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Lamia's FE4 stuff


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I'm sure there are like three other people who might care about this.

I've got a workaround that would let Sigurd and Celice seize regardless of class, and also let sword skills be freely inherited. I'll see if I can go dig it up.

EDIT: At 7A975, there's inheritance addresses for each child, with three bytes in. They go in character order, so they'll be like XX YY ZZ, if YY's 07, the character can't inherit sword skills, if it's FF, they can.

EDIT2: Go to 05E63C: Change 22 2D A0 84 to 22 33 A3 84
Go to 05E641: Change 06 to 01
Go to 05E646: Change 2C to 19

This will let Sigurd and Celice seize based on their character ID rather than class.

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I've got a workaround that would let Sigurd and Celice seize regardless of class, and also let sword skills be freely inherited. I'll see if I can go dig it up.

EDIT: At 7A975, there's inheritance addresses for each child, with three bytes in. They go in character order, so they'll be like XX YY ZZ, if YY's 07, the character can't inherit sword skills, if it's FF, they can.

EDIT2: Go to 05E63C: Change 22 2D A0 84 to 22 33 A3 84

Go to 05E641: Change 06 to 01
Go to 05E646: Change 2C to 19
This will let Sigurd and Celice seize based on their character ID rather than class.

I'd like to mention that $7A975 is incorrect in a headered ROM, it's $79B75

yet the others are correct for headered? wot

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Lamia I have another question the battle sprite editor I have bumped into a new problem with it. You said I need to make room by removing pallette entries well I sorta did and nothing happened :( Like for example I wanted to change Ira`s sprite color but There is only 1 swordfighter female entry in their So since I went and changed the numbers for a female Forrest Knight to that of a swordfighter and changed the entry to Ira the Char box and nothing happened why?

as I want to change sprite colors for 2 swordfighters but can`t I want to do Ira and Lakche but there is not by default 2 female swordfighter entries how do I fix that problem? I know it is probably the simplest little thing to do to fix it and i haven`t found it yet. On another note magic using classes are weird. I chnaged the color of the queen sprite for Edean under the Queen:magic category but when she uses a healing staff her sprite goes back to generic colors Lol whats up with that? I was trying to leave an open space for the generic colors like you told me to but eh I screwed it up. Also I guess with a certain pallette pointed to a certain unit but not the other causes glitchs and crashes as I have had some odd results such as swordmaster:Daisy:pink pallette but as soon as another swordmaster fights that is female their sprite is pink too however animation is glitched.

I mean I could just go and leave it like that but then it will look odd and lazy heh dang I am gonna run into problems with the Dark Prince then as that only has 1 default entry I have 2 dark princes that need custom colors. Also one last thing your updated hack is amazing! I am still working through prologue Lapis died :( I was careless on the enemies who were all packed next to the castle and the mages got her haha so I am gonna reset I was confident the leadership stars would save them :P

Edited by Naglfar94
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you need to put the same class in groups together for entries (if you're careful you can use a hex editor to cut and paste to swap easier) and this will most likely fix your aira and daisy problems

you probably need to put custom character animations before the generics as well, and make sure the entries of the same class + name are grouped up

also you didn't set an entry for queen staff

and thanks for playing my project

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you need to put the same class in groups together for entries (if you're careful you can use a hex editor to cut and paste to swap easier) and this will most likely fix your aira and daisy problems

you probably need to put custom character animations before the generics as well, and make sure the entries of the same class + name are grouped up

also you didn't set an entry for queen staff

and thanks for playing my project

Oh I see I get what you are saying but eh I am still having issues as the thing is picky. I don`t seem to have this problem with mage type classes though but I have been struggling for hours now with the swordmaster class :'( I match up the classes as you say to change the sprite colors like for example Swordmaster Male/Swordmaster female that is one page I set one as shanan the other as either Daisy or one of the other playable female swordmasters And either again the changes don`t seem to register or I get the correct results Shanan and the other unit that is not Daisy have their correct setting but then all other units of the same class get screwed up even though I have them set up correctly I think.

I need it so everyone is set up correctly but dang this thing refuses to cooperate it`s like each time I start doing something right 1 tiny thing goes wrong and everything falls apart :( so the mage type classes don`t have a problem I managed to edit the colors of the dark prince perfectly by putting Azel and Corpul on the same page and giving them each their unique colors. As for the enemies the game auto colored them purple so that is fine.

