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Saleh - Good sage or bad?

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I've played fe8 a hundred times and Hero!Garcia is probobly the best recipient of the first hero crest.

And max stats mean zilch when 14 spd doubles like 85% of the game.

Yeah, Duessel+Spdwings doubles a ton of the game.

Hero!Garcia+spdwings doubles a ton of the game.

WK!Cormag+spdwings doubles a ton of the game.

Max stats mean zilch when talking efficiency.

And don't try to pull the "but growths and caps mean everything" stuff because it's fe8.

The game can be LTC'd close to 70 turns.

Garcia is one of the best non-mounted/staff using units in the game.

Oh and any accuracy issues Garcia may have had against swordies gets fixed by his ability to use swords with C rank on promo.

Hero Garcia has

-Better Promo Gains. [+2 spd]

-Better weapon selection on promo. [C swords vs E bows.]

-Who the hell needs 30 str when 25 str+silver/brave/garm/killer axes kill things.

-One of the few viable supports in efficiency, although Ross is a pretty shitty unit unless we want to baby him. Good things the ocean seal has little competition worth it.

Dammit Espinosa :P:

Edited by Aquaman
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Excuse me, but only who FE:SS first time, who want to broke some character by promotion and FOOL makes Garcia Hero. Hero get less STR (you waste five points making him hero), but more SPD and SKL(but Garcia has too low grows to maxed it). So only reason to making Garcia Hero is swords, but not including magic swords(wind sword is great, but it is really hard to get not from Isamire) and lanceraver give you nothing. So what is the reason to completely broke Garcia?

Taking a look at a 20/1 Garcia (equivalent to 15/5, which is roughly what he'll be lategame) I really don't see how Warrior beats Hero. Hero has 1 HP and 2 SPD vs. Warrior's 1 DEF/RES. He also has WTC, which beats effective damage against fliers he'll obliterate with axes, anyways. The SPD, though, is the big deal. 10 SPD is doubled by mercs, heroes, swordmasters, mage knights, and even sages. 12 SPD is only doubled by swordmasters and mage knights, and a speedwings gets him out of being doubled by many of those enemies. A speedwings also gets Hero!Garcia up to 14 SPD, which allows him to double quite a lot of enemies. Warrior!Garcia is at best getting a speedwings to stop being doubled by so many enemies.

Edited by Rewjeo
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-Better Promo Gains. [+2 spd]

OK, that's fine.

-Better weapon selection on promo. [C swords vs E bows.]

Garcia will use bows only when his hit by axe will be too low (read:no often) , so who wants higher wprank? Also with his high STR he do not need more than Iron Bow.

-Who the hell needs 30 str when 25 str+silver/brave/garm/killer axes kill things.

Who need 25 STR+sliver/brave/garm/killer axes when he destroy evrything with 30+hand axes?

One of the few viable supports in efficiency, although Ross is a pretty shitty unit unless we want to baby him. Good things the ocean seal has little competition worth it.

I do not understand what you written. He also do not understand

The SPD, though, is the big deal. 10 SPD is doubled by mercs, heroes, swordmasters, mage knights, and even sages. 12 SPD is only doubled by swordmasters and mage knights, and a speedwings gets him out of being doubled by many of those enemie

. Garcia do not need doubled attack to kill mercs, heroes, swordmaster, mage knights and even sages. With some support (Gillian and Dozla will gave him a lot of avoid and defence), and staying close to healers he will not fear those enemy, but they will be fear him.

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"One of the few viable supports in efficiency, although Ross is a pretty shitty unit unless we want to baby him. Good things the ocean seal has little competition worth it."

means roughly the following if we paraphrase it to exclude more complicated terms and expand on the "insider" unspoken information:

- we play very fast and thus have little time to build supports

- Ross is a weak character (with poor base stats) unless you slow down and feed him kills, but we're playing fast

- it is still a good thing that the Ocean Seal (Pirate!Ross's promotion item) is Ross's and not shared by other characters, because Colm is even poorer as a combat unit compared to Ross, and opening chests can be done with the many Chest Keys out there.

Edited by Espinosa
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just check the draft threads on fe8 to get an idea of the low turn counts involved.

It's generally under 120 turns, but some ridiculous people push it to around 70-80 turns.


Or check dondons 0% growths videos or Horace's fe8 LTC videos.

They're pretty good.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Saleh's a solid unit, he has great bases and a C rank in staves. You can definitely use him without difficulty. Unfortunately, it's prepromote syndrome at work - his growths are quite shit, and Sage!Lute, Sage!Artur and Sage!Moulder will surpass him in most things if they turn out well. I guess he's there if you're training Lute up to be a Sage and she's got RNG screwed, but when you remember that Mage Knight and Bishop are better promotions for the other three potential Sages anyway (in my opinion), and that Lute will, on average, turn out better, I usually find little reason to use him.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Apparently, this turned into a LTC thread, despite the existence of other play styles. Ahem. . .

He'll do just fine as-is, which is helpful if Artur/Lute are being uncooperative (whether Ewan exists depends on the route taken). To beat the story straight, it doesn't take much. For a full grind run, his Wind affinity's nice for extra damage. Of his supports, only Gerik won't net him the full amount of damage (and Gerik has better people to support, IMO). Sadly, one of those people is Myrrh, and her role in a full grind run is surprisingly limited.

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Surely in a full grind run, you would get Myrhh to level 20 without wasting a single use of her Dragonstone?

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