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Stupid things you've heard people say


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By killing the earth, I am referring to the destruction of ecosystems, unnatural extinction of animals, absurd amounts of waste and the general destruction of natural things. The Earth isn't going to literally "die" but we are having a severe impact on the environment.

Also, another stupid thing people say:

"Alcohol is not a drug."

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By killing the earth, I am referring to the destruction of ecosystems, unnatural extinction of animals, absurd amounts of waste and the general destruction of natural things. The Earth isn't going to literally "die" but we are having a severe impact on the environment.

What is an unnatural extinction of animals?

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The destruction of habitats through human means by means of force or pollution. We accelerate some extinctions which I will not include in that statement but we have killed off some species from purely taking away their habitat (rainforests in particular).

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We as humans do a lot of things to disrupt the natural order certain ecosystems. I understand what you're saying but we become a "virus" in an ecosystem we are not a part of. It is similar to when Snake Heads found their way into lakes in the Northeast and destroyed the fish living in those lakes. Sure it can "naturally" happen, but does it need to?

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Does anything need to avoid happening in any ecosystem? Extinctions are part of life. They happened before us, and they'll happen long after we are gone. There's no questioning that we have a larger effect comparatively, and you might argue that for the sake of maintenance of our current ecosystem we should avoid certain actions, but there's nothing wrong with sending species into extinction. Do you feel revolted when wolves hunt all deer into extinction in one specific area? Nature doesn't have to be pretty all the time. It's just nature.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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No, having nothing wrong with the "wolf/deer" theory you presented. That is a natural extinction that I am pefectly okay with. It is our general recklessness with our own actions and disregard for other beings and this Earth that worries me.

Also, I appreciate you actually know how to debate. I would hug you if I could right now.

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Well, that's basically what I mean. Humans are, in essence, much the same as those wolves. Our intelligence is second to none, yet we are as much slaves to simple nature as any other. The wolf does not care whether the sheep and deer will survive. It only cares for its own survival and propagation. We are gifted with the ability of foresight, and so we (moreso now) caretake and maintain, but only insofar that it is beneficial to us, either because it allows us to keep the environment we can most comfortably survive and advance in or simply because of pure aesthetics. Were it that abundant carbon dioxide's Greenhouse Effect, thinner ozone layer, etc. made us thrive more efficiently, there would be little debate over the situation. I suppose one could argue that with our intelligence we have a personal responsibility that no other creature is burdened with, but I personally feel that is elevating our abilities beyond their humble origins.

I love debating, or as others would say arguing. It's a blessing and a curse. You have no idea how hard it is not to correct people over small details when I hear them speak in passing over something quite minor.

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Perfect for all those criminal activities that occur in that 70%. No bank will be robbed on Aquaman's turf!

well, the seabanks aren't part of the ocean.

uh how about.

"Old games suck, anyone that plays them is retarded and should be euthanized."


"What the fuck is DC/Marvel comics, all that exists are superman,batman, spiderman, and the avengers."

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"Who's Mario?"

Even if you're not a fan you've gotta be pretty damn oblivious to not even know who Mario is.

In all seriousness, though, I don't really get out enough to hear some seriously stupid stuff.

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I could be here all day listing off the Shakespearean sayings of President G.W. Bush. I think my favorite Bushism is "I'm telling you there's an enemy that would like to attack America, Americans again. There just is. That's the reality of the world. And I wish him all the very best."

"Your Eminence, you're looking good." Bush to Pope Benedict XVI

One more for the road: "I want to share with you an interesting program for two reasons. One, it's interesting and two, my wife thought of it, or has actually been involved with it. She didn't think of it, but she thought of it for this speech."

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On that note, "Is Japan a part of China?" "Is Asia a country?"

Wow, that's like, 3rd Grade level stupid. Although I have met someone who thought that Asia was a country. He was in 8th grade.

Edited by NyanKitteh
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"Oh, I didn't think your brother would have the same hair color as you" probably competes.

Which is especially stupid from a FE:A point of view. ;):

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Which is especially stupid from a FE:A point of view. ;):

hey now, female Morgan is likely to have a different color than her sibling

and for the Xbox One thing, even though it's Xbox One+PS4+Wii U they're talking about, that still requires an average of 2x PS2 sales for each console

(good job guys)

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"What the fuck is DC/Marvel comics, all that exists are superman,batman, spiderman, and the avengers."

Oh that reminds me

"The Avengers should be turned into comics!"

They were based on comics, hello?

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