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Favorite Hair Colors for 2nd Gen Kids

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Stahl's hair color is... gray with a warm green undertone. Battle model-wise, it's the same color as MU 4. Because the sprite cutscenes and barracks are often in warm light, it looks more brownish-green. I actually really like it.

My current male MU has lilac hair. I wanted a transforming Morgan, so I have the S-ranks of Nowi and Panne available. As I've learned, Nah actually looks good and it doesn't clash too horribly, and it's a cool streak of hair for Yarne.

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I like having a blonde Severa so that I can make SAILOR SEVERA jokes. Which requires me to pair her with Vaike because I like Libra with Lissa.

Laurent looks the best to me with black (or otherwise really dark brown) hair. Even if he's not Robin's son, I still think he looks best with someone with black hair.

Gerome looks nice with Henry's hair color, but I once married a dark green haired avatar to Cherche and Gerome looked fine with that hair color too.

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Noire - Gaius orange is the way to go

I love the way you think good sir.

Anyway the only hair color I've used a lot is Henry!Owain and Virion!Inigo, so I'm quite partial to those

also I do Chrom/Olivia so I can have either Azure-haired Azure or Indigo-haired Inigo

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Severa must always have dark brown hair. Even her official art looks a bit strange to me after seeing her with dark brown hair :P

Cynthia is cute with white hair.

Gerome with white or Virion hair, though I imagine black would be cool too.

Owain looks best with either light blonde or dark brown/black.

Nah with brown/reddish hair.

Noire with black/dark brown/Donnel hair.

Inigo with dark brown/black/INDIGO~.

I've only had Kjelle with Virion hair (awesome) and Stahl hair (boring). Darker shades would probably look good on her, also Avatar purple.

Brady looks good with brown-red or blonde hair.

I don't really have a preference for Yarne and Laurent. Morgan looks good with pretty much any colour imo.

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Well, I haven't gotten all the kids yet or seen them with a bunch of hair colors, but so far, I like Gerome best with a dark hair color (any one, really), male Morgan best with brown hair, female Morgan best with red hair, and Inigo best with Chrom's blue hair. ^^

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I'm very fond of this:


Plus Brady with Ricken's color and Morgan with Gaius's color...

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Kellam & Lon'qu and Ricken & Gregor have the same hair color, correct?

As I have said earlier, not quite. Kellam is more of a dark brown while Lon'qu's hair is straight black. Gregor actually has brighter red hair than Ricken. The models in battle will have them the same shade though.

Have some Gerome sprites for evidence. I'll add this to the main post, since it shows that subtler differences better.


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Anyway the only hair color I've used a lot is Henry!Owain and Virion!Inigo, so I'm quite partial to those

also I do Chrom/Olivia so I can have either Azure-haired Azure or Indigo-haired Inigo

I see what you did there.

And uh.. doing Virion!Inigo but you do Chrom/Olivia... kinda confusing, lol.

Though I still marry Gaius off, or try to, I feel like any children with his hair color looks a bit weird.... especially Severa. While the official art for her red hair looks nice, I think she'd also look nice with a darker color. Stahl!Cordelia's hair was better than the one from Gaius. And then Frederick is just darker so I wouldn't mind that either.

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I see what you did there.

And uh.. doing Virion!Inigo but you do Chrom/Olivia... kinda confusing, lol.

Though I still marry Gaius off, or try to, I feel like any children with his hair color looks a bit weird.... especially Severa. While the official art for her red hair looks nice, I think she'd also look nice with a darker color. Stahl!Cordelia's hair was better than the one from Gaius. And then Frederick is just darker so I wouldn't mind that either.

I meant on different play throughs. :P

And I guess Virion's hair is pretty awesome to pass down to anyone. That blue is awesome.

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Oh wow, never considered light shade of color would fit Gerome...

Quite fond of pinkish-brown haired Gerome, I might add

But I still prefer Stahl-green (Yes that is a color now) on Gerome though :3

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Since everyone is always married to the same person (I never change my pairings; all of them are my cemented OTPs) I have grown so accustomed to the kids hair colors that its weird to see them with anything but those colors; not to mention that all of them look quite good on each respective child:

M Morgan: Chrom's Blue

F Morgan: Tiki's Green

Owain: Lon'qu's Black

Cynthia: Frederick's Brown

Gerome: Virion's Light Blue

Kjelle: Stahl's Greenish-Brown

Severa: Vaike's Light Blonde

Laurent: Kellam's Dark Brown

Brady: Gaius's Orange

Nah: Ricken's Dark Red

Yarne: Gregor's Light Red

Inigo: Libra's Dark Blonde

Noire: Henry's Silvery-White

Now I'm trying to imagine how all of the father's children would look with their respective mother's hair color....

