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In this playlog I will prove that Miriel is a piece of trash unit that deserves to be a lot lower in the HM tier list. Also Sully is overrated. I will also be using:

Avatar malexMiriel

Cherche, because I wanna see what she's capable of in a run like this.

Nowi because I wanna see if the hype is warranted (it really isn't)

And Sumia Frederick because theyre awesome. I will be using Fred until Endgame.

Anyways ~

Build 01
Face 02
Hair 03
Hair Color 12
Voice Male 1

Name: Jesus
Asset: Luck
Flaw: Magic


2 turns


Fred kills the mages and the boss. Chrom and Jesus gets as many kills
as they can.

4 turns out of 6

Chrom      LORD   02.60 21  7  1  8  8  6  8  2 SW E
Jesus      TACT   01.00 19  6  4  5  6  8  6  4 SW E TM E
Frederick  GREAT  01.50 28 13  2 12 10  6 14  3 SW D LC B AX D

[spoiler=Chapter 1]

Chrom paired with Jesus goes to a fort and stay there all chapter. Fred goes ahead and
kills everything in his path including the archer and then weakened the boss so Chrom could kill him.
Sully got a kill.

4 turns out of 10

Chrom      LORD   04.60 23  9  1  9 10  7  9  4 SW D
Jesus      TACT   01.00 19  6  4  5  6  8  6  4 SW E TM E
Frederick  GREAT  01.89 28 13  2 12 10  6 14  3 SW D LC B AX D
Sully      CAV    02.40 20  7  1  8  8  6  7  2 SW E LC E

[spoiler=Chapter 2]

Used Fred to weaken stuff so Chrom and Sully could take them down later.
Chrom is a bro and can tank everything so I had him in the lead instead of Sully, who is 3HKO'd
and and couldnt KO them back. Miriel arrived and Avatar was glued to her so she could actually KO stuff.
Had to be really careful with her because she sucks.

6 turns out of 16

Chrom      LORD   06.20 25 10  1  9 11  9 10  5 SW D            Jesus C
Jesus      TACT   01.00 19  6  4  5  6  8  6  4 SW E TM E       Chrom C
Frederick  GREAT  02.63 29 14  2 13 10  6 15  3 SW C LC B AX D
Sully      CAV    03.82 20  8  1  8  9  7  7  2 SW E LC D
Miriel     MAGE   01.99 18  0  8  5  7  6  3  4 TM E
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How come Jesus has no exp after three chapters.

Chrom got all of it because Avatar is kinda all sorts of bad as +lck - mag :P

burn the atheist, how dare you give Jesus no experience points

I'm not an atheist

[spoiler=Chapter 3]

Sumia pairs with fred and he ORKOs stuff all chapter. Chrom and Sully do other stuff.

Kellam tanked enemies on the right side so Jesus could get some kills. Miriel wouldnt be able to get

kills ever here because of the fact that she gets 2HKO'd.

5 turns out of 21

Chrom      LORD   07.61 26 11  1 10 11 10 11  5 SW C            Jesus C Sully C
Jesus      TACT   02.59 20  7  5  6  6  8  7  4 SW E TM E       Chrom C
Frederick  GREAT  03.13 30 15  2 13 11  6 16  3 SW C LC B AX D
Sully      CAV    04.22 21  8  1  8 10  8  8  2 SW E LC D       Chrom C
Miriel     MAGE   01.99 18  0  8  5  7  6  3  4 TM E
Sumia      PEGA   01.11 18  6  3 11 13  8  5  7 LC D

[spoiler=Paralogue 1 Sickle to the Donnel]

Donnel's recruitment is inefficient in itself so screw that.

Sully Chrom and Sumia Fred did most of the heavy lifting here, Sumia with a str

tonic and def tonic cleanly ORKO'd barbarians and switched to fred when there were archers in the vicinity.

Fred weakened boss enough that Sumia could nab the kill. Miriel costed me a turn with her deployment because

she didnt let me bring Stahl to open the chest in Turn 6.

