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Your most hated and favorite chapter


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So I have started my fifth Fire Emblem game with sword of seals. Its the only GBA FE title I haven't played and I've had the worst possible time with chapter 7 I think its won my most hated chapter. So the question began to stir I wounder what the most hated chapter of them all in every game is? Maybe I will finally beat chapter 7 maybe I won't.

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Hmm, off the top of my head the chapter that takes place in Serenes in PoR was cool because of how unique it was with its "phases" and different objectives, although it can be annoying in the part you have to defend a certain heron. Another memorable one is part 3 endgame in RD because of the atmosphere and it being pretty much the climax of the story.

Ones I dislike... I honestly have a harder time thinking of any which I guess is a good thing :P. The one in RD part 3 in which you control the Dawn Brigade in the swamp can be pretty frustrating. Low mobility + low visibility + underleveled units...thanks IS.

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Chapter 10 in Awakening. My most favorite because of how well-done it is, but also my most hated because it is so sad :sob: . The music combined with the dialogue and map features really make for a bittersweet experience overall.

Edit: Misinterpreted the question. Thought it was asking if there was a chapter that you both liked and hated at the same time.

Edited by Walhart
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I don't remember the chapter name but I love the multi part chapter that takes place in Serenes Forest in PoR.

Worst is probably Chapter 9-10 from Awakening. Everything from Emmeryn's extremely stupid decisions that directly lead up to the chapter to the incredibly poor example of the Camus archetype that is Mustafa, a character that we've never seen before and the Avatar's epic fail strategy. Great music but everything else about it so poorly done and is blatant and bad attempt at making the player shed a few tears makes my head hurt.

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My least favourite is every prologue ever, in all games, I hate them all.

I like 3-13 in Radiant Dawn, the fight against the Black Knight in Path of Radiance, and Light in FE7 all really well, but number 1 goes to chapter 5 of FE4.

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Favorite: The entire radiant dawn endgame. (You're climbing up a giant bad ass tower on a quest to slay a god! Whilst it the experience takes around an hour or two, depending on difficultly level, I often attempt plow through it in one glorious sitting.)

Least Favorite: Chapter 26 E/28 H in Rekka No Ken. (It's ok on easy, but on harder difficulties Jaffar's survival is pretty much entirely down to chance, and given that you need him to stay alive in order to progress onto the upcoming gaiden chapter, your going to need to continue endlessly soft resetting regardless of how well you strategise.)

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Worst is probably Chapter 9-10 from Awakening. Everything from Emmeryn's extremely stupid decisions that directly lead up to the chapter to the incredibly poor example of the Camus archetype that is Mustafa, a character that we've never seen before and the Avatar's epic fail strategy. Great music but everything else about it so poorly done and is blatant and bad attempt at making the player shed a few tears makes my head hurt.

I disagree about it being poorly done. Yeah, Mustafa is kind of random, but at least this chapter's atmosphere is something rarely seen in an FE game (follows a tragedy, music reflects the character's sorrow, etc.).

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My favorite chapter? Definitely the Kauku Caves in RD! That was so fun! Ike and his guys are inside a hot lava cave with firey rocks raining down while they kick the enemy's asses! I loved the challenge and the map. ^^

My least favorite is basically any chapter where my group starts out completely surrounded by enemy units, such as phase 3 of chapter 17 in PoR. Ugh, I always failed at them. They're so frustrating. >_<

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I don't remember the chapter name but I love the multi part chapter that takes place in Serenes Forest in PoR.

Worst is probably Chapter 9-10 from Awakening. Everything from Emmeryn's extremely stupid decisions that directly lead up to the chapter to the incredibly poor example of the Camus archetype that is Mustafa, a character that we've never seen before and the Avatar's epic fail strategy. Great music but everything else about it so poorly done and is blatant and bad attempt at making the player shed a few tears makes my head hurt.

Man who speaks honesty, good man.

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I disagree about it being poorly done. Yeah, Mustafa is kind of random, but at least this chapter's atmosphere is something rarely seen in an FE game (follows a tragedy, music reflects the character's sorrow, etc.).

I don't know about you but I as a player felt completely detached from everything about that chapter due to the sheer stupidity of Emmeryn, the really poor 'strategy' to rescue her, etc. Chrom comments at one point and tells Emmeryn to be 'selfish' for once and not back to the capital. I disagree. I think she was being incredibly selfish because she wanted to go back, showing no regard for those who had given there lives to get her out of there, such as Cordelia's squad. Her need to take on all burdens on her own because she doesn't want others to have to worry about it is a really stupid attitude and is really off-putting. It completely prevents me from feeling the slightest sympathy or sadness at her 'death'.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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I don't know about you but I as a player felt completely detached from everything about that chapter due to the sheer stupidity of Emmeryn, the really poor 'strategy' to rescue her, etc. Chrom comments at one point and tells Emmeryn to be 'selfish' for once and not back to the capital. I disagree. I think she was being incredibly selfish because she wanted to go back, showing no regard for those who had given there lives to get her out of there, such as Cordelia's squad. Her need to take on all burdens on her own because she doesn't want others to have to worry about it is a really stupid attitude and is really off-putting. It completely prevents me from feeling the slightest sympathy or sadness at her 'death'.

itt people cannot make coherent arguments

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itt people cannot make coherent arguments

I'll admit to not wording it properly but there's no need for comments like that, is there?

