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Your most hated and favorite chapter


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probably the prolouge chapters would be my least favorite since there's not too much to them. that and they usually play the same(down to the point where the story elements is the same with bandits attacking)

my favorite chapter probably would be RD 3-13 stage. just simply an awesome level in my opinion and probably one of the best defense stages I've played in a FE game.

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I think there's also a special place in hell for FE9's Chapter 22, if you want to get the Ashera Staff. They just had to give the priests weapons, didn't they? And they had to make them stupid enough to attack people who can counter them, didn't they? Sigh. One priest with a Light tome is one suicidal priest too many.

Agreed, and now that I think about it FE9 had a bunch of stupid things like that if you want to get all the bonuses. That chapter with the prison comes to mind where if you want to get the max amount of bonus exp you literally have to follow a step-by-step walkthrough exactly.

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My very favorite chapter in the entire series (that I've played) is Chapter 19E/20H in Fire Emblem 7.

The first time I reached the chapter as a kid there was just this climactic, epic feel to it; the location, the difficulty, the miniboss, and the fact that I was finally leading Eliwood and co. into battle against that craven bastard Darin himself, and after him, to confront Nergal and save Elbert. Of course, as many of us know, things didn't quite work out that way in the end, but I still loved the chapter, and in fact the way in which the plot progressed was a huge twist to me, since I was honestly expecting the next few chapters after that to be the end.

My least favorite single chapter is probably Fire Emblem: Awakening's Chapter 12. It's just so bland; the map's no fun, the story events are dull and underwhelming and it's just generally a chore to play. I usually kinda have to force myself to play it by reminding myself that I must in order to get the child characters.

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Fave in the series? Not sure but im terribly fond of Cog of Destiny in FE7. And chapter 16 (i think) of FE9. The one with Devdan in it. I dont even know why i love that level but i do. As a result, i love 4-4 in RD. Its basically that chapter in FE9 only a little differently laid out and more guys. Plus that song that place. Yes.

Least fave? Battle Before Dawn in FE7 sucks the assbutt. Also that level where you get Sophia in FE6. Ugh ugh ugh BITE ME!

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Actually, my most hated is RD's 4-4 for having too many damn reinforcements, for one, and second, having two deadweight units force deployed doesn't help my opinion of the map any. And that's in addition to it being bland as all get out. FE6 chapter 14 combines a lot of the crap FE players hate to see on one map, in a nutshell. OTOH, favorite maps include FE7's Cog of Destiny and FE9's Clash! for having some of the best map themes in their respective games.

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Not sure about Hm, but currently replaying 6, and those troll stages(im looking at you, Sophia) does not seem so annoying right now.

Also using Marcus and Zealot a lot(pun intended) helped to deal with a lot of annoying chapters, particularly the Armads chapter

Douglas recruitment on the other hand....

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  • 1 year later...

Hated: PoR Chapter 27 - Fail to beat the Black Knight, and you have to do the whole chapter over (why IS didn't put a save point between the regular level and the Black Knight fight I don't know).

Favourite: RD's 4-4 - Oliver has the funniest recruitment convo of any character I've seen so far.

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PoR Chapter 17 phase 3 is my least favorite. So annoying, ugh. Even with a well-trained team. Although it's worth beating for phase 4 and finishing the chapter, because Ike throws a hilarious insult at Oliver and then he goes Lord. ^^

Favorite chapter is definitely the Kauku Caves chapter in RD! It's just freaking epic with the intense atmosphere and the flaming rocks raining down on the battlefield! And as a bonus, there's Ike's line where he says "We have enough men to take care of these clowns." XD

EDIT: Oh wait, I posted in this thread already. How did I just completely forget? xP

Edited by Anacybele
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Most hated chapter:...When I was a noob at FE it was Sacred Stones Chapter 6. I was so bad I would just solo with Seth to save everybody. Now it is probably 3-9 in RD. It's a filler chapter to end all filler chapters, it has the CRKs (Who suck), and it is just super boring in general.

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Favorite everything ever will always go to "The Final Holy War" AKA FE4 prologue. The atmosphere, the music, the fact that every holy weapon bar valflame makes an appearance, killing Manfroy, grabbing Naga, that satisfying as fuck ending, it was all just so damn well done. The huge size of the map felt fitting too.

Honorable mention goes to Victory or Death from FE7. Big map, very epic scale.

Least favorite? Can't really decide.

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I'm not good with chapter names or numbers, but I'm replaying FE6 and it's just got so many love/hate maps.

The big map in which you get Miledy. Especially if you're trying to get Perceval too (which I did) which requires you to ferry LALUM of all units across the map and plop her right in the middle of a bazillion enemies.

The desert chapter someone just mentioned that has fog of war, Manaketes, and Wyverns everywhere. Oh and Berserkers that pop up and a turn-limit gaiden chapter.

Pretty much any chapter with chests because I don't like bringing more than one thief but I also don't like losing treasure, and with Cath appearing I gotta be careful I don't accidentally kill her. :P

Currently on the chapter after you fight Zephiel and I'm pretty sure it's going to be love/hate as well. Dem status staves...

Edit: Oh god, and the chapter that takes place outside the Temple of Seals. It feels so epic but the never ending reinforcements are such a pain. D:

Edited by Owain Dark
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Least favorate: fe5 chapter 24x, because of warp tiles and enemies getting warped in constantly.

Most favorate: chapter 5 of fe4, because it does an excellent job of build up followed by emotional punch to the gut while also being fun to play through (with the one exeption of the patch of desert right before velthomer.) Also, great music

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