7 turns out of 28

Chrom      LORD   08.34 27 11  1 11 12 10 11  5 SW C            Jesus C Sully C
Jesus      TACT   04.35 21  8  7  7  6  9  7  4 SW E TM D       Chrom C Miriel C
Frederick  GREAT  03.71 30 15  2 13 11  6 16  3 SW C LC B AX D
Sully      CAV    06.12 22  9  2 10 11 10  9  3 SW E LC C       Chrom C
Miriel     MAGE   02.96 19  0  8  6  7  6  3  4 TM E            Jesus C
Sumia      PEGA   03.35 20  8  4 12 14 10  5  7 LC D

[spoiler=Chapter 4]

Fred lured Lucina Turn 1 and silver lance the crap out of her. Then he killed her the following turn with Javelin and

countered all the enemies there with javelin. Sumia then got a kill from a weakened armor.

Chrom and Sully got kills too. So did Miriel and Jesus.

3 turns out of 31

Chrom      LORD   08.61 27 11  1 11 12 10 11  5 SW C            Sully B Jesus C
Jesus      TACT   05.09 22  9  8  8  6 10  7  4 SW E TM D       Chrom C Miriel C
Frederick  GREAT  04.26 32 16  2 13 12  7 17  4 SW C LC A AX D  Sumia C
Sully      CAV    06.52 22  9  2 10 11 10  9  3 SW E LC C       Chrom B
Miriel     MAGE   03.75 20  0  8  7  7  7  3  5 TM E            Jesus C
Sumia      PEGA   03.88 20  8  4 12 14 10  5  7 LC D            Frederick C
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I always felt Miriel was horribly overrated when ricken can do the exact same thing.

I think is very underrated she is around sumias level in terms of usefulness.

Nowi is outclassed by tiki and her daughter.

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Nowi is outclassed by tiki and her daughter.

I disagree. She's not that hard to train (it's not like were LTCing..), Becomes a beast pretty fast and stays amazing forever..

Tiki is great when she joins but that's really late.. I don't understand how Nah > Nowi would work.

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I find that nah has better stats which is obvious, but I also found that if done correctly she can solo her joining chapter and all those to follow. At this point I found nowi's speed to start falling behind, and I found that the class is not one that will help in speed. Though I can accept people for not liking tikis join time.

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I find that nah has better stats which is obvious, but I also found that if done correctly she can solo her joining chapter and all those to follow. At this point I found nowi's speed to start falling behind, and I found that the class is not one that will help in speed. Though I can accept people for not liking tikis join time.

How is Nah soloing her joining chapter in any run? Nowi's speed is fixable fairly easily but it isn't that great you're right there.

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Gregor!Nah with sol high speed and high strength allows her to do high damage, and heal. Not very hard to get with auto promoting Gregor. Wont solo but does extremely well.

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Bet you didn't see your playlog turning into a Nowi debate huh PKL?

Gregor!Nah with sol high speed and high strength allows her to do high damage, and heal. Not very hard to get with auto promoting Gregor. Wont solo but does extremely well.

-Assumes a specific parent.

-Is giving Nah stats that can do "extemely well" is happening than the paralogue must be happening pretty late.

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Just using gegor as an example because he gets the point across best. By the time you should be capable of taking on the chapter in the first place you should have reality component stat that ( unless dad is speed screwed) shouldn't be doubled and can double some of the slower enemies. Besides to get sol you should have a good speed from being a merc. Though sol is just another example it can be replaced with several skills to increase survival rate.


Sorry this got derailed abit.

Edited by Randa
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Just using gegor as an example because he gets the point across best. By the time you should be capable of taking on the chapter in the first place you should have reality component stat that ( unless dad is speed screwed) shouldn't be doubled and can double some of the slower enemies. Besides to get sol you should have a good speed from being a merc. Though sol is just another example it can be replaced with several skills to increase survival rate.

Again this assumes you're doin it pretty late.. by this time Nowi will have done amazing most of the game.

