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Can I just get up to speed on why people hate Tharja? Is it because she's mean or because she's become so overly popular because of the whole waifu thing?

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Horace. He's basically another armoured guy loyal to Nina. Don't we already have Dolph and Macellan?


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Vaike for being a medieval frat-boy. Then again, I'm pretty tolerant of most Fire Emblem characters, so it's more of a strong dislike than outright hate.

Ninian. I immensely dislike both her personality (will not shut up about her "lord Eliwood" and blah, blah, blah....) and that fact that she is the worst Dancer character I have ever had; she is always, without fail, the first person to die on me in playthroughs (for some odd reason, Nils actually performs better for me even though they share the same stats; weird). And she is the only character I ever have to even think about restarting for. Any sadness or sympathy I may have had for her in story death was completely dashed away when she pulled a Deus ex Machina at the end and came back.

.....I practically shove her back through the Dragon's Gate with Nils at the end of every playthrough....

dis gon b gud

*awaits shadowofchaos*

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Can I just get up to speed on why people hate Tharja? Is it because she's mean or because she's become so overly popular because of the whole waifu thing?

I just don't like her and thats basically it

I don;t really care about popularity to like something, considering Im pretty fine with Cordelia(her cheap introduction aside, and her amusingly annoying Chrom obsession), and Sully and Stahl are my favorite Chirs Cal in the series

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I can't think of an FE character I "hate", per se, but Excellus and Walmart from Awakening left sour tastes in my mouth. D:

Can I just get up to speed on why people hate Tharja? Is it because she's mean or because she's become so overly popular because of the whole waifu thing?

I think it's because Tharja is a rather horrible, mean, and obsessive person with very few redeeming qualities. If she's not obsessing over My Unit (even if she's married to someone else), it's the fact that she abuses Noire in the future, leaving the poor girl traumatized. She seems more pleased than appalled with the truth. When she sees the talisman Noire has from her future mother, she says, "the future me is good. And bad, very bad" (paraphrased), which sounds just awful.

There's also her abuse of her husband, cursing him if he "dared" stood up to her. It's hardly fair to blame Tharja for her future self's actions, but her current self is not far off. Present!Tharja still curses Noire, and if her husband tells her to stop, she curses HIM instead. She's a terrible woman, and a horrible wife, and the worst mother ever.

Though what really annoys me about Tharja is her stupid yandere obsession with My Unit. It would be funny if it didn't come out of freakin' nowhere. If My Unit was the one who recruited her instead of Chrom, it might have been believable. But instead, it's just very stupid and annoying. I don't hate Tharja, but I don't like her at all either. These are the reasons I think, there are more.

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Can I just get up to speed on why people hate Tharja? Is it because she's mean or because she's become so overly popular because of the whole waifu thing?


Using hexes on your own children, no matter how small is unacceptable in my book. Children should be raised in a loving and caring family whenever possible... she basically takes that and throws it out the window.

I don't care if she went crazy in the future or whatever, that's a dealbreaker. I don't mind people who like her, but those fans who are overzealous about her and how sexy and devoted she is, my counter is "you're a selfish little jerk".


She's a terrible woman, and a horrible wife, and the worst mother ever.

I don't care if I'm brainwashed by Disney, "heart of a maiden", etc. excuses... she is the absolute opposite of my ideal woman.

Again, I don't really care if you like her, but the people who keep hounding me in PMs saying "you're terrible, Tharja's the best waifu" can just please shut up about it.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I hate Lyn a bit, Roy for shitty performance, Est, and I really hatehatehate Julius/Yurius.

THarja is one of Shin's stalkers, I swear.

She's right behind him him!

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Using hexes on your own children, no matter how small is unacceptable in my book. Children should be raised in a loving and caring family whenever possible... she basically takes that and throws it out the window.

I don't care if she went crazy in the future or whatever, that's a dealbreaker. I don't mind people who like her, but those fans who are overzealous about her and how sexy and devoted she is, my counter is "you're a selfish little jerk".


I don't care if I'm brainwashed by Disney, "heart of a maiden", etc. excuses... she is the absolute opposite of my ideal woman.

Again, I don't really care if you like her, but the people who keep hounding me in PMs saying "you're terrible, Tharja's the best waifu" can just please shut up about it.

People are NOT hounding you about that.

Jesus... that's just completely immature.

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Yeah on my first play through I used Tharja pretty extensively, I paired her with Henry and ended up using her to support Noire in battle.

As much as I do still like her I do agree with a lot of the criticisms here, I think she is a bit too fanservicy.

Nowie is a character I think Awakening could have done without. I really do not like her design one bit. I liked Myrrh and Fae from the earlier games, they were cute and mysterious.

Nowie is just >_> why are you wearing that.

Edited by Talvisota
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People are NOT hounding you about that.

Jesus... that's just completely immature.

I've got at least 10 PMs from Youtube as soon as I CALMLY stated "she's not my kind of character" on my videos last year.

Which I had to moderate and block on my comments section as well.

You can see why I'm a little passionate about this.

And if anything I apologize in this thread then.

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Yeah on my first play through I used Tharja pretty exensively, I paired her with Henry and ended up using her to support Noire.

I do agree with a lot of the criticisms here, I think she is a bit too fanservicy.

Nowie is guilty of that too. I really do not like her design one bit. I liked Myrrh and Fae from the earlier games, they were cute and mysterious.