There's a thin line between selflessness and outright stupidiy. Emmeryn takes a running jump over that line.

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Well, the best would be "Open Fire" from Thracia 776. Surviving 10 rounds is easy but there is so much stuff to get, like the Dragon Lance or the Rezire tome. But with the series deadliest ballista, tons of leadership supported troops and camouflaged Thracian reinforcements, this is easier said then done.

The worst is whatever the name of the TearRing Saga map with the floating eyeballs in the cave is. Worst! Map! Ever!

Flying enemies that multiply endlessly camping in every corner of the map, waiting for you to cross a floor that takes ages to maneuver. And of course, the whole map counts as an indoor map, so no fliers to quickly cross the lava.

And the eyeballs magic damage and have high speed. It's balanced out by a low hit rate. Dying to those low percentages is very frustrating but can't really be avoided because of the terrain that doesn't affect the eyeballs at all.

Oh, and there aren't just enemies in the corners, but chests too. And getting them is actually a victory condition. And several chests are actually in the center of the lava sea that reduces anyone to 1 move.

Slow and tedious progression paired with cheap deaths. I shiver at the mere thought of having to face that map again.

Edited by BrightBow
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i've always really liked chapter 12 of fe7. hector just makes a dynamic entry and kills a random guard because he's impatient

my least favorite chapter is probably the desert of fe10, it's just so long and frustrating

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Least Favorite: Chapter 26 E/28 H in Rekka No Ken. (It's ok on easy, but on harder difficulties Jaffar's survival is pretty much entirely down to chance, and given that you need him to stay alive in order to progress onto the upcoming gaiden chapter, your going to need to continue endlessly soft resetting regardless of how well you strategise.)

Ah! I love that chapter! It's so cool in terms of the story and I remember the first time playing it the sense of urgency I had trying to get to Jaffar and Nino, and then being attacked by an unseen Ursula was sooo creepy to me.

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My favorite Chapters have to be chapters 4-7 and the final chapter of Thracia 776. The Final chapter is a difficult final chapter (albeit Veld is piss easy) and is fun IMO, whilst 4-7 have the best atmosphere in the entire series IMO.

Least Favorite would be... FE6's final chapter. It's ridiculously easy.

Edited by Zelos
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Ah! I love that chapter! It's so cool in terms of the story and I remember the first time playing it the sense of urgency I had trying to get to Jaffar and Nino, and then being attacked by an unseen Ursula was sooo creepy to me.

Oh yeah don't get me wrong, on Eliwood normal mode that chapter's a blast, but the HHM version is despicably luck based crap shoot wherein you need to continually soft reset to see if the RNG will spare Jaffar.

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Even on Eliwood Normal, Jaffar can die before you even reach him. It's happened to me. He died on the 3rd turn.

Ow! Yeah, the fact that his fate is left almost entirely up to random chance is what infuriates me most about that chapter, and why I've selected it as my least favorite.

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So I'm replaying Sacred Stones after years not touching it (doing both paths but only going to endgame on Eirika's) and last night I was doing chapter 10 on Ephraim's route... I've always had mixed feelings on this map...

On the one hand I like the challenge and map design.

On the other WHY IS?!

The fact that there are reinforcements coming from all directions, villages to save, ballista fleets for Cormag to sink and for Peggies to stay away from, means that I had my units spread out in several smallish groups. Everything was fine until I decided on turn 9 to have level 16ish Franz take on the boss...

But I didn't realize he could be doubled on enemy phase (this after being weakened by the endless mercenaries near the boss). Everyone near him was done for the turn so he couldn't be rescued and Natasha was too far to heal him. If Seth and Duessel weren't necessarily so far away blocking reinforcements things could've been different... I turned it off in frustration but I'll probably just let him be dead. At least he still lives with Eirika...but ughhhh.

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I haven't played about half the Fire Emblem games, oh well.

Favourite: 4-E-3 in RD. It's one of the harder chapters, but in a fun way. Only people with Nihil or Parity can really fight against Dheginsea but heck, this is one of the few fights that makes me think of dragons in Tellius as a legitimate threat, which was something this two-game saga sorely needed. It's a challenge I enjoy overcoming.

Least Favourite: Because I frequently don't play with a map, 3-11 in RD is annoying with the many, many pitfalls despite the difficulty not being all that high otherwise. But I have to agree that Battle Before Dawn in FE7 is a pain. Jaffar's AI is cringeworthy on any mode. I think there's also a special place in hell for FE9's Chapter 22, if you want to get the Ashera Staff. They just had to give the priests weapons, didn't they? And they had to make them stupid enough to attack people who can counter them, didn't they? Sigh. One priest with a Light tome is one suicidal priest too many.

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