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Characters you really came to appreciate

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Exactly what the title of the thread says.

The best example for me is Owain. At first, I started off not liking this guy too much for some reason that not even I understand. Then I started reading his support conversations, and he's absolutely hilarious. Especially in his supports with Kjelle. XD I think I'll pair the two in my next file.

Speaking of Kjelle, she's another character I'm starting to like more. Heh. What about all of you?

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Hmmm... I'm not really sure... those that I liked from the beginning usually stayed as being favorites throughout the game (main and post). However, I guess you can say Morgan became even more fond to me than before... if that's even possible.

And I think Sumia too, when I just stopped thinking about how it seems IS / the game pushes toward Chrom/Sumia pairing. She's a good character on her own and with other pairings, then I started to like her more. Despite being as clumsy as me.

Stahl is one that became more fond to me but that's only after my friend compared him to Touma, than anything happening in the game....

Hmm... I think that's really it. Oh, and I guess Nah a bit but I think that'll depend when I marry Donny over to Nowi on my Hard file. See how she'll be with Galeforce and Aptitude/Counter. Otherwise it's to the bench with her.

okay, I think that's all for now.

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Gotta say Lucina. Not much of an opinion either way at first. Got kina scared of her at a certain point....(dunno how to do the spoiler hide thing sorry. Joined like 2 days ago. I'll assume most people know what I mean.)But next play through came, married her, and awesomeness commenced. 94-95% chance of double-team. Gotta say Luci, man.

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Noire, her 'BLOOD AND THUNDER' persona really grew on me. She also seems decent when she doesn't snap but I prefer her crazy persona more.

Everytime she snaps, I can't help but giggle.

also, I could correlate myself with her sometimes

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I originally planned to pair myself with Lucina for Aether!Morgan. Didn't have much an opinion about the character until I actually started playing. And now... well. Now she's my second-favorite character in the entire game and I won't pair any of my male avatars with anyone else.

I don't know if there are any other Female Morgan fans, but I love her to pieces. Why? Because she's insane. What other character has four of her six romantic C-supports end with the other person walking away out of annoyance? I love all of her supports, especially the ones with Inigo (who she ended up with in my file) and Yarne. She's my favorite character in the whole game, and if you can beat my waifu OTP and my self-insert, that is truly impressive indeed.

Other characters I got appreciation for as I played? Well...

  • Gaius immediately became my Avatar's second best friend after Chrom as soon as he referenced Taken.
  • I almost stood up and applauded for Noire when she told Laurent to STFU in her A-support with him.
  • Really like Brady for some reason, especially after his A support with my avatar. Probably because he reminds me of Kanji Tatsumi.
  • Basilio's an odd case where I went from meh to like (Chapter 23) to dislike (B support with Flavia Lucina is mine you bastard)
  • Lastly, Priam. Hoo boy. He went from "who the hell is he?" to "instantly on SpotPass team" just because of how awesome his voice is. That and how hammy yet badass he is.
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Sumia, hands down.

I remember back in the early days of when I was still scrounging for info on the characters during the Japanese release and finding that I didn't see much to like about Sumia at all; and then when I perceived the game to be pushing her and Chrom (my eternal hubby) as canon, when I felt that there shouldn't be any canon pairings, I was all set to hate her.

But after I started playing, slowly but surely she grew on me with her clumsiness that tended to be less annoying and more endearing than I thought. I had married her off to Frederick initially just so that I could get Cynthia and not for her happiness; I was amazed to find that I really liked their supports since it gave her more dimensions to her character than being just a clumsy pie baker and now I ship them as much as any of my favorite pairings. I originally A-Supported her with my Avatar just to complete the Support Log; I was pleasantly surprised to find that she was an avid reader, of fantasy no less (one of my favorite genres), and since I myself am a great bookworm I felt that I could really click with her as a good friend. Now, whenever Chrom isn't nearby to pair up with my Avatar in a battle, I usually keep her paired up with Sumia, who I have now christened the Queen's official bodyguard, alongside her husband Frederick, who is the Exalt's official bodyguard.

