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Features That Could Improve Awakening


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One thing that I always found annoying in Awakening is when the characters' hair or limbs would go through their clothing. It is SERIOUSLY distracting. Like, instead of feeling the emotion of "serious" chapters like the beginning of chapter 22 or after the cutscene in chapter 23, I'm too busy going "ashfj;afaffo;" because Lucina's hair keeps going through her cape. Or something like that.

I kind of wish the "less popular" choices of the Avatar's husband/wife/kid would get more attention in DLC or whatnot. I mean, it's DLC and fanservice-y. So I understand that Nintendo delivers what the majority of players want. But there's still a part of me that is seriously irked when Chrom and Lucina get a lot of attention in the main game already and get special scenes, when I can't even talk to Miriel or Henry (or Laurent as a kid) at all. Same frustration with characters like Cherche and Libra as well.

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Looking over other FE games skills I don't think they would have a problem adding in personal skills. I could only see generation 1 having personal skills and they would pass them down to their children.

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Looking over other FE games skills I don't think they would have a problem adding in personal skills. I could only see generation 1 having personal skills and they would pass them down to their children.

In a lot(well pretty much all) of those Fire Emblem games there were characters who didn't even have personal skills. 30+ personal skills would be pretty odd unless a lot of them are duplicates.

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The story could have been fleshed out and split into multiple games. Or have a ridiculous amount of chapters like RD to obtain the first goal. The story was too simple and a joke in terms of how rushed it was.

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I wish male units had their own children too. I really can't stand Morgan-F yet she gets non-Lucina siblings and Morgan-M doesn't. It's really not fair, I wish Morgan-M was as fleshed out as Morgan-F. It's dumb to hate one when they're both virtually identical in everything except gender, but I just really don't like Morgan-F.

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Implement a better menu system, because Awakening's is utter shite.

- give the avatar's spouse and child/children a plot role

Just what are you going do with Priam, exactly? Granted, all the other non-legacy SpotPass characters have some plot relevance, but Priam just comes the fuck out of nowhere!

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I wish male units had their own children too. I really can't stand Morgan-F yet she gets non-Lucina siblings and Morgan-M doesn't. It's really not fair, I wish Morgan-M was as fleshed out as Morgan-F. It's dumb to hate one when they're both virtually identical in everything except gender, but I just really don't like Morgan-F.

Well, if it helps, I can never like one or the other more (they are equal to me) since my F Morgan is an only child and since I didn't pair her she has just as much development as M Morgan, if not less. The fact that as characters by themselves they don't get much development outside of family and friend supports compared to the other children is the reason why I don't feel inclined to pair either of them ever so long as their is an odd number of kids. Even the resident amnesiac progenitor of Morgan gets fleshed out more....such wasted potential.... :/

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Oh yeah that reminds me.


In the convo with DLC Lyn, she even asks whether all the tacticians have amnesia

I wish I could choose my own background, like former war hero, former king, hell, even criminal

And include amnesiac as one of the options cause why not :3

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Implement a better menu system, because Awakening's is utter shite.

I'll go with this since you said it better.

How do you mess up something so simple IS?

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Yeah the menu is a bit assy.

More pairing options for Chrom and Sumia yes.

More personalized supports between fathers and children.

Valm arc could have been written better.

Have the choices the player makes for Avatar (story related stuff) actually matter. Other than the end one with Grima, the outcomes are always the same. Bleh. Why offer the choices in the first place?

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to use a sword in their support, so if they reach A rank is reached give Cordelia swords in every class, or if Frederick trains with someone give

But Frederick almost always trains.....

Frederick Reach A Panne!

+2 STR

Frederick Reach A Nowi!

+2 DEF

Frederick Reach A Sully!

+1 SPD


Do want

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But Frederick almost always trains.....

Frederick Reach A Panne!

+2 STR

Frederick Reach A Nowi!

+2 DEF

Frederick Reach A Sully!

+1 SPD


Do want

And make the game easier? lol no thanks, as much as I adore Freddy Bear. xP

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I thought this would be a cool idea. If they can give the children different class sets depending on their parents why not let spouses share classes.