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I have personally gotten her using this technique after chapter 17. Ten chapters. Nowi has a ten chapter can be closer to thirty if by some miracle you did every other paralouge up this point but not Nah's. I'm not gonna lie that's a significant lead. However in Nah we get extra stats, higher caps, easier to acquire skills (whatever her parents pass down), better join stats, and a much better class set. Neither wants anything to do with Mage class. Two of the four advantages she has increase the longer you(but balance out because Nowi will have good stats but not as good skills) so what it comes down to is do you value lets say fifteen chapters (being realistic) over better stats and skills. I would take the latter.

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Oh god not a Nah Nowi debate. @_@

Anyways ~

[spoiler=Chapter 5]

Chrom ORKOs like everything in the map he's too good. Ricken chipped a myrmidon so Jesus could KO him (Miriel couldnt KO him
even after Ricken weakened, what a great unit). Sumia flew up with Fred and switched to fred to lure boss, he ended up ORKO'ing
everything as usual. Got the Hand Axe. Jesus got the bosskill with Ricken's Elwind. Lon'qu was deployed to take on some enemies in the south.
Could have finished in Turn 3 if i wanted to.

4 turns out of 35

Chrom      LORD   10.17 28 12  1 13 13 11 13  5 SW C            Jesus C Sully B
Jesus      TACT   06.79 23 10  8  8  6 11  7  5 SW E TM D       Chrom C Miriel B
Frederick  GREAT  05.03 33 17  3 14 13  7 18  5 SW B LC A AX D  Sumia C
Sully      CAV    07.22 23  9  2 11 12 10  9  4 SW E LC C       Chrom B
Miriel     MAGE   04.18 21  1  8  8  8  8  4  5 TM E            Jesus B
Sumia      PEGA   04.93 21  9  5 13 15 11  5  7 LC D            Frederick C

[spoiler=Paralogue 2]

Chrom Sully went to the boss area. Sumia Fred went for the village. Miriel and Jesus
got some kills at the start.

6 turns out of 41

Chrom      LORD   12.06 30 12  2 14 15 12 14  6 SW C            Sully A Jesus C
Jesus      TACT   07.24 24 11  9  9  7 12  7  5 SW E TM D       Miriel B Chrom C
Frederick  GREAT  05.19 33 17  3 14 13  7 18  5 SW B LC A AX D  Sumia B
Sully      CAV    08.07 24  9  2 12 13 10  9  4 SW E LC B       Chrom A
Miriel     MAGE   05.03 22  1  8  8  9  9  5  5 TM D            Jesus B
Sumia      PEGA   06.59 23  9  6 13 17 13  6  7 LC C            Frederick B
Lon'qu     MYRM   05.98 21  6  1 13 13  7  7  2 SW C

[spoiler=Chapter 6]

Sumia Fred go through the right side and kill stuff. Chrom sully recruit Gaius Turn 1
after a Maribelle rescue and take the left side. Lon'qu Jesus and Kellam help
Lucina out in the middle. Gaius got a kill.

3 turns out of 44

Chrom      LORD   12.84 30 12  2 14 15 12 14  6 SW B            Sully A Jesus C
Jesus      TACT   07.84 24 11  9  9  7 12  7  5 SW E TM D       Miriel A Chrom C
Frederick  GREAT  06.27 34 18  3 14 14  7 18  6 SW B LC A AX D  Sumia B
Sully      CAV    10.62 25 10  2 13 15 11 10  5 SW E LC B       Chrom A
Miriel     MAGE   05.89 22  1  8  8  9  9  5  5 TM D            Jesus A
Sumia      PEGA   08.16 25 11  6 13 19 14  7  8 LC C            Frederick B
Lon'qu     MYRM   06.41 22  6  1 14 14  7  7  2 SW C
Kellam     KNIGHT 06.60 22 11  0  7  6  4 15  2 LC D
Gaius      THIEF  05.33 22  7  0 13 15  6  5  2 SW D

[spoiler=Chapter 7]

Sumia Fred fly to the right to lure all the wyverns (obv switching to Fred)
and he ORKOs all the wyverns. Gaius paired with Kellam got a kill. Miriel and Jesus
KO'd the wyverns. The boss got ORKO'd by Falchion Chrom loool. This was such an easy 2 turn.

