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DLC/Spotpass character you would have seen

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This may have already been done before, but now that every DLC/Spotpass character have been presented, I would like wich one you would have liked to be recruitable.

For me, first : Rennac and Doela, obviously. They made special models based on them in L'Arachel recruitment, would it be that hard to made them available ?

Another one is Machilda/Mathilda from Gaiden (You may remeber her as the Awesome FemPaladin that was imprisoned for some reason...).

For that game too, there's also Teeta, Zeke's girlfriend, who hads the highest RES of all character, baring Dark Knight...)

So, what would be yours ?

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Echidna and Machua

All my other favs are in so ~

oh also Marcus and Vaida and Shanan but that's a lot of swordies for FE4gen2 and I like Larcei better than Shanan so sorry Shanan

Edited by Thor Odinson
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FE3: Luke

FE4: Johalva, Shanan, and Faval

FE5: Fergus, Lifis, Orsin, Veld, and Galzus

FE6: Dieck, Gonzales, Echidna, and Marcus

FE9: Boyd, Shinon, and Greil

FE10: Nolan and Pelleas

Edited by Zelos
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I never really understood why Elice and Jagen were left out and far less story siginificant characters were put in. While we're on the subject of Internet obtainable characters, I would personally have enjoyed playing as Phila or Cervantes.

Edited by Saint
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DLC? Sigurd, Eliwood, and Hector. Perhaps as a Great Knight, a Paladin, and a General.

Spotpass? Jagen is the big one for me. Yeah, I know. But still.

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Fe4 gen 1

Azel: He's the little brother of one of the main bad guys and he's one of my favorites.

Lex: Also one of my favorites in fe4 and a great unit as well.

Tiltiyu: Same as the above two.

All 3 are connected to the main bad guys in gen 1 so they have some importance as well.

Shannan: I think that he is the only legendary weapon wielder who isn't included. I think they could easily replaced Larsei with him since she's basically her mom anyway.


Niime: An actuall old character in the game. I guess I know why she's left out since otherwise there would be 3 dark mages, but Niime is awesome enough to be worth it.


Definitely Eliwood. He's the main lord of the game and he isn't even a DLC character? I can understand why Hector did't make the cut since its still Eliwood's story in Hectors mode. Hector is just the viewpoint character, while Eliwood and Lyn have stories on their own.

Sigurd needs to be dlc as well.

Edited by Sasori
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In terms of more DLC characters, I'd like to have seen Sigurd, Eliwood, and Hector. Missed opportunities galore for this one.

[spoiler=Spotpass (long ass list o_O)]

Shadow Dragon: Abel, Cain, Wolf, Sedgar, Jeorge, Arran, Astram, Samson, Xane, Gotoh, and Medeus.

Heroes of Light and Shadow: Frey, Ymir, Nagi, Michalis, Kuraine, Feena, Ruke, Rody, Ellerean, and Eremiya.

Binding Blade: Douglas, Rutger, Dieck, Echidna, Bartre, Miledy, Dayan, Niime, Hugh, Gonzales, Garret, Fir, Shin, Zeiss, Jahn, Idenn, Astore, Barth, Klein, Geese, Saul, Brunya, and Murdock.

Blazing Sword: Legault, Harken, Hawkeye, Canas, Fiora, Ephidel, Brendan, Leila, Guy, Raven, Athos, Renault, Kishuna, Heath, Ninian, Pent, and Louise.

Sacred Stones: Joshua, Gilliam, Syrene, Gerik, Rennac, Dozla, Tana, Riev, Valter, Duessel, Natasha, Artur, Knoll, Ismaire, and Fado.

Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn: Shinon, Gatrie, Boyd, Oscar, Kieran, Volke, Bastian, Petrine, Rolf, Mist, Rhys, Marcia, Stefan, Haar, Jill, Nasir, Dheginsea, Kurthnaga, Renning, Nolan, Oliver, Leanne, and Izuka.

Edited by Karaszure
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More shapeshifters! I would have liked to see a laguz, especially Ranalf, even if they had to be a Taguel. Myrrh or Fae would be cool too.

Oh, and I'm jumping on the Ninian wagon, another dancer would be excellent, even Tethys, but Ninian first.

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For me, the only ones I really would have wanted to see are Marcus, Erk, Canas, Pent, Ross, Joshua, Tana, Ewan, Duessel, and Rennac.

Otherwise, I'm pretty content with what we got.

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Definitely Erk (one of my fave mages next to Nino) for FE7, Rutger and Clarine (my fave characters/couple) for FE6, and JOSHUA FOR FE8!!!!! I mean, how the f*** did they choose Moulder over freaking Joshua?!?! I want him so I can pair him with Marisa and I'll have my kickass Swordmaster couple from FE8 again! :3

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More shapeshifters! I would have liked to see a laguz, especially Ranalf, even if they had to be a Taguel. Myrrh or Fae would be cool too.

