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Currently on FINAL CHAPTER of my first ever run of FE4; any last minute advice?

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^Oh yeah that too. I actually used Ardan so I never resorted to this.

If he's in chapter 3 now, I don't think he needs this so much anyway (Elite, Baragin, Knight Ring are gone/taken already), but it's still nice to use against bad odds or such.

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Chapter 3... let me think, as far before you take that first castle, it's pretty straight forward, send some cavaliers to beat up bandits, i'd send some one with high defense or anyone who can effortlessly dodge balista fire to handle them balistae and also the village a little southwest of the castle has strength +3, so get that for whoever needs it, basically do everything you can before you take that first castle if turn count doesnt matter, but that's just because my strategies usually consist of the slow and steady approach... sometimes

Anyway, after you've cleared up everything don't take that castle yet, get everyone healed up and what I do/did in my pt's is make a wall where the deep forests are with my high def units in front and put Lachesis somewhere in the front then take the castle. Lo, Eltshan/Eldigan appears(name varies on which patch you're using) and it out for blood, which is why I would erect a wall, I think Eltshan moves after his squad, so they might block him from completely annihilating whoever he attacks, but at this part i'd stick someone who stands the most likely chance of survival against Eltshan on a forest in his range and stick Lachesis with that person, then have her talk with her brother to stop his rampage and get an Earth Sword, then mop up the stragglers and head to Silvail to beat up Shagaal...

When you get near the castle though, some Thracian Dragon riders appear from the north, at Blaggi tower, but that's enough time to prepare for them... also at this point I would start sending some units back to the first castle you took, Madino, I might also suggest sending Cuan/Quan and Ethlin back too and have them wait behind the castle.

Whew, I tired myself out...Should I have done the entire stage or is this good SL?

Edit: Nevermind the 'whichever patch you're using' part I saw the names you used, that'd be Gharnef's patch

Edited by Soledai
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All right, I'm at the end of chapter 3, just waiting for Azel to get over to the boss so I can abuse him and get levels. I have Quan, Ethlyn, and Finn (managed to promote him and marry him to Raquesis :D) at a castle ready to sell items. Do I have Quan and Ethlyn sell all items or do they pass anything useful on to Leif and Altenna that I should keep? And I did sell Finn's Hero Lance for Ferry to use, but should I keep his other lances for Gen 2 or sell them? Also, Finn killed Chagall, so he has a silver blade; should he keep it to pass on to Delmud? Does that work? He also has on him a speed and shield ring.

In fact, can someone please explain to me the ins and outs of passing on and inheriting things? Not to mention, does money get inherited? I feel like I'm at that critical point to know these things.

Edit: Ok, I did some research and apparently I should keep Quan's lances for Altenna and Ethlyn's swords for Leif but sell everything else; and since I paired Finn, I should sell everything but the sword he will pass to Delmud and maybe the rings if they should go to someone else. Am I doing this right? I honestly also have no idea which rings are best for which people/kids except for maybe Leg ring for Sylvia and Pursuit ring for Jamke...

Edit Edit: ....Well, fuck. I just got finished talking about the pursuit ring, and since I wondered when I would actually get it, I checked: I CANNOT BELIEVE I MISSED IT IN CHAPTER 2! Stupid Arden, I had no idea! Now I'm doomed to have a Lester without Pursuit......shit..... >_<

Edited by Silver Lightning
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You can sell everything Quan has, unless it's items that you want to pass along to Altena. She'll have the Gae Bolg when she joins. The only other weapon she'd ever need is possibly a Javelin and perhaps a Sword.

As for Ethlyn, sell all of her staves. I had her pass down the Pursuit Ring as well as the Iron Cutter/Armour Slayer. THe Armour Slayer wasn't as effective as I thought it would be against the armour units in Leif's joining chapter since he has unreliable hit against them and even with the super effective damage, it isn't that much damage. Still, once he gets a few levels and gains strength, he was one-rounding the amour units with the pusuit ring. I also abused the squad captain. I'd attack him and bring him down to really low HP. He would retreat and bring reinforcements. If you're careful, you can get Leif several levels in that chapter. Counting the arena, Leif was already at level 19 at the end of chapter 7.

Finn should pass down that Silver Blade to Delmud. Sell his other lances.

As for the calculations regarding inheritance, here.

All Mothers, except Ethyln and Briggid will pass down their weapons and items to their daughters. All fathers, excpet Quan and Briggid's husband, will pass down their weapons and items to their son. In the case of Quan & Ethlyn and Briggid and her husband, it is reversed and they pass on their weapons and items to the opposite gender child.

A child can only inherit weapons if they have the weapon rank to use it in their base class. To check the child's weapon ranks at base class go here and add one weapon rank corresponding to their holy blood for minor blood and max out to S in the case of major blood. Some characters will inherit a few holy weapons even if they can never use it. This probably exists just to tell you how much you fucked up and to mock you.