2 turns out of 46

Chrom      LORD   14.08 32 13  2 15 17 14 15  7 SW B            Sully S Jesus C
Jesus      TACT   07.75 24 11  9  9  7 12  7  5 SW E TM D       Miriel A Chrom C
Frederick  GREAT  07.59 35 19  3 15 15  7 19  6 SW A LC A AX C  Sumia A
Sully      CAV    10.97 25 10  2 13 15 11 10  5 SW E LC B       Chrom S
Miriel     MAGE   06.80 23  1  9  9  9  9  5  5 TM D            Jesus A
Sumia      PEGA   08.81 25 11  6 13 19 14  7  8 LC C            Frederick A
Gaius      THIEF  05.81 22  7  0 13 15  6  5  2 SW D

[spoiler=Paralogue 3]

Deploying Miriel here was a pain. Even Ricken was easier to train in the other run.
She gets 2HKO'd far too often. I consider it a miracle I could even get her exp.
Sumia Fred flew to the boss. Chrom Sully took down the left side. Gaius just
got exp here and there.

5 turns out of 51

Chrom      LORD   14.84 32 13  2 15 17 14 15  7 SW B            Sully S Jesus C
Jesus      TACT   07.90 24 11  9  9  7 12  7  5 SW E TM D       Miriel A Chrom C
Frederick  GREAT  07.63 35 19  3 15 15  7 19  6 SW A LC A AX C  Sumia A
Sully      CAV    11.57 25 11  2 14 16 11 11  5 SW E LC A       Chrom S
Miriel     MAGE   8.83  25  1 10 11 10 10  5  6 TM D            Jesus A
Sumia      PEGA   10.58 27 13  6 14 20 15  7 10 LC C            Frederick A
Gaius      THIEF  06.99 23  8  1 13 16  7  5  2 SW D

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[spoiler=Chapter 8]

Sumia Fred go down towards boss area and Fred ORKOs everything there. Nowi Gregor tried to get
the Master Seal village but a cavalier from the north went down Turn 1 towards them and I ended up having to heal and not move in to the Master Seal village because she would die If I went in. Gaius took down a barbarian in the start. Lissa got me the Rescue staff. Sumia split up from Fred, since Sumia got hit pretty hard by a barbarian when she split, she got the Second Seal village while Fred had to take down the boss. Miriel and Jesus helped Nowi with the Master Seal village.

4 turns out of 60

Chrom      LORD   15.14 33 14  2 16 17 15 15  7 SW B            Sully S Jesus C
Jesus      TACT   08.90 25 12 10 10  8 13  7  6 SW E TM D       Miriel S
Frederick  GREAT  08.56 36 20  3 16 15  8 19  6 SW A LC A AX C  Sumia S
Sully      CAV    12.03 26 12  3 15 16 12 12  6 SW E LC A       Chrom S
Miriel     MAGE   10.03 27  1 12 11 10 10  6  7 TM D            Jesus S
Sumia      PEGA   11.08 27 13  6 15 21 16  7 10 LC C            Frederick S
Gaius      THIEF  07.43 23  9  1 14 17  8  5  2 SW D
Nowi       MANA   03.95 18 12  5  5  5  8 12  9
Gregor     MERC   10.00 30 12  0 13 11  8 10  2 SW C

[spoiler=Chapter 9]

Miriel is now Dark Mage. Chrom is a Cavalier.
Nowi Gregor paired up and tanked 2 enemies total in the start (anymore and she'd die).
Miriel received a Def Tonic and a Spd Tonic because she wasnt doubling anything even with
Jesus support and she was 2HKO'd without it. Sumia Fred KO'd the archer among the group of
enemies at the start then she flew and switched to Fred who Javelin'd stuff.
Libra recruits himself in Turn 3 Other Phase and he rescues Chrom towards Tharja so he can recruit
her and he trades Sully to her so she can ORKO the last wyvern in the desert. Sumia ORKO'd
the boss with Killer Lance.