Needless to say, I have come to really appreciate her as a character, and she is, to date, the only character in the whole of the Fire Emblem series to have me go from feeling nothing but ire towards her to eventually feel nothing but benevolence towards her. :^_^:

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Sumia for me, in the same manner as Florina from FE7. As I've stated somewhere before, Sumia's got a lot of heart and she wants to do her best to help the Shepherds, but sometimes heart is not enough. Her initial character description and what I saw of her portrayal made me a little sour towards her, because she couldn't really do anything right except talk to animals (which is a very "Sparklypoo" trait in my opinion). Didn't really appreciate her until I married one of my male MUs to her.

She's still not my favorite and I still think that having a lot of heart isn't enough if you're incompetent at everything. But I don't dislike her anymore.

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Sumia, hands down.

I remember back in the early days of when I was still scrounging for info on the characters during the Japanese release and finding that I didn't see much to like about Sumia at all; and then when I perceived the game to be pushing her and Chrom (my eternal hubby) as canon, when I felt that there shouldn't be any canon pairings, I was all set to hate her.

But after I started playing, slowly but surely she grew on me with her clumsiness that tended to be less annoying and more endearing than I thought. I had married her off to Frederick initially just so that I could get Cynthia and not for her happiness; I was amazed to find that I really liked their supports since it gave her more dimensions to her character than being just a clumsy pie baker and now I ship them as much as any of my favorite pairings.

Ahahaha, this. Except I still never used Frederick (just a bit more for Hard). But I gotta agree on pairing her off with Frederick.. Now that I think about it, I feel like that support really helps her character. She's being appreciated. Not saying that she wasn't with Chrom, but... just... ehhh. Pies. Even if the Japanese version used bento boxes, still the same. And I'm like you in that Chrom is my eternal husbando.

Although I'm more willing to pair Chrom up with Sumia... only after Chrom's married though. ; ) It's only really due to Sumia having more range being a flier and whatnot. Sumia's also going on a higher ranking for me than Cordelia. Especially as a user... though Cordelia' strength might have been higher, Sumia was better with her Magic stat growth but she still did well as Falcon Knight.

And I think using Lissa a bit more in my Hard file made me not dislike her as much. Or find her as annoying. And yet I like her son... hah.

Same to Severa. I didn't like how she treated Stahl as her father (in my very first play) because Stahl is such a cool and nice guy... wait, never mind. I can't say I still like her much. I'll still use though because she's a good unit in combat.

Edit: Gaius! I thought he was too weak, but at least in normal mode, I was using him more and he became a lot better. He's my sweet candy man. (:

Edited by Cordelia
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Emmeryn. Everything about her either warms or depresses me, but in the end I always admire the way she could do things that, if I was ever in any of her horrid situations, could never bring myself to do. Yes, I know this is a fictional game, but i can still put myself in her POV. She left a lasting mark on me. Her/Gangrel's ark was my favorite.

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At first all I thought that he was just "ITS GREGOR TIME" and kinda dismissed him as more of a one-shot wonder than anything else. But as I started using him and read his supports, I really found him to be quite the hilarious guy.

Gregor x Cordelia is my OTP

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Inigo, at first I thought that he was like a character that I dislike from the Pokemon manga, but after start using him and readed his supports, I started to like him, now he is one of my favorite characters and has his spot in my team, I'm very glad he isn't like that character

Severa too, some people talked very bad about her in some webs and forums, so I had a bad impresion, but when I played her paralogue and watched the reunion with her mom, she became another of my favorite characters and won a spot in my team, and well, I feel a bit like her with her issues of how she was compared with someone perfect

Maybe Gerome counts too, I didn't give him too much atention at first, but after start using him, he becomes my favorite guy in this game... And there are Gaius and Lucina too, but I like them from the beginning :d

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And not because of the localization's Russian Accent.

I actually came to appreciate him and his character via the FE Background website and some of his supports.

He's the lovable "ossan".

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At first, I wrote off Priam as a generic "wants to be the best warrior in the world" guy. Those perceptions were shattered when I read his hilarious supports with the Male Avatar. The fact that he is apparently silent but rambles on when he finds a topic to actually talk about reminds me of myself, so that helps.

Reading several of Gregor's supports makes me heavily regret not using him in any of my playthroughs

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Everything SilverLightning said about Sumia, is exactly how I felt. Poor Sumia gets a lot of undeserved flak.

Characters that I have really warmed up to...Brady, Severa, Laurent, Emmeryn, Gangrel, Aversa, Yen'fay, Say'ri...

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Cynthia, for the above reason, and the fact that her/Owain is so fun.