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Most of the rings are a matter of personal preference. The only ones generally agreed upon are Elite to Sigurd, Leg and Knight to Sylvia, Pursuit to anyone who doesn't inherit it and possibly Return to Lachesis.

EDIT: Money is inherited to a small extent. However, the ratio is much less than half so it's recommended to buy as many items that will be inherited as possible and have the kids sell them.

Edited by Baldrick
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Most of the rings are a matter of personal preference. The only ones generally agreed upon are Elite to Sigurd, Leg and Knight to Sylvia, Pursuit to anyone who doesn't inherit it and possibly Return to Lachesis.

EDIT: Money is inherited to a small extent. However, the ratio is much less than half so it's recommended to buy as many items that will be inherited as possible and have the kids sell them.

I think it's somewhat like 10-20% of each parents. I didn't played this game for quite some time...

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You sold the Hero Lance to Fury?... Did you give it back to Finn? jk...

Seriously, I'd agree to sell Finn's other lances if he has his Hero Lance, if not, then don't and maybe give him Silver Lance

Edit Edit: ....Well, fuck. I just got finished talking about the pursuit ring, and since I wondered when I would actually get it, I checked: I CANNOT BELIEVE I MISSED IT IN CHAPTER 2! Stupid Arden, I had no idea! Now I'm doomed to have a Lester without Pursuit......shit..... >_<

-_-; This makes me wonder... did you get Lex's hero axe back in chapter 1?

Since you are about to be in or are in chapter 4, I must ask, can your Dew take a hit or two? cuz you'll need him here

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^If Dew is weak, abuse the freak out of Chap3's boss as I already said, you can promote him from base level in less than an hour. And as for rings, I suggest Bargain on Aideen/Adean, Strenght Ring to Jamke (shit for Pursuit Ring indeed), Defence Ring to either Fury or Finn (let him keep the Silver Blade, Delmund will love you for this), Speed Ring for Azel and Magic Ring for Tiltyu if you're pairing them.

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Ok, I ended up having Quan pass on his lances, Ethlyn her swords, and Finn the Silver blade and defense ring. I'll miss 'em, but onto Chapter 4! I managed to get as far as the blizzard toting mages with little to no problems, until Ferry, my loyal dodger, got doubled and killed by Blizzard and made me go: :wtf:

Needless to say, I had to restart....I was under the impression that Flyers didn't have wind weakness in this game.....or maybe Ferry just wasn't as good as I thought she was...anyways, other than needing Dew to open the drawbridge, are there any nasty surprises later in the chapter that I should be prepared for? Thank you so much BTW for everyone giving me advice on this thread; I feel like I would be bumbling through this game even worse otherwise.

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Keep someone at the castle past the drawbridge after Seizing it, a squad of Pegasus Knights rush that castle awhile after you seize it. I think that's basically the only castle you ever have to worry about in Gen 1. Depending on their AI, they'll either go for that castle or go for Sigurd's group(depending on how fast you're going)

Some characters will literally be unable to cross the southern mountains later in the chapter, like Alec/Noish, Midir, and Arden if you've been using them(I may be wrong on some of them) Those characters are basically useless for the rest of Gen 1 as well, so it's not a big deal.

ABSOLUTELY MAKE SURE YOU HAVE LEWYN/LEVIN GO INTO SILESSE CASTLE AFTER YOU SEIZE IT. You don't want to miss Forseti, his Holy weapon that gives him +10 Skl and +20 Spd, he basically becomes so invincible/dodgy enemies won't even attack him.

Edited by PKLucas531
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I'd say that as general advice you might want to leave units behind in some chapters and just go with Sigurd and maybe a warper to conquer the first castles. There's a lot of backtracking in some of the chapters (since you're at chapter 4 already you probably realize this), and it really becomes a waste of time to move everyone back and forth across the gigantic maps. Also, if you haven't figured it out already, the arena is REALLY useful; there's a lot of experience to be had (especially for units who don't get as much of a chance to get exp on the battlefield), and the 17,500 gold from each clear doesn't hurt either. Aside from that, it's pretty easy to figure it out for yourself as you go along, and I'd say it's more fun that way too.

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HAve you captured Thove yet? Before you do, move all your units down bottom near the bridge where you're being blocked. As soon as you capture Thove, an event will play out. Start moving Sigurd down as well. After that, the mage blocking you will disappear. A group of 5 civilains will escape from Silesse castle. They'll immediately find themselves in range of 2 Blizzard mages. Use Ferry and Sylvia's dancing to kill them both immediately. Might take some trial and error.

You can move a unit next to the civilian and a new command will appear called 'help'. You can use it to help the civilian. The unit will gain 1 FULL LEVEL regardless of the units current level. It's a great way to level up a character who's just a bit behind. It's will be uselss on really low level characters but you can use it to level up characters who are above 15 to get them past level 20 and promote them.

Note that some Pegasus units will move up to recapture Thove but if you capture Silesse fast enough, they start to move back down.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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You are welcome for the aid, If you recall my reasons, I'll commit till you finish this...

