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Planning Children Builds.

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Okay... I'm kinda busy working on builds and so far I think I ave gotten quite some good results. I don't know what to do with Lucina, 2nd or maybe 3rd gen morgan and Nowi/nah, but this is what I got so far, does anyone have any suggestions for skill sets, and choices between the options I have got so far?

The multiple skills are there because I haven't decided yet, also, since i'm in the EU, LB will be a long way off.


Donnel x Sully

+ 1 Str, + 2 Skl, + 2 Spd, + 4 Lck, + 1 Def

Pavise, Luna, Aegis, Astra, Pass, Armsthrift, Sol, Galeforce




















Lissa x Libra

+ 4 Mag, + 1 Skl, + 1 Spd, +2 Lck, + 3 Def

Galeforce, Astra, Pass, Vengeance, tomefaire


80 39 58 49 51 57 51 57


Maribelle x Ricken

+5 Mag, +2 Skl, +1 Spd, +5 Lck, +3 Res, -3 Def

Renewal, Tomefaire, Aegis, Luna, Galeforce, Dual Guard+, Lifetaker


80 37 61 55 53 60 38 53

Dark Knight

80 45 56 52 51 60 49 51

Maribelle x Henry

+4 Mag, +4 Skl, +1 Spd, +2 Lck, + 2 Res, -1 Def

Renewal, Tomefaire, Aegis, Luna, Dual Guard+, Lifetaker, Galeforce, Lethality, Pass, Vengeance


80 39 60 57 53 57 40 52

Dark Knight

80 47 55 54 51 57 51 50


80 39 58 52 51 57 50 56


Sumia x Frederick

+ 1 Str, + 5 Skl, + 2 Spd, + 1 Lck, + 1 Def, +2 Res

Galeforce, Luna, Pavise, Rally Speed, Rally Defence, Rally Magic, Rally Heart


80 53 39 55 52 56 53 54


Cordelia x Vaike

+5 Str, +4 Skl, +4 Spd, -1 Lck, +1 Def, -2 Res

Armsthrift, Sol, Galeforce, Vengeance, Lifetaker, Counter


80 57 38 60 56 54 51 44


80 55 38 62 60 54 42 38

Cordelia x Stahl

+4 Str, +4 Skl, + 3 Spd, -2 Lck, + 3 Def, -1 Res

Armsthrift, Patience, Sol, Axebreaker, Galeforce, Vengeance, Lifetaker, Aegis, Luna, Astra, Pass, Vantage


80 54 39 62 59 53 44 39


80 52 43 58 59 53 46 47


80 56 39 54 53 53 55 51


80 56 39 60 55 53 53 45


Cherche x Virion

+4 Str, +1 Mag, +2 Skl, +2 Spd, +1 Def, -1 Res

Deliverer, Swordbreaker, Counter, Axebreaker, Lancebreaker, Bowbreaker, Lifetaker

Dread Fighter

80 56 49 52 53 55 50 52

Cherche x Gregor

+6 Str, +2 Skl, +4 Def, -3 Res

Deliverer, Swordbreaker, Counter, Axebreaker, Lancebreaker, Vantage, Astra, Pass, Armsthrift, Patience, Axefaire


80 66 40 47 54 55 48 37


Panne x Stahl

+5 Str, +4Skl, +4Spd, -2Lck, +4Def, -1Res

Lethality, Pass, Counter, Rally Strength, Axefaire, Swordbreaker, Aegis, Luna, Astra, Vantage, Lethality, Pass


80 53 43 58 60 53 47 47


80 57 39 54 54 53 56 51


80 65 39 49 58 53 48 39

Panne x Gregor

+5 Str, +5Skl, +4Spd, -1Lck, +3 Def, -2 Res

Lethality, Pass, Swordbreaker, Axefaire, Vantage, Astra, Armsthrift, Sol, Axebreaker


80 65 39 50 58 54 47 38


80 57 39 61 56 54 53 44


80 53 43 59 60 54 46 46


Miriel x Ricken

+6 Mag, +2 Skl, +2 Spd, +2 Lck, -2Def, +1 Res

Rally Magic, Tomefaire, Renewal, vengeance, Counter, Aegis, Luna


80 38 62 55 54 57 39 51


80 38 60 50 52 57 49 55

Miriel X Henry

+5 Str, +4Skl, + 2 Spd, -1 Lck

Lethality, Pass, Tomefaire, Lifetaker, Vengeance, Renewal, Tomebreaker


80 40 61 57 54 54 41 50


80 40 59 52 52 54 51 54


Tharja x Henry

+ 2 Str, +5Mag, +2Skl, +2Spd, -4 Lck, +3 Def

Pavise, Luna, Vengeance, Lifetaker, Lethality, Pass, Renewal, Counter*


80 42 59 50 52 51 54 54

Dark Knight

80 50 56 52 52 51 55 48


80 42 57 50 55 51 43 55

Tharja x Ricken

+6 Mag, +2 Spd, -1 Lck, +1 Def, +1 Res

Aegis, Luna, Lifetaker, Tomefaire, Vengeance, Pavise


80 40 60 48 52 54 52 55


Nowi x

Olivia x

Chrom x


Avatar x


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Personaly, I would playe Male MU and go with Sumia!Morgan because Sumia is the best unit in gen 1

