  25   6
Gaius     7.35  23  8   0  15  17   6   6   2
Gregor   13.38  34 15   0  15  13   9  11   2
LIBRA     8.46  46 18  18  15  20  12  15  18
Tharja   16.32  31 5   16  10  16   8  13   9 
2 turns.

Chapter 13


Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     8.03  27 12   1  15  10  10  10   2
Raven    17.11  29 17  15  14  21  13  12   8
Miriel    2.92  39  7  18  17  18  12  15  15   
Panne     6.44  57 34   3  33  30  15  25   6
Gaius     7.95  23  8   0  15  17   6   6   2
Gregor   13.43  34 15   0  15  13   9  11   2
LIBRA     8.53  46 18  18  15  20  12  15  18
Tharja   16.62  31 5   16  10  16   8  13   9 
1 turn.

Paralogue Morgan

Took advantage of this Paralogue to train both Gaius and Lucy to a decent level.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     8.18  27 12   1  15  10  10  10   2
Raven     4.27  36 22  19  17  26  14  15  10
Miriel    4.46  40  7  20  18  20  12  15  15   
Panne     7.07  58 35   3  34  31  16  26   6
Gaius    10.67  26 11   1  17  19   7   7   3
Gregor   16.30  37 16   1  17  16   9  11   3
LIBRA     9.94  47 19  18  16  20  13  15  18
Tharja   18.99  33 5   16  10  17   8  14  10
Lucy     14.54  32 12   2  16  14  15  10   5 

Paralogue Laurent

Had alot of back luck on this one because I kept restarting by the end because either Gaius or Gregor would die to the boss, only to realize later he had Counter.

Got Laurent.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     8.67  27 12   1  15  10  10  10   2
Raven     5.96  37 22  19  18  27  14  15  10
Miriel    5.27  41  8  21  18  21  12  15  16   
Panne     7.07  58 35   3  34  31  16  26   6
Gaius     8.17  31 17   2  23  27  11  10   4
Gregor   17.81  38 17   1  18  17   9  11   3
LIBRA    11.23  49 21  19  16  21  13  16  19
Tharja   20.--  35 6   18  10  18   9  16  11
Lucy     19.48  40 16   3  16  19  17  12   8
Laurent  10.13  29  7  15  12  16  12   8   9 

Chapter 14


Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     8.73  27 12   1  15  10  10  10   2
Raven     6.18  37 23  20  19  28  14  16  11
Miriel    5.32  41  8  21  18  21  12  15  16   
Panne     7.90  58 35   3  34  31  16  26   6
Gaius     8.17  31 17   2  23  27  11  10   4
Gregor   17.81  38 17   1  18  17   9  11   3
LIBRA    11.23  49 21  19  16  21  13  16  19
Tharja    1.27  42  9  20  14  20   9  21  12
Lucy     20.--  41 17   3  17  20  18  12   8
Laurent  10.86  29  7  15  12  16  12   8   9 
1 turn.

Chapter 15


Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     8.73  27 12   1  15  10  10  10   2
Raven     7.35  37 24  20  19  28  15  17  12
Miriel    6.60  42  8  21  19  22  12  16  17   
Panne     9.61  61 36   3  34  33  17  26   6
Gaius     8.56  31 17   2  23  27  11  10   4
Gregor   18.03  39 18   2  18  17   9  12   3
LIBRA    11.59  49 21  19  16  21  13  16  19
Tharja    2.87  43  9  21  15  20   9  21  12
Lucy      4.13  46 20   2  19  19  19  14   7
Laurent  13.72  32  8  17  14  17  12   8  10 
3 turns.

Chapter 16

Didn't have enough Mov to 1-turn it. ):

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     9.02  28 13   1  16  11  10  10   2
Raven     7.70  37 24  20  19  28  15  17  12
Miriel    6.60  42  8  21  19  22  12  16  17   
Panne    10.17  62 36   3  35  34  18  26   6
Gaius     9.70  32 18   2  24  27  11  10   4
Gregor    2.09  44 22   4  21  21  10  16   6
LIBRA    11.90  49 21  19  16  21  13  16  19
Tharja    2.87  43  9  21  15  20   9  21  12
Lucy      5.52  46 20   2  20  20  20  15   7
Laurent  14.35  33  8  17  14  18  13   9  10 
2 turns.

Paralogue Yarne

I'm not gonna lie, Tharja kind of just razed through the whole horseback army with Nosferatu. Panne and Yarne razed the other army.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     9.42  28 13   1  16  11  10  10   2
Raven     7.70  37 24  20  19  28  15  17  12
Miriel    6.70  42  8  21  19  22  12  16  17   
Panne     4.05  69 40   3  34  33  19  31   6
Gaius    10.50  33 18   2  25  28  11  10   4
Gregor    3.23  45 22   4  22  21  10  17   6
LIBRA    13.24  49 22  21  19  22  14  16  19
Tharja   10.95  44 11  23  14  23  13  21  16
Lucy     10.85  49 23   2  22  21  22  17   8
Laurent   1.71  42 12  18  17  19  13  16  12
Yarne    10.80  42 19   1  18  19  14  14   3 
9 turns.