4 turns out of 64

Chrom      CAV    01.40 33 14  2 16 16 15 15  7 SW B LC E       Sully S Jesus C
Jesus      TACT   08.95 25 12 10 10  8 13  7  6 SW E TM D       Miriel S Chrom C
Frederick  GREAT  09.18 37 20  3 16 15  8 20  6 SW A LC A AX C  Sumia S
Sully      CAV    13.03 26 12  3 15 16 12 12  6 SW E LC A       Chrom S
Miriel     DARKM  02.59 29  3 11 10  9 10  9  9 TM C            Jesus S
Sumia      PEGA   13.18 29 15  7 16 23 17  8 11 LC B            Frederick S
Gaius      THIEF  07.97 23  9  1 14 17  8  5  3 SW C
Nowi       MANA   04.57 19 13  5  5  5  9 12  9                 Gregor C
Gregor     MERC   10.10 30 12  0 13 11  8 10  2 SW C            Nowi C

I gave the Energy Drop to Sumia

[spoiler=Paralogue 4]

Miriel Nostank the mage group after Anna is rescued and opens the door.
Sully Chrom and Sumia Fred went for the boss. Got the Arms Scroll with Anna.

5 turns out of 69

Chrom      CAV    03.32 34 15  2 18 17 16 16  8 SW B LC D       Sully S Jesus C
Jesus      TACT   09.36 26 13 10 11  9 14  7  6 SW E TM C       Miriel S Chrom C
Frederick  GREAT  10.10 38 20  3 17 15  8 20  6 SW A LC A AX B  Sumia S
Sully      CAV    14.06 27 12  3 15 16 12 12  7 SW E LC A       Chrom S
Miriel     DARKM  05.66 31  4 13 11 11 11 10 12 TM C            Jesus S
Sumia      PEGA   14.57 29 15  7 17 23 18 11 11 LC B            Frederick S
Gaius      THIEF  09.11 25 10  1 15 49  9  6  4 SW C
Nowi       MANA   06.13 21 15  6  7  6 10 14 11                 Gregor C
Gregor     MERC   10.30 30 12  0 13 11  8 10  2 SW C            Nowi C

[spoiler=Chapter 10]

Got all the loot. Fred 2RKO'd Mustafa with Javelins.

3 turns out of 72

Chrom      CAV    05.02 36 15  2 20 19 18 16  9 SW B LC D       Sully S Jesus C
Jesus      TACT   09.58 26 13 10 11  9 14  7  6 SW E TM C       Miriel S Chrom C
Frederick  GREAT  10.65 38 20  3 17 15  8 20  6 SW A LC A AX B  Sumia S
Sully      CAV    14.29 27 12  3 15 16 12 12  7 SW E LC A       Chrom S
Miriel     DARKM  07.29 33  4 15 13 12 13 11 12 TM C            Jesus S
Sumia      PEGA   16.45 31 17  8 19 24 20 12 13 LC B            Frederick S
Gaius      THIEF  09.59 25 10  1 15 19  9  6  4 SW C
Nowi       MANA   08.49 23 15  8  9  7 12 15 12                 Gregor B
Gregor     MERC   10.40 30 12  0 13 11  8 10  2 SW C            Nowi B

I gave a Dracoshield to Sumia.

[spoiler=Chapter 11]

Ward to Sumia so she could tank all the mages and Gangrel (she took 0 damage from him and
ORKO'd him back). Nowi attempted to tank mages but she sucks. Chrom Sully took down the Master Seal
hero. Had to switch to Fred in PP 2 because I didnt want to risk 20 hp sumia getting too low on HP.

3 turns out of 75

Chrom      CAV    07.26 38 16  2 20 20 20 16 11 SW B LC C       Sully S Jesus C
Jesus      TACT   10.28 27 14 10 11  9 14  7  7 SW E TM C       Miriel S Chrom C
Frederick  GREAT  11.57 39 21  3 18 16  9 20  6 SW A LC A AX B  Sumia S
Sully      CAV    15.02 27 12  3 15 16 12 13  7 SW D LC A       Chrom S
Miriel     DARKM  07.29 33  4 15 13 12 13 11 12 TM C            Jesus S
Sumia      DARKF  03.23 36 20 12 20 27 22 13 17 LC A TM E       Frederick S
Gaius      THIEF  10.06 26 11  2 15 20  9  6  4 SW C
Nowi       MANA   09.15 24 16  8  9  7 13 16 13                 Gregor B
Gregor     MERC   10.40 30 12  0 13 11  8 10  2 SW C            Nowi B
Olivia     DANCE  01.51 18  3  1  8  9 12  3  2 SW D

