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Most Disturbing Fire Emblem Character(s)

Ashen Tempest

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Prior to becoming a meme, Denning actually creeped me out quite a bit. I mean he was constructed purely for the purpose of telling the lords that, 'Lord Nergal awaits them on the dread isle' but I've got to wonder if he's actually capable of thought. The other morphs like Ephidel, Limstella and Sonia certainly seem to be, and if he can think and feel, then has he just silently resigned himself to his fate as a messenger or are there doubts and worries bubbling up from within his artificial heart.

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Well, Limstella and Ephidel were my first creepy characters. They are supposed to be "perfect", and so are genderless. Also, Limstella's ending quote is really tragic too.

Kishuna, also more on the tragic side.

Lyon in Ephraim's Route counts too, because you never knows how concient or delusionnal he really is.

Monica is an allied revenant in her map sprite

Tharja is awfully nice in her Nowi's support. I really was surprised.

Hilda is less disturbing that immensely hated, but she may counts too.

Also, the most disturbing aspect of Henry is that, if you forgot all his creepy/weird aspects, he's actually a really nice guy. Even his prankster's side is never for harm, or evil. He's a good father, and he's always ready to help others (even if it's by using remedy that are far worse than the initial problem... ).

Edited by TendaSlime
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Tharja probably. Considering that she is pretty much a female version of Valter... except of course Valter was acknowledged as a monster, has to at least pretend to be an ally (even then, he still comes across as an arrogant prick, so nobody likes him) and never got to actually rape his target.

He is still disturbing as hell, but at least he leaves in a world that condemns his actions. You don't have to deal with him all by yourself.

But the world that Tharja lives in, doesn't give two shits about a monster like her.

Everyone will just ignore everything she does, despite her making no effort to hide that she is a sick bastard who hurts people out of mere boredom. No matter how many people are around you, you will always be alone with her.

The disturbance even reaches meta levels, given that she is the favorite character of all the IS representatives.

Mind you, seeing the supposed heroes butcher and verbally teabagging soldiers as if they were merely Counterstrike opponents instead of sentient beings, really makes me want to throw up. Especially considering that Fire Emblem used to go to great lengths in humanizing enemies.

Fire Emblem has always given me this sense of respect for the dead in this world that does little to impede mockery of the dead, and sometimes even favors it. It was kinda sad to have to kill Selena and meanwhile, on Eirika's route, Glen gets killed off. Grado just goes morally downhill when they take in the 3 new generals, especially Caellach in my opinion.

Prior to becoming a meme, Denning actually creeped me out quite a bit. I mean he was constructed purely for the purpose of telling the lords that, 'Lord Nergal awaits them on the dread isle' but I've got to wonder if he's actually capable of thought. The other morphs like Ephidel, Limstella and Sonia certainly seem to be, and if he can think and feel, then has he just silently resigned himself to his fate as a messenger or are there doubts and worries bubbling up from within his artificial heart.

Oh gods, THAT thing. Sometimes you can't help but wonder about the creation of the morphs though. Kishuna in particular is an example of how erratic they can come out. Denning would seem that much more creepy if you had to deal with him in person though. LIke, just imagine a random pallid, yellow-eyed zombie-like archer just trying to shoot you to death with his bow while mindlessly and repeatedly uttering "This is a message from Lord Nergal. I await you on Dread Isle." I find it hard to believe people can deny that to be creepy as hell, an encounter with Denning in the flesh, I mean.

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nothing creeps me out i'm afraid talking heads don't do much for me when it comes to the scares

or the chessboard style maps

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[spoiler=Fire Emblem Awakening spoilers]Dragon!Grima, because of his real face under that skull-like helmet/shell thing he wears. The fact that you never get a very good look at it does not help.

I agree, Monica was pretty creepy.

I was also somewhat disturbed by the Manakete boss of Chapter 11 in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, and his excited threats to burn his opponent until their blood boils and their flesh cooks. What creeped me out was imagining what that would actually look/feel like.

Victor and Vincent having that whole incestuous relationship with each other is eugh.

To be honest, though, I wasn't really all that creeped out by Oliver or Excellus, and I actually felt bad for Kishuna more than anything, since he's equivalently an abused and abandoned child despite his appearance.

Nowi is adorable and people will probably think me creepy for saying that her really being around 1,000 years old does make it a lot better to me. Well, that and the fact that this does actually seem to affect how well she's able to comprehend things and their implications. but maybe that's just a headcanon personality trait I guess it really sorta zigzags in her supports and stuff.

Edited by Starlight36
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Gharnef and Izuka both give me the heebie-jeebies, espescially since they put their victims (Tiki and the Feral Ones) into creepy brainwashed states. And Algol also really scared the crap out of me, kind of for the same reason.

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Scaring me wise: Noire.

Reason: I love Noire as much as I love Sumia, Lucina, Tiki and Maribelle. He crazy personae just kinda creeped me out at times. Plus the fact that in the localization they added the fact that it's caused by a so-called "good luck charm" she can put on at anytime also makes it kinda scary as well. The dreams she's appeared in also attribute to that <_<.

Hidious wise: Validar and Excellus. I didn't like Aversa's look all that much since to me she revealed more than Tharja. :/

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I wonder why Tharja is mentioned often, but no one is mentioning Niime. Sure she's merely Hugh's grandmother, but she did end up raising him and I think not healing your grandson when he is having some serious injuries is a lot worse then what Tharje did. I haven't seen a lot of mother/daughter stuff so far so I could be wrong on that.

I don't mind either of the two though.

As for most disturbing characters......uh Valter and Narcian are pretty vile characters I guess.

Edited by Sasori
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I don't really think that any of the Fire Emblem characters are disturbing, except Nowi.

I think if they were actual extant people, plenty of the characters would be disturbing, though generally as fictional constructs most of them are relatively mundane, yeah.

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Gharnef. I couldn't get over thinking 'What happened to your face?' whenever he appeared in Shadow Dragon. And having Imhullu and all that? Super cool, but kinda creepy.

I'm gonna say Tharja as well, because she really takes her obsessions so far that I fails to be funny and more disturbing. To put it mildly, I hate her personality. And her.

But for the winner, Nowi.

...Just, no.

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