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Ana Evaluates the Characters!


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Don't forget that Viole is actually Virion's fan name before his Japanese name was revealed (which is Viaur) and in fact, rape in French in written as viol with no "e" in the end though it indeed sounds like the French word for rape. Besides, I didn't know Virion had a French accent, at least, not in NOA localization; the NOJ localization just made him "noble-alike".

Do we (I'm French) actually talk like that? With that kind of accent?

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Don't forget that Viole is actually Virion's fan name before his Japanese name was revealed (which is Viaur) and in fact, rape in French in written as viol with no "e" in the end though it indeed sounds like the French word for rape. Besides, I didn't know Virion had a French accent, at least, not in NOA localization; the NOJ localization just made him "noble-alike".

Do we (I'm French) actually talk like that? With that kind of accent?

I'm pretty sure my accent is worse...

I saw worse French accent than that in other game (Deus Ex comes to mind...)

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I'm pretty sure my accent is worse...

I saw worse French accent than that in other game (Deus Ex comes to mind...)

Jamais fait attention à l'accent français dans les jeux mais personnellement, je pensais justement que nous, Français, nous avions un très mauvais accent dans les langues étrangères, pour ne pas dire, un accent de merde.

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Yeah, I did. "neck lace thingy" xP

Oh, oops! I was kinda reading at work so like I must have skipped over that...



lololol his exact words on it being called a bib. xD I kinda did it on purpose, but I DID forget the exact name.

Don't forget that Viole is actually Virion's fan name before his Japanese name was revealed (which is Viaur) and in fact, rape in French in written as viol with no "e" in the end though it indeed sounds like the French word for rape. Besides, I didn't know Virion had a French accent, at least, not in NOA localization; the NOJ localization just made him "noble-alike".

Do we (I'm French) actually talk like that? With that kind of accent?

I was gonna ask what his Japanese name was, but I guess just told us. Wow, lol. But I personally dunno how French talks or... their accents....

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Do we (I'm French) actually talk like that? With that kind of accent?

Virion's accent is like "Hollywood French", Its also rather hammy and overplayed in order to give Virion the whole "womanizing" stereotype. (initially at least)

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Stahl is definitely one of the best characters in the game, personality-wise and gameplay-wise.

It's a shame how often he's overlooked because of other more prominent units. The guy's a really cool guy, and his supports with Olivia and Cherche are some of my favorites in the game. Can't wait to see your thoughts, Ana.

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Do we (I'm French) actually talk like that? With that kind of accent?

Real French people don't speak with a stereotypical "French accent." Same with pretty much every accent I've encountered, although I have come across some pretty strong Engrish. The biggest thing I've noticed with accents generally is that the English tends to sound more nasal and slurred than in native English. Which is interesting, seeing as I've noticed that from French, German, Austrian, Korean, Chinese, and Vietnamese schoolmates.

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I didn't know about the fan name thing, my mistake. xP

I knew you'd like what I'd say, Florina. XD Also, I didn't know at all what the heck that thing on Virion's neck is called. lol

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  • 3 weeks later...


This discontinued? 'cause if it is I might do one.

Well for one thing, she should you know, probably finish the game first before evaluating characters.

I thought that was kind of... you know... off that she started evaluating them before then.


- Kauku Caves (RD)

- Something from Awakening (I haven't beaten the game yet, so...)

That was on May 23rd.

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Well for one thing, she should you know, probably finish the game first before evaluating characters.

I thought that was kind of... you know... off that she started evaluating them before then.

My 23 completions makes me a great person for rating!

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I'm going to continue this, I've just been really busy lately. And yes, it will temporarily halt when I get to characters I haven't used a lot yet.

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I'm going to continue this, I've just been really busy lately. And yes, it will temporarily halt when I get to characters I haven't used a lot yet.

Okay, I read up on your ratings and while I don't agree with many of them *coughVirioncough* it's interesting to see what other people think of these characters.

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My 23 completions makes me a great person for rating!

It's kind of... you know... common sense to finish a work even at least once before you rate it.

Your credibility kind of goes down the drain if you just look at first impressions.

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...what do you do all day? Write fanfictions about Ike?

I'm not criticizing her speed at beating the game. Everyone does it at their own pace.

What I AM criticizing is "you haven't even finished it yet and you're already making assumptions about characters" and already writing fan-made content in other places on the forum.

Get the complete picture first and then do that. That's just common sense to me.

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Kieran and Sain too, actually. ;D

I haven't been writing much lately though, truth be told. I have a job that I go to five days a week (but not in a row, usually), I also draw, play other video games, and occasionally relax and watch something on Netflix (90s Spiderman cartoon most recently). As of now though, I've been trying to finish an art piece which I SHOULD get done today. Plus, I worked my longest shift so far yesterday at work.

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Kieran and Sain too, actually. ;D

I haven't been writing much lately though, truth be told. I have a job that I go to five days a week (but not in a row, usually), I also draw, play other video games, and occasionally relax and watch something on Netflix (90s Spiderman cartoon most recently). As of now though, I've been trying to finish an art piece which I SHOULD get done today. Plus, I worked my longest shift so far yesterday at work.

I don't think it's people doubting your ability to finish the game as much as it is people wondering why you started before finishing...

Which wasn't really that great of an idea.

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Because I doubt I'll actually be finishing the game anytime soon because of other things in my life and this is something I'd really really wanted to do. xP

And I don't think it's a bad idea at all.

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And I don't think it's a bad idea at all.

Making fanmade works derived from something before finishing said something your fanmade work is derived from and getting the full picture is never a good idea.

Which is EXACTLY why you made that mistake of assuming Paladins get Sol.

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