[spoiler=Chapter 12]

Sumia Fred fly through the east and Fred kills shit with Javelins. Then he takes down the entire
boat. Nowi went left towards the cavaliers and paladins but she was pretty bad, didnt double them or
2HKO them. Thankfully she also didnt get targetted by the Paladin so she was safe. Cherche paired
with Gaius and used a spd tonic then olivia danced her so she could KO a javelin armor with hammer.
She got a lot of kills and got bro levels. Sully Chrom and Fred Sumia took down the boat.

3 turns out of 78

Chrom      CAV    11.19 42 19  2 21 22 24 17 14 SW B LC B       Sully S Jesus C
Jesus      TACT   10.52 27 14 10 11  9 14  7  7 SW E TM C       Miriel S Chrom C
Frederick  GREAT  13.54 42 22  4 20 17  9 21  6 SW A LC A AX B  Sumia S
Sully      PAL    02.05 35 15  4 18 18 12 16 13 SW D LC A       Chrom S
Miriel     DARKM  09.15 34  4 17 15 12 13 11 13 TM C            Jesus S
Sumia      DARKF  04.42 37 21 13 21 27 22 13 17 LC A TM E       Frederick S
Gaius      THIEF  10.06 26 11  2 15 20  9  6  4 SW C
Nowi       MANA   11.64 25 16  9 10  8 15 18 13                 Gregor A
Gregor     MERC   10.71 30 12  0 13 11  8 10  2 SW C            Nowi A
Olivia     DANCE  01.85 18  3  1  8  9  9  3  2 SW D
Cherche    WYVRI  14.38 33 18  1 15 14 11 17  2 AX C

Holy moly my Cherche got some pretty nice levels!

[spoiler=Chapter 13]

Cherche goes down and ORKOs an archer with hand axe and KOs some things in the EP.
Everyone else gets kills. Then Sumia Fred finish the boss off.

2 turns out of 80

Chrom      PAL    01.23 49 22  3 23 24 24 20 20 SW B LC B       Sully S Jesus C
Jesus      TACT   12.67 29 15 10 12 11 14  8  8 SW E TM C       Miriel S Chrom C
Frederick  GREAT  14.09 43 23  4 20 17 10 21  6 SW A LC A AX B  Sumia S
Sully      CAV    02.19 35 15  4 18 18 12 16 13 SW D LC A       Chrom S
Miriel     DARKM  09.37 34  4 17 15 12 13 11 13 TM C            Jesus S
Sumia      DARKF  05.27 38 21 14 22 27 23 13 18 LC A TM E       Frederick S
Gaius      ASS    01.22 31 16  2 22 24  9  9  5 SW B BW D
Nowi       MANA   12.76 27 17  9 10  9 15 19 14                 Gregor A
Gregor     MERC   10.77 30 12  0 13 11  8 10  2 SW C            Nowi A
Olivia     DANCE  02.19 19  4  1  9  9  9  3  2 SW D
Cherche    WYVR   15.98 34 19  1 16 15 12 18  2 AX C
Lucina     LORD   10.00 32 13  3 17 18 16 12  9 SW C

[spoiler=Morgan's Paralogue]

Everyone gets kills. Morgan is recruited. Got all the loot.
Chrom Sully killed the boss.

