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Ana Evaluates the Characters!


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I'm curious about your evaluation of Sully. (and also Lissa)

For the children, you could skip the gameplay evaluation because there are too many factors accounted to makes it worth it. Just a friendly advice

Also, Frederick as a Wyvern Knight (He's actually more speedy, but less defensive than Zelcher for me...)

And at first I thought it was "Anna evaluates the characters"

Imagine : "Gregor is a little pricey, but he gets the job done.

Me ? Obviously, I'm the perfect affair, don't worry about that."

...That would be interresting in its own right, in fact...

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Hey Ranboom, did you ever play as a Male Avatar yet?

No, and I honestly don't have any plans to. I like female Avatar's options better, even though her Morgan can only have Lucina as a sibling. I also still haven't finished the game, but I'm pretty far into it.

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No, and I honestly don't have any plans to. I like female Avatar's options better, even though her Morgan can only have Lucina as a sibling. I also still haven't finished the game, but I'm pretty far into it.

lame, you're missing out on superior Morgan

and haha at RNG goddess Anna evaluating the characters, that would be the best read

Edited by shadykid
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No, and I honestly don't have any plans to. I like female Avatar's options better, even though her Morgan can only have Lucina as a sibling. I also still haven't finished the game, but I'm pretty far into it.

It does feel a bit more natural (for me anyway) to play as a lady Avatar, but if yer ever interested in other pairings and Morgs options, try playing as a dude one of these times.

lame, you're missing out on superior Morgan

What exactly makes female Morgs superior? Ive had male Morgs with Galeforce and shit before. (unless youre talking about possible Shadowgift Morgs.)

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It does feel a bit more natural (for me anyway) to play as a lady Avatar, but if yer ever interested in other pairings and Morgs options, try playing as a dude one of these times.

What exactly makes female Morgs superior? Ive had male Morgs with Galeforce and shit before. (unless youre talking about possible Shadowgift Morgs.)

Something about getting access to Manakete and get Defense sky-high, or letting you turn another kid into a second Morgan, basically.

That said, out of the two, I actually prefer Male Morgan, because I can take him through Dread Fighter and give him a pretty nice skill. Female Morgan tends to be who I give support skills to when I don't have Einherjar to spare.

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It does feel a bit more natural (for me anyway) to play as a lady Avatar, but if yer ever interested in other pairings and Morgs options, try playing as a dude one of these times.

What exactly makes female Morgs superior? Ive had male Morgs with Galeforce and shit before. (unless youre talking about possible Shadowgift Morgs.)

it's because female Morgan is made of 100% awesome (not really gameplay-wise, but everything else)

male Morgan is a pretty chill dude, but he's not as cool (also non-Lucina sibling supports)

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I'm female and I identify more with my male MU than my female MU. Does that make me weird? :P:

Nah. Lady Avatar may feel more natural to play as for me, but Male Avatar, i can still identify with rather well.

Female Morgs is rather more hilarious than her male counterpart. Yeah.

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It does feel a bit more natural (for me anyway) to play as a lady Avatar, but if yer ever interested in other pairings and Morgs options, try playing as a dude one of these times.

What exactly makes female Morgs superior? Ive had male Morgs with Galeforce and shit before. (unless youre talking about possible Shadowgift Morgs.)

And Shadowgift isn't all that much superior anyway... but lol, I'm starting to help derail this topic from its true purpose: the evals of FE characters. And Ana hasn't gone so far into doing a Morgan eval yet so...

Edited by Cordelia
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Another Morgan: Useful!

The lower the generation, the smaller its skillpool, because the marriage demands are higher. A Morgan is always perfect and did not need Rightful King or Aether and appreciate a sibling that isn't Lucina

There is but only one MU!

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The female one's a bit of a sadist.

I know.



And Shadowgift isn't all that much superior anyway.

Stinking lies! Its awesome to Nosferatu tank with Ignis as a Grandmaster!

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Maybe I might reconsider trying out a male Avatar, but for now, I'm sticking to female ones. However, I do know who I'd be marrying a male Avatar to, and it isn't Tiki, Nowi, Nah, or Lucina. In fact, I doubt you could guess my choice.

I also like male Morgan better than female Morgan anyway. Has a better design, imo.

Also, my evaluation for Lissa!



Lissa, Chrom's little sis and the Mist of Awakening. Okay, I'm going to be honest here. When I first saw Lissa, I was like "WTF? What kind of trash is this?" I hated her design and thought it looked TOTALLY stupid. Stupid looking pigtails, stupid looking dress, just stupid everything. And truth be told, I'm still not all that fond of the hoop skirt, despite that I once wore one at a wedding and thought it was alright. I also think her legs look too skinny.