Chapter 17

Thief!Yarne got the boss kill, lawl.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     9.56  28 13   1  16  11  10  10   2
Raven     9.51  38 25  21  21  29  16  19  13
Miriel    7.74  43  8  22  19  23  12  16  17   
Panne     4.96  69 40   3  34  33  19  31   6
Gaius     1.70  37 21   3  27  31  11  12   7
Gregor    3.23  45 22   4  22  21  10  17   6
LIBRA    13.95  54 24  24  21  25  17  18  22
Tharja    1.38  49 12  26  16  24  13  24  19
Lucy      2.51  57 27   3  24  24  23  20  14
Laurent   1.71  42 12  18  17  19  13  16  12
Yarne     3.01  42 21   2  21  25  15  13   3 
3 turns.

Chapter 18

See Ch.16.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     9.56  28 13   1  16  11  10  10   2
Raven     9.51  38 25  21  21  29  16  19  13
Miriel    7.74  43  8  22  19  23  12  16  17   
Panne     4.96  69 40   3  34  33  19  31   6
Gaius     1.70  37 21   3  27  31  11  12   7
Gregor    3.23  45 22   4  22  21  10  17   6
LIBRA    14.48  55 24  24  21  25  17  18  22
Tharja    1.38  49 12  26  16  24  13  24  19
Lucy      2.51  57 27   3  24  24  23  20  14
Laurent   1.71  42 12  18  17  19  13  16  12
Yarne     3.01  42 21   2  21  25  15  13   3 
2 turns.

Paralogue Tiki

Reclassed Libra to a Priest. I have a plan.

He helped out a ton keeping people alive along with Olivia's help.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     9.63  28 13   1  16  11  10  10   2
Raven     9.51  38 25  21  21  29  16  19  13
Miriel    8.04  43  8  23  19  23  12  17  17   
Panne     7.27  72 40   3  35  36  20  34   7
Gaius     3.45  39 22   3  29  33  11  12   7
Gregor    7.85  49 25   5  25  22  10  19   6
LIBRA     5.99  49 19  25  21  25  19  14  26
Tharja    3.32  51 13  27  16  26  13  25  19
Lucy      2.48  58 28   3  24  24  23  21  14
Laurent   1.97  42 12  18  17  19  13  16  12
Yarne    10.46  48 25   3  25  31  18  17   4 
8 turns/Free.

Chapter 19


Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
                        LOL PANNE
1 turn.

Chapter 20


Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
                        LOL PANNE
3 turns.

Paralogue Noire

Freaking enemy Paladins actually don't suck. Either that, or just those damn illegal forges they have.

I got Noire, and she got a few potshots.

By the end of the chapter, Libra promoted, shit got serious and he 1RKO'd the boss, ending the chapter.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     9.87  28 13   1  16  11  10  10   2
Raven    12.68  41 26  21  23  30  18  21  15
Miriel    9.14  44  9  23  20  23  13  17  17   
Panne     9.21  74 42   3  37  38  21  35   7
Gaius     4.48  40 23   3  30  34  12  12   7
Gregor    9.36  52 26   5  27  23  12  19   6
LIBRA     1.85  62 25  28  25  30  15  28  20
Tharja    7.77  54 13  31  18  26  13  25  19
Lucy      5.60  59 28   3  25  25  25  23  16
Laurent   3.25  44 12  18  17  19  13  16  12
Yarne     5.25  57 34   3  35  37  21  32   5
Noire    12.81  39 17  10  21  22  12  16   9 
8 turns.

Chapter 21

Libra proves how mean he is by taking out the boss and retrieving his signature weapon- The THOR AXE.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Chrom     9.87  28 13   1  16  11  10  10   2
Raven    12.83  41 26  21  23  30  18  21  15
Miriel    9.14  44  9  23  20  23  13  17  17   
Panne    10.34  75 43   4  38  39  21  36   7
Gaius     4.74  40 23   3  30  34  12  12   7
Gregor    9.46  52 26   5  27  23  12  19   6
LIBRA     3.80  64 26  29  25  30  22  21  29
Tharja    8.30  55 14  32  18  31  16  29  20
Lucy      5.91  59 28   3  25  25  25  23  16
Laurent   3.25  44 12  18  17  19  13  16  12
Yarne     5.25  57 34   3  35  37  21  32   5
Noire     2.33  44 20  12  25  25  12  22  13 
3 turns.
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