I was also indifferent to Kellam until I actually started using him. He turned out tanky as hell and he's like Dolorous Edd.

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Gregor. At first, I wasn't sure what to think of him, but reading his supports makes me think a lot more of his intelligence, humor, and kindness.

What an awesome guy.

Also, Morgan (F). I never thought badly of her, but initially her character felt a bit ...boring. But...

I originally planned to pair myself with Lucina for Aether!Morgan. Didn't have much an opinion about the character until I actually started playing. And now... well. Now she's my second-favorite character in the entire game and I won't pair any of my male avatars with anyone else.

I don't know if there are any other Female Morgan fans, but I love her to pieces. Why? Because she's insane. What other character has four of her six romantic C-supports end with the other person walking away out of annoyance? I love all of her supports, especially the ones with Inigo (who she ended up with in my file) and Yarne. She's my favorite character in the whole game, and if you can beat my waifu OTP and my self-insert, that is truly impressive indeed.

Wow. I agree with all of this. All of it; except one thing. Morgan (F) is also wicked smart, and just plays the insane card more than she actually is. Not that she isn't at least a little bit insane. And yes, Morgan (F) x Inigo is great.

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Wow. I agree with all of this. All of it; except one thing. Morgan (F) is also wicked smart, and just plays the insane card more than she actually is. Not that she isn't at least a little bit insane. And yes, Morgan (F) x Inigo is great.

Of course she's super smart. That reminds me of the other thing I forgot to mention: she acts completely nuts, but she can get away with it because she's so freakishly powerful and intelligent that she doesn't have to take training seriously. Tome Stackers, anyone?

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Yeah, Gregor too. He's really a great guy (Nearly out-badassing Basilio is pretty cool.)

Sully and Henry are some strange case of characters I thought I'd like, then was pretty indifferent, then grew on me.

I'm liking Lissa and Stahl even more with passing time.

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I thought I'd hate the child dragon parading around in a silver bikini thing, but her supports with Nah cleared up a few things: that she's playful to boost morale, on purpose, not because she's immature.

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I heard how everyone and their mum hated Sully and how shes terrible or something

And then I bought the game, read her introduction, and her supports

She, and her daughter is definitely some of my favorite right now, up there with Cherche

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I thought I'd hate the child dragon parading around in a silver bikini thing, but her supports with Nah cleared up a few things: that she's playful to boost morale, on purpose, not because she's immature.

Her character wasn't completely rewritten in the localization, but I guess her air in the Japanese one still makes me not like her.

She's a lot more likable in the localization.

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I have a few characters that I've grown fond of dispite not expecting it.

At first I thought I would dislike Maribelle for being yet another spoiled rich jerk, but she actually turned out to be pretty nice. She's also one of the more funny characters of the game.

Stahl went from generic cavalry that I did't care about to nice guy. His lack of a gimmick made me like him too since he's one of the few without them.

Gregor is another one. His accent and being able to read his supports really changed me opinion for the better.

I've also grown rather fond of Ricken. He's a lot less bratty then I thought and he turned out pretty well for me gameplay-wise.

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I like Severa. She didn't give me a good first impression with her attitude but her supports, warming up to other people, were refreshing. Of course, there's also the fact that she broke the difficulty's spine in half.

Same "attitude" impression with Lon'qu, too. I used to think he was a generic "cool" swordsman but I grew to like him through his supports.

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Lissa. Before I got the game I thought she seemed annoying. Then I got the demo and her voice was annoying. But somewhere along the way in the full game I grew fond of her, then made her a Sage and came to love her. I even like her voice now ("I may surprise you!"). Doesn't hurt that her kid is my favourite of the second gen either.

Maribelle. I knew very little about the game before I got it because I don't like spoiling things, so I didn't even know about Maribelle before I got it. When she showed up I was pretty indifferent to her but used her because I like Troubadours. Now she is probably my favourite Valkyrie in the series. Love her supports and personality behind the snobby front she puts on.

Cherche. Also didn't know about her until she showed up in-game. I instantly loved her design (I momentarily regretted already getting married, sorry Cordelia! I love you~) but she seemed to be just "okay" in combat. Then I realized she just seems that way because of how broken other characters can get. I think in a traditional FE she would be way more useful. Still didn't stop me from making her one of my mains. Also, I love how WEIRD she is. Every time she calls Risen adorable makes me chuckle. Or when she talks about seeing shapes in the lava. XD

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