If Gaius marries Tharja, Tharja gains the ability to reclass into a thief, myrmidon pegasus knight and Gaius now can turn into a Dark Mage, Knight, and Archer if he wants too.

Just think of the combinations for the parents as well. Lets people like Maribelle and Virion a chance to learn attacking skills and what not. They won't do the skill and stat inheritance, but I don't see why they can't do this...

Plus it'd be nice for the Summer and Hot-Spring Scramble stuff to see everyone potentially in a Swimsuit/yukata

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(I believe Morgan is younger than all of the other children except mabye Nah)

Wh-what. Nah is, like, a Manakete. She's the oldest child character. Even if Morgan ends up a Manakete, Tiki says Nah is the first half-breed, and Nah calls Nowi!Morgan her "kid sister".


CUSTOM BATTLE MODELS OR AT LEAST DIFFERENT PALETTES. And map sprites. This is the third time I've said this (like saying it more will make it happen... T^T)

Yeah more supports would be cool, but like the above idea a lot of them would be... Well, I guess I can't call something professional "busywork" XD

The menu could also be streamlined; Trading from the map is a pain.

Non-normal Falchions want nerfing, but that's really not a feature...

Multiplayer would be cool if not for Dual Guard. Overall I think Dual Guard could've been done a LOT better. I mean, tiny chance to negate all damage? From a design standpoint, I see zero balance in that.

Replay chapters with enemies with scaling stats? Some of those maps want to be played in a non-turtle way, and I'd very much like to be able to play Wellspring of Truth and save afterwards while being able to come back to it. Okay, maybe just that one.

Less Bonus Character Streetpass glitch please.

Change the order of how things process in battle! It's really annoying when enemies activate Luna but miss or how my people keep using Vengeance at full health. This seems to me like it would've been an easy fix.

That's about all I can think of for now...?

EDIT: Ooh I like the above idea, it makes children less-able to completely obsolete their parents. And a certain someone could certainly use my classset...

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A minor one but unique boss portraits. I thought we put this business of reusing boss portraits behind us. Correct me if I'm wrong but there haven't been reused boss portraits since FE7, right?

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Multi-Player. Worldwide.

Because streetpass' AI is an AI.

Other than that, I'd love to have children from the father's side.

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mercenary lucina

Make the Valm arc last a little longer (say about 2-3 maps) and build up Walhart and Yen'fay(?) a little bit more

Multi-freaking-player would be nice IS

Avatar!Lucina, but I agree

Yes. Either make the Valm arc longer and flesh out the promising characters (Walhart, Yen'fay, maybe Mr. Mustache), maybe make Excellus the boss of his own chapter, so that I can savor killing him slowly, instead of going "Die, snake! Oh-crap-now-I-have-to-fight-Walhart" or cut out Valm entirely and save it for the next game.

And multiplayer would be really nice. I mean, they had it in FE11 and FE12, right?

Also:[spoiler=Long wishlist]

- "Defend (Throne/NPC)" Missions. With some goddamn Blackmap/Fog of War. Defending Emmeryn doesn't count, because it is

a) very early

b) no blackmap/fog

I want something like FE7's 26E/28H (Battle Before Dawn) or 29E/31H (Sands of Time), FE8's Ch.19 (Last Hope), FE10's 2-E (Elincia's Gambit), or 3-13 (Blood Contract).

- "Seize Gate/Throne" win conditions, and maybe "Escape" (would have made a lot of sense for Ch. 10 "Renewal")

- 1-2 range Mag Lance, because Shockstick sucks compared to Leven Sword/Bolt Axe.

- Maybe a Mag Bow and while we're at it, a "throwing-tome" that goes off Str xD

- Give Validar better motivation. We already had Manfroy/Manfloy and Gharnef. Also, give Grima a better goal, 'cause we've already have the Demon King (not Loptyr though, IIRC).

- Status Staves. Give those to (random) enemies on Lunatic+ and watch people complain about "fake difficulty" then (although that would encourage solo-runs, which removes (some of) the problem of Berserk).

- Some more interesting maps

- Facial hair on Avatars, so that I can have my villains not look totally wrong *cough*Nergal*cough* and add better hairstyles.

- Father-side children would be nice, but not super-important.

/end wall-of-text

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