Oh, and I'm jumping on the Ninian wagon, another dancer would be excellent, even Tethys, but Ninian first.

Ranulf!! Oh yes, that would have been nice.

And Tethys? Ehhh... yeah, I agree on Ninian being one would have been nice...

I assume by recruitable, it means characters like Emmeryn/Yen'fay/Gangrel/Aversa/Priam than the ones from Outrealm/Bonus Box? Or at least judging by the other posts here...

There will be quite a bit. I would like Ike too!! Lol. Then Ranulf... And Reyson! Granted I'm not sure how well he'd work in FE13... so I guess not. There's also Ephraim and Eliwood, moreso Ephraim.

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I'll try to keep this (relatively) short and not stick in every single one of my favorites. Anyways...

Erk, Ninian, Joshua, Jill or Haar, and Azel.

Others include...

[spoiler=FE4]FE4: Azel and/or Tailto (Tiltyu), maybe Rackesis Raquesis (Lachesis).

[spoiler=FE6]FE6: Fir, Milady, Ogier (Oujay) or Dieck. Maybe Shin or Sue. Maybe Galle or Murdock on the "Other" team (or even Jahn, as a Manakete). Possibly Guinivere.


FE7: Erk, Ninian (and if IS didn't want to make a second Dancer, they could've just made her a Manakete), Canas, Raven, maybe Priscilla, perhaps Dart, maybe Rath, Heath and/or Vaida, Pent and/or Louise. Possibly Athos.


FE8: Joshua and Natasha. As much as I like Marisa, Joshua is a far more developed (and interesting) character. And Moulder is boring. Ewan and Ross are cool, but not super important. Certainly Gerik, and Cormag would be cool. Possibly Myrrh.

[spoiler=FE9/10]FE9/10: Marcia, Kieran, Jill and/or Haar, Shinon, maybe Volke, maybe Bastian. Some Laguz would be nice, even if they had to be represented as Taguel/Manakete. Pelleas as well.

I'm sure I'm forgetting someone, but oh well.

Oops. I seem to have made this into a list of characters. Oh well. Also, I mentioned a lot of possible Manaketes, and while I wouldn't want them to become super common, it would be nice to have a Spotpass Manakete whose name isn't Tiki (we already have one Tiki, after all).

Edited by Euklyd
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FE1/3: Lorenz

FE4: Edain, Hannibal, Manfroy (seriously, why wasn't the most influential villain of this game represented at all)

FE5: Brighton, Selphina, Glade, Pahn, Veld

FE6: Dieck, Miredy, Gale, Murderdock

FE7: Pent, Louise, Brendan, Athos

FE8: Joshua, Caellach, Valter, Riev

FE9: Greil, Haar, Tanith

FE10: Tauroneo, Lekain

I really think that more villains should have been represented in this game

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I really wish they would have found characters that could be more accurately made with in-game models, since they refused to make any new assets for them. For instance, they should have replaced Gharnef, Moulder, the Black Knight, Brom, and Oliver, since none of them remotely resemble their art (why facial hair, why?). Maybe swap the BK for Zelgius and replace Gharnef with a more normal-looking villain like Michalis. Moulder could easily have been swapped for another character, like Ewan. As for the two portly Tellius guys, there are a ridiculous number of other characters they could have included in their place, like Boyd, Shinon, Volke, Stefan, or Jill. Oliver could be swapped for Pelleas to keep line with the pseudo-villains.

It also still baffles me that Eliwood wasn't a DLC character. Sigurd and Hector surprise me as well (given their popularity), but Eliwood is the main lord of FE7 for goodness sake. How did Eldigan and Elincia get DLC chapters before him?

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Too bad there's no guy manaketes. They coulda used one. Then they coulda used that model for Kurthnaga. And just color the actual dragon black. I don't particularly care, but I see others do. Too many sword masters from the Tellius games. I say ditch zihark and Lucia and throw in Rolf. Maybe Shinon too. I dunno. Not a lot of snipers total I don't think.

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Joshua and Tiltyu.

Joshua because he's one of the best characters in FE8 and far more relevant to the plot than half of the ones that *did* get in, and Tiltyu to laugh at how they localize her name. probably taillte

Oh, and Sheema. She sucks, but I like her.

It also still baffles me that Eliwood wasn't a DLC character. Sigurd and Hector surprise me as well (given their popularity), but Eliwood is the main lord of FE7 for goodness sake. How did Eldigan and Elincia get DLC chapters before him?

Dunno about Elincia, but Eldigan was just sort of a thrown-in-there 'oops we accidentally added 131 spotpass characters here you go sorry about that' thing by the looks of it.

Sigurd and Hector I can understand for obvious reasons, but yeah, I guess they just didn't want both Eliwood and Roy or something silly like that.

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