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Have you ever looked at something as an kid and then see it differently when your older?

Gold Vanguard

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Yup. Vice-versa applies to all the following statements:

  • Seeing certain ways people apply themselves in physical training and art performance (or creation)
  • Certain foods I used to enjoy eating and now I don't
  • The purpose of using certain themes in specific video games and movies I enjoyed or disliked
  • The importance of financial savings and future investments be it personal or professional
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Yup! There were lots of movies and books that I watched/read that I sort of just...watched/read without actually understanding them. When I go back and see them now they make a lot more sense.

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Well, obviously. We all do.

I actually like most thing I've liked as a children. And like someone else said- vice-versa. I appreciate a few cartoons or movies I used to find boring as a child.

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For me, video games are the biggest case of this. Not necessarily because they were horrible then and are amazing now, or vice-versa; rather, games I thought were incredibly difficult back then but fairly easy now.

Of course, that doesn't mean the former doesn't apply. It's only been recently that I've changed my mentality that the only games worth my time are those on Nintendo consoles.

I guess cartoons have fallen into this as well. Most, if not all, of the shows I used to watch rather fervently as a kid I probably wouldn't associate with now.

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i'm surprised no one has mentioned vaginas, penises, and tits

I'd think the notion of understanding just what they are would be inherent by now. =/

As for me, cartoons, definitely. I used to think cartoons were innocent and carefree, and some of them still are. Then after taking a History of Animation class and looking at a lot of different stuff, it made me realize that everything I knew was a lie. The Looney Tunes are brutal as hell, holy shit. o_O

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i'm surprised no one has mentioned vaginas, penises, and tits


Boys like breasts from a really young age as well, you know. The other? Well, I can't say I still don't find it rather gross.

Try this:


When I was younger, other children used to find it "gross". I didn't feel anything in particular towards it. Still don't.

Edited by Walpurgisnacht
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Haha, you can retroactively ruin something, definitely. I watched the Schwarzenegger film, The 6th Day when I was 10 and thought it was badass, watched again a week ago and it turned out to be a cheesy and terrible film akin to Batman and Robin. Sometimes, revisiting a childhood favorite can yield a large amount of gratification though, it is a risk whenever you try.

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I loved EEnE and always will. Then I stumbled on TV Tropes.

If you mean the Ho Yay page for it, my interpretation was just that it was all played for laughs and/or had extenuating/unrelated circumstances in effect, but whatever floats the fandom's boat.

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Well... I started rewatching Beyblade recently... x3

I mean I do still slightly enjoy rewatching it, but back when I was a kid I never thought of how cheesy it can beeeeeeeee

Also the music doesn't sound as cool to me now as it used to

Yup! There were lots of movies and books that I watched/read that I sort of just...watched/read without actually understanding them. When I go back and see them now they make a lot more sense.

Yeah, it's been like that with me as well~ There was so much I didn't understand as a kid x3

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