It is the physical classes that have the issue as a color for one affects the other and vice versa then the animations get glitched (you can`t see the weapon sprite in their hand anymore) so yeah.. Maybe a hex editor indeed will assist with this. Also your welcome! I completed the prologue chapter I was shocked when it seemed smaller than in the old version of your hack we only ended up needing to clear out that little part of the map so everyone was kinda piled together but all worked out.

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you're not quite doing it properly, even for dark prince

you need to set entries for generic units (00 for char), otherwise they will not load weapon data and use only the first entry for its class as a baseline

additionally, put male with male next to each other in entries and female with female

use the unmodified FE4 ROM and/or my own project's battle sprite data as a reference to how you should set them up properly

Edited by Lamia
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you're not quite doing it properly, even for dark prince

you need to set entries for generic units (00 for char), otherwise they will not load weapon data and use only the first entry for its class as a baseline

additionally, put male with male next to each other in entries and female with female

use the unmodified FE4 ROM and/or my own project's battle sprite data as a reference to how you should set them up properly

Lamia!!!!! thank you so much!! OMG after about an hour I finally understood what you meant after reading both your posts over and over again the same class same group thing I thought you meant simply put a set in duos in the entries but what I did to fix my swordmaster problem was I used all those female emperor slots and changed them to the sword masters it worked!! is that what you meant by groups? Sadly all of them swordmasters used up all the slots :( so i don`t have that much free space left I wish there were empty slots for brand new sets.

But yeah I understand now sorta I think I might get stuck again :o as there is the master knight issue I`ve not enough free slots to fit custom colors for Aless since master knights use up so many (although all Aless needs is a custom for his sword sprites as that is what he is intended to mostly use) Maybe I should leave master knight alone? but Aless needs it badly Lol his usual color is black but since his natrual promotion is not master knight his sprite turns white which is a problem so what would happen if I change only his sword sprites and... dang... won`t work I`ve 1 more sword using master knight who needs color Noish... Red... hmm looks like I can`t be as flexible as I would wish with this.

Also on a side note er would you happen to know what numbers in your editor is white Lamia? like all white? I need that color for my queens. The closest to a clean not glitchy looking white I have found is number 30 in the numbers but that puts a bit of black in the sprite too but it colors the capes white is that all that is there? other than that other one that looks sorta glitchy?

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colors are too model-specific and I never bothered to take a look, just do testing and go with what looks best

if you want a custom palette for someone, go through all of the entries and make sure any of a certain number isn't taken, and then you can use that one to customize the palette for your character as you see fit

and a word of advice, modify master knights, barons, and emperors to not be able to use every weapon type under the sun, it will help your balance and free up a lot of animation space on the side

another thing that I did for my project, which I'm not sure if I should recommend: I 'removed' hand axes and javelins so that I could remove all the throwing axe/lance animations for all the base axe/lance wielders

by only having the throwable weapons at rank S, making them limited to only a few select characters/classes, it freed up a lot of space

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colors are too model-specific and I never bothered to take a look, just do testing and go with what looks best

if you want a custom palette for someone, go through all of the entries and make sure any of a certain number isn't taken, and then you can use that one to customize the palette for your character as you see fit

and a word of advice, modify master knights, barons, and emperors to not be able to use every weapon type under the sun, it will help your balance and free up a lot of animation space on the side

another thing that I did for my project, which I'm not sure if I should recommend: I 'removed' hand axes and javelins so that I could remove all the throwing axe/lance animations for all the base axe/lance wielders

by only having the throwable weapons at rank S, making them limited to only a few select characters/classes, it freed up a lot of space

Ah I see well I pretty much finished the color pallets I guess I will have to just deal with the Aless and Noish thing. Maybe afterward I will see what weapons I can remove from the Baron`s and such as they don`t use all the weapons in my hack even though they can use all but they are never seen with them all so the ranks are mostly for show Lol well I guess they can be useful for player Barons though but enemies nope.

Now... I begin the next part... children inheritance of skills. However I do not know where the heck you get a hex editor from or what is the correct hex editor to look for I`ve never used one before but I am gonna need it to fix that other problem know what I should search up to find it? this is gonna be crazy heh I have never used one before so I will likely be totally lost but I just need to go in and do 1 thing and that is children units.