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Since everyone is always married to the same person (I never change my pairings; all of them are my cemented OTPs) I have grown so accustomed to the kids hair colors that its weird to see them with anything but those colors; not to mention that all of them look quite good on each respective child:

M Morgan: Chrom's Blue

F Morgan: Tiki's Green

Owain: Lon'qu's Black

Cynthia: Frederick's Brown

Gerome: Virion's Light Blue

Kjelle: Stahl's Greenish-Brown

Severa: Vaike's Light Blonde

Laurent: Kellam's Dark Brown

Brady: Gaius's Orange

Nah: Ricken's Dark Red

Yarne: Gregor's Light Red

Inigo: Libra's Dark Blonde

Noire: Henry's Silvery-White

Now I'm trying to imagine how all of the father's children would look with their respective mother's hair color....

Huh. I'd probably get bored using the exact same pairings every. single. time.

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Huh. I'd probably get bored using the exact same pairings every. single. time.

You'd think so. Maybe I would if I had the ability to have infinite saves like some people, but as of now I only have 3: 1 for my (main) Female Avatar, 1 for my Male Avatar, and 1 for my "Avatar Army" Female Avatar. The first two have the same pairings but since my last one is only for avatars I don't use any story character and don't pair them. But anyways, I'm far from bored of them; it helps that I pair my people for support quality rather than for ultimate stats.

@Anacybele: I paired him with Village girl chan. I wasn't wiling to tear any of his other choices from their husbandos; plus, it would mean more work for me to figure out who to replace. I'm willing to deal with a sub-par Lucina in return. And as for Chrom's lack of a support partner, I just imported my F Avatar from my first save; they still performed together quite well despite being unable to support. And I did the same for Tiki in my female save,just brought my male avatar over.

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Ah, I just as I figured. Just thought I'd ask to make sure. XD

Also, on the topic of whether or not using the same pairings is boring, I'm just as much of a pairing nut as Silver Lightning, so I'm not changing any of my preferred pairings either. Kelli will always have her Freddy Bear (do you really think I'd separate these two of all people?), Donnel's gonna stick with Lissa, Lon'qu with Cherche, Stahl with Cordelia, Chrom with Olivia, Sumia with Henry, etc.

Except if I eventually decide to try out a male Avatar. Then a few pairings will change. But not many.

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Really. Even if I have pairings that I prefer over others, I usually like screwing around with pairings and experimenting. Also, I have like at least 12 different Avatars on file, all of who are paired with someone different :P

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Ah, I just as I figured. Just thought I'd ask to make sure. XD

Also, on the topic of whether or not using the same pairings is boring, I'm just as much of a pairing nut as Silver Lightning, so I'm not changing any of my preferred pairings either. Kelli will always have her Freddy Bear (do you really think I'd separate these two of all people?), Donnel's gonna stick with Lissa, Lon'qu with Cherche, Stahl with Cordelia, Chrom with Olivia, Sumia with Henry, etc.

Except if I eventually decide to try out a male Avatar. Then a few pairings will change. But not many.

Thank god I'm not alone! XD

It might be restrictive and "boring" to others but.....well, I'm a writer, and the story I create with my pairings is my story. I have not the means ( only 3 saves) or the inclination to change them. That's me.... :P

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@Anacybele: I paired him with Village girl chan. I wasn't wiling to tear any of his other choices from their husbandos; plus, it would mean more work for me to figure out who to replace. I'm willing to deal with a sub-par Lucina in return. And as for Chrom's lack of a support partner, I just imported my F Avatar from my first save; they still performed together quite well despite being unable to support. And I did the same for Tiki in my female save,just brought my male avatar over.

LOL! That's EXACTLY what I'm planning to do on my male run... xD well, I was gonna marry him with Olivia but then realized I wanted Olivia for male Avatar because... Olivia!Morgan is prettier than Sumia!Morgan. And I love Olivia more than Sumia in a non-lesbian way. The only thing is that it'd take a while for me to summon my old Avatar... because she has quite a few maxed stats (as a Bride, I think) and then Limit Breaker was recently placed on her...

Though for pairings, I vary sometimes. The only ones that do NOT vary is Chrom/Female Avatar. The others, sure, why not. I like variety and filling /some/ supports up. But some might change for the children's sake... like Cordelia/Frederick was chosen solely because of Severa.

Edit: In regards to the saves, I actually overrode my very first file by making a new one... well, kept my second Normal run as my main-main and then started a male Avatar... and then my last save is for my Hard run, which will be my secondary main. But I'm working on that rather slow because I want the children as good as I can make them.

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For me my preferences are:

Morgan(M)-Chrom blue

Cynthia-Frederick Brown

Gerome-Libra blonde, I think it suits him quite well.

Owain-Lon'qu black

Severa-Vaike blonde

Noire-Virion blue

Kjelle-Gaius orange

Nah-Donnel purple

Inigo-Henry white

Brady- Kellam black

Leaving out Yarne because it's barely noticeable.

When I get around to starting another playthrough I might play with some pairings a little.

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Thank god I'm not alone! XD

It might be restrictive and "boring" to others but.....well, I'm a writer, and the story I create with my pairings is my story. I have not the means ( only 3 saves) or the inclination to change them. That's me.... :P

Yes, exactly! I'm the same! I think we'd get along splendidly, SL, despite that the only games we seem to agree on pairings for are the Tellius ones. :P:

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot another kid I recruited. Brady. Love Gaius's orange on him!

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