Enough of that though, Now for the advice:........ *looks at other posts*... well, damn...>_<

Seriously, I suppose I'll just stress the point of taking Levin to Silesia Castle after you conquer it, and make a mad dash for the civilians when they appear, they'll get the mountain bonus, but they'll get assaulted rather quickly

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And Noish, Midir and Alec can go throught the mountains if they're promoted, which will probably be if you abused last chap's boss. Arden can't no matter what, that's a pity, but at least you can warp him to protect Thove. If you conquer Silesia, I think, those Peg Knights will stop moving toward Thove and decide to take on Sigurd, so just leave Arden plus an archer or two there, really, just in case.

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Haha, I literally just finished Chapter 4 right now after a good five hours of playing; are maps supposed to be this long? Anyways, I'm certainly not giving it up; I just had to take a little break because of life and I usually drop an FE game for about a week if I'm frustrated with it so that I can come back to play later with a better attitude for Round 2, which I just did. :P

I didn't have too many problems this time around; managed to get Azel promoted, Tailto to lvl 16 (and married to Azel), Midayle and Briggid married (I'm gonna get complaints for that, but its what I decided to go for this time around; I'll do Holyn next time), Claude and Sylvia to "in love" stage, Lewyn the Forseti (which rocks! :0), Ferry promoted, Adean the Recover staff, and Sigurd the extra Return ring because he had money lying around.

Things were going smoothly until I accidentally left Tailto in range of a killer bow and she kicked the bucket....until I had Claude use the Valkyrie Staff on her so I wouldn't have to go through all that shit again (I figured its useful for times like this) and I repaired it with money gathered by Dew; no biggy! :)

Sooo.....now I come to that last big chapter.....besides getting Claude and Sylvia married, I believe everything else is in place for the Grand Finale of First Gen, other than any items I could grab now. Any general advice or forewarnings for this chapter is appreciated; things look heavy here and I don't like nasty surprises. Unless told to do otherwise, I'm gonna list everyone's inventory at the end of the chapter just to get some feedback on who should pass on what and stuff.

Can't believe all these cool kids I trained are gonna die....it hasn't been super long, but I already feel as connected to them as any other FE....but it has to be done, I guess.... :cry:

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Sigurd wants to rush out of the blocks. The first part of the chapter is quite nasty gameplaywise, the rest is fairly simple. Forseti is your friend.

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Aside from the start of Chapter 5 if you have Forseti the chapter may as well be called "Lewyn the chapter", because moving everyone through the desert is too much of a pain and isn't worth it.

Edited by Kamina
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You first must rescue Sigurd's father in open field. Try to give Sylvia the Leg Ring, then move your 4 strongest horsemen in the usual diamond-formation so she can dance to them. Lay waste until Sigurd can talk to Vyron and get the Broken Tyrfing (put a wall in front of him because he'll be forced to equip the broken weapon, meaning crappy avoid). Repair the Tyrfing: it costs a full 50000 but if you have less money you'll just restore 5-10-15 uses at best. So try to buy Sigurd everything Celice may need, AKA the Elite Ring.

The desert is a pain in the ass, move everyone to the desert's castle just to defend against the wyverns, then chose to do a Lewyn solo or moving everyone to the last castle (the latter being what I prefer to do, it's the last time you'll use this characters you know).

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I prefer just giving Sigurd the Leg + Elite Rings so he can pass those down, and Seliph can promote after just 1 chapter. It really breaks the game hard when you have Seliph going from Lv 1 to Lv 20 and then basically no one(except like, Ares, promoted Leif, etc) can keep up with him as he solos Gen 2.

Repairing the Tyrfing isn't a big deal compared to inheriting the rings(just because they break the game harder) imo, considering Sigurd should have the Silver Sword with 50+ kills already and will be critting everything. But if you have leftover money then definitely do it.

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Leg Ring is pointless on Celice IMO, it doesn't need any movement boss in the first chapter, unless you really want to seize both Isaac and Sophara. He promotes in the first chapter with the Elite Ring anyway, after that he just promotes and gets a mount, I really don't see the utility.

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She missed the Knight Ring so Sylvia and Leen will still fall behind after Dancing the mounted units(which, to be honest, are the only guys you really want to move again) so Seliph makes more use of it.

It lets you do stuff like completely ignore Arione(who has Gungnir and WTA on Seliph) and seize the final castle in Ch 9 due to outmoving him. Also useful for rushing villages, since they put stronger enemies near some villages that can wreck Fee.

Also useful for saving the Bishop that gives you Tyrfing in Ch 10, unless you're confident Fee is strong enough or Altena can solo all of those Dark Mages.

Or just plain soloing Gen 2 with Seliph in general. I'd rather have a 12 Mov Seliph that can solo everything than a 9 Mov Seliph + 9 mov infantry guy who's superfluous because Seliph is already wrecking, but that's just my playstyle. Ares and Leif(and Finn because I love Finn) just get to tag along :Knoll:

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