4 turns out of 84

Chrom      PAL    03.36 51 22  3 24 26 25 22 21 SW B LC A       Sully S Jesus C Lucina C
Jesus      TACT   12.67 29 15 10 12 11 14  8  8 SW E TM C       Miriel S Chrom C
Frederick  GREAT  14.61 43 23  4 20 17 10 21  6 SW A LC A AX B  Sumia S
Sully      PAL    03.04 36 15  5 19 18 13 16 13 SW D LC A       Chrom S Lucina C
Miriel     DARKM  09.37 34  4 17 15 12 13 11 13 TM C            Jesus S
Sumia      DARKF  05.52 38 21 14 22 27 23 13 18 LC A TM E       Frederick S
Gaius      ASS    01.32 31 16  2 22 24  9  9  5 SW B BW D       Gaius C
Nowi       MANA   14.39 29 18  9 11 10 16 21 16                 Gregor S
Gregor     MERC   10.77 30 12  0 13 11  8 10  2 SW C            Nowi S
Olivia     DANCE  02.70 19  4  1  9  9  9  3  2 SW D
Cherche    WYVERN 19.59 43 22  3 17 17 15 19  2 AX C            Gaius C
Lucina     LORD   10.63 32 13  3 17 18 16 12  9 SW C            Chrom C Sully C
Morgan     MAGE   10.19 28  7 15 12 11 11  6 10 TM C

So all the Nowi hype is just because of extreme favoritism early on? She's becoming good now, but Im not seeing how she's worthy of S tier and some would claim. She's a B tier unit. Probably below Tharja. My Cherche is getting blessed, so Im not going to comment on her yet except that I havent had any issues giving her exp. I gave her a robe and I will master seal her now to Griffon Rider before doing Laurent and Kjelly's Paralogues. Not sure what to do with my Lucina. I could make her cavalier, but she'd just be another one of the mounted bunch (and likely worse than them). Morgan is also...idk, I could insta promote her to staffbot Sage I guess.

Edited by Peekayell
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I wouldn't say that his Nowi is screwed, as that's what mine looked like then. Unless we both got screwed, but I've heard other people who've gotten the similar Nowis so I don't think it can be a coincedence.

Why spend turns with Kellam? She wants her support with Gregor, Lon'gu or Gaius ASAP. Without it, she's not doubling. And if she isn't doubling, she's not worth any investment.

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You're Nowi is pretty screwed...

it doesn't require extreme favoritism at all just a defense tonic and Kellam on Chapter 9 then she's good for Paralogue 4....

I gave her defense tonic and gregor support and also spd tonics were applied every chapter. I don't think she's actually screwed. I just didn't slow down to feed her an entire map.

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So all the Nowi hype is just because of extreme favoritism early on? She's becoming good now, but Im not seeing how she's worthy of S tier and some would claim.

Consider the possibility that you didn't train her properly in the first place. Your team doesn't support N.O.W.I. because of the army that you built.
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I gave her defense tonic and gregor support and also spd tonics were applied every chapter. I don't think she's actually screwed. I just didn't slow down to feed her an entire map.

Gregor doesn't work as well as Kellam and in my playlog she and Cordelia did chapter nine with no support but pair ups.. she was a level above her base and that level was crappy.

So it's not that hard at all.

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Good units shouldn't require the rest of the team to conform just to meet their own needs.

Cordelia, Tharja, Stahl, Sully and Cherche work well on any team with any teammates. Nowi requires a specifically built team to function like the aforementioned units. If we need to only use specific units to make Nowi shine, then isn't she lowering efficiency by virtue of not letting us use characters proven to be more efficient. How is that S tier material?

Please post an exemplar team that makes full use of Nowi's capabilities.

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Good units shouldn't require the rest of the team to conform just to meet their own needs.

Cordelia, Tharja, Stahl, Sully and Cherche work well on any team with any teammates. Nowi requires a specifically built team to function like the aforementioned units. If we need to only use specific units to make Nowi shine, then isn't she lowering efficiency by virtue of not letting us use characters proven to be more efficient. How is that S tier material?

Please post an exemplar team that makes full use of Nowi's capabilities.

My team is pretty amazing...

Also what Interceptor was saying is that PKL's team is actually but in such a way that it hurts Nowi..

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Yeah, I get that PKL's team is built in a way that doesn't result in optimum performance for Nowi. But that's the problem I have with it.

You can throw any of the characters I mentioned on my last post into any team and they'll work just as good on one team as they do on another. But Nowi can't do that. That's the problem. Why should Nowi be tiered just as high or higher than Cordelia, Tharja, Cherche, Sully or Stahl if she's not as flexible as them when it comes to teambuilding?

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