Nowie is just >_> why are you wearing that.

Yeah, not my favorite design choice either.

She acts like a little kid, yes, but I don't hate her within the slightest. I can't. Not once I learned what she actually was, and remembered that immorality - or least having a very long life span - is probably the worst "blessing" any person can be given. That's not a blessing at all. I can't hate any of the manaketes for living with that.

I don't especially care for Tharja either - I hate some of the others more, yes, but I still don't particularly like her. Her conversation with Nowi redeems her a LITTLE bit but not enough.

I've got at least 10 PMs from Youtube as soon as I CALMLY stated "she's not my kind of character" on my videos last year.

Which I had to moderate and block on my comments section as well.

You can see why I'm a little passionate about this.

And if anything I apologize in this thread then.

Gods... That's one reason I didn't start making my own videos on YouTube - people are complete jackasses when it comes to their opinions and what they think is right. Having a different opinion doesn't entitle you to act like a tool and diss someone for it.

... I'm pretty passionate about this too, although you shouldn't have to apologize for YOUR opinion.

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The reason I dislike Tharja is because she has very little positive qualities aside from her "sexy body". Her obsession and devotion to the Avatar is more unhealthy than heartwarming, and her aforementioned treatment of Noire is beyond awful.

No offense to anyone who likes Tharja, but her qualities make me think only horny morons and sociopaths would want to be with a person like her in real life.

I almost always pair her with Vaike because I don't want a character I like to be chained down with her.

Edited by Frosty Fire Mage
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I don't get the Tharja hate either. Well, I do, but I don't think she's as horrible a person as many write her off as being.

Yeah, she hexes the crap out of her child and husband, but not all of them are bad hexes. iirc Noire has talked about a happiness hex (the purpose of this one is dubious at best, forcing someone to be happy seems iffy) and a hex that sounds kinda like counter (hurt Noire and you get hurt in return) being cast on her, among others. She certainly didn't have to make her loved ones and allies guinea pigs though. Henry doesn't do it so freely (though in his B support with Gerome he threatens to hex him as punishment, but he's reluctant to do it) so I dunno if all dark mage families practice hexes on their loved ones. Future Tharja sacrificed herself in the end to save Noire, so the love is there. She's not the best mother/wife by a long shot but there are certainly worse fates than having her as a family member. like having her as a stalker

I must say though that even if I swung that way I wouldn't want Tharja as a wife or mother to my kids. I'd trust her as an ally but that's about it.

That being said, I like just about every FE character in one way or another. I can't think of any in particular that get on my nerves. I have low standards when it comes to video game characters. xP

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I just realized I forgot a character. I also dislike Cordelia a lot.

She's a terrible wife to have. Even after marrying someone else and having a child with them she continues to obsess over Chrom and lust for him.

I find it sickening.

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No offense to anyone who likes Tharja, but her qualities make me think only horny morons and sociopaths would want to be with a person like her in real life.

haha, I tend to like characters who I'd never get on with in real life so I can appreciate Tharja.

The statue they're making of her does look pretty cool.

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At first, I hated Vaida, and I still don't like Rifis/Lifis, but my most hated character is Kent.

Kent is the biggest hypocrite of every FE (at least amongst the playable character).

He's a manipulative jerk with a holier-than-thou attitude. He will use all the lowest actions, and,use his "great principles" to get what he wants,

Kent X Lyn is basically him playing loyalty to get Lyn's Heart. Kent X Fiora is one of the worst support content wise.

He starts boring and unlikable, but if you think a little about him, you see how truly bad he is. (And if you like Sain, you obligatory have to like Kent. Kent uses Sain as a mean to makes himself looks better

The villain characters generally gets what they deserves.

Even Tharja is somewhat addressed, and her support with Nowi made me like her a little more.

Severa have more or less a female Kent as a mother(Though Fiora would be a better comparison, and a Female Kent would have eliminated Sumia, and wouldn't have hesitated one second to get Chrom...). You can understand why she grew up like that.

Kent never gets punished or addressed. That's the worst for me.

He is like every corrupt ploitician or executive.

To resume, for those of you who played Ace Attorney :

Kent is Matt Engarde


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Stefan. I hate how some people gush over him despite his not being around for half/almost all of the game and not being really exceptional beyond his joining level. Zihark and Mia both have actually unique combat aspects (avoid and vantage) and no one gushes over Lucia and Edward at least is around for the DB.

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I just realized I forgot a character. I also dislike Cordelia a lot.

She's a terrible wife to have. Even after marrying someone else and having a child with them she continues to obsess over Chrom and lust for him.

I find it sickening.

The lines are ambiguous enough to where I can ignore that. I like to believe she moved on. Although it IS a bit disappointed that I have to have so many headcanons for Cordelia to fully appreciate her.

And I love Edward, so I'm equally as disappointed to see him under-appreciated. Same with Mia.

That Matt comparison is full of SO much win. XD

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Lol at the Matt Engarde comparison.

That Matt comparison is full of SO much win. XD

Search your heart. You know it's true.

I dislike Cordelia a lot.

I will pretend this is said by Sumia (the character).

I do agree with this comment. Cordelia is also an hypocrite.

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Search your heart. You know it's true.

I will pretend this is said by Sumia (the character).

I do agree with this comment. Cordelia is also an hypocrite.

She's a hypocrite? Enlighten me, please?

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