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Hi, new user here. Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but is there any information on where Seliph's leadership stars are stored at? Thanks.

Wow what a coincidence! you just read my mind or something I was wondering the exact same thing Celice/Seliph`s leadership stars I want to know how to change them too but I don`t know how to do it looks like the both of us are looking for something. As for whatever reason his stars are stuck at 2 i wanna give him 5 like I did for Sigurd. As the way my hack is created the stars are gonna pay off a lot.

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Hi, new user here. Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but is there any information on where Seliph's leadership stars are stored at? Thanks.

if changing his character data doesn't work then it's probably stored in events or somewhere around the same place as his holy blood (and I don't know where either of them are)

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Oh yeah Lamia one last thing this is a fairly simple problem I have examined the Fire Emblem 4 Tordo hack and I noticed you can pair up units differnt in the 2nd generation like for example I was able to pair up Patty and Karin together. How do you make it so pairings can be done that way? as when I check inside nightmare it does not have much of the female 2nd generation units it only contains the male ones none of the female units are in there only about 4 of them how can you edit the rest? and make it like the example above I mentioned?

does it need to be done in hex editor? if so what is the location and numbers that need changing? so I can get right to it.

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probably because whoever either patty or karin is replacing, one of them is likely set to male

and there are already nightmare modules for setting love growths

I wouldn't recommend messing with gender by itself since it can get buggy... I think there's a list of who is male and who is female somewhere in the ROM (might be in my notes) so that may be swappable as well

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Oh I see so that is why... hmm and just changing the gender pointer alone on a single unit causes glitches? I figured as much even without messing with it. I checked your notes but there was nothing about it in it :( or a location in the hex editor for the units so i don`t know Lamia....

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I was thinking someone might be interested in these infantry lance using sprites from the FE4 Binary, and Genealogy of Neir hacks.

Maybe a hacker or spriter can make use of them?

The Shieldless Soldier in battle animations could be completed with the Thracia 776 Archer which has the same appearance but with both arms free.

The Lance using Lord sprite in FE4 binary, and several other hacks could possibly be fixed up with help from the unused Staff animation for Master Knights in FE5.


If anyone has trouble finding these hacks, I can also post the patches here.



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you may as well post them if you like

as far as I can tell it looks like the reskinned soldier? I had put the female one into my own project as well

also, the soldier and prince there can be given shields if they're using the soldier animations, you just have to define it in the shield editors

I seem to recall one project out there that had not slow-ass soldiers, but mercenary animations wielding lances... I tried to import the same animation into my own project, but it kept freezing, so there must be something more to it, and sadly I could not find a patch or other way to implement it

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you may as well post them if you like

as far as I can tell it looks like the reskinned soldier? I had put the female one into my own project as well

also, the soldier and prince there can be given shields if they're using the soldier animations, you just have to define it in the shield editors

I seem to recall one project out there that had not slow-ass soldiers, but mercenary animations wielding lances... I tried to import the same animation into my own project, but it kept freezing, so there must be something more to it, and sadly I could not find a patch or other way to implement it

Never mind, Serenesforest doesn't allow me to attach IPS files, but if someone can direct me to where I can, I'll do so. I also have FE4 Crazy, AKA Genealogy of Hezul. Eldigan/Eltshan is the lord, two of his knights are Lachesis's trio of bodyguards, many of the badguys are recruitable like Gandolf, Daccar, and Langobalt.

Yes the first one does indeed use the Soldier map sprite. The second Lord one, actually has new map animations, which is impressive. There is a walking sprite as well which mostly works. However the final stabbing frame, in the picture, is all new, and looks slightly off.

I'd like to see that project.





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  • 3 months later...

I apologize for the necro, but my browser is giving me a warning against FE4MAP and I'm not sure whether to heed it or not.

necroposting ought to be fine for this topic... but it's fine now because I just posted in it

it might be giving a warning because there's a dll in the zip, but everything should be fine

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  • 5 months later...

I've not much to add here, but a small note is that you can make an item unrepairable by setting their price to 0. I dunno how useful it would be to anyone, but maybe the info could be used for something

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rings and such have 255 uses by default (no idea why they did that)

and an item that's set to be an accessory 'type' (out of the other choices of weapon and staff) does not have its durability displayed

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