In general, go for Class sets over mods. Mods are only for show for the most part(a good example of this is Tharja X Henry, which is all in all pretty terrible)

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You should go for Henry x Sumia for the nice Dark Flier Cynthia it could produce. Cynthia would be getting Galeforce by level up this way as well, so you wouldn't need to have Sumia pass it down. Also, white hair looks good on her, imo.

Also, what gender is your Avatar? If male, Frederick and Cordelia would make for a nice Luna and Galeforce-equipped and possibly tanky Severa. Stahl would do the same though. Frederick and a female Avatar also make a tanky and slightly speedy Morgan (take it from me, I obviously did this one).

I also like Lon'qu and Cherche for the speedy Astra-equipped Gerome it gave me. He'd likely make a good Griffon Rider in this case. Also, Gaius isn't going with no one? He can pass down some valuable speed and Lethality, which I gave to Brady.

EDIT: Also, if your Avatar is male and you decide to go for Frederick and Sumia anyway, you have no choice but to pair Chrom with Olivia if you don't want him to end up with the village maiden. He has no other options.

Edited by Anacybele
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Also Chrom arguably make a better DF Cynthia

How so? He doesn't pass down any magic and Dark Fliers use magic. Henry is the only one of Sumia's options that can pass down magic if she doesn't marry a male Avatar.

And I forgot about Pavise, good point . All the more reason to go for Freddy x Cordelia if you don't have a female Avatar.

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Magic are the least important mods in the game, especially in this case where Henry does 4 more damage with CG over Chrom, which is a ridiculously small difference(for the record, Henry has gives 1 more Mag over Chrom)

I should reword it though, Chrom's are more offensive, while Henry's are more supportive. Chrom gives Aether, allowing Aether + Luna proc stacking(which is actually not that much of a problem for the skillslot), while Henry gives Anathema

Outside that, its basically a Palladin vs Assassin arguments

Overall, its really hard to discuss which Cynthia is better since Cynthia is good with practically anyone

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How so? He doesn't pass down any magic and Dark Fliers use magic. Henry is the only one of Sumia's options that can pass down magic if she doesn't marry a male Avatar.

And I forgot about Pavise, good point . All the more reason to go for Freddy x Cordelia if you don't have a female Avatar.

I'd consider Bowbreaker to be the deciding factor for safe flying.

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Eh, I guess, but can any of Cynthia's potential fathers learn that? Well, other than the Avatar (since he can reclass to anything).

Edited by Anacybele
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Gaius and Tharja for broken assasin 100 vengence noire with galeforce (so goooooood I married her and got super fast morgan) and Gaius and nowi for galeforce counter manakete!

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Gaius and Tharja for broken assasin 100 vengence noire with galeforce (so goooooood I married her and got super fast morgan) and Gaius and nowi for galeforce counter manakete!

Counter on a Manakete is a total waste of a skill slot because a trained Manakete will take jack shit from most of anything, which makes Counter useless (as if it isn't useless for the player aynhow...).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I should reword it though, Chrom's are more offensive, while Henry's are more supportive. Chrom gives Aether, allowing Aether + Luna proc stacking(which is actually not that much of a problem for the skillslot), while Henry gives Anathema

Somebody on GameFAQs did some math and it looks like Faire + Luna outdamages or is essentially competitive with proc-stacking (and Rightful King), and Cynthia has Tomefaire and Lancefaire and Luna by default. The only real use for Aether in my mind is the recovery aspect since only Gaius!Cynthia and Avatar!Cynthia have Sol. Even then, I wouldn't call it particularly reliable.

As you said, the real arguments for Chrom!Cynthia are (1) convenience in resolving Sumia's options and (2) Paladin access. The arguments for Henry!Cynthia are (1) Anathema and (2) Assassin and Valkyrie access.

Personally, from a teambuilding perspective I wouldn't marry Sumia even if Sumia is the best supportive wife for a mage Avatar (and she pretty much is). Cynthia is always one of the best children regardless, why not bring up a kid who has serious problems (like Noire) or marry a child for a super-Morgan?