But you know, her design has really grown on me since then. I actually think she's rather cute these days, even with those unruly pigtails. The bow on the back of her dress is kinda cute too, and I don't even mind whatever the hell she's wearing on her head. I also like how simple her boots and leggings are. The lacy parts of her dress are nice too, as are the sleeves. Those weird brown glove things are just...well, weird. Same with the brown thing on her torso. Damn, I can't even NAME half the stuff she's wearing.

So simply put, while I don't think Lissa's design is downright awful anymore, it's not the best. She is still a cute girl though. Just needs better taste in accessories, really.


Again, I've gotta be honest here. If I hadn't already known Lissa was a princess before playing the demo/game, I'd have never guessed she was one. She hardly acts like one. I mean, she doesn't talk like one, and doesn't really dress like one either. And she friggin snorts. She's childish at times as well and also acts a bit spoiled. But I think these flaws are partly what makes her cute. It's also what differentiates her from other princesses in FE, like Caeda, Eirika, and even Elincia. I also like how she's mischievous and pulls pranks sometimes, like on the Avatar. lol

Also, it's nice that she motivates the other Shepherds and all by staying in high spirits. Also, she's jumpy, which I always find cute in a young girl. But I also admire how much Lissa cares for her friends and family. She'd sacrifice a lot for them as shown in her S support with Donnel. She gives up practically everything to be with him. Her whole royal life. And she doesn't care that she's doing it. She just wants to be with him and make him happy.

So yeah, Lissa's got a pretty likeable character, imo.

Stats and Playability

Now, for how Lissa performs in the field. As I said earlier, she's the Mist of Awakening. Meaning not only is she the lord's little sister, but also a healer. So at first, all you'll be doing with Lissa is, well, healing. And she'll be your only healer for a few chapters until Maribelle joins, so she should be used then. Protecting her can be difficult since she can't attack yet at this point, but thankfully, staves give a crapton more exp in Awakening than they did in past games, so she'll be leveling up quickly and getting better stats, making her harder to lose. She'll also promote quickly (she was the first unit I promoted, I think. Was either her or Avatar) for the same reason.

But later on, Lissa has the potential to be a pretty damn good magic unit. She's not fast, but she can deal heavy blows with magic as a Sage. Her strength is usually garbage, so promoting her to a War Cleric isn't recommended. Troubador isn't recommended either due to it just making her a carbon copy of Maribelle. Lissa's best reclass option is Peg Knight/Dark Flier, by far. Why? Two things: magic and Galeforce. Also, as with all mounted units, she gets good movement as well. With good res and magic, Lissa is quite handy for taking out enemies that have poor res, like heavy knights, and walling against enemies that use magic. Either the Sage class or Dark Flier class will work good for her, but the downside of Dark Flier is that Lissa will lose staves, so she probably wants to go back to being a Sage in the end, at least after acquiring Galeforce.

So, basically, Lissa can be a really good healer and magic user to have around and I recommend using her if you plan on benching Miriel or Ricken, or both.


Lissa is a good character. I didn't like her design at first, or her childishness, but she gradually grew on me and she kicks butt in battle later. She's still not one of my favorites, but I like her enough and think she's cute. Dunno if I like her as much as Mist though.

Next Up: Sully, our local potty mouth tomboy knight!

Also guys, I'll now be linking all my evaluations in the first post, save for Chrom since the one for him IS the first post, pretty much.

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Lissa's best reclass option is Peg Knight/Dark Flier, by far.

I actually agree with that. Being able to pass Galeforce down to Owain is awesome. :awesome: She also makes a decent Sage and a better Valkyrie. Ive seen Lissa perform really well as a Bride too.

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Yeah, recalling what Lissa's reclass options are reminded me that she has access to Galeforce, which I had previously forgotten. lol I need to reclass her so she can get that. xP

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I just give her a Bolt Axe when she goes through War Cleric, so I don't HAVE to make use of her strength.

Yeah, me too. And when maxed, or near maxed, her strength isn't actually that half bad; for me, with forged brave axes, she keeps up with her husband Lon'qu, the main attacker of the two, hit for every devastating hit.

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Isn't Bolt Axe kind of rare, though? This may be because I don't have Infinite Regalia yet (nor can I get any new DLC right now), but I think there's only two Bolt Axes in the main game - one available only if you have the renown to get it.

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You can apparently also buy it from somewhere, although that might just be from Streetpass shops. You can get them from L'Arachel, though. Which baffles me. Why in the hell they changed L'Arachel from a Troubadour/Valkyrie to a War Cleric is BEYOND me.

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