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Staff Damage


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On the site, it says that all Staffs have 1 MT. Is it assumed that they use strength for damage instead of magic?

Is it possible to do intense combat if you rig a magic-user's strength high enough?

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I had Bastian crit a raven once for 30 damage in part 4, so It's possible. And yes, it is with strength.. and the only person you would seriously want to do that with is Elincia, maybe Mist..

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In easy mode i used laura to kill jarod with a staff, she was however 3rd tier

How exactly did you get a priest to 3rd tier by then? lol

I can imagine staffbreaker and staffaire skills now..

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Imagine giving a staff-user a -foe skill...

I once gave Elincia Beastfoe before 4-5, had her heal someone with a physic staff and watched in awe as she crit a Tiger that attacked her on Enemy Phase.

Ahh, such sweet memories...

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How exactly did you get a priest to 3rd tier by then? lol

>easy mode

yeah that about sums it up

I mean, EXP in easy mode is ridiculous. And you can just buy more staves for Laura.

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Still, once she promotes to Bishop, probably at level 10, she can start using light magic and reap EXP from killing things that way.

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BEXP in Easy mode is enormous.

I realize that I merely overlooked that you could just BEXP her... seems like an interesting LTC idea... although 3rd tiering her would be impossible outside of loleasymode.

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With boss abuse and quick promoting, I could definitely see a 3rd tier Laura at Jarod in Normal mode.

Yes, I could as well. It would probably be easier than any other character too.

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uh... you're only adding +2 MT.

I'm assuming they said that because it's supposed to be funny, not particularly strong. Or maybe they thought foe skills acted like crits?

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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How exactly did you get a priest to 3rd tier by then? lol

I can imagine staffbreaker and staffaire skills now..

I used lots of bexp on her (all of it) and gave her paragon asp then fed her as many kills as possible

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I'm assuming they said that because it's supposed to be funny, not particularly strong. Or maybe they thought foe skills acted like crits?

if they acted like FE4 crits maybe, otherwise the damage output STILL sucks

Edited by shadykid
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