EDIT: Well also an argument for Chrom x Sumia is that Lucina's best non-Avatar build is probably Pavise/Aegis/Aether/Rightful King, or at least that's the only particularly good non-gimmicky RFK build. But it's not Cynthia-related, and if you start getting into arguing about other kids then you start arguing Chrom!Cynthia vs. Chrom!Inigo and the alternatives each has. While marrying Sumia with the Avatar certainly clears this up, in my mind it does nothing to help the Nowi/Tharja/Sully issues, which is what Male Avatar is best suited to fixing.

Edited by Renall
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Somebody on GameFAQs did some math and it looks like Faire + Luna outdamages or is essentially competitive with proc-stacking (and Rightful King), and Cynthia has Tomefaire and Lancefaire and Luna by default. The only real use for Aether in my mind is the recovery aspect since only Gaius!Cynthia and Avatar!Cynthia have Sol. Even then, I wouldn't call it particularly reliable.

As you said, the real arguments for Chrom!Cynthia are (1) convenience in resolving Sumia's options and (2) Paladin access. The arguments for Henry!Cynthia are (1) Anathema and (2) Assassin and Valkyrie access.

Personally, from a teambuilding perspective I wouldn't marry Sumia even if Sumia is the best supportive wife for a mage Avatar (and she pretty much is). Cynthia is always one of the best children regardless, why not bring up a kid who has serious problems (like Noire) or marry a child for a super-Morgan?

Assassin access doesn't seem to be that good an argument in my book, since Pass doesn't seem that useful.

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Assassin access doesn't seem to be that good an argument in my book, since Pass doesn't seem that useful.

It's not for skills (Cynthia has no use for Pass or Lethality). It's for the class itself.

Assassin and Paladin are good physical supports, and one of Cynthia's best traits is her versatility in supporting. Henry!Cynthia is more pointedly designed to be magically supportive as a Dark Flier or Valkyrie, but Assassin is also viable for physical purposes for a slowish child who needs additional speed. Chrom!Cynthia is better suited to doing either, being able to go Paladin to physically support or Dark Flier to magically support, with the skillset to do both well.

Edited by Renall
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Galeforce and Pass make for some hilarious combos.

If you're dead set on Yarne wielding swords/axes, Lancebreaker/Swordbreaker can be passed down. I'd consider Deliverer to be better, on the basis of utility.

Counter on a Manakete isn't necessarily a waste. You're still dealing additional damage (this has helped me to secure kills more than once), and it's damn funny when you go toe-to-toe with a mage. I have MU!Nah running around, and I am pleased with the results (bonus: Morgan can turn into a dragon). Alternately, you can pair Nowi with Kellam for insane physical defense, or Gaius for a Nah with access to Galeforce and Sol (but Gaius has to pass it down).

Olivia's an interesting case - her classes more-or-less revolve around swords. Kellam's good if you want Inigo to get Luna, and Lon'qu if you want to see Deliverer/Galeforce on a male unit. Much as Gaius amuses me, the best he can offer is Zeal and HP + 5 (really). Chrom gets him Rightful King, which is quite amusing when paired with Luna/Aegis (or Sol if you're worried about dying).

I'm a huge fan of Maribelle x Chrom, but that's because I like having a semi-broken Brady. The downside to this pairing is that Lucina's Speed will be suspect. :P:

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The actual good thing about Chrom!Inigo isn't so much Rightful King (though RFK Sniper Lethality troll is always fun for Streetpass) as it's the fastest Luna-granting pairing Olivia has. Kellam and Frederick have their upsides, but they make Inigo a bit slow (and Ricken is not all that great relative to Chrom, other than giving him Mage). That doesn't matter 99% of the time (the same reason Frederick!Severa isn't as bad as people sometimes say), but it does mean Chrom!Inigo can hit exactly 45 SPD as a Hero.

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Personally, from a teambuilding perspective I wouldn't marry Sumia even if Sumia is the best supportive wife for a mage Avatar (and she pretty much is). Cynthia is always one of the best children regardless, why not bring up a kid who has serious problems (like Noire) or marry a child for a super-Morgan?

Super Morgan has never been a cool thing for me, since I prefer double Morgan

Personally, I think Owain is the best because

1. Every Luna Father lacks speed

2. Owain is a male.

3. Brady can take Lon'Qu for.... speed

4. Lissa and Endgame is canon. Oh wait

Edited by JSND
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Pairing Panne with Stahl can give you a seriously broken Yarne with a bit of luck and patience. The luck and patience comes with Stahl, as he can and 75% of the time WILL get speed-screwed, but when he doesn't... add that speed to Panne's and you've got a Greased Lightning Bunny. Plus, Yarne gets Stahl's defense and strength, and with Beastbane he becomes a one-man anti-cavalry unit. Beast Killers? Completely unnecessary.

Add in a Lethality from Panne and Aegis from Stahl? Untouchable Yarne get. I can speak from experience here, my Yarne is built like this and he destroys everything.

Lissa x Libra is A-Okay, although I like giving Libra's Renewal or Vengeance to Brady. Plus, Lissa's high magic stat actually gets hindered if Owain has a father who specializes in physical attacks like Vaike, making Owain more of a Jack Of All Stats character. He's decent at this though, so not too much harm though.

Henry x Maribelle is excellent for Brady, except for one thing: his speed. Unless you get very, very lucky - Brady can and will stop doubling on you, which is a serious pain when he does. I know my Henry stopped doubling a while back, but fortunately, his Ruin tome helps him out (89% chance of Critical? Yes, please) and in the rare instance he doesn't kill (which is very, very rare indeed), his pair-up partner helps him out.

I can also attest to Gaius and Tharja. Gaius' speed helps out Noire a LOT and Tharja's defense keeps her from getting killed.

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Galeforce and Pass make for some hilarious combos.

If you're dead set on Yarne wielding swords/axes, Lancebreaker/Swordbreaker can be passed down. I'd consider Deliverer to be better, on the basis of utility.

Counter on a Manakete isn't necessarily a waste. You're still dealing additional damage (this has helped me to secure kills more than once), and it's damn funny when you go toe-to-toe with a mage. I have MU!Nah running around, and I am pleased with the results (bonus: Morgan can turn into a dragon). Alternately, you can pair Nowi with Kellam for insane physical defense, or Gaius for a Nah with access to Galeforce and Sol (but Gaius has to pass it down).

Olivia's an interesting case - her classes more-or-less revolve around swords. Kellam's good if you want Inigo to get Luna, and Lon'qu if you want to see Deliverer/Galeforce on a male unit. Much as Gaius amuses me, the best he can offer is Zeal and HP + 5 (really). Chrom gets him Rightful King, which is quite amusing when paired with Luna/Aegis (or Sol if you're worried about dying).

I'm a huge fan of Maribelle x Chrom, but that's because I like having a semi-broken Brady. The downside to this pairing is that Lucina's Speed will be suspect. :P:

Ehhh, I still see Counter's usefulness on a Manakete as suspect since, well, I'd expect a skill that requires that much grinding to actually be worth my skill slot. And there's the fact that by the time you get it, you wouldn't even be taking enough damage for Counter to be useful, nor would you WANT to be (off the top of my head, the only things that'd deal anything resembling damage to a trained Manakete are mages, which might just 2 range instead, and illegal Wyrmslayers. There's also the ultimate DLC, but whoops, Dragonskin.). I'd prefer HP +5 for the "boring, but practical" factor, tbh - it ain't like there are many other good male exclusive skills aside from that and Rally Strength.

How broken is your Brady?

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I did some grinding to pass down Galeforce (which wasn't that bad, because Maribelle makes a decent Dark Flier, especially when paired with Chrom). When I'm done with him, Brady will have Galeforce/Rightful King/Luna/Aegis/(something else; thinking of Renewal, since he can't regenerate health any other way). It's absolutely silly.

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Maybe I should've cleared this up, but this is for street pass, not for just playing through the game, so as opposed to what JSND said, max modifiers are one of the most important things for me, however, having great mods without good skill sets to back it up isn't good, so i'm trying to find a balance, hence the multiple options.

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I did some grinding to pass down Galeforce (which wasn't that bad, because Maribelle makes a decent Dark Flier, especially when paired with Chrom). When I'm done with him, Brady will have Galeforce/Rightful King/Luna/Aegis/(something else; thinking of Renewal, since he can't regenerate health any other way). It's absolutely silly.

On that note, I assume you took her through a promoted class first? And as this is kinda relevant to Lissa and Olivia as well (as I'm kinda confused on what would be most effective if I really wanted to pass Galeforce down), whatever did you do with them in that case?

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On that note, I assume you took her through a promoted class first? And as this is kinda relevant to Lissa and Olivia as well (as I'm kinda confused on what would be most effective if I really wanted to pass Galeforce down), whatever did you do with them in that case?

1. Maribelle went Troubadour - Pegasus Knight - Dark Flier for the sake of my sanity. Since she was a healer, she got one of the purchased Second Seals (from Chapter 16).

2. Lissa will require a decent support, and she's not as blasty as Maribelle when she goes Dark Flier. I tried going Sage first, but it took WAY too long. This one will be painful, because Lissa's offense and defense are suspect. Lissa's sturdier than Olivia and faster than Maribelle, which isn't saying much.

3. Olivia went Special Dance - Pegasus Knight - Dark Flier. She's fast on her own, and depending on her support, she might be able to get away with dodgetanking things. You'll have to spoon-feed her kills, as her ability to